Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2)

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Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2) Page 7

by Sharon Cummin

  “No, they have me locked in the bedroom,” she sent back.

  Josh laughed out loud and felt a little of his tension fade. His phone buzzed again.

  “Is this my hero? I thought you were off saving someone else.”

  They went back and forth for hours. She told him about her week and asked about his. He told her about work. She asked him about the calls he had gone on during the week. She joked about how it was a Friday night and he was at home in bed. Why wasn't he out on a hot date? He told her he didn't feel like going out. She told him Becky was making dinner and inviting him and Heath over the next night. Without even thinking about it, he said he would be there. They were both tired and decided to go to bed. Josh looked at the clock and noticed it was three o'clock in the morning. Time flew by, and when he drifted off to sleep, he was completely relaxed.

  Josh woke up feeling refreshed. It had been the best night of sleep he had the entire week. He went to the gym and checked on the restaurants. On his way to Becky and Gavin's, he stopped at the store and picked up some of Lisa's favorite candy and a few snacks she liked.

  Gavin answered the door and gave Josh a huge smile.

  “What?” Josh asked.

  “Nothing,” Gavin answered.

  Josh went to the living room, where Lisa was sitting on the couch next to Heath. He let out a breath, and they both turned to see him. Lisa went to get up, and Heath gave Josh a serious look. Josh hurried into the room to Lisa.

  “Don't get up,” he said.

  “I'm fine,” she said. “I'm getting pretty good with the crutches. I can get around so much better.”

  He walked over and handed her a bag, once she sat back down. She went through the bag and laughed as she pulled the stuff from it. Heath grunted, as he stood up and left the room.

  “What the fuck is his problem?” Josh asked.

  “I have no idea. He was fine until just now. He has been moody lately.” she answered. “You look rested for being up half the night.”

  “I slept great. I went to the gym and ran to all the restaurants today. I feel good,” he laughed.

  He felt the best he had felt all week.

  Heath walked back into the room with a black marker.

  “I haven't signed your cast yet,” he said.

  “Becky and Gavin haven't either,” she replied.

  Heath crouched down on his feet and opened the marker. He had a huge smile on his face, as he grabbed her leg and pulled it up on his lap. His smile left his face in an instant. He groaned, as he stared at her cast and then up at Josh.

  “I see you have already signed it,” Heath snapped, staring straight into Josh's eyes.

  “I signed it when we were at lunch, the day she got the cast,” Josh replied. “I haven't been here all week.”

  Heath bent down to sign it, and Josh looked at Lisa. He shook his head and shrugged. She bit her bottom lip, with a surprised look in her eyes. Josh walked out into the kitchen and pulled out his phone.

  “I'm sorry. I didn't know he was going to be upset about what I wrote,” he sent.

  A minute later he heard his phone.

  “He has no reason to be upset.”

  “I told you how he felt about you,” Josh sent.

  “He hasn't acted like this all week. He was fine today. When you got here, he started this.”

  “Maybe I should leave.”

  “Do you want to leave?” she sent.


  Becky stuck the salad bowl out to Josh and asked him to put it on the table, with a smile on her face.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she answered.

  “You and your man need to quit looking at me like that. I don't know what you two have going on,” Josh said, as he walked away with the salad.

  Once everything was on the table, they were all ready to eat. Heath hurried to help Lisa get up and to the table. He sat down right next to her. Josh sat across the table, so he wouldn't bother Heath any more than he already had.

  “This food looks awesome Becky. Thanks for making us all dinner,” Josh said, as he got up to walk into the kitchen.

  He walked back in with a soda for him and an iced tea for Lisa.

  “What do you want to drink?” he asked Heath, who was again giving him the death stare.

  “Nothing,” Heath snapped.

  “Becky and Gavin, what would you like?” he asked.

  They both wanted soda. He went to the kitchen and came back with their drinks. He put a soda down in front of Heath as well.

  “Don't drink it if you don't want it,” Josh snapped.

  Josh could feel the tension Heath had pouring off of him. He had no idea why. Josh was on his best behavior and had not made a single rude comment or joke.

  “We wanted to talk to you guys about something,” Becky began. “Gavin and I have to go out of town for a week to a conference. We need to leave Monday morning. Lisa said she is going to stay here. Can you guys come and check on her each day. You can figure out how you want to do it. I don't feel comfortable with her here all week alone, but if you guys will check on her, she should be okay.”

  “She can stay at my apartment,” Josh blurted out.

  Josh didn't even realize he said it, before it was already out of his mouth. What are you doing, he wondered? You are just starting to get back into normal life, and you invited her over for a week. He missed her cocky attitude and the silly banter that went on between them. It would only be for one week. That way he wouldn't have to go by Becky and Gavin's house each day. If she needed anything, he would be right there. His place was smaller and she would be able to get around quicker. Becky and Gavin could go on their trip and wouldn't have to worry about her. Josh could tell Becky did not want her to be home alone.

  “That sounds good,” Becky said quickly.

  “No,” Lisa said. “I will be fine here. I don't want to invade anyone's space. How are you going to have the ladies over if I'm there?”

