The Modified (The Biotics Trilogy, #1)

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The Modified (The Biotics Trilogy, #1) Page 12

by Kunz, C. A.

  “Kenley…I just wanted to say that…I am proud of you.”

  “Thanks, Galileo.”

  “You have more than proven that you belong here. I am honored to be your AI.”

  “Hey, that sounds like inflection in your voice, Galileo. Are you showing emotion?”

  “The possibility in there does lie…scanning database…All systems seem to be operating at maximum capacity. No sign of change present,” he responds.

  “Never mind, there’s the Galileo I know,” I giggle.

  Sitting in the mess hall, we all patiently wait for the ceremony to begin. Federation soldiers file into the hall and line up at the front of the stage with guns by their sides. The Federation’s pledge song begins playing in the room, which means only one thing, that General Roman Barclay is gracing us with his presence. As he makes his way across the stage, we stand and salute.

  General Barclay flashes us a huge grin. “At ease, soldiers,” he says into the microphone. We all take our seats. “To say that the Allied Federation is proud of you would be a huge understatement. You have all exceeded our expectations and then some.” He pauses for a moment and his face becomes serious before he continues. “As you all are well aware of by the recent attack on the facility, the Bringers are becoming increasingly hostile. South Africa, California, sections of Canada, the southern part of Texas, parts of Asia, Europe—they’ve all seen devastation recently at the hands of these monsters. Our situation is becoming more dire, and this project is looking more and more like our last hope in the fight against this evil. Now, I know it may be overwhelming to think that you’re all that stands between mankind and its extinction, but I want you to use that feeling. Use that fear, strength, and emotion to defeat your enemy.”

  This guy sounds just like Commander Archer, not surprising though, I think to myself.

  “I’ve decided that since the importance of this project has risen significantly, I will be staying aboard with my command to monitor your exit exam personally,” the general states.

  I turn to Joey and mouth Exit exam? He shrugs, looking just as confused as I feel.

  “Now, onto the division assignments,” he announces.

  Ten large flag holograms project above our heads. There are five flags on either side of the mess hall. The flags sway like there’s a nonexistent breeze. On each flag there’s an identical picture of a triangle with three stars in the center of it.

  “First division up is Strike,” General Barclay announces.

  Joey and Landon’s bands begin to pulse and then their AIs project out. I notice Sam’s does the same thing, and so does many of the other cadets around me. I hear Joey and Sam’s AIs congratulate them for making Strike division.

  “Congratulations, Strike division. All one hundred and seventy of you.” General Barclay grins with what I assume is pride. A subdued applause follows.

  The ten flags ruffle in the wind and the symbol changes on them. It’s now a triangle with three bold lines running vertically down them. “Next up is Fortification division.”

  My bangle begins to glow and I see that Caleb’s is as well. He smirks at me and I return it. Galileo projects out, and instead of congratulating me he says, “Well, this was a no-brainer,” followed by an electronic chuckle.

  “Hush, Galileo,” I joke, joining in with his laughter. I stifle my laugh with my hand as I notice the room gets quiet. The general congratulates the fifty members of the Fortification division, which is followed up by another round of subdued applause.

  The flags change once more. The symbol is now a triangle with three diamonds spanning the shape. “The third and final division is Tactical,” General Barclay states.

  Geoffrey is the only band that pulses in our immediate area. Sam smacks him on the back to congratulate him and he sends her a half-smile.

  Immediately following the assignments, a disembodied voice enters the room through the speakers surrounding us. It’s followed by the holographic image of the world’s president walking across the stage with his arms outstretched wide toward us.

  “Hello, cadets,” he announces with a huge smile. “I apologize for not being able to be there with you in person today, but I want to congratulate all of you on a job well done. You were all handpicked as being the best, and I am glad to be informed that our choices were correct. I feel I know each and every one of you, and though you are young, you have handled yourselves like adults. I know all your parents would be proud if they knew of your accomplishments.”

