Neon Blood (Neon Helix Universe Book 3)

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Neon Blood (Neon Helix Universe Book 3) Page 16

by Nik Whittaker

  “To what end?” The elder Judge asked.

  “To find out exactly what happened at the warehouse. Whilst I know that he has been imprisoned for Peter Henshaws’ crimes, I don’t know if he was responsible for what happened at the warehouse.”

  “And if he was?” the younger Judge asked.

  “Then he deserves to remain in Blackwater,” Xander’s mind flashed with the memory of Julian’s body.

  “And if he is not responsible?” the female Judge added.

  “Then he should be returned to the mainland, where you can perform any checks you wish to determine if he is guilty of Henshaw’s crimes.”

  The Judges went quiet again, each analysing the proposal.

  Xander took a deep breath. He could feel an ache in his head beginning to take hold. He had no idea how long he had been in the simulation, but his mind was rebelling against it, memories of the Donovan loop taking its toll.

  “Very well,” the Elder Judge called out. “You have permission to visit Blackwater to determined the actions of this proposed clone concerning the murder of Julian Travitz. However, this can not be public knowledge. Any doubt on our verdicts would cause unrest in the population.”

  “Fair enough,” Xander nodded.

  “You will be transported to the Prison under the pretence of an inspection whereby you will have access to the prisoners. We will be monitoring you and await your information.”

  As soon as the judge finished his sentence, the construct instantly vanished. Xander was still sat in the chair despite standing in the construct. The jarring change shook Xander’s depth perception and spatial awareness, resulting in him sharply vomiting on the floor before him,

  “Well, that went better than I expected,” he said, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  The two green lights blurred as they shone through the ash as Bella tried to get up. The light came closer as a hand burst through the cloud and pushed her back down.

  “Stay,” a modulated voice ordered.

  “I’d rather not,” Bella rolled to her side, trying to ignore the pains in her body as the ash coated her hospital jumpsuit in a dull white.

  Feeling a cold metal edge of the container, she turned to see where her attacker was.

  “Warned you,” the voice called out before a thin metallic blade split the cloud of ash above her. Bella threw herself over the edge of the container, seeing a katana plunge harmlessly into the space she had left. The drop to the concrete below only took a second, and the sudden impact rattled her body. Exhaustion was taking its toll as she got to her feet and straightened up. She could feel the pain of her aching muscles and burnt skin still fresh from the journey down the chute. Looking up, she saw the containers were a dull, rusted yellow. Each looked a few meters square and sat on metal tracks for transport. The thud of her attacker landing in front of her brought her attention back to the ground.

  “Who the fuck are you, and why the fuck are you trying to kill me?” Bella croaked, her throat dry from the smoke and ash.

  “Orders,“ a figure stepped forwards. The goggles' green lights beamed through a helmet made up of several panels of varying colours and metals, thick welded marks patching them together. A similar mismatch of metal and fabric components covered the figure’s body, creating a patchwork of armour.

  “Whose orders?” Bella gazed across the figure, trying to understand what she was looking at. The figure took a step closer, raising its blade in a swift movement that left a trail of ash in its wake. The large katana comprised of multiple segments across its shaft that mirrored the disjointed appearance of its owner.

  “My client’s,” the figure lunged forward, covering the space between them instantly.

  Bella barely had time to react as the blade sliced towards her. Twisting her body sideways, the edge fell just shy of her face as the figure stopped two steps passed her.

  “Faster than anticipated,” the figure said in a modulated whisper.

  Bella moved away from the figure, putting more space between her and her foe.

  “Who…what are you?”

  “The sum of my parts is Manifold.”

  “Manifold?” Bella replied as she scanned the floor, looking for something she could use to defend herself.

  “Your defence is futile,” Manifold repositioned his sword as the lights of his goggles faded from their green hue into a deep red.

  Bella saw nothing on the floor other than overflowed piles of ash scattered on the long tracks.

  “So, you’re the one who set the fire upstairs too, I’m guessing,” Bella tried to stall, hoping to find a way out of the situation.

  “Correct. This was the only possible escape route, a chance of less than 2.87 percent, but I had to have confirmation.”

  “Great,” Bella flashed a sarcastic smile. She saw a control panel a few steps behind her if she could just-

  Before she moved, Manifold lunged again, seeing the lapse in Bella’s focus. He swiped the sword horizontally, aiming for Bella's neck. She didn’t have time to step away, but her instincts kicked in, and she dropped to the floor as the blade sliced at the last wisps of her hair. Strands of black floated casually in the air as Bella scrambled across the floor and pulled herself up to the panel, slamming her hand over several buttons at once. It was an all or nothing shot, but she hoped that the panel controlled the containers. A deep creaking sound gave her hope as the huge pods began to slowly lurch along the tracks.

