Finding Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Finding Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Jane Jamison

  She could ask what they were about to do, but why ruin it? The anticipation was part of the fun. Yet when Derrick looped the rope over the hook for a hanging pot, she couldn’t help but get a little nervous.

  Caleb led her to stand underneath the hook. Without saying another word, Derrick tied the end of the rope to the strip between her wrists, then yanked her arms above her head. She inhaled, letting her nerves get the better of her.

  Taking a stand behind her, Derrick squeezed her butt cheeks then bent to nibble on her skin. He dragged his tongue between them, pushing her flesh apart to make way for his tongue to skim around her ass hole. She tensed and spread her legs apart.

  “Take it easy, babe. I’m going to get you ready.”

  She jerked again, tugging on the rope when he added something cool to her anus. His fingers spread the gel around her, then dipped inside her.

  “That’s it. Loosen up for me.” He pressed his mouth to her ear and whispered, “I’m going to fuck your ass so hard you won’t sit down for a week.”

  She trembled, anxious for him to make good on his promise. “Yes, please, Master Derrick.”

  Caleb lifted her breasts and put his face between them. He pushed them hard against his face. When he brought his gaze to hers again, his need was written in the clench of his jaw and the glint in his eyes. He played with her nipples, bringing them to an aching salute, and pushed his long, stiff cock against her stomach. Taking hold of her hair, he jerked her head to the side, then kissed the curve of her neck.

  “When I tell you to jump, you jump.”

  Jump? To where? How?


  And yet when he told her to jump, she obeyed.

  He tugged her legs around his waist and, without any delay, pierced her sheath. She let out a yelp as his shaft drove deep inside her.

  God, he’s so big.

  Her pussy walls complained at the invasion, but it was a war she could never win. One she’d never want to win. He pumped into her as he kept her to him, thrusting then withdrawing, then thrusting again. His grunts punctuated the air, then set up a rhythm as Derrick slapped her butt cheek several times.

  She was caught, unable to hold them, unable to do much more than enjoy the ride. Derrick bit her shoulder, enough to hurt, but not enough to draw blood, then bent low and positioned his cock at her hole.

  He took hold of her hips, then in one quick move, drove into her. At first, the pain frightened her, but once his cock was inside her, driving toward the center of her, the pain transformed, growing into a sensation that rippled its way over and around her. Her wet hair stuck to her face as the men pounded into her, possessing her as only true masters could.

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck us both.”

  She tightened her hold on Caleb’s cock, drawing her pussy walls around his length, trying to keep him from withdrawing it again. At the same time, Derrick rammed into her ass, spreading her wide. Her arms ached, but she wouldn’t tell them to turn her loose. She wouldn’t do anything to spoil the moment.

  Her masters had her in their loving hands, their huge cocks possessing her. She cried out again as a new storm brewed inside her. With her men caressing her, supporting her, fucking her, she couldn’t hold back a moment longer.

  She screamed, calling out their names with her release. As though she’d signaled to them, the men tensed, then drove into her, one from each side. They gripped her, Caleb taking hold of her nipple as Derrick leaned back. Together, they shouted out their climaxes.

  Every ounce of energy she had went into her release. Their shudders racked into hers, meeting her own trembling. Their breaths panted against her skin as she tried to draw in each breath.

  She was wet, but it was no longer from the water. Perspiration mixed with their cum and ran down her legs.

  Caleb fell back against the railing and Derrick pulled out, then held her, his strong arms wrapping around her just under her breasts. She was satisfied, her body humming with pleasure as they untied her and carried her up to their bed.

  She laid her head against Caleb’s chest and closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his body. “I still need a shower.”

  “Yes. Yes, you do.”

  She grinned, but didn’t have it in her to chastise him for his joke.

  Chapter Nine

  “Hey, sis, how’s it going over there? Did you get the clothes?”

  Molly smiled into her cell phone. Jilly sounded happier with each passing day. “Yes, thanks. They arrived yesterday.”

  She leaned back in the saddle, pulling Trickster to a stop. Caleb and Derrick weren’t far away as they wrangled some cattle into the pen just beyond the barn. She hadn’t helped much, really just watched, as they’d driven the herd out of the pasture. Still, she was a lot more comfortable on top of the horse than she’d been before.

