by Nigel Cliff
“Hamlet” (Pasternak), 265
Hammer, Armand, 353
Hayes, George, 182
Hayter, William Goodenough, 62
Heading Toward the Competition (radio series), 115
Heafner, Jean, 75–76, 182
Heidelberg, West Germany, 222
Heifetz, Jascha, 11
Helms, Richard, 323
Hendl, Walter, 64
Hernádi, Lajos, 163
Hickenlooper, Lucy, 45
Hillman, Serrell, 182
Hindemith, Paul, 42
Hines, Jerome, 298
Hitler, Adolf, 8–9, 19, 85–86, 87, 347
Hollywood Bowl, 218–19, 315, 363
Hollywood movies about Soviet Union, 11
homosexuality, 73–74, 76–77, 210, 213, 227–28, 232–33, 324
Hoover, J. Edgar, 191, 212, 213, 220, 249, 311–12
Horowitz, Vladimir
compared to Van, 365
defection to U.S., 10, 11
homosexuality of, 76
interpreter for, 107
Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto and, 8
time away from piano, 347
Horszowski, Mieczyslaw, 67
Hospital for Special Surgery (NYC), 235
Hotel Rossiya, 330
Hotel Ukraine, 128
House of Creativity at Ruza, 264–65
House of Unions (Moscow), 55–56
House on the Embankment, 269–70, 331
Houston, Sam, 19
Houston Post, 324
Houston Symphony Orchestra, 25–26
“Howling Song,” 318
How to Survive an Atomic Bomb, 39–40
Humphrey, Hubert, 313, 323
Hungarian Revolution (1956), 86, 276
Hungary, 86, 145, 164, 244, 304. See also Budapest, Hungary
Hunt, H. L., 20
Hurok, Sol
Bolshoi Ballet and, 235–36, 298
CBS tribute to, 321
death of, 338
Janis and, 290
management by, as prize, 297–98
Moiseyev Dance Company and, 86
Nixon’s visits to Soviet Union and, 330, 336–37
Rildia Bee hired by, 286
Tonight We Sing (film), 65, 256, 267
Van ignored by, 71, 79
Van pursued by, 168
Van’s second trip to Russia and, 263, 270
Van’s signing with, 256–57
hydrogen bombs, 45–46, 62, 72–73, 98, 246, 281
ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles)
Soviets and, 198, 252, 257, 278–79, 282, 288
Sputnik and, 98
U.S. and, 299
Ignatiev (head of secret police), 48, 50–51
IIE (Institute of International Education), 108–9
Ilyushin Il-28 jet bombers, 296, 303
Ilyushin Il-62 jetliner, 333
Institute of Aviation Medicine, 272
Institute of International Education (IIE), 108–9
Institute of Languages, 114
Institute of Musical Art, 16
inter-baby boom, 93
Interlochen National Music Camp, 286
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, 352
Intermezzo, op. 118, no. 6. (Brahms), 354
International Exchange Program, 80–81
International Union of Students, 91
Iowa, 248
Iron Curtain
Berlin and gash in, 250
brilliant musicians behind, 146
cultural exchanges and, 81
falling across Europe, 26
floating scriptures across, 80
impassibility of, 44
Khrushchev opening up, 88–89, 359
Van’s effort to straddle, 249
“I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream,” 243
Israel, 85, 87, 295–96
Istomin, Eugene, 67, 108
Iturbi, José, 24–25
Ivanovo State Pedagogical Institute, 192
Izvestiya, 115
Jackson, C. D., 86
Janis, Byron, 290–91, 292, 314
Japan and Japanese, 72–73, 74, 339
jazz music, 37, 38, 80, 93, 316
Jeopardy! (game show), 344
Jewish Defense League, 338
Jews, 36, 44–45, 48, 54, 304
Jiang Qing, 319, 334
Jim Crow laws, 81
Johannsdottir, Thorunn, 131, 266, 287
Johnson, Lady Bird, 311
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Hoover’s phone call with, 311–12
Khrushchev and, 306
moon landing and, 325
reception for Tchaikovsky Competition winners, 315
as Senate majority leader, 182, 191, 212
