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The Dragon Queens (The Mystique Trilogy)

Page 19

by Traci Harding

  ‘Something is damming the flow of light from within my light centres?’ I half-asked, half-stated.

  Zalman nodded. ‘When you consume the Star-Fire of the gods, it increases the capacity of your nervous system by ten thousandfold, granting superhuman strength and ability…for a time. But the effect of the drug wears off and the frequency of the vessel drops rapidly. The energy centres of the body begin to collapse and block themselves, and more of the drug is needed to sustain a physical existence. If you had failed to integrate the higher vibratory energy into your system, you could have destroyed the divine mutation in not only your own genetic code, but also the code of all your descendants. And one of the strongest strands of the sacred bloodline of the Dragon Queens would have been destroyed forever.’

  Tears began streaming down my face as a huge ball of pressure built in my chest. ‘I would never have taken the Star-Fire had Albray not advised me to.’ I was not seeking to place the blame for my mistake elsewhere, but I could not believe Albray knew how harmful the substance truly was. ‘Surely my knight did not knowingly betray me?’

  Zalman eased my heartache with his opinion. ‘To the best of my knowledge, your guide did not intentionally betray you; it is not his loyalty I would question, but the source of his knowledge. You trust the good in your fellow humans, which, with your second sight, you can plainly see. But good intentions do not equal the truth, when advice can only be given from the best of one’s knowledge. The enemies of mankind have perfected the art of control by belief, and were very careful to ensure that all doctrine is sufficiently corrupt to keep humanity’s different religious factions at odds with each other. As it is, your highly developed lightbody has been working overtime to keep your frequency above the demon threshold and out of the reach of undesirable influences, but now you must release the energy that is blocking you.’

  I looked at my reflection again and this time perceived a dark ooze beginning to seep forth from all of my light centres. I felt that my belief in Zalman’s words was the dispelling force. I could now plainly see the evidence of my own delusion and earthly desire for personal power, and their extraction tore holes through the very fabric of my being. The agony was all-consuming, but still I was concerned about its veracity.

  ‘How do I know that this experience is not an illusion? How do I know you are not trying to stifle my development by instilling me with fear and lies?’

  ‘Are you afraid of learning something that might interfere with your own little worldly agenda?’ Zalman challenged, and I realised that the only person instilling fear in me and lying to me was myself. With my acceptance of my own shortcomings, my etheric purge waned and I was able to draw a comfortable breath. Nevertheless, I was bewildered to realise that I had become so embroiled in physical world events and my own negative ego.

  ‘However, nothing is achieved by relinquishing responsibility to a higher authority,’ Zalman continued, ‘so it is wise not to trust my word. Indeed, you can trust no one and must question everything that is put to you.’

  He went on with my lesson. ‘All energy must have a channel, and if you are not the true channel for the divine energy you wield, then what or who do you think you are drawing that energy from?’

  An external source? An internal source? Both?

  ‘The Earth,’ I realised suddenly. My heart weighed a deep hole in my chest with the revelation. ‘So in fact I was every bit as wrong as my nemesis in the Sinai affair. The only thing that saved me from damnation was the angelic genes I carry.’

  The knowledge sickened me as I recalled my fight to the death with Christian Molier, a shapeshifting, immortal vampire whose genetic code had become so mutated by his over-consumption of the Fire-Stone substance that he could no longer feel anything whatsoever. There was no pleasure he could experience—neither mental, physical, emotional or spiritual—for his addiction to physical life was damning his soul inside his mortal body.

  ‘It was the high resonance of your heart that saved you, Lady Devere,’ Zalman corrected. ‘The Isis gene is a mutation that can be as much a curse as a blessing. Yours is a bloodline of guardians with the ability to aid humanity to their salvation or their total obliteration. Compassion is the only key to controlling the ultimate centring force in the universe, gravity, and you have an abundance of compassion. Let it be understood, however, that the ORME-based substances provide a shortcut to supernatural power at the cost of your eternal soul. For ORME will make a comeback in the future and its seeming benefits will be promoted and sold to mankind on a mass level. There will be widespread praise and abuse of this substance, which will ultimately—’

  ‘Drain the Earth and damn the entire human species!’ I gasped.

