The Alpha's Stubborn Mate

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The Alpha's Stubborn Mate Page 5

by Stella Blanche

  Sydney could feel her juices dripping out of her pussy and she moved her hips to get a bit of friction on her needy clit. Alex moved down her body until his head was at the apex of her thighs. He blew softly on her damp curls and Sydney gave another moan. His mouth claimed her pussy, licking and nibbling on the folds until she thought she would go crazy. He sucked on her clit and she fell apart as she cried out his name, riding the waves of her orgasm. The moon was blocked from her view as Alexander’s face came into her line of sight. He kissed her again and she tasted herself on his lips.

  She felt his erection nudge at her entrance and with one hard thrust he entered her, knocking the breath right from her lungs. She cried out at his girth and the sheer force he was thrusting with. He stilled above her, allowing her to get accustomed to his size.

  “You okay, baby?”

  She gave him a breathless nod and then he started moving, thrusting into her with such intensity that there were no thoughts left in her mind. He was an unleashed beast and she gave herself over to him, meeting his thrusts until she felt herself on the brink of another orgasm. He adjusted his hips, pulling her legs wide open and she became acutely aware of the plug still lodged firmly in her ass. She felt so full, so completely possessed by him that her body rocketed up to the brink of ecstasy so quickly that she barely had time to register that she was about to orgasm. She cried out again as she came and he growled loudly, his chest rumbling against her overly sensitive breasts, vibrating against her tender nipples and pushing her head first into another, unexpected orgasm.

  Her body was limp and docile as he pulled out of her, his cock still hard as a rock and he gave her a devilish smirk as he flipped her over. She gasped as he pulled the plug out of her ass before lubricating her again. Sydney was helpless as he prepared her to plunge his large cock in her tiny hole. She felt the pressure as he aligned himself and started pushing; the plug and fingering he just gave her helped some, but not enough to accommodate him. She pushed back against him and his cock slipped past the tight muscles. She let out a loud wail as he stretched her, filling her in a way she had never been filled before.

  “You take it, Sydney, you take all of me, everywhere I want to be.” He sheathed himself balls deep and stilled above her. She took a deep breath to calm her erratic heartbeat, but that didn’t help as he pulled her leash, arching her body from the bed. She was so lost she had forgotten about the leash, but his firm tug brought everything back to her. She was bent so far back her breasts were exposed to the cool night air, and breathing was so difficult that she could only let out strangled sounds.

  “Mine,” Alexander growled loudly behind her before pulling out almost completely and thrusting back in. He was merciless in fucking her now and Sydney was losing her mind at all the sensations. Feeling helpless, overpowered, and oh so submissive had her mewling in delight. It was so wrong but the eroticism and primal need had her pussy weeping and her begging him to go harder. She pulled her knees up slightly, spreading her legs and pushing her lower body up at an angle that elicited a groan from both of them as Alexander was able to thrust even deeper and stretch her even wider.

  “Please, Alpha. Oh, yes… Alexander!” The hand tugging her leash back disappeared and she had a moment to swallow quickly before his hand was in her hair, pulling to the point of delightful pain and exposing the slender column of her neck. He stilled his thrust for the shortest time.

  “I, Alexander Moore, alpha of the Blood Moon Pack, claim this woman as my mate.” And then he was fucking her again like there was no tomorrow. He leaned over her, his thrust becoming more urgent and then his mouth was on her exposed neck, nibbling and sucking before he pulled back slightly and she felt his sharp fangs sink into the soft flesh. She screamed at the sudden, unexpected pain but her scream soon turned into a soft moan as she felt a slow burn spreading from her bitten shoulder all the way down to her clit. Alexander’s hand reached around to that very same burning bundle of nerves, pinching it hard as Sydney came harder than she ever had before.

