Nate and Skye: A Fortis Wedding Novella

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Nate and Skye: A Fortis Wedding Novella Page 2

by Wade, Maddie

  “Oh, you are so dead!” he announced as the drag queen stopped at the table with a huge grin.

  “Um yum aren’t you just a bunch of delicious of man meat,” purred the stripper. “My name is Brandy and I’m here to make your day,” Brandy crooned in a fake Louisiana accent. “Now which one of you delicious specimens is the lucky groom?”

  “This guy right here,” Alex said earning a scowl from Nate.

  “Well, aren’t you a real treat for the eyes. When’s the big day sugar?” Brandy asked as she sat herself down on Nate’s lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  I’m definitely killing Drew for this.

  “Two days’ time.”

  “And who’s the lucky lady?” she asked as she ran a red tipped finger down his cheek.

  “Her name is Skye,” he said shifting uncomfortably as the others around him hid behind their beers and snickered, even Jack was smirking behind his pint. Drew was filming it on his iPhone and Nate shot him the finger.

  “Well I am gonna sing you a song, especially for you and Skye. Hit the lights boys,” Brandy called as she got up and grabbed a microphone from the bar staff.

  As Brandy moved, the red sequins of the long slinky dress she wore shimmered and the crotch high split showed off everything going on down there. Nate closed his eyes and tried to resist the urge to get up and run like a pussy. Instead he planned his revenge on Drew.

  He was so getting revenge on the little fucker. He’d never had a brother and he knew this was exactly what it would have been like if he had, which was why he wasn’t really angry, but he wouldn’t let Drew know that.

  Brandy began to sing When a Man Loves a Woman by Lionel Richie and Nate was surprised to hear Brandy had a really good voice. He smiled as she sang and danced around him, cringing as the entire bar watched. When it was over, Brandy kissed his cheek, thanked him for being a good sport, and everyone applauded loudly.

  Brandy left, and Nate stood suddenly causing Drew to brace, which made him grin.

  He leaned in with a serious look that scared meaner men than Drew would ever be, and he grabbed Drew’s shoulder. “Feeling a little nervous, mate?” he said before he strode to the bar.

  Making his way through the crowd he caught sight of Smithy as he entered the bar. The man looked unsure, hesitant in a way that made Nate clench his fists in anger. Every one of them had demons, survivor guilt, guilt for the lives they had taken, or the people they had not been able to save. But at least they’d all had a choice.

  Something Smithy hadn’t had at the hands of that evil bitch Rhea Winslow. As he watched the man stop, a look of pure panic on his face, he felt a renewed anger. He was about to wave at the man to get his attention when someone jostled into him.

  “Sorry,” said a young girl who was far too young to be drinking as she wobbled into him. He grasped her arm to steady her and turned back to see Smithy gone. Making a sudden decision, he walked quickly to the front of the bar and stepped into the cool night air. He saw Smithy disappear around the end of the road and jogged to catch up.

  “Smithy,” he called making him turn around. Nate thought he would carry on walking away, but he didn’t—he stopped and let Nate catch up. “Why didn’t you come in?” Nate said as he caught up.

  Smithy looked like a rabbit caught in the crosshairs as he tried to find an answer. Nate knew the answer immediately, on a cellular level. No words were needed.

  “Forget I asked.” He saw pure blinding relief edge into his friend’s eyes. “Would you like to get a drink? You missed the drag queen,” he said, trying to lighten the mood.

  “No, I don’t want to spoil your night, I just wanted to wish you luck and say how pleased I am you found Skye. She seems really lovely.”

  “You would not be spoiling my night. You’re our friend man, we missed you. Nothing that crazy bitch did will ever change that,” he said with fire. “And yes, she’s amazing.”

  “I know, and I appreciate it, but it’s the crowds… I just can’t,” he said.

  Nate nodded in understanding. “You’re coming to the wedding though, right?” he asked as snow began to fall in big silent flakes.

  “Yes, wouldn’t miss it,” Smithy said as he watched his surroundings with a guardedness that Nate understood far too well. He nodded as he watched the other man walk quickly away. His demons would take more than just spirit and determination to fight—they would take a miracle.