summit at ranch of, 311–13
Van and, 320–21, 336
Vietnam War and, 322–23
Joiner, Columbus Marion “Dad,” 19–20
Joseph Patelson Music House, 38
Judd, Bill
concerns about Van, 190–91
European tour suggested by, 105
Leventritt Competition and, 68
office of, 78
Van discovered by, 64–65
Van’s invitation to compete and, 107, 109
Van’s return to New York and, 200, 202, 214
Van’s signing with Hurok and, 255–56
Van’s win and, 168, 183–84
Judson, Arthur, 67, 68
Judson, O’Neill, and Judd, 65
Juilliard, Augustus D., 32–33
The Juilliard Review, 77
Juilliard School
described, 32–33
homosexuality at, 76
Institute of Musical Art and, 16
Judd’s discovery of Van at, 64–66
Rosina Lhévinne and, 31–32, 33–34, 37, 40–44
Van’s arrival at, 31–32, 36–37
Juilliard Symphony Orchestra, 43–44, 108
Jupiter-class intermediate-range ballistic missiles, 288, 300
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
on piano jury, 133, 138, 162, 164
“Rondo,” 116, 148, 154
at supper at Thompsons’, 188
at Tchaikovsky Competition award ceremony, 175
Kaftanov, Deputy Culture Minister, 161–62
Kaganovich, “Iron Lazar,” 51, 89–90, 91
Kaye, Danny, 219
Kazakhstan, 91, 96
Keene, Constance, 202
Kennedy, Caroline, 303
Kennedy, Jackie, 283, 303, 306
Kennedy, John F.
assassination of, 306, 311
Cuban Missile Crisis, 296, 298–302
elegant formality of, 313
joint space venture proposed by, 305–6
Mikoyan and, 303, 306
moon landing pledge, 303, 305, 325
as new president, 278–83
Kennedy, Robert, 301, 302, 303, 323
Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald, 303
Kennedy, Ted, 303
Beria as butcher of, 50
Feklisov as station chief, 300
informers at Moscow Conservatory, 232
at Khrushchev’s funeral, 326
Khrushchev’s villa and, 292
minders, 184, 278
Nixon’s visit and, 330, 331
Pasternak’s funeral and, 265
Tchaikovsky Competition and, 151
U-2 crash and, 259
Van investigated by, 127–28, 167, 290
World Festival of Youth and Students and, 91–92, 93
Khachaturian, Aram, 179, 290
Khrennikov, Tikhon, 138, 307
Khrushchev, Elena, 293
Khrushchev, Leonid, 279
Khrushchev, Nikita
attacks on cultural events and artists, 303–4
Berlin ultimatum, 233, 242, 250, 251–52, 280–81
Cuban Missile Crisis, 298–303
Cuba scheme and, 289, 29
cultural exchanges and, 298
death and funeral of, 326–28
domestic programs and policies, 88, 89, 125, 144, 231
economic and bureaucratic reorganization by, 240
Eisenhower and, 87, 97, 241–43, 249–53, 259–62, 268, 274
Frankel and, 159
Gorbachev compared to, 351–52, 353
invasion of Egypt and, 87
Iron Curtain twitched back by, 88–89, 359
Kennedy and, 279–83, 305–6
Liu and, 318
Mao and, 229–30, 251, 253, 262, 306
named secretary of Central Committee, 62
Nasser and, 196
Nixon sparring with, 238–39, 240
nuclear weapons and, 196, 245, 281–83, 288–89
opening to the world strategy of, 161
Pasternak and, 231–32, 265
plot against, 89–91
Reagan’s mention of, 355
retirement of, 306–7, 325–26
rise to power, 131–32
rocket program and threats to U.S., 87–88, 174
Secret Speech, 82–86, 111, 127
Stalin’s death and, 49–53, 54, 57–58, 59–62
Tchaikovsky Competition and, 164, 172, 177–78
threats to U.S., 87–88, 174, 230
as Time Man of the Year, 100
U-2 spy planes and, 257, 258–61
unpredictability of, 148
U.S. presidents and, 3
U.S. visit by, 241–53
in Gettysburg, 250
in Iowa, 248
in Los Angeles, 245–47
in New York City, 244–45
in San Francisco, 247–48