  With an almighty roar, Alexander stiffened behind her before the heat of his seed spilled in her thoroughly fucked ass. With a groan she relaxed into the sheets, her brain fuzzy as she heard various howls fill the night air. As darkness descended upon her, she thought to herself what a beautiful night it was, as more howls from the pack territory resounded around the castle grounds.

  * * *

  Sydney stretched her aching muscles as she yawned. That was the best sleep she had had in a very long time. She sighed as she relaxed back in the pillows and opened her eyes. Looking around the room she didn’t recognize, she didn’t feel a surge of panic, which had her frowning; waking up in strange room wasn’t on her Top Ten To Do list, ever. The room was large with dark, modern furnishing and three sets of separate doorways, all of which were closed at the moment.

  Sydney was too lazy and her nether regions too tender to bother to get out of the bed and investigate the room. She felt sure that Alexander wouldn’t be far away and she knew he wouldn’t do anything that would threaten her safety.

  It was like her thoughts called out to him, because one of the doors opened and Alexander came into the bedroom, steam billowing behind him and the smell of a pine forest body wash drifting into the room with him. He was once again dressed in only a towel, knotted low on his hips and dripping wet—much like she was currently at the sight he made.

  “Good morning, little one. Finally decided to wake up?” Her body clenched at the sound of his voice and she frowned at the instant reaction he evoked from her.

  “Ah, yes, that would be the mate bond affecting your body already.” He smirked at her as her mouth fell open.

  “So, you’re telling me that not only did you take control of my life and my decisions by mating with me but you’ve also taken control of my body?” She sat up in bed as the thought registered that she was completely at his mercy in every aspect of her life.

  “Baby, I’ve had control of your body since the moment we met—you’re just too stubborn to admit it.” He smirked again as he leaned over and captured her lips with his, rendering her silent, in words and thoughts. He pulled back and looked deep into her eyes, his irises dark with the presence of his wolf. “As for the rest, it was fated for us to be together, regardless of who or what we are; we are soulmates and would have met, fallen in love and been together—in this life or the next. It is useless for you to fight against it.”

  Sydney set her lips firmly and decided to say nothing. With a sigh, Alexander tossed his towel aside and got into bed with her, naked as the day he was born. Her stomach clenched again and she groaned in frustration—whether it was at the impossible man who had inserted himself in her life or if it was of sexual frustration, she wasn’t sure.

  “Try looking at this from my perspective, baby. I have been waiting for my mate since I turned sixteen; that is sixteen long years where I had hoped that every female I met was the one and always ended up disappointed. I was about ready to give up when I met you. I would do anything for you; I am as vulnerable to the bond as you are. I experience everything that you are feeling through the bond. I can feel your frustration, your sadness, your happiness. I will never find another mate after you; humans are lucky to be able to fall in love again and again and again. Werewolves are not as fortunate; we love once and when we do, we love with an intensity that matches nothing on this earth. This is really the love of a lifetime for me and I am honored to share it with you.”

  Oh, shit, Sydney thought as a piece of her heart melted at his deep confession. Just yesterday she was thinking of how to get out and now she was thinking of how she could make him happy. Was it this damn mate bond or was she actually falling for this dominating and domineering alpha male? She realized with a shock that it didn’t matter if it was the mate bond or not—either way she felt sure that leaving would not only break Alexander’s heart but a small piece of her own as well. If she wanted to get out of this place with her heart intact, she had to leav

  Alexander kissed her again and she kissed him back, simply because she wanted to. But as much as she cared for him, she had to leave before he became an irreplaceable part of her life. She realized that there wouldn’t be many more kisses after this one and it made her a little sad but she pushed the emotion aside, remembering that he could apparently feel her emotions as well. She didn’t want to tip him off.

  “I have to go—I have an important meeting about our new warrior trainer. Briana will be here shortly to keep you company. I’m sure your little friend will also be stopping by; she never listens to anyone but her mate so keeping her away from you has proven futile.” Sydney laughed at that; it sure sounded like Marie. She got out of bed and Alexander pointed toward a closet door where she found a bunch of clothes, neatly organized. Shrugging, she pulled a shirt and pants from the shelves.

