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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings Book 5)

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “Thought I was going to run?”

  “Any sane woman would have.”

  “I never claimed to be sane,” she said.

  He moved out of the way, and she saw some fresh cartons of Chinese food. She sat on a stool and picked up the chopsticks to eat.

  For several seconds, he watched her eat, before doing the same.

  “I like watching you eat,” he said.

  “That’s not weird at all.” She took another slurp of noodles. “I think I’ve eaten more in the past week than I ever have before. You wouldn’t think that for looking at me though.” She ran a hand down her backside. She’d always been a big girl with fuller curves. It didn’t matter how much she tried to diet. By diet, she meant starve herself. Being part of a poor family, she didn’t exactly have money to waste on fancy diet plans. She swore she gained weight by air alone.

  Eating no food was simply a cheaper alternative.

  “You’ll never go without food again.”

  “You know what it was like to go without anything?” she asked.


  “Sucks, doesn’t it? Did you have any parents?”

  “No parents. I was in the system, or what people tried to claim was the system. Far from here.”

  “Oh, at least I had parents … I guess. Whenever I’d go to them to ask about getting food, they’d always need cigarettes or beer. Mom would constantly be spending money on new clothes, and she always said it was her money, and we should just be grateful that we had a roof over our heads.”

  “You never should have given your money to them,” Chains said. “I’m surprised you didn’t tell them to fuck off once you turned eighteen.”

  “I tried to help out. I thought I was doing the right thing, and it was all wrong. I was just helping them spend more money on themselves.”

  Her appetite was gone, so she put the food back on the counter, and shoved her hands into her pockets. “I can be a real downer at times, huh?”

  Chains chuckled. “I’ve never been called the life of the party.”

  She didn’t know why she found his words so funny but she did, and held her stomach as they both shared the laughter together. He looked past her shoulder, outside. “Would you care to go for a walk with me?”

  “I’d love to.”

  He offered her his arm, which she took. Chains opened the front door, and as she crossed the threshold, she found herself gasping, almost believing leaving the house wasn’t possible.

  Once he locked the house, she held onto him tightly, not wanting to let him go. His arms were thick and hard with muscle. It was in that moment that she realized she didn’t want to run from him. The short time she’d been with Chains, he’d made her feel so much happiness that the thought of not seeing him again filled her with dread.

  They walked away from the house, and for a good ten minutes neither of them spoke. She loved the feel of the cool breeze on her skin, and the freshness in the air. Everything felt surreal, and amazing. Like the first day of forever.

  Opening her eyes, she spotted a park, and quickly urged him over toward it. With it being so late, there wasn’t anyone around, and she made him take a seat in a swing.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to push you.” She pressed against his back, and she saw he wasn’t having fun. “Come on, Chains, don’t be a drag. We can have a lot of fun together if you just let it happen.” She pushed his back again, and this time, he didn’t fight against her.

  He lifted his legs in the air, and she giggled as she pushed his back again. Together they could have the happiness she’d always dreamed of having.

  Chapter Six

  On the walk back home, Chains checked his phone. Almost immediately after, his mood was off. The neighborhood was dark, only the rare streetlight giving them some light.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Look, I need to go out for a bit. Shouldn’t take too long. I didn’t want to do this, but do you mind waiting downstairs?”

  “You still don’t trust me.” It wasn’t a question, but a fact. She wasn’t sure if she should feel insulted or not after the progress they’d made.

  They walked up the front stairs of his house. The front light was off, so it was all shadows. He stopped in front of the door, his keys in hand. “It’s not that. I’m just being cautious. I can’t risk losing you.”

  It had only been a week, but Lori hoped that he’d trust her one day. She wasn’t angry, though, because she sensed this was about his insecurity, not a control thing. They were very much alike. Lori didn’t mind humoring him because the alternative was her old life—one she wanted no part of.


  She wanted to ask where he was going, but she suspected she wouldn’t like the answer, so kept her mouth shut. He led her back into the basement once they were inside. It felt like her own personal space. Chains made sure she had every comfort possible, so it was almost a relief to return to the basement.

  He pressed his hand against the wall near her head, their bodies close. “Did you like your walk?”

  She nodded. The truth was his closeness affected her. Lori ached for him to kiss her, touch her, claim her. It was one thing to make her feel wanted and special, but she needed more.

  “You’re quiet.”

  Lori nibbled her lower lip. The faint scent of his cologne was driving her crazy. What kind of man kept a woman prisoner and never made a move? She wasn’t even sure he liked her in a romantic way. Everything about him was an enigma. “Just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “What am I doing here? I mean, what’re your intentions with me?”

  His eyes were so dark, impossible to read. “I haven’t thought that far ahead.”

  Lori had never been with a man sexually, so she didn’t want to push too far and regret the decision. She’d just never been wanted by a man, never felt desirable. Her self-esteem had always been in the dumps thanks to her weight, and the neglect at home.

  “Am I supposed to be your prisoner, or have you decided to skip the dating and steal yourself a wife?” Lori held her breath. She’d put out a feeler, hoping to learn more of how he felt about her. Her worst fear was finding out he had no sexual interest in her. Maybe he’d even laugh at the suggestion.