Van and, 248–49, 251
in Washington, D.C. area, 241–44, 248–52
Van’s flowers from wife of, 185
Van’s invitation from, 257
Van’s relationship with, 173–74, 177, 199, 209, 212, 217, 220, 288, 289–90, 291, 292–94, 312, 333
Van’s second trip to Russia and, 257, 262, 263, 271, 272
Vlassenko’s rumored relationship with, 147
World Festival of Youth and Students and, 93–94
Khrushchev, Nina, 185, 242, 243, 246, 248, 293, 327
Khrushchev, Sergei, 173, 174, 242, 293, 325–26, 327
Khrushchev Remembers, 325–26
Kilgore, Texas, 19–25, 63–64, 104–5, 180–82, 225, 285
Kimbell, Kay, 343
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 323
Kinsey, Alfred, 73–74
Kissinger, Henry, 329, 336, 353
Kitchen Debate, 239–40, 250, 329, 332
Klimov, Valery, 132, 175, 186, 195, 255
Klimov, Yuri, 125, 128, 365
Klin, Russia, 140, 186
Komsomol, 92, 93, 232, 316
Komsomolskaya Pravda, 255, 294–95
Kondrashin, Kirill
at Gorky Automobile Plant, 289
Janis and, 290–91
in London, 217
in performance filming, 165
Shostakovich’s Symphony no. 13 and, 304
at supper at Thompsons’, 188
at Tchaikovsky Competition award ceremony, 176
as Tchaikovsky Competition conductor, 153, 154, 155, 156, 163
in U.S. to perform with Van, 201–4, 207, 215, 216, 217, 255, 315
Van’s argument with, 291–92
Van’s bonding with, 152, 186
Van’s request for, 184
Van’s second trip to Russia and, 267, 270, 271
in Washington, D.C. with Van, 211, 212, 213
Kones, Iris, 338
Korea, 29, 59
Korean Air Lines flight shot down, 348
Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin Award, 42
Kosygin, Alexei, 333
Kremlin. See Moscow Kremlin
Kryukova, Tanya, 157
Kuntsevo, Stalin’s villa at, 292
La Campanella (Liszt), 116, 117
Lacy, William S. B., 185, 262
Latin America, 289
Lebanon, suicide bombing in, 348
Lenin (ship), 241
Lenin, Vladimir, 26, 51, 53, 56, 58
Leningrad, Russia, 189, 190, 216, 270
“Leningrad Nights” (song), 93
Leningrad Philharmonic, 300
Leningrad Symphony (Shostakovich), 11
Lenin Hills, 290
Lenin Sports Palace, 271
Lenin Stadium, 91
Lenin-Stalin mausoleum, 57–58, 59–60, 144, 196, 258, 282
Let’s Make Love (film), 321
Leventritt, Rosalie, 66, 70–71, 118, 119, 315
Leventritt Competition and Award, 66–69, 102, 133, 161
Lewisohn Stadium, 219–20
Lhévinne, Josef, 33, 34, 41, 108, 194, 254
Lhévinne, Rosina
death of, 341
Gilels and, 79
history of, 33, 41
Russian appreciation for, 193
Tchaikovsky Competition and, 106–8, 110, 115–16, 118, 142, 147–48
as teacher, 40–44
Van accepted by, 34
Van Cliburn award to, 208
at Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, 297
Van’s meeting of, 31–32
Van’s relationship with, 37, 45, 69–70, 134, 284, 325
Van’s return to U.S. and, 203, 204
Van’s win and, 183
Vlassenko’s meeting with, 254
Liberty Music Store, 202
Liebestraum (Liszt), 132
Life, 151, 181, 183, 200–201, 202, 280
lilac shrub for Rachmaninoff’s grave, 193, 195, 200, 216–17
Lincoln Center (NYC), 300
L’isle joyeuse (Debussy), 354–55
Liszt, Cosima, 6–7
Liszt, Franz
daughter of, 6–7
Friedheim as student of, 16, 218
Hollywood biopics of, 223
La Campanella, 116, 117
Liebestraum, 132
“Mazeppa,” 137
out of fashion, 30, 36
Piano Concerto no. 1, 313
Piano Concerto no. 2 in A Major, 163
retirement of, 347
Tchaikovsky Competition and, 109
Twelfth Hungarian Rhapsody, 34, 68, 116, 117, 145–46, 234
Van compared to, 72
Van influenced by, 25, 36, 42, 44
