Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2)

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Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2) Page 20

by Sharon Cummin

  “You all have plans for our boy already. Baby Jack is going to love these. Thank you all so much. I am proud to be a part of your amazing family,” she said.

  Josh's mom was next to them. Lisa noticed tears in her eyes. She realized that she had said the baby's name, without even realizing it. Josh took the microphone from Lisa.

  “Since my beautiful wife just let it out there, we would like to let you know that we have picked the name Jack for our precious baby. He will be name after my father,” he said, as he looked over at his brother. “Not after my brother, who tried to steal my girl.”

  Lisa smacked him on the arm and laughed. Josh hugged his mom tight.

  Lisa and Josh looked at each other and smirked. He nodded to her.

  “Could we please have our amazing friends Gavin and Becky come and join us. They have been so good to us. When I was hurt, they were both by my side and helped Josh take care of me. We really do love them so much.”

  She waited until they both were there. Becky had a huge smile on her face as she held Gavin's hand.

  “Today is a very special day for us. One of the best days of our lives. We are so happy to share it with them. Today is a special day for them, as well. They have a secret that they aren't sharing, because they didn't want to take away from our day. But, they both made a mistake this morning. Each of them told that secret to one of us,” Josh said.

  Becky shot Gavin a look and he grinned.

  “We would like to congratulate them both. They are having a baby. We love the three of you very much,” Lisa said. “Please help them celebrate this day with us.”

  Everyone clapped and congratulated Becky and Gavin. Julie ran over to hug them. She was happy to have another baby to care for. Her nephew or niece would be spoiled.

  The DJ started a slow song and couples began dancing again. Julie and her date were on the dance floor. They looked stiff and uncomfortable. Lisa was used to seeing Julie happy and cocky. Ethan sat at a table, and Lisa walked over to him. She saw him staring at Julie and her date. Lisa reached out and grabbed his hand.

  “Come on, let's dance,” she said, as she pulled him to his feet.

  “I don't really feel like it,” he replied.

  “Why is that?” she asked.

  “I don't know. Been feeling strange today.”

  “You can't turn the bride down for a dance. Don't be a grump. Dance with me,” she said.

  He danced with her. She heard him growl as she watched Julie laugh at something her date said.

  “Do you really like her?” Lisa asked.

  “Who, Julie? Hell no. I just mess with her to get under Gavin's skin.”

  “Then why did you just growl?”

  “I need some air,” he groaned, as he pulled to walk away.

  “Let's go sit at the table. You're not running out the door again.”

  She pulled him over to sit down. A fast song played and Julie sat back down with her date. Ethan walked over to the table with Lisa on his heels.

  “Get up and dance Julie,” Ethan said.

  He had a few beers already. Lisa wasn't sure what he was going to say. Julie looked over at her date and asked if he wanted to dance. He shrugged and remained still.

  “You going to let your girl sit there with this party music on. Dance with her. Show her how special she is.”

  The guy sat silent and shook his head. Julie looked over at Ethan and smiled a fake smile.

  “Come dance with me and Lisa,” Ethan told her, as he held his hand out to her.

  “I'm going to stay here. I don't feel like getting out there.”

  “Suit yourself,” he snapped. “Come on Lisa.”

  The two of them danced for the rest of the song that was playing. The DJ announced it was time for the garter and bouquet throwing. All of the single ladies lined up as Lisa stood facing in the opposite direction. She threw the bouquet over her head and it fell right toward Julie, who hadn't even really tried to get it. All of the guests cheered.

  Lisa sat down in a chair as Josh did a silly little dance around her. He got down on his knees, stuck his head under her dress and pulled the garter down with his teeth. Josh was very careful, because her dress was short. He didn't want anyone to see any part of his wife. He stood up and turned with his back to the guys. Josh knew where everyone was standing. He threw the garter over his head, and Ethan flew up and snatched it out of the air. He turned to Julie with a cocky smirk on his face. She put her head in her hands and shook her head. Gavin shot him a dirty look. Ethan smiled and growled.

  “Have a seat,” he grinned, as he reached for her hand.