  “I guess he doesn’t know me as well as he thinks he does,” Joey says under his breath. I nudge him and send him an empathetic smile.

  “Each and every one of you is special, and I know you will utilize your talents to defend us against these creatures. As I’m sure you’re all well aware of by now, your job is far from over. And with the recent Bringer activity, I’d say it’s only the beginning. I only wish that we could disclose to the world what is going to transpire. But the few of us who do know will be rooting for you through it all. Keep up the good work, soldiers, and know that the world and I thank you.” His hologram fades away when he finishes his speech.

  “Damn, didn’t that just bring tears to your eyes?” Joey comments sarcastically.

  “Yeah, I know I got a little teary eyed,” Sam comments sarcastically.

  “Let’s all hear it for the world’s president,” General Barclay declares as he makes his way back toward the microphone while clapping his hands enthusiastically.

  “He does know that the president was a hologram, right? Not to mention that he’s gone now? What a dipshit,” Sam whispers to our section of the table. We all chuckle and then bring our focus back to the stage as General Barclay clears his throat.

  “As the president said, you all are very special. And I hope to come to know you better in the days to come. Keep up the good work, and I will be watching you. Cadets, dismissed.”

  We all stand and hold our salute until he leaves.

  “Well, that was a bunch of bull. The only truth that came out of either of their mouths was that our asses are going to be on the line. I hate politics,” Sam murmurs.

  As we go to leave the mess hall, I notice most of the cadets seem to be less enthusiastic. There was more of a celebratory mood in the room before the presentation, but now the tension in the area seems almost palpable. You can actually see the pressure of everything that they feel now right there on their faces.

  Staring out my window, I see the garden Galileo creates for me every day. I find it strange that I only see the flowers my brother Dylan gave my mother, and not the ones I gave her before I left. If this was created using my memory, shouldn’t my last memory of the garden be after I saw her plant the blue poppies?

  “Hey, Galileo?”

  “Yes, Kenley?”

  “Am I able to go down there?” I ask, looking longingly out at the garden.

  “Where would you like to go?”

  “The garden outside my window,” I reply.

  “Of course you can. I can guide you there, if you like?”

  “I’d like that.”

  Following Galileo’s directions, I exit the facility through a hatch that leads into the garden below my window. The vision before me immediately brings me back home. It literally feels like I just stepped out into my back yard. I almost expect to see my mom tending to the lavender bushes. A light breeze blows through the garden and everything sways in the wind. I reach out my hand and let it travel over the hedges and then the flowers as I pass by them. My hand stops over the red poppies. I crouch down to touch the flowers, but my hand goes straight through them. The image shutters and I sigh, wishing I were touching the real thing.

  “Hope you don’t mind, but I followed you out here.” I hear a low sexy voice behind me. I turn and grin, seeing Landon standing there.

  “Of course I don’t mind.”

  “So what is this place? There’s nothing like this anywhere else at the facility.”

  “Galileo recre
ated this from my memory. It’s my mom’s garden back home,” I answer.

  “Your AI did this?” Landon asks staring intently at his hand passing through a bed of flowers.

  “Yeah, doesn’t your AI do things like this for you?”

  “Not exactly, no. Mostly it just talks about my vitals,” Landon replies, coming to stand right in front of me. “It’s beautiful,” he continues as he places his hand to my cheek.

  “So why did you follow me out here, huh?” I inquire with an impish grin.

  He laughs. “I was intrigued. Plus, you looked like you were sneaking around. So naturally I thought I’d see what you were up to.”

  “Ahh, I see.”

  “When we’re back on Earth I’d like to see this in person. If you’ll have me over, of course,” he says with a slight smile.

  “I’d like that,” I reply, gazing into his eyes.

  “So, you say your AI created this for you, huh?” Landon asks as he begins to walk around, perusing the garden again.

  “Yep, every day when I wake up.”