  “I'll just tell you to go to your room,” Josh laughed.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Lisa snapped. “That's not funny.”

  “Okay, so I'll go to their house,” he joked.

  “I'm going to smack you in the head with my crutch funny man,” she said.

  “Seriously, I won't be home the entire time. I will still do everything I normally do. I won't let you get in the way,” he winked. “That way if you need anything, I will be able to get to you quicker.”

  “I am fine here,” she said.

  “I agree you shouldn't be here alone,” Heath chimed in. He had a sad look in his eyes. “You can come to my house, or you can go to Josh's. I do think you should stay with one of us.”

  “They said you might be able to go to your apartment this week, to see if there is anything to keep. I can take you. Your apartment is not far from mine. You can choose Heath's place or mine,” Josh said.

  “I guess it would be easier for you two if I stay with one of you,” Lisa said.

  Josh could tell she was thinking about it. He felt a tinge of jealousy as she looked over at Heath. Josh got up and walked into the kitchen. Becky followed him.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Yep, fine, why?” he asked.

  “Do you like Lisa?” she whispered.

  “What? You know me Becky. I'm sure you have heard, I don't do love or relationships,” he whispered back to her.

  “I have heard that. I'm just not sure I believe it,” she said, as she walked away. “Not every relationship has a sad ending.”

  Josh went out to sit back at the kitchen table. He kept his eyes down at his plate while he ate. Josh wanted her to stay with him, but if she stayed with Heath, he would put on a happy face.

  “I think I will stay with Josh,” Lisa said quietly. “If they say I can go to my apartment, I want to be closer.”

  Heath got up and stormed out the front door. Josh got up and went after him. When they got outside, Heath turned to stare into Josh's eye

  “I get it, she likes you,” Heath snapped. “I swear, you better not break her heart. How many times do I have to tell you, she has feelings for you? She deserves someone who will treat her right and put her first. You are not that guy. Do you hear me? You are not that guy. You are a no feelings, screw them and dump them guy. If you hurt her, I will kick the shit out of you. I care about her. She is one of my best friends. I know you are my friend, but she comes first. I am telling you, if you hurt her, you will be sorry. She can go to your house this week. That is what she wants. Have fun, hero.”

  Josh grabbed Heath's arm, and Heath pulled away. Josh knew if he pushed Heath to talk to him, they would end up in a knockdown, drag out fight. He didn't want that.

  “We are just friends. She knows that. I am not going to do anything to make her feel differently,” Josh said.

  “Whatever,” Heath shouted, as he walked to his car and left.

  Josh went back into the house and sat down at the table.

  “You are going to my place,” he said, with a sad tone in his voice. “I will be here in the morning to get you. I'm going to head home and clean up your room. I want to make sure everything is clean. I'll see you guys in the morning.”

  “What did he say to you?” Lisa asked.

  “Nothing that wasn't true. He just reminded me of who I really am,” he answered, as he got up and quietly left.

  Chapter 12

  Lisa sat quietly for a few minutes with Becky and Gavin. She looked up at Becky.

  “Do you think Heath has feelings for me?” she asked.

  Gavin let out a chuckle.

  “What?” Lisa asked.

  “Yes, he does,” Gavin answered. “I don't think he's the only one.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” Gavin said, as he got up and went into the other room.

  “Tell me,” she yelled.

  “I just find it kind of strange that Josh is going home to fix up your room, instead of going out with a woman on his day off,” Gavin yelled back.

  “How did he lose his father?” Lisa asked Becky. “He mentioned that he lost his dad, but didn't say how.”

  “You need to get him to tell you. It is a very large part of his life that affects him every day,” Becky answered. “Give him time. I know how you feel about him. I see the way he acts when it comes to you. I know he is protective because of his job, but he's different with you. To answer your earlier question, yes Heath has feelings for you. He told me.”

  Lisa went to her room to pack her stuff. She collapsed on the bed and thought about what happened at dinner. When Becky and Gavin told them they were leaving for a week, Lisa instantly saw concern in Josh's eyes. He was just worried about her being alone, she thought. He would feel that way about anyone. That was one of the things she was learning to love about him. When he came back from work, he would tell her what she wanted to know, and he always showed concern for the people involved. He truly wanted to help people.

  She had always had a crush on him, but her feelings changed after she spent that week and a half with him. He was so caring. She had heard about what a player he was and how he went out with a different woman every night. Lisa had formed a negative opinion of him, but after the fire, she saw him in a different way. He took care of her. Josh was more attentive to her needs than Becky and Gavin combined. When he was there, he sat with her, got her anything she needed, and showed so much concern. He wasn't the man she thought he was. The moments they shared together and the conversations they had, proved that to her. She wasn't sure why he fought so hard to be that man that everyone thought he was.

  Lisa knew that Heath had said something to hurt Josh's feelings. He wouldn't tell her, when he left the house. It was like he would start to let his walls down a little, but someone would do or say something, and he would put the walls right back up. Maybe she was just seeing what she wanted to see, but she felt something for him. She knew she should have agreed to go to Heath's for the week. He was her friend, and she knew she would return at the end of the week the same person. If she went to Josh's for the week, there was a chance she would fall deeper for him.