  Truth be told, she was a lot more comfortable about a lot of things, especially being a submissive to the Houston men. The only bothersome thing was that, although she was staying in their home, she wasn’t sure if they wanted her to stay or move out once her new job at The Club at Pleasure Ranch began.

  Paul had called to offer her and Jilly positions as servers the day before. It had been a surprise but she had a feeling that both the Houston and Triston men had recommended them to Paul and might’ve pulled a few strings, too. She’d been so excited to get the job that she hadn’t thought to ask what it paid. Could she and her sister afford a place of their own? Not that she wanted to leave the ranch.

  They wanted her as their exclusive sub. Yet would that be enough for her? She’d never wanted to have a family before, to have kids, but after meeting Caleb and Derrick, making a good home for them and having their babies was all she could think about. Would they ever tell her that they loved her?

  If they don’t say anything tonight when I tell them about my job, I’ll ask them. The worst they can say is no.

  But that would kill her. If she couldn’t live on the ranch with them, it would mean they wanted her only as their sub and nothing more. Being their permanent and exclusive submissive was wonderful, but she wanted more than that. She wanted to be their wife, even if in name only, and the mother of their children.

  “Molly, are you there?”

  She hadn’t paid much attention to Jilly. “Yeah. Sorry. I zoned out for a minute.”

  “No problem.”

  Yet the uncomfortable silence afterward said there was. “What is it, Jilly? You didn’t call to check on the clothes, did you?”

  “Well, no. There’s another reason I called.”

  She steadied herself. With Jilly, she never knew what might come up. “Just tell me, okay?”

  “I don’t want to make you angry or anything.”

  Aw, hell. “O-kay, but you’re ticking me off and kind of scaring me, too.”

  “I don’t mean to.”

  Caleb tossed her a grin, making her feel better. At least a little bit. Derrick took off his hat and wiped the sweat from his brow. Then shot her a look and mouthed the question, “Is anything wrong?”

  She shook her head, then reined Trickster around so that her back was to them. “Jilly, tell me.”

  “Um, I know we were planning on getting a place together, but…”

  Molly closed her eyes. Her sister’s news shouldn’t have surprised her. She’d seen it coming from a mile away. “But you’re moving in with Alex and Mike.”

  “Do you hate me?” The excitement in Jilly’s voice came through loud and clear.

  “I could never hate you. Be jealous of you, yes.”

  “Haven’t they said anything yet?”

  “Nope.” She pulled her body straighter in the saddle. “But that’s okay. I’m still their sub so there’s still a chance. It’s just going to take more time.”

  “I’m sorry. Maybe I should’ve waited to tell you.”

  “Yeah, right. Like you could’ve held it in more than a day. They probably just asked you five minutes ago and you couldn’t wait to call me.”

  “So much for what you know. It was ten minutes ago.”

  Jilly could always make her laugh. “I’m happy for you. Really. And don’t worry about me. I’ll find a place.”

  “I could ask Alex and Mike if you could move in for a while.”

  “Oh, yeah. I can just imagine how thrilled they’d be. Don’t you dare. I’ll be fine.” The nicker of a horse drew her attention back to the pen. Caleb and Derrick were heading her way. “I’ve got to run. But as soon as we can, we’ll get together and celebrate. Maybe I can talk the guys into picking up the cookout where we left off.”

  “Sounds like a plan. And, Molly?”


  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, brat.” She ended the call and slid the phone back into the front pocket of her shirt just as Caleb and Derrick dismounted and began leading their horses into the barn. She swung her leg off and followed them inside.

  Caleb already had his saddle off and was working on getting the bridle taken care of. “Was that Jilly?”

  “Right. How’d you know?”

  “It figured. So did she tell you her good news?”

  More good news? “Yes, but I’m not sure it’s the same good news you’re talking about.”

  Derrick slid the brush over his horse and tossed another brush to his brother. “The news about her moving in with them. Wasn’t much new news if you ask me. She’s stayed with them since the picnic.”

  “But now it’s official.” Caleb petted his horse then ran the brush along its neck. “I’ll bet she’s already posted it on her Face Page page.”

  “You’d win that bet.”