  “It’s kind of cool how it looks like an unfinished painting. Like the artist just gave up or something,” he comments while making his way to the edge of the garden where the green grass stops suddenly. He lets out a little laugh as he reaches out and touches the white interior wall of the structure.

  “Funny, I actually thought that same thing after I first saw it,” I reply, joining him by the wall.

  “Did you ever think in a million years that you’d be doing this? That the whole world would be depending on you?” he asks suddenly, kind of catching me off guard.

  I think for a moment and then respond. “No…to be honest, I wasn’t even supposed to be here.”

  “What do you mean by that?” he asks, turning to look at me.

  “I’m not really supposed to talk about it. I’m not even sure why I mentioned it in the first place,” I reply sheepishly, looking away from him.

  “You can talk to me, Kenley. I won’t tell anyone, I promise,” he says, pulling my chin lightly to face him.

  “My dad…kind of pulled some strings to get me in here. I didn’t know about that little fact until I got here, though.” As I continue to speak, surprise registers on Landon’s face. “For a while I felt like a fake and that I didn’t belong here or something. And Strike training didn’t help much in that department either.”

  Landon places his hand about my cheek. “Kenley, it doesn’t matter how you got here. You’ve proven yourself time and time again. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, if you never would’ve come, we wouldn’t be sharing this moment right here,” he says with a grin as he looks deeply into my eyes.

  “I know, and believe me I’ve thought a lot about this. After making Fort division, I realized I belonged here. I finally felt a part of this place. And I have you to thank for a good deal of that.”

  No more words are spoken as Landon leans in and kisses me. It feels like the area around us disappears and we’re just floating in space. In this moment I feel so much joy. I’m the luckiest girl in the galaxy.

  After finishing breakfast in the mess hall, I make my way with Caleb to our very first Fort training session after division assignments. Caleb continues to be a guy of few words as we walk together. He only says like three words the whole time, and they’re all one word answers to questions I ask.

  Entering the training room, I take a seat on the mat next to Caleb’s. Dr. Patel is standing at the front of the room with her chest pushed out and face full of pride as she smiles at us. When the last cadet takes his (or her) seat, she clears her throat.

  “The Magnus Academy Exit Exam is a true test for you and your implant,” Dr. Patel says seriously as she paces back and forth in front of us, her hands crossed behind her back. “You will be paired up with two other random cadets and made to work together in order to overcome certain obstacles that mimic actual battlefield scenarios.” She stops, looks at us, and then takes in a deep breath, seeming like she’s gathering her thoughts, before continuing. “You all have performed exceptionally well up to this point, so I have no worries about your performance during the exam. I know you will make me proud, but most of all, I know you will prove to yourself that there are no limits to what you can do.” She smiles as she scans the room. “Over the next week, we will train and hone your skills as Fortification division cadets, in order to prepare you for what you’re sure to face within the exam. Any questions?”

  I look around and see no one raising his or her hand. There was this one question bubbling up inside me that I tried fighting to ask. It’s actually been eating away at me ever since I heard about the exam. Giving in, I raise my hand.

  “Yes, Ms. Grayson?” Dr. Patel asks.

  “Whose idea was it to put us through this exam? It seems like it was added on at the last minute,” I ask.

  “You’re right in assuming that, Ms. Grayson. It was actually the brainchild of General Barclay. He requested we train you to participate in this exit exam,” she answers.

  “Does anyone find it weird that we’re being forced into an exam because of orders from General Barclay?” I ask the small group at the table during dinner.

  “Yeah, it is. Must be because of some power trip he’s on or something,” Joey comments.

  “It’s a load of bull, in my opinion. But if that’s what the Federation wants to do, and test me, then bring it on,” Sam interjects while pausing every few words to take a bite of her food.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Landon hovering there just behind me. “Want to go for a walk?” he asks and I notice that the smile on his mouth doesn’t quite make it to his eyes.