  Lisa missed him. She missed the silly banter, him getting her lunch, watching television together, and the silly text messages. They had been apart for an entire week, but to her it felt like much longer. When she got his silly text the night before the dinner, she was so excited to hear from him. She realized how much he was starting to mean to her.

  She felt sick to her stomach, when she thought about the sad look he had when he walked out the door. What had Heath said to him? Why would he say something hurtful to his own friend? Lisa was tired. She was nervous about going to stay with Josh. It wasn't like he would just be staying with her during the day. She would be at his place every moment, for an entire week. Would he feel like she was in the way? She didn't want to inconvenience him anymore than she already had. He had given up a lot of time to help her, and it seemed like Heath and him were having issues. None of that started until she had gotten hurt. She pulled out her phone and looked at it. Maybe she shouldn't stay with Josh.

  “I think I should just stay here for the week,” she sent Josh.

  “You need to be with someone in case you need something.”

  “You have already given up so much time and money to help me. I will just be in the way. I don't want to invade your time and space any more than I already have.”

  “You won't be invading my space or my time. It's not as exciting at my place as you think it is. You will have the place to yourself part of the time. You will be closer if you need something. It will be better if you are here. I won't even talk to you, if that's what you want,” he sent.

  “It's not that. I don't want to bother you. What if you want to bring someone home?”

  “Then I will just tell you to go to your room,” he sent.

  A few moments later Lisa's phone beeped again.

  “I was just kidding. I won't bring anyone home. I haven't felt like going out lately.”

  “What did Heath say to you?” she sent.

  “I told you, nothing that wasn't true. I'll see you in the morning. I have to put all my manly stuff away, since there is going to be a girl in my apartment. You know, hide all the dirty magazines and stuff.”

  “Very funny. Maybe I should go stay with Heath,” she sent.

  A few minutes of silence went by. Please say you want me there, she thought. She didn't want to stay with Heath. The thought of spending a week with Josh excited her. She was afraid of how she would feel when it was time to go back to Becky's. He still hadn't answered. Oh crap! Answer, she begged in her mind. Her phone beeped. She was afraid to look at it.

  “Is that what you want?” he sent.

  Lisa thought for a moment. She knew she was going to get her heart broken. There was no such thing as true love. Even if they had a relationship, it would never work. Relationships didn't last. Josh had saved her life and taken care of her more than anyone. Heath never even offered to help like Josh, and he was her best friend. Heath visited a couple of times for an hour or so, but that was it. Josh, who had no connection with her, had helped her the most. His friends talked down about him, and Heath had said something that hurt him. She could tell when he left that he was upset. He had done so much for her, and there was no way she was going to do anything to hurt his feelings. She had to be honest with him.

  “No” she sent.

  She knew it was going to bite her in the ass. Lisa always hid her feelings, but so some reason, she couldn't do it with Josh. There was something about him. She just wasn't sure what it was. When he was with her, she felt safe, like nothing was going to hurt her.

  “See you in the morning,” he sent.

  Lisa put her phone down, let out a sigh, and fell asleep.

  Chapter 13

  Lisa woke up to Josh's voice. He seemed like he was right there. She opened her eyes and jumped.

  “I went grocery sh
opping and cleaned my apartment, and you didn't even pack your stuff,” he shook his head and laughed. “Did you fall asleep right after you text me? Your phone is on the bed. Are you kidding me? You can't keep stuff like that on a bed all night. You drive me crazy, do you know that?”

  Josh reached over her and grabbed her phone off of the bed. She could smell his manly, musky smell. It took all she had not to wrap her arms around him and pull him closer. Lisa reached up to snatch the phone back from him. He pulled away and joked around, like he was going to go through her phone.

  “What's in here? Why are you so eager to get it away from me? Maybe I should look,” he joked, with a smile.

  Josh turned the screen on. She saw his smile disappear and the corner of his eyes turn down. He put the phone on the nightstand.

  “Your boyfriend text you. Get up. We need to get you packed and ready. I have things to do later.”

  He turned around and walked out of the room. Lisa was shocked at how quickly his expression changed. She picked up her phone and turned on the screen. She wanted to see what he saw. Her mouth dropped when she saw it. On the bottom of the screen it said “Heath (2:04 AM) I love you.”

  What the hell was that, Lisa thought. She didn't even open the text to see the rest. Lisa was on her feet, with her crutches, and on her way to the kitchen. She didn't care how rough she looked. Josh had seen her at her worst. He was at the table with Becky and Gavin. She didn't care. Lisa had no idea what came over her, but she needed him to know she had not seen that text before he did.

  “Josh,” she said, as she looked at him as if nobody else was there. “I did not see that. We did not talk last night. I text you, set my phone on the bed, and fell asleep.”

  “Stop!” he snapped. “I shouldn't have turned your phone on. I was just playing around. It's fine, I get it. It is none of my business. I don't want to know, and I don't care. It has nothing to do with me.”

  “I know that you don't care,” she snapped. “You made that pretty obvious that one day, remember.”


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