  My heart was palpitating so hard in my chest that I thought it would burst right through my ribcage. My breathing was completely erratic—I was going to black out…


  I turned the page, breathless in anticipation of what might come next, and some papers fell from my foremother’s Persian diary into my lap. My first excited thought was that they were Lord Granville-Devere’s directions to Amenti. I was most disappointed to find that they were in my mother’s handwriting—probably some of her old research notes. The content, however, was unlike anything I’d ever read of my mother’s work.

  Twelve keys to Signet Grid Stations (six male, six female) in place by 2017 to hold a higher-dimensional frequency on this planet so that it will be able to host the Sphere of Amenti. Two avatars of the Anu race will be born to human parents, and these souls hold the energetic key to open the Halls of Amenti for mass ascension. Born between 1992 and 2006, these souls will be found among the Indigo children (diagnosed as ADD-ADHD). They will have a dominant human soul, co-sharing a body with a fallen Anu-Elohim Nefilim soul, in order that the former more emotionally advanced soul may aid the development of its near emotionless counterpart and repair the damaged emotional body of the latter. This bi-soul conflict may cause chronic mental and emotional polarity, such as clinical schizophrenia or split-personality syndrome. The avatars will come to realise their full potential by adolescence, in preparation for events in 2017.

  What on Earth was this all about? What was really disconcerting was that I was born within the dates specified in these notes, and I’ve been diagnosed as ADD.

  My mother felt that the disorder stemmed from the extended periods I was separated from her, thanks to her globe-hopping career. In other words, my ‘dis-order’ was a direct reflection of my disordered family life. So she took me out of school, employed a private tutor for me, and now we both accompanied Mum wherever her assignments led her. When his schedule permitted, Dad joined us too. As long as I studied for thirty hours a week, I was given complete control over my school schedule and what subjects I studied when. Mum reading to me from our family journals was what really captured my interest, and as she would only indulge in my favourite pastime once my studies were done, I’d proved to be a very diligent student. Also, I felt that to make any kind of beneficial contribution to our family’s collection of journals, I needed to be well educated, just as my great foremothers were.

  I reread my mother’s notes, imagining that I was just second-guessing her line of reasoning. But even on a second reading, it seemed to me that, at the time of penning these observations, Mum suspected I might be one of these Indigo children who was perhaps an avatar. I didn’t really know what an avatar was, so I went to find Mum’s psychic dictionary.

  Basically, I discovered that an avatar was a human being who had perfected its soul-mind via thousands of earthly incarnations. Another theory was that these soul-minds stemmed from a higher dimension of awareness, which tied in with what Zalman had told Ashlee in the journal about angels involved in the Amenti Project. Whatever the soul’s origin, it was agreed that avatars were soulminds of supreme wisdom and psychic ability who reincarnated into a human form to perform some super-selfless service for humanity. In the rendering of this service, th
ey lifted the consciousness of the masses and advanced the evolution of civilisation.

  Wow! Still, I couldn’t see how any of these traits applied to me. If I was a perfect soul-mind with thousands of incarnations of experience, I sure didn’t remember much about it, nor did I have any recollection of a higher-dimensional existence. I did like to think I had supreme wisdom, although my parents constantly disputed this, but I’d yet to show any glimpse of psychic skill, even though my foremothers were most proficient in the art. My life was so lacking in the supernatural for one of my ilk, that it could be considered super-unnatural! Still, my mother gave me hope: she admitted to not having tapped into her own psychic inheritance until she was in her late twenties. And I couldn’t say that performing a super-selfless service for humanity would be my first choice of vocation, even if my sacrifice did lift the consciousness of the masses and aid the evolution of the world. I’d rather be a journalist!

  I heard the front door closing: my parents were back from dining out. Quickly, I hid the research notes in my pocket; I didn’t really know why. Perhaps I didn’t want my delightful little delusion of grandeur being shattered just yet? I certainly didn’t want Mum taking the notes away from me before I’d had the chance to do some research of my own.