  “Sure,” I reply and excuse myself from the table.

  “So this exit exam seems like a big deal, huh?” I ask as we stroll through one of the many corridors outside the mess hall.

  “Yeah,” is all he says as he grabs my hand.

  I come to a stop and wait for him to turn and look at me. “Are you okay?”

  “Of course I am, what makes you think I’m not?” he replies, but I can tell there’s something up.

  “All right, enough of avoiding the issue. Spill it. What’s on your mind?” I ask, trying to stare him directly in his eyes, which he successfully dodges.

  “Uh…well-” he begins to say, but then hesitates.

  I pull his face to mine and stare him directly in the eyes. “If something is bothering you, Landon, please tell me. Let me know what’s going on in that head of yours.”

  A smirk crawls across his lips and he lets out a laugh under his breath. He then sighs, his face becoming more serious as he starts to speak. “This exam means we’re getting closer to the end of our stay here. Which also means that we’re closer to us being split up. I’ve lost a lot of people in my life because of this war, and I just can’t imagine my life without you,” he says softly.

  I begin to say something, but then pause, trying to gather my words. Damn, what a great time to be speechless, Kenley, I tell myself. Biting my lip, my eyes dart to the floor and then back to Landon’s face to find it full of concern.

  “I’m sorry, I know that was a lot for you to take in and process,” he states. “I’m just worried about tomorrow, that’s all.”

  “Me too.” I say, and then think that’s the dumbest short answer I could’ve given. I want to just tell him how I really feel too, but for some reason I’m finding it difficult to do.

  “Hey, what do you say we go play some games in the rec hall?” he asks, changing the subject.

  “I’d like that.”

  Chapter Ten

  Final Assessment

  I stand in front of a giant metal door that’s traced in blue light, waiting for the exit exam to begin. I have no idea who the other two are in my group, or even what the test actually entails. All I know is that just beyond this door I’ll truly be pushed to my limits.

  “Kenley?” Galileo calls my name as he projects from my bangle.

/>   “Can’t this wait? I’m about to start my test,” I reply.

  “This actually pertains to that subject. During your exit exam, I will be deactivated so that no communication can happen between us,” Galileo explains.

  “Deactivated? Like on purpose? What for?”

  “This is an exam, and having me activated could possibly give you an advantage,” he replies matter-of-factly. “As soon as you enter the examination area, I will deactivate.”

  I stare down at the band of plastic and become a little emotional seeing the little hologram shutter as it speaks. I usually don’t want Galileo interfering too much with things, but the thought of him being deactivated makes me sad, like saying goodbye to a good friend.

  “Kenley, I sense that you are feeling depressed. Is it because of me?”

  “Of course, silly. You’re not going to be in there with me.”

  “Cheer up, Kenley. I shall return the moment you are finished with your exam,” he replies.

  Is it just me, or did his voice sound warm and fuzzy? I ask myself.

  “Kenley?” Galileo asks again.


  “Good luck.”

  I smile down at the hologram, just before it goes back into the bangle.

  Turning my focus back to the door, I see there are three circular lights on above it. One of them goes out, followed by an electronic sound, leaving two still lit up. I assume it’s a countdown for the door to open.

  My heartbeat quickens and my palms become hot and sweaty. I take in a deep calming breath as the second light goes out. An even louder chime follows. I look from side to side nervously, as I think about what lies beyond the door. The third light fades away and a loud prolonged buzzer sounds. The door slowly slides open to the side. I look into the room and all the walls are black and the floor is made up of large white tiles just like in the training rooms. The space is enormous.

  I see two other doors open up into the room, one is far in the distance in front of me, and the other is far off to my left. I use my optics ability in order to see who comes through them, and smile when I see Landon emerge through the door to my left. I wave to him. He sends me a smile and a wave back. I want to run over and hug him, but I see a red light line creating a box around me on the ground, and I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to cross it. The same red light box appears to surround Landon as well.


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