  She rolled her eyes and sat down, ignoring his hand. He breathed in a huge breath and let it back out. Ethan strut his stuff around the dance floor as he made his way to her chair. He bent to whisper in her ear and she shook her head at him. Lisa wondered what he said to her. She looked completely serious with not even the tiniest smile on her face. It was very unlike her, Lisa thought. Ethan got on his knees in front of Julie. He slowly slipped the garter over her foot. Ethan slid it up her leg, making sure to skim his fingers all the way up her leg. He leaned down and took it in his mouth to slide it up the rest of the way, when Gavin snapped at him from the side of the dance floor. Lisa saw Julie shiver as Ethan moved the garter up her thigh. He stopped and rubbed his fingers all the way back down her leg before standing and reaching to pull her to her feet. He kissed her hand before releasing it and then walked away and out the door.

  Julie went back to her seat. Josh and Lisa watched for a few minutes, as Julie got up from her table and went outside. Josh leaned in to Lisa's ear.

  “Something is up with those two,” he said.

  “Most definitely,” she replied.

  Julie walked back into the reception, but Ethan never returned. Lisa could tell Julie was upset. She stopped her before she reached her date.

  “What are you doing to our boy?” Lisa said, as she laughed.

  “That player is about to be played. He can pull that sweet and sexy shit on someone else. I have known him far too long to ever let my guard down around him. He's all about the chase. Once he gets a woman, he has no use for them anymore. He just messes with me to irritate my brother. He needs to learn a lesson, that brat.”

  “You're so amazing. I am so glad you don't put up with that. You are definitely going to find your prince charming one day,” Lisa said, as she hugged her.

  Julie joined her date at their table.

  Josh and Lisa danced to a few more songs, before leaving their party. It was a successful day. They were both very tired by the time they got home. Lisa had everything packed and ready for their morning flight. They were going to Hawaii to stay at Gavin's cousin Chris' place. They were both looking forward to the beach and some time alone. Josh was ready to show his new wife how much he loved her. Lisa was happy to fall asleep in her husband's strong arms, where she looked forward to being every night, for the rest of her life.

  Watch for my next novella – A New Love (The Game of Love #2) coming in September.

  Renee was a confident twenty three year old woman. She spent the past six years helping her sister raise her nephew Lucas. Renee took her nephew shopping for the day so her sister could have some alone time. They were on their way home, when out of nowhere, Renee heard a loud crash and felt her body slam against the car door. She turned in her seat to see her nephew unconscious. Renee jumped out her car in a foggy daze as she ran around to pull his door open. When the door wouldn't open, she began yelling for help.

  Dillon was a thirty five year old police officer. He was driving through the mall parking lot when he saw a young woman screaming and noticed the smashed in car. Dillon ran to the car and looked through the window. His heart dropped, and he felt the air leave his lungs as memories rushed through his mind. There was a little boy in the car, and he wasn't moving. It was the one thing Dillon didn't like about his job. Accidents involving children were hard for him. The sound of the woman yelling snapp
ed him out of his head, and he hurried to help the boy.

  The accident changed Renee's thoughts on life. She blamed herself for what happened to her nephew. Renee was sure she could have done something to avoid being hit.

  When Dillon went to the hospital to check on the little boy, he could see that Renee was blaming herself. He assured her there was nothing she could have done to prevent what had happened. It tore at his insides that she was taking the blame. It was not her fault. The situation hit to close to home for him. He handed her his card and hurried on his way.

  When Dillon offered to help Renee, she accepted it. Her family began changing, and she was lost. Her sister had found love and didn't need her help anymore. It was time for her to find a life of her own. She had no idea what she wanted to do. It was the first time she was living for herself and not for everyone else. She found herself building a friendship with Dillon.

  There was something about Renee that drew Dillon in. He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew he had to keep her at arms length. Dillon found himself wanting to help her and get to know her as a friend. He knew falling in love was not an option for him. After the mistake Dillon had made, he didn't deserve love. He had come to terms with growing old alone. That was what he felt he deserved.

  When Renee realized that love and a family was what she wanted, how would Dillon React?

  Could he look beyond the past and allow himself a future with happiness, or would he let her walk out of his life and stay alone forever?

  Be sure to watch for my next novel - “Battle for Love” (Bachelor Billionaire #3).

  Other Stories by Sharon Cummin

  Romance Series

  Romance and a... Series: The Complete Collection

  Billionaire Romance Series

  Finding Love, Keeping Love, and Saving Love

  Bachelor Billionaire Series

  Sea of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #1)

  Sea of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #1 of a 5 novel series.

  The Game of Love Series

  A Love Rekindled (The Game of Love #1)

  A Love Rekindled is a complete, stand-alone novella. It is #1 of a 2 novella series.

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