  Nate walked back into the warmth of the pub and saw Alex walking back to the table with a tray of drinks.

  “Where did you go?” Dane asked but Nate just shook his head as Jace raised a drink to him in silent acknowledgement. He knew Jace tried to stay out of people’s heads as much as he could, but he also knew that Jace was aware the pain his teammate was in. Not wanting the sadness and melancholy that he felt for Smithy to take hold, he turned to Alex with the sole purpose of giving him shit about his football team.

  Chapter 3

  “Tell me where we’re going?” demanded a blindfolded Skye. Having spent the day with all her friends at the Spires Spa, where they had been massaged, had lavish manicures and pedicures—topped off with a Champagne lunch—followed by two hours lounging around in the hot tub and pool, she was feeling relaxed. Lucy had told her to pack her sexiest dress and shoes to bring with her when they spoke last night on the phone. They had all gotten ready at the Spa and were now in a stretch limousine. Headed God only knew where.

  “Hush, stop fishing,” giggled Lauren who sat beside her. Skye felt the car come to a stop on the gravel and then the door swung open.

  “Okay, you can take off the blindfold now,” Ava said as she stepped out.

  Pushing it back from her eyes she blinked to get her bearings and then saw the name of the Michelin starred restaurant The Monarch Grove. It was set in a 15th Century Manor house with cream stone walls and large double fronted bay windows top and bottom. Ivy grew up against the front of the house, and as she turned, the view from the drive down into the city below was breath-taking.

  “How did you get reservations here?” she asked nobody in particular.

  “You know what they say, it’s not what you know but who you know,” Lizzie said with a wink and a smile that shone, showing a glimpse of the woman she had been before the horrific kidnapping, and the beautiful, strong woman she had merged into. Skye took her arm and threaded it through hers with a warm grin. Lizzie was still limping, and it would take a long time for her to heal but she would heal, of that Skye had no doubt.

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. Wait until you see what Lucy has lined up,” she said as Megan and Ava walked ahead. The two women were the picture of elegance and maternal beauty in their different stages of pregnancy.

  Lacey threaded her arm through hers and Skye smiled at her oldest friend. “I’m so happy you could be here.”

  “Me too,” Lacey replied.

  She said the right words, but Skye could feel an edge of tension coming from her friend. Lacey Cannon and Skye had been friends since high school. Lacey was the complete opposite to her in looks. Tall, slim, with long blonde hair she was a knockout. She looked like the cool icy blonde model that she had been. But Lacey was far from cold. Her energy and infectious zest for life had drawn Skye like a moth to a flame. Lacey had a wonderful sense of humour and never took herself seriously.

  Skye had missed her tremendously, it would be so good to have her back in the UK. She wasn’t sure if it was work and stress that had put the shadows in her friend’s eyes or if it was something else, but something was off, and she was going to find out what.

  Following Lauren and Lucy into a room that was decorated with balloons, fairy lights and a photobooth Skye gasped in excitement.

  “Wow, this looks amazing! I can’t believe you guys did all this.”

  Lauren grinned at her. “This is just the beginning and why wouldn’t we? We love you and we want you to have the best time.”

  To the left of the door w
as a large marble island big enough to fit them all. Individual cocktail making stations were set up for them, the walls lined with every Gin, Vodka, and Rum bottle anyone could think of, as well as a multitude of other spirits and mixers.

  “Let’s get some pictures.” Emme dragged Skye, Lucy, and Celeste into the photo booth, where they proceeded to don hats and masks and pull ridiculous faces.

  As she stepped out, Lacey thrust a drink in her hand. “Come on, keep up.” Lacey slugged back the shot as Skye did the same. The marmalade vodka set up a warm burn in her belly.

  The door behind her opened, and a tall man with dark hair and scruff on his face walked in. He was wearing a black shirt rolled to his elbows, black jeans, and had a chain hanging from the belt loop to his pocket. The large silver cross around his neck and leather thongs at his wrists gave him a slightly free-spirited air. He was nice looking if you liked the arty, free spirit type.