  Within moments there was a knock at the study door. Mum stuck her head into the room. ‘Can I come in?’

  ‘Sure.’ I yawned and bookmarked the journal. It was a quarter to midnight.

  ‘Which one did you choose?’ Mum asked, and something in her tone told me she’d been curious about my choice all evening. ‘Ah…Persia, I knew it.’ She clapped her hands together and gave a laugh that, in my opinion, sounded a little forced. ‘Are you enjoying it?’

  ‘Yeah, it’s good,’ I said, placing the journal on a side table as Mum took a seat. I didn’t want her to ask if I’d come across any notes in the diary, so I changed the subject. ‘Did you decide to publish your novel?’

  ‘Oh…’ She appeared a little bemused by the sudden shift in topic. ‘I’m still uncertain.’

  ‘God, you’re hopeless!’ I playfully shoved her.

  Mum forced a smile. ‘It’s…complicated.’

  After having read the notes now shoved deep in my pocket, I could well understand that it might be. ‘Oh well, I’ll still love you whether you become a famous author or not.’

  Mum’s smile was more sincere now and she kissed my forehead. ‘So, where are you up to in the tale?’

  ‘I’m in the middle of Lady Devere’s audience with Zalman inside his Signet station,’ I replied. ‘Do you think Zalman was telling the truth about the damning effects of ORME in humans?’

  In today’s marketplace, what the ancients called Manna, Star-Fire and Ormus is known simply as ORME—Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements—and the superconductive metallic substances it produces form the basis for drugs that heal a myriad of once fatal illnesses; in fact, pharmaceutical companies claim there isn’t an illness that can’t be cured by the miracle agent. Of course, the medical profession, which only acknowledges the physical body, would therefore be unable to see the kind of damage—if Zalman’s claims are true—their miracle drugs are doing to the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of their patients.

  ‘If ORME is a blocking agent for all consciousness on this planet, then Earth is being laid to waste on many more levels than just the physical,’ I said.

  My mother gazed at me, a look of amazement on her face.

  ‘How old are you again?’ she said, plainly proud of my comprehension. ‘If I had to make a ruling on the matter based on my current understanding, then I would have to say that I believe Zalman was telling the truth.’

  ‘So you believe that there are extraterrestrials interfering with the evolution of mankind?’

  Mum’s expression became more serious and she took a moment to consider her response. ‘Well, if that’s not the case then where did the line of the Dragon Queens come from? Where did all the different genetic codes and human races come from? Science still hasn’t found a satisfactory explanation for these mysteries now that we know that Darwin was way off the mark.’

  That was a very good point. ‘Do you know the origin of the Dragon Queens?’ I asked.

  Mum’s eyes widened and I realised just what a huge question I was asking. When she did answer, she tried to skirt around the issue. ‘Due to the nature of the subject, most of the research in that area is esoteric, or so historic as to be considered myth.’

  ‘However…’ I knew there was more, and waved my hand to encourage her to get to the point.

  ‘I don’t want to spoil Ashlee’s tale for you,’ she said, attempting to close the subject. ‘Most of what I know, I learned from investigating the claims in her journals.’

  ‘And what did you discover?’ I wasn’t giving up.

  Mum served me a look of exasperation, then caved. ‘Okay…this is the simplest version of the story as I’ve come to understand it. A long time in the future, in a galaxy in a higher dimension, there is a planet known as Tara. There, the perfect human race thrives in cooperation with many other beings from different planets, both humanoid and not. One of the non-human races is the Anunnaki, who tend to be a power-hungry lot; through association with them, some of the elite Taraeans are persuaded to misuse the natural power grid of the planet. Their meddling causes an overload on the system which results in a huge explosion.’

  ‘Not unlike some of the tales about Atlantis,’ I commented and Mum nodded.

  ‘The explosion causes parts of the planet, along with its grid system and morphogenetic field, to be ripped off and cast towards the sun.’

  ‘Morphogenetic field?’ I’d never heard the term before.