  “I never planned on any of this. When I saw you in the diner, everything changed for me,” he said. “I was satisfied fucking random women, living alone with only my job to keep me focused. Then, in the blink of an eye, it wasn’t enough. You’re all that matters to me now.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He narrowed his eyes, obviously not catching her drift. “It means you’re the only woman I want, Lori.” Chains ran the backs of his fingers along her jawline, and she closed her eyes, leaning into his touch.


  He kissed her on the mouth, his tongue demanding entrance. Every bone in her body felt like jelly the moment his lips met hers. She reached up and held his shoulders, kissing back, savoring the intimacy. He moved lower, suckling her pulse point, then kissing down her neck. His rough stubble scraped her skin, but she loved his big body weighing down over her. Her breathing picked up, her entire body thrumming with a need she’d never known. When he ran his hand down her side, he growled once he reached her hip, his fingers squeezing hard into her flesh. She gasped, and he abruptly pulled away, putting more than an arm’s length between them.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, running a hand over his shaved head. “I have to be careful with you.”

  “Why?” she blurted the word, missing their connection. Lori wanted to understand. Had she done something wrong?

  “I’m trying to take things nice and slow. I’m not used to being a gentleman, but I know you’re a virgin, Lori.”

  Her mouth fell open, and she knew her cheeks were turning red. How could he know that? She wanted to refute him, but it was the truth. “Don’t you want me?”

  “Stop temp
ting me. You’re playing a dangerous game, sweetheart.” He cupped her face with both hands, then kissed her forehead with a chaste kiss. “I’ll check on you when I get back. Don’t wait up.”

  Then he was gone, heading up the stairs before locking the basement door. What the hell had just happened? At least she couldn’t accuse the man of using her for sex. She couldn’t get the man in her bed if she tried.

  She looked down at herself, remembering the path his hands had taken. Lori closed her eyes and savored the memory. Her pussy throbbed, her heart still racing.

  Lori walked over to her bed and flopped down on her back, staring blankly at the ceiling. Her imagination was on overdrive, and she yearned for that day, the day he’d strip her of her virginity. She’d gladly hand it over to Chains.

  The hours passed, and he still hadn’t returned. She’d read a few chapters in one of her books, but couldn’t get into the novel, not with her mind elsewhere. When she heard footsteps upstairs, her heart jumped. Lori sat up on the bed and rushed to the mirror to check her hair. She wanted to look good for Chains, to be the only woman he ever wanted.

  It was a relief knowing he was home. Every time he left could be the last. He killed people, which meant he could be on the receiving end one day. The thought of losing him filled her with dread.

  Why wasn’t he coming downstairs?

  Lori waited, pacing the basement. She heard him going up and down the stairs to the second level, and doors and cupboards were opening and closing. Something had to be wrong.

  When he began to rattle the doorknob to the basement, she began to worry. Chains had the keys, so why was he trying to break in? When he began to kick in the basement door, over and over until the hinges splintered off, she rushed to the far end of the basement and crouched down low.

  The footsteps coming down the steps were ominous, slow, and measured.

  She peeked from her hiding spot. It wasn’t Chains. The realization sent adrenaline racing through her veins. This guy had black, shoulder-length hair. He ran a hand through it as he assessed the space. A tattoo creeped up his neck. This was probably some murderer looking for Chains. And she was going to be collateral damage.

  Her life flashed before her eyes. What a pathetic existence she’d had. Struggling, suffering, going without. Never loved. As all her trials filled her mind, she still didn’t want to die. Chains had opened her eyes to something new and wonderful.

  The stranger rooted around her stuff, tossing her clothes from the drawers. Then he spotted her. He whipped his head around and pulled out a handgun, aiming it at her.

  She froze, unable to move or breathe.

  “Who are you?” he asked, stalking forward.

  “Lori,” she whispered.

  “Are you Chains’s woman? Tell me the fucking truth or I’ll kill you.”

  She’d never been so scared. Lori shook her head. “I’m his prisoner.”

  The harsh lines on the man’s face vanished, and a smirk appeared on his face. “I knew he was a sick fuck, but come on!” He laughed and put his gun back in the holster.

  He came closer and squatted down in front of her. His eyes were dark, and he had several scars on his cheek.

  “Please don’t hurt me.”

  “You’re worried about me? You should be happy I showed up when I did. Keeping a woman prisoner in his basement? I thought I was twisted, but Chains just took the prize.” He stood up and held out his hand. “Today’s your lucky day.”

  She did as told, terrified of what he was capable of. He hoisted her to her feet and pointed to the stairs. She kept looking back at him as she walked up to the main level, worried he’d shoot her in the back.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Sorry, but I don’t run a taxi service. I’ll set you free, but then you’re on your own.” Before they went through the busted doorway, he pulled out his gun again, looking in every direction as they walked through the hallway. “Keep moving,” he said. “This fucker’s been playing with me, and I want to know why.”