  “So, what’s this meeting about?” she asked to fill the silence.

  “We need to appoint a new warrior trainer but Caleb, the sheriff is against it.”

  “Why?” she asked as she browsed through the various toiletries on the dressing table.

  “Because he still hasn’t given up looking for his brother.”

  “Is that Briana’s mate?” Alexander looked at her in surprise and she shrugged.

  “Girls talk—a lot.”

  “Yes, it is Briana’s mate and Caleb’s twin brother.”

  “Oh, no—that’s terrible. How long has he been missing?”

  “About four months—he was actually part of the group who came out to scout the area and that was when he went missing.”

  “He went missing here?” Sydney asked incredulously.

  “Yes—why is that strange?”

  “We don’t get any strangers around here, ever. People are leaving town, not coming around to check it out. If there were people from the pack scoping around town, someone would have noticed it and the old sheriff would have looked into it and there would have been a file at the station on it.”

  Alexander frowned at this. “How sure are you about this?”

  “Alexander, you guys have taken over the entire town and surrounding area. Some of the scout team had to have come into the town, checked out the school and the hospitals and whatever else was necessary, right?”

  “Yes, they did.” Alexander frowned as he sat down to tie his shoes.

  “So, someone had to have seen them, there have to been records somewhere: an inquiry about a new student at the school in order for them to check out the education system, or a fake injury at the ER to assess the size and competency of the hospital?”

  Alexander took a deep breath as he sat upright.

  “I have thought about this, but the other scouts said he went missing on their way back from the mission.”

  “Well, either that is the truth and someone in town erased all traces of inquiries or…”

  Alexander let out an angry growl. “Or we have a traitor in the pack.”

  Chapter Seven

  The door to their living quarters opened and Sydney glanced toward it from where she was sitting. Briana smiled at her as she made her way over to the living area.

  “Morning, Luna. How are you feeling today? I heard the mating ceremony was really intense.” A blush crept up Sydney’s cheeks and she shifted around as tingles spread down her body at the reminder of the mind-blowing sex she had the night before.

  “Yes, it was. I am fine, thanks for asking. How are you today?”

  Briana gave a small smile, but Sydney saw the sadness in her new friend’s eyes.

  “They want to find a replacement for Cole’s position, which is only right; the pack can’t be without a warrior trainer.”

  “But…?” Sydney asked as she patted the spot beside her and Briana sat down with a sigh.

  “It just feels like they are replacing him in the pack, not just in his position.”

  “What does his brother say about it? Caleb, right?”

  Briana smiled at her. “Yes, that’s right. I don’t know actually, I’ve never met him before.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “Well, I was training to become a warrior and Cole was the trainer; the warrior quarters are separate from the pack and trainees aren’t allowed to leave if they are unmated. Mated members are discouraged from becoming warriors; the loss of a mate is devastating and would weaken the defenders. We had a whirlwind romance, a rushed mating and then he was just gone. I never had a chance to meet his friends or family. His brother has requested to see me, but I haven’t had the guts to go to him yet. I’m hiding out in the pack house.”

  “That’s understandable. They were twins so he would remind you of Cole and that would be very difficult for you.” She felt sorry for the woman sitting next to her. If she were to lose Alexander like that and had to meet someone who was similar to him… Her heart ached at the thought and she cursed the mate bond for the hundredth time that morning.

  “Do you know where Marie is?” she asked as a way to distract herself from her own disturbing thoughts.

  “Right here, lovie!” The door slammed loudly as her best friend made her way into the living room.

  “Thanks for not showing up to my mating ceremony, by the way.” She mock-glared at Sydney.

  “What? Oh, crap, that was last night… Marie…”

  “Don’t worry about it. I heard yours was the show to see.” She winked at Sydney and laughed as she hid her face behind a small throw pillow.