  As she always did, she instantly compared him to Nate. She shouldn’t but he was her benchmark for all other men, and in her eyes, they all came up wanting. Excitement bubbled in her belly as she thought that in two days, she would marry the man of her dreams.

  Two years ago, she would never have dreamed the direction her life would take and even though she and Noah had been through some awful trials she would never regret it because it brought them Nate. Her saviour and the only father Noah had ever known.

  “Ladies, I take it you’re all here for the cocktail making?” the man said as he looked around the room. All of them had black sashes that read ‘bride tribe’ while hers read ‘Bride’.

  “Bring on the cocktails,” Roz called out with a grin at Lucy.

  Roz had terrified Skye at first, but now she was an integral part of the group. Once a person got past the icy exterior she showed most people, they realised that what she hid was a heart of pure gold.

  “My name is Chase Verzon, and I’m going to show you how to make three cocktails,” he purred in what she recognised as a fake Italian accent.

  “Come on, Chase, give it to us,” giggled Celeste making Roz bark out a throaty laugh.

  “Don’t let my brother hear you say that, or poor Chase will end up in a shallow grave,” Roz said with a smirk.

  Skye saw Chase look between the two women as he tried to figure out if they were joking.

  “Pfft, he’s a pussycat,” Celeste said with a wave of her hand. Loud laughter at that comment from Lucy and Emme had Skye joining in.

  “Oh my God, only you would call the Viper a pussycat,” Lucy doubled over as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Okay enough scaring poor Chase,” Ava declared with a smirk.

  “Please, carry on, Chase,” Megan said with a barely suppressed smile at the pale man.

  “Okay.” He nodded and lifted the measuring cup, showing the measurements on the inside. He then proceeded to show them the other tools, including a macerator, a lime squeezer, and a shaker.

  “We’re first going to make an English Cosmo. My pregnant ladies, you will make virgin mocktails,” he said with a nod to the protruding tummies of Ava and Megan.

  “You will need seventy-five mills of Gin.” He handed the Gin around, so they could all measure it out.

  “Now you will need twenty-five mills of marmalade vodka. Then fifteen mills of elderflower liqueur along with the juice of a whole lime.”

  Skye measured hers out as Chase then passed out Limoncello shots for them all to try while they made their cocktails.

  “Now, I’ll come around with the ice bucket, and I need you to fill it to the top with ice.”

  Skye concentrated on doing as instructed.

  “Now, my ladies, put the top on like this,” he demonstrated, “and give it a smack.”

  “Hey, hey, Chase, no getting kinky.” Lucy teased, then doubled over at her own joke.

  “Now, you have to shake it, like so,” he said, again demonstrating with a shake of the cocktail shaker, adding some slick moves to impress them.

  It was like a scene out of the movie Cocktail with Tom Cruise. Lifting their shakers, the girls all began to shimmy and dance around moving the shakers—and their butts—as music and chatter filled the room. Even Lacey who had seemed subdued earlier was now giggling without a care.

  These women were her family in more ways than her real family ever had been. Except for Uncle Reg. He had stood by her through everything, her estrangement from her parents, her pregnancy, Noah’s illness and subsequent kidnap at the hands of his father. He and Noah were the only members of her blood family she considered true family. Although her parents were coming to the wedding, it was as guests only. Reg was giving her away, having earned the right more than her father ever had.

  Now she had all these women and their partners, not forgetting her soon to be in-laws whom she adored. Mimi and David were the best grandparents to Noah, and they had formed a strong bond. Reg and David were working together in the now converted section of the Fortis Estate as carpenters.

  She was blessed, and she knew it. The only blot was the sadness in Lacey’s eyes, which she would get to soon.

  “So, Lacey, are you staying in the UK permanently?” Megan asked as there was a lull in the festivities while they sipped their cocktails and Chase got everything ready for the second one.

  Lacey looked up, and there was a flicker of uncertainty before she seemed to steel herself and answer. “Yes, that’s the plan. I have some small commitments to finish up in Canada, and then I’m relocating back to London.”