  He kept talking out loud. His rambling made her feel better because silence would be worse. When they reached the front door, he grabbed the back of her shirt, directing her forward like a shield. He directed her to keep walking up the road until they reached a dark alleyway.

  Where was Chains?

  She was glad he wasn’t home because he could have been killed.

  The jangle of keys was followed by a car in the alley turning on, the headlights illuminating the area. He made his way to the driver’s side door, leaving her at the edge of the alley.

  “Now what?” she asked.

  “You’re on your own, baby. If you were smart, you’d get far away from that fucking psycho.” Then he got in his car and burned rubber getting to the main street, leaving her in his exhaust. She stood in the same spot for the longest time, the sound of dripping and an empty bottle toppling sending a shiver of unease up her spine.

  She wasn’t sure what she should do next. Go home? Find her way back to Chains’s basement? Now that she had her freedom, her thoughts cleared. Maybe she had Stockholm Syndrome, and Chains was nothing like she’d made him out to be. This was her chance to be free, outside, no rules but her own.

  Tears began to fill her eyes. She didn’t want to make a choice, wasn’t sure what she should feel. Lori was a damn mess.


  Chains wanted to spend his time with Lori playing house, but he was still on the payroll at Killer of Kings. Boss liked him to be his driver whenever there could be trouble. He knew Chains could handle anything if shit went down. Tonight, Boss wanted to send a personal warning to a new family moving in on the city. They’d been going after a lot of the same contracts, which was fine, but when they tried to get in the way of Boss’s men, the game changed. After Boss said his piece, Chains needed to send a message to their crew. At least one of them would be sporting a body bag tonight.

  Killing was no harder than breathing to Chains. He’d been doing it since puberty, so it was natural … nothing personal. People asked him if he ever felt sorry for his victims or their families, but in truth, he didn’t. He wasn’t sure what the fuck that meant, but he preferred not to think about it. The orphanage, and later the streets, in Russia had made him what he is today, so he refused to take blame for the monster he’d become.

  “About time.” Boss got in the back of Chain’s car. “You have the address I sent?”

  “We’ll be there in twenty-five minutes.”

  Boss leaned back against the custom leather seats. Since Chains did most of Boss’s driving these days, he’d been set up with the very best. “This shouldn’t take long. I have a date tonight, so I don’t plan on humoring these assholes.”

  “Anything serious?”

  Boss scoffed. “As serious as pussy can be.”

  Chains didn’t say anything. Only a couple weeks ago he felt the exact same way. He’d fuck different bitches every night. He didn’t want to know their names or see them more than once.

  Then came Lori.

  All he could think about was the softness of her lips and gentle touch of her hands. She was nothing like the women he’d been with. Lori was pure innocence, damaged and vulnerable. The only pussy he could think about was the sweet virgin one locked up in his basement. And he didn’t mind waiting.

  He’d planned to get more domestic, keep her with him in his bedroom at night. But this gig with Boss threw a wrench in his plans, and he couldn’t risk her running off. Because then he’d have to chase. She was his, and he wouldn’t let her go.

  The city lights cast out the darkness until they hit the suburbs. They pulled up to the address, but Chains went around back, parking on the street. The entire time he’d taken in the area to memory. His body was fully strapped, and his trunk had a small arsenal. Boss always had men from Killer of Kings on speed dial. If shit went ugly, Viper, Bain, or Killian would be on top of things in a hurry. There were dozens of other men on Boss’s payroll, depending on the are

  He shut off the engine. “You have a contact?” he asked.

  “You know how much I like to show up unexpected,” said Boss. The asshole lived for the kill. Chains didn’t need to ask if he was packing heat. The man was born ready.

  Chains exited the vehicle, looking up and down the street. He reached inside his black leather jacket, feeling the handles of all his guns. Boss had custom holsters made for him, so Chains was a one-man army, and skilled with every kind of weapon. He didn’t care how many fuckers he was numbered against because he was confident in his ability to clear a room.

  They walked across the street and then up the sidewalk, Boss a few feet behind him. The man was his boss, but Chains trusted and respected him. He’d helped him make a new life far from his miserable homeland. And he knew Boss had a soft spot for him, even if he didn’t say it out loud.

  “This the place?” he asked, not turning around.

  “Keep going. It’s eleven o’clock, so they’ll be playing cards in the guest house.”

  Chains kept walking, keeping on guard. As Boss said, the windows of the guesthouse out back were warm with light. The neighborhood was dark and remote, not much outdoor lighting at the side of the house.

  His adrenaline started to kick in after they hopped the low iron fence. It had been a while since he’d been on a job with Boss. The last man he’d killed had been a quick contract that he handled in less than an hour.

  Boss waited safely on the periphery while Chains kicked in the door. There were six men at a round table, three on a sofa, and two standing near a small bar.

  He pulled out two Glocks, aiming them in outstretched arms. “No one fucking move.”

  Of course, some of them didn’t seem to understand the simple instructions. They probably had huge balls considering it was eleven to one. Chains popped the kneecaps of the two guys reaching for their handguns, and nailed another in the hand. Everything happened so fast, they didn’t have time to process the invasion.


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