  “Does everyone know?” Sydney’s voice was slightly muffled, and Briana chuckled.

  “Werewolf packs are a very close-knit community—nothing stays a secret here.”

  Well, there goes my escape plans, she thought wryly.

  “Let me see your mark,” Marie asked excitedly.

  “My what?” Sydney was bewildered at the eagerness shining out of their faces as they looked at her eagerly, expectantly.

  “Your mark, where the alpha bit you.” Sydney’s hand went up instinctively to where she had felt Alexander sink his teeth in the night before. She had forgotten all about it as it wasn’t hurting at all, but as she touched it, an erotic shiver ran down her spine.


  “Oh, yeah, he marked you deeply. Damn, girl, that’s one fine mark you’ve got there,” Briana commented as the girls inspected her mark.

  Sydney jumped up and rushed toward the mirror hanging against the wall. Right where her fingers were touching was a mark more like a tattoo. At first it looked like swirls in a circular pattern but when she looked closer she could make out the outline of a red half-moon with the head of a black howling wolf in front of it. It wasn’t a huge mark—quite beautiful and almost delicate looking—and Sydney felt her heart beat faster as she took in the extraordinary attractiveness it gave the slender column of her neck.


  “Yes, I’d say that is definitely a wow,” Marie concurred.

  “Coffee, anyone?” Briana asked from the kitchen and the girls made their way over. Settling around the table in the breakfast nook, they enjoyed their coffees and gossiped about men. Briana was doing her best to not let her sadness shine through and Sydney decided to do something nice for her; she would just have to ask Alexander’s permission first. Damn stupid bond. She should ask the girls to leave; she had an escape plan to ponder over and since she didn’t want either of them to get in trouble, they couldn’t be a part of it. She was just opening her mouth to ask them to leave when the walls around them nearly shook as a deafening roar echoed around the castle. They both looked at her with wide eyes.

  “Oh, snap,” Marie breathed as Briana stood up quickly. “Luna, what did you do?”

  “What? What did I do? I was literally just sitting here with you…” and planning to escape. Another roar sounded and Marie clutched Briana’s arm.

  “He is so pissed.” The other woman nodded, her eyes a dull color and Sydney realized she was using the mind link to communicate with someone.

�Who is…” Her words dried up as Briana winced. “Sorry, Luna—the alpha requests that we leave the quarters immediately. He is on his way up.”

  “What? Why? Is something wrong?” Sydney grabbed both her friends’ hands, worried for their safety. Alexander wouldn’t react this way if there was nothing wrong.

  “Not with the pack but…”

  “But what?” Sydney was getting impatient.

  “He knows you are planning to escape.”

  Marie gasped. “Sydney! No! You can’t do that to him—to the pack! It’s dangerous out there, you can’t…”

  The door slammed open, nearly tearing off its hinges at the impact and all three women squealed in surprise.

  “I thought I told you to leave.” His voice was deadly calm but his entire body was shaking, his fury barely contained and his eyes black as night.

  “Forgive us, Alpha. We were just leaving.” They hurried out without a backwards glance. Sydney gulped as Alexander stalked over to her.

  “Alexander, I…”

  “Silence. You will not leave me. You will not abandon this pack because you are a selfish little human. You will submit to me and you will be punished for wanting to betray me and the pack.”

  Sydney whimpered at the grating sound of his voice—this was not Alexander, this was his wolf and it scared her shitless.

  “It was just…”

  “I told you to be quiet. I will gag you and tie you up until you accept your fate if that is what it takes to protect you and our pack. Go to the bedroom, take off your clothes, and lie on the bed, face down.”

  Her stomach clenched again at the promise his words evoked and she hurried to the bedroom without protest. Pulling off her clothes and throwing them into a corner hastily, she lay down on the bed and hoped that he would be gentle with her despite his anger. Her ass and pussy had taken a beating last night that made sitting uncomfortable.


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