  “What is it you do?” Roz inquired with an innocent smile. But if there was one thing Skye knew about the Fortis crew, there was no such thing as an innocent question.

  “I was a model, but now I run a clothing line for teenagers and young women.”

  Skye saw the enthusiasm for her work begin to evaporate the darkness Lacey was trying to hide.

  Roz inclined her head. “Oh yeah, what’s it called?”

  “Flair Couture,” Lacey replied with a tilt of her own head.

  “Wow, that is so cool. My girls love that range,” Roz said as she moved to stand beside Lacey.

  Skye smiled at the simple way Lacey had won over one of the scariest women on the planet. She had no doubt that Roz would run a background check on her, but after years of watching her back, asking her not to now was akin to asking a fish to walk.

  Skye sipped her drink as she looked at Emme. “How’s Shane, Emme?” Skye asked of the young woman’s boyfriend. Skye watched her face light up at his name and wondered how long it would be before she was taking a trip down the aisle herself.

  “He’s great. He’s finished the set up in Miami and is flying in tomorrow.”

  “So, he’ll make the wedding. That’s wonderful, I want more time to grill him about his intentions towards you.” She said with a sly grin. Emme had come to mean a great deal to them all in the short time she had known her, having been their main guard a lot of times at the Cunningham Estate.

  “Hopefully his intentions are very, very bad.” Emme replied as she wiggled her eyebrows.

  “When do you leave for Miami?”

  “First week in January. Poor Shane has to suffer through meeting my family first and then we have a week planned in the Cotswolds for New Year.”

  “That sounds so romantic,” Skye said, happy that Emme had found a man who accepted her for who she was and seemed to adore her, although Lucy was still holding a grudge about some slight. But that was Lucy, she was a mamma bear of the first order, and if she decided you were hers, she would protect you with her life. Emme had been her protégé, and she had taken her under her wing and taught her everything she knew in a very short space of time. Now Emme was off to new pastures to start her own security company The Alliance Agency in Miami with her boyfriend and ex-seal, Shane Rhodes.

  “Yeah I can’t wait,” the girl replied.

  “So, tell us about the honeymoon. Do you know where it is yet?” Megan asked.

  Skye shook her head. “No i
dea. All I know is that it will be hot, and I have to bring lots of bikini’s and according to Nate, little else.” She snorted at the last.

  “Um, maybe a desert island somewhere. You can have long sweaty nights of monkey sex,” Lucy said as she sipped her drink.

  Skye blushed at the woman’s words, but her eyes were twinkling when she looked up. “Who says we don’t have that now?

  “That’s my girl,” Lizzie called with a grin.

  The conversation flowed along with the drinks until Chase clapped his hands to get them under control. “Ladies, ladies, please. It’s time for more cocktails. Now we’re going to make the Bahama Mama. A beautiful, fruity cocktail guaranteed to make you feel like you’re on a tropical beach.”

  “Let do this, Chase, and make mine a virgin,” Ava deadpanned.

  Before Skye knew it, the cocktail making was done, and they were being ushered to a table for a luxurious three-course meal of lobster ravioli, beef wellington, and soaked savarin with fresh raspberries.

  As they sat around waiting for the first course, the waiter poured them all a glass of Champagne and Lacey stood from her seat beside her. “I would like to make a toast. To Skye, the strongest, most loyal woman I know. I am proud to call you my friend and I’m overjoyed that you’ve found a man who loves you as you deserve to be loved. May your days be long and happy and your nights hot and sweaty.” She raised her glass as did the others in a toast to her and Sky fought the emotional tears that threatened.

  She leaned in to hug her friend as she sat. “Thank you. I am so glad you’re back. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you too, Skye.”

  “You know you can tell me anything, right?”

  Lacey hesitated for a second, her eyes a brief glimpse into the pain she hid. “Yes, and I will, but not tonight.” Her face was resolute, and Skye knew she would not be getting anything more out of her.

  “So where are the boys tonight?”

  “You won’t believe what Drew has done.” Lauren said with a laugh.

  Skye looked around at everyone and felt a rightness in her bones.


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