  Caleb pointed at Derrick. “Hey, that reminds me. Remember our other bet? Not the one day thing, but the one where you said Molly and Jilly wouldn’t last a week on the ranch?”

  Her heart was breaking and they wanted to talk about a silly bet?

  “Yeah, I do and I’m glad you were right.” He cleared his throat. “Molly, you really proved yourself.” He glanced at a grinning Caleb then placed a hand over his heart. “I officially admit that I was wrong. Good enough for you, man?”

  “Yep. As long as you tell Jilly the same thing.”

  “Fine. Next time we see her, I will.”

  She still didn’t really understand what they were talking about, but what did it matter? They’d known about Jilly and still hadn’t said anything about her staying on with them. She tried to ignore the lump in her throat.

  I won’t cry.


  I’m going to cry.

  “And you’re okay with it?”

  She couldn’t tell if Caleb was kidding or not. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Just asking. They’re good guys, so you don’t have to worry about her.”

  “I know. But I promised our parents that I’d check in by now. Which means I’m going to have to tell them where we’re living.” She swallowed hard. “At least I can say my living arrangement is only temporary.”

  They both stopped brushing their horses then came toward her. Once they’d reached her, they stopped and stared at her.

  “Why is it temporary?”

  “Yeah, Molly. What’s going on?”

  Was that disappointment she heard in Caleb’s voice?

  “Nothing’s going on.” She refused to believe she might be wrong. If she failed, it would hurt too much. “Once I start my job at the club, I’ll find a place of my own and get out of your hair.”

  “What’s wrong with you?” Derrick’s stare hardened into a glare.

  “Derrick’s right. Why wouldn’t you want to stay here?”

  “I do. But I didn’t know if you wanted me to stay.”

  “You’re our submissive. Where else would you live? We don’t mind you working at the club as a waitress if that’s what you want, but you’re ours, right? I thought we were clear on that score.”

  She was as confused as Caleb looked. “I’m your exclusive sub, yes. But as for anything more…” Were they making this hard on her? Or had she missed something?

  “But you’re ours,” argued Derrick.

  “I know. I just agreed.”

  “Plus, if you change your mind and want to work on the ranch with us, that’s good with us. You’re a hard worker and we like having you around.”

  Derrick’s praise meant a lot to her. “Thanks, but I’d rather sling drinks than horse manure. It’s just that—” Her voice failed her, choked by the knot in her throat.

  “Aw, hell.” Caleb punched his brother in the arm. “We’re fucking stupid.” He took her arms, his fingers digging into her flesh. “We just assumed that you were our woman. Not just our sub.”

  “I am?” She wanted to hear the words so much she could barely breathe.

  “Damn. Haven’t we told you? Shit, Molly. We love you. Hook, line, and sinker. You’re the woman we want to spend our lives with. And, unless you think the kids will turn out as dumb as their fathers, we want you to have our babies.”

  “Are you serious?” She looked to Derrick, needing to see that he wanted her, too. “Both of you?”

  “Hell, yes.” Derrick came closer. Or at least as close as he could get with Caleb standing in front of her. “He loves you and I love you. I figured you knew.”


  “Like I said, we’re just plain stupid.”

  “So what do you say, babe?” Derrick shoulder Caleb aside enough to take one of her hands. “Do you love us, too? Can you stand to live with us?”

  She let out the longest breath she’d ever held and let the relief flood through her. “Yes, I love you. And yes, I can stand to live with you. Now that I’ve found my Doms, I’m never letting them go.”




  Jane Jamison has always liked “weird stuff” as her mother called it. From an early age she was fascinated with stories about werewolves, vampires, space, aliens, and whatever was hiding in her bedroom closet. To this day, she still swears she can hear growls and moans whenever the lights are out.

  Being born under the sign of Scorpio meant Jane was destined to be very sensual. Some would say she was, and remains, downright sexual. Then one day she put her two favorite things together on paper and found her life’s true ambition—to be an erotic paranormal romance author.

  Jane spends at least six days a week locked in her office surrounded by the characters she loves. Every day a new character will knock on the door of her imagination. Her plans include taking care of her loving husband, traveling, and writing at least twelve books a year.

  For all titles by Jane Jamison, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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