Van’s performances of, 67, 72, 136–37, 145–46, 324
Vlassenko’s performance of, 163
“Widmung,” 71, 354
Liszt Piano Competition, 111
Liu Shikun
arrested again, 349
after Cold War, 360
Cultural Revolution and confinement of, 317–20, 329, 334–36
dam digging by, 229
history of, 111–12
performance in America, 349
supper at Thompsons’ and, 187–88
in Tchaikovsky Competition, 139, 140, 149, 163
Van’s meeting of, 132
Van’s second trip to Russia and, 266
Van’s visit from, 365
Van’s win and, 176, 177–78
Lockheed Martin Plant, 296–97
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 244
Long, Marguerite, 132
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 355
Los Angeles, California, 10–11, 245–47
Los Angeles Olympics (1984), 348–49
Los Angeles Philharmonic, 43
Los Angeles Times, 322
Lowell, Robert, 313
Lowenthal, Jerome
impressions of Van, 104, 150
at supper at Thompsons’, 188
as Tchaikovsky Competition participant, 109, 114, 129, 133, 149, 170
Lozgachev, Pavel, 47–48, 50–51
Lubyanka prison, 27, 52, 138, 144
Luna 2 (spacecraft), 241
Lupu, Radu, 315
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, 339
MacDowell, Edwa
rd, 324
MacLaine, Shirley, 74, 247, 253
Macmillan, Harold, 261
MAD (mutual assured destruction), 305
Malacañang Palace, 337
Malakhovka (outside Moscow), 114
Malenkov, Georgy
Khrushchev plotted against by, 89–90, 91
Khrushchev’s demotion of, 85
Khrushchev’s scheme and, 60–62
short reign of, 57–58, 59
Stalin’s death and, 49–50, 51–52, 56
Malinin, Yevgeny, 113
Manezh, 282, 304
Mannes, Leopold, 67
Manzhulo, Aleksei N., 236
Mao Zedong
China’s falling to, 29
Cultural Revolution and, 317–20, 335–36
death of, 335
Great Leap Forward, 229, 266, 317
Khrushchev and, 229–30, 251, 253, 262, 306
Little Red Book, 318
Liu Shikun and, 111–12
Nixon and, 329
Selected Works, 318
Soviet Union and, 59, 111, 126
Mao Zedong Thought Combat Team Revolutionary Committee General Service Station, 318–19
Marchand, Annie, 114
Marcos, Ferdinand and Imelda, 337, 343
Mariani, Adolfo, 69
Mars, Soviet attempt to reach, 277–78
Martha Baird Rockefeller Aid to Music Program, 108
Martin, Tom, 181, 182
Martin, Trudi, 133
Americans, as viewed by, 137
charade of, 350
on competition with bourgeois, 161
Conservatory’s weekly classes in, 57
Khrushchev on perversion of, 82, 83
Khrushchev’s belief in, 60, 84–85
Khrushchev’s meeting with Kennedy and, 279
orthodoxy about war, 86
Reagan’s declarations about, 348
triumph of communism and, 244, 245
youths raised with, 316
Marxist theory, classical, 229
Ma Sicong, 317, 319
Masterpieces of the Twentieth Century, 29
Mathis, James
at Billy Graham Crusade, 104
Browning and, 68
homosexuality of, 76
parties of, 42
Shetler and, 129
as Van’s friend, 32, 38, 70
Mathis, Johnny, 224, 363
Matsuura, Toyoaki, 139, 150, 158, 163
Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 126
McCarthy, Joe, 29
McClain, Jack, 181
McLuhan, Marshall, 321
McNamara, Robert, 302
Me and Juliet (Broadway musical), 74
Medtner, Nikolai, 72
Mehle, Aileen “Suzy,” 339
Mehta, Zubin, 353
Meir, Golda, 336
Menshikov, Mikhail, 203, 212–13, 234, 236, 250–51, 275
Metro at Mayakovskaya station (Moscow), 144
Metropolitan Opera, 38, 223, 235–36, 338, 341
Mexico, 283
MGM, 219
Miansarov, Eduard
ex-wife Tamara, 144, 266
history of, 144
in Tchaikovsky Competition, 146, 149, 156, 163
Van’s friendship with, 130, 189, 195, 266