  Mum took a moment to consider how best to define it. ‘It’s the cosmic blueprint for the evolution of life on Tara. Without the complete blueprint, the souls on Tara can’t ascend to the dimension beyond their own. During the explosion, many souls are torn away from their soul group and those remaining can’t hope to become of one consciousness with a part of their soul-mind missing. Not to mention that there are beings from other planets visiting Tara at the time of the disaster, which are also torn away from their soul groups, so many evolutions are hindered by the disaster.’

  ‘But wouldn’t the people involved die in the explosion and then reincarnate back to their soul group or something?’ I reasoned.

  ‘But what if there is no such thing as death in the dimension beyond our own, and therefore no need for reincarnation?’ Mum suggested.

  ‘I see.’ I was eager to hear more. ‘So what happens to the stranded souls and the missing part of the planet?’

  ‘The breakaway portion of Tara is sucked into the vortex that lies at the core of every star, crushed and fragmented, then spat back out into the physical universe as a gaseous substance that eventually forms a mini solar system around that star. The soulminds connected to this fragment of Tara also fall in frequency and, cut off from their original soul matrix on Tara, have no means to evolve back to their source. This incident becomes known as the Fall of Man.’

  ‘So what’s this got to do with the Dragon Queens?’

  ‘I’m getting to that.’ Mum seemed mildly annoyed by my impatience. ‘A group of highly evolved beings from Tara’s dimensional galaxy get together to salvage the situation. They have the technology and the desire to rescue the lost souls of Tara, yet from their base in the next dimension they can do nothing without the aid and cooperation of beings already existing in the same dimensions as Earth’s universal scheme. Now in Earth’s galaxy alone there are billions of star beings, humanoids in the main, but not all of these races exist on the physical plane.’

  ‘So there are races of beings evolving in the astral, mental and lower causal planes of our universe?’

  ‘Correct,’ Mum said, ‘however, at the time of the Fall, the humanoid beings genetically close enough to humans to be of aid are the Anu, from the rogue planet Nibiru that traverses through our solar sy
stem and the next star system of Sirius. The Anu are a highly intelligent race of astral beings possessing great genetic knowledge, which is why they are chosen for the Earth mission. Also, they are the descendants in this universe of the Anunnaki in the harmonic universe above ours—the same Anunnaki that contributed to the destruction of Tara. So the idea is that if some of the Anu come to Earth, the lost souls of the Anunnaki from Tara can incarnate into the Anu bloodlines in order to evolve beyond this universe and return to their higher-dimension existence. The Anu who come to Earth are also called the Anunnaki, which in Sumerian translates to mean “the Heavenly, or Lordly, who fly to Earth”. The planet had already been acclimatised for habitation by the twelve Ancient Watchers, who are the Staff of Amenti.’

  ‘Like Zalman.’ I suddenly realised that I’d been reading about a conversation between my foremother and one of the oldest souls on the planet; it was all a bit overwhelming.

  Mum nodded. ‘They introduce various species of animal and planet life via the Amenti stargate system, and after many aeons of evolution the Anunnaki arrive and begin genetically slicing their astral DNA with the physical DNA of the different animal species, with the aim of creating an Earth being in their likeness. After many horrible abominations, the Anunnaki finally manage to create a physical form in which humanity can evolve on this planet.’

  I had a hunch. ‘Something went wrong?’

  Mum nodded again. ‘In the process of developing the perfect Earth human, the Anunnaki also discovered a new application for one of their most ancient and treasured substances—’

  ‘Star-Fire,’ I guessed.

  ‘The Anu had long been producing the superconductive substance to fuel a planetary shield on Nibiru, which kept the surface conditions of their planet stable during its huge orbital transit through two solar systems. The Anunnaki discovered that exposure to ORME granted them the ability to physically manifest and retain that state indefinitely so long as they continued to ingest the substance. One by one, all the Anunnaki became addicted to ORME and physically manifested on Earth, as they were never meant to do. They became known as the Nefilim, meaning “those cast down”. Because they’d become physical beings via unnatural means, they suffered from a lack of emotional maturity. The frequency bands of their subtle bodies were incomplete and therefore easily severed from their soul source on Nibiru once the ORME worked its blocking effect on the light centres of their chakra system.’


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