  “It appears I underestimated. Should have charged more,” Manifold said. Bella wasn’t sure if he was talking to himself or her as she ducked in between the moving containers putting herself on the opposite side to Manifold. Bella walked crab-like trying to keep track of his location as she stayed alongside a container.

  “Well if you’re being paid too little, maybe ditch the job?” she shouted over the sound of the metal containers scraping on the rails.

  “Negative, a contract has been signed,” Manifold replied. Bella peered around a container and saw the figure scanning the tops of the containers. Suddenly, he jumped, disappearing above her.

  “Shit,” Bella hissed. Looking forward she saw the tunnel appeared to end several meters ahead, shimmering lights of the city reflecting off water, she realised that the hospital must be beside the docklands. She picked up her pace, the sooner she was out of the tunnel, the better.

  “Salem, are you there?” she said wiping the dust from her PDA,

  There was no reply, she wondered if he had crossed Manifold but the thought was shook from her mind as a bullet ricocheted at her feet, catching the metal railing. Dropping back she moved around the container beside her, keeping as close to it as she could while looking upwards. The barrel of a rifle was sticking out from top of the next container along, rotating slowly as Manifold searched for her, before pulling back. The shadow of the man dashed above as he jumped from one container to the next, the red flash of his eyes looked down mid-jump, locking on her.

  “Shit,” Bella spun round the container and ran forward. The smell of salt air filled her nose as she reached the edge of the tunnel, she smiled as she saw the open space of the dockyards, a welcome sight after the claustrophobic smoke and chutes of the last hour. She didn’t have time to enjoy the scene as a shadow cast over her, the figure of Manifold stood on the slow moving container that approached the end of the tunnel behind her.

  “I can’t allow you to live,” the voice called out. The patchwork rifle in his hands was aimed at Bella. The click of a trigger was accompanied by a loud klaxon as the container came to an abrupt halt, causing Manifold’s aim to veer slightly, the bullet smashing into the concrete carving a deep crater beside Bella.

  Manifold cursed as he jumped off the container, the sound modulating in an eerie howl. This time Bella was ready for him and leapt forwards with her fists up as he landed. A swing aimed at Manifold’s goggles connected, the glass smashing under her fist slicing into her skin as the r
ed lights of the eyepiece faded. The clatter of the rifle dropping rang out as Manifold took a quick step back, raising his leg in a roundhouse kick that Bella parried with her forearm causing pain to run along her elbow. She ducked as Manifold’s left arm flew out at her and rose with an uppercut that connected under his chin causing a modulated scream burst out. Bella used the momentum advantage to knee his midsection, making him stumble backwards. Manifold’s grasped his shattered goggles and ripped them off his helmet revealing two bloodshot eyes, the skin surrounding them a rough mess of scars and burn marks.

  “I thought you were a synth? Or a android?” Bella looked into Manifold’s eyes, distracted. Manifold took the advantage and dashed forwards, jumping in the air and connecting with a dropkick that lifted Bella off her feet. She landed, skidding on rough gravel towards the edge of the dock, the thin jumpsuit giving her skin no protection. She could see water lapping twenty feet down, murky and black in the dark of the night.

  “This ends now,” Manifold marched closer, grabbing Bella’s jumpsuit and dragging her across the gravel.

  “I thought you needed proof,” she shouted, grasping to try and loosen Manifold’s grip.

  “I can fish your bloated remains from the water,” the modulation sounds cold as he lifted her up to her feet, her back to the water. Lifting her legs she kicked at Manifold’s stomach causing him to lower her for a second, she grabbed his arm and dropped to the floor, using her own momentum and weight to throw him over her shoulder and into over the edge of the dock. Manifold’s hand thrust out and grabbed at her ankle as he fell, pulling her across the floor. Bella’s fingers scratched and scraped across the gravel as she was pulled over the edge and only just managed to grip the edge of the dock leaving her hanging above the dark water below, Manifold’s hand still clamped to her ankle.

  A hand reached down from above Bella, grabbing her forearm.

  “I can’t leave you alone for one fucking minute can I,” Salem's’ voice shouted out as the sound of a rifle bolt being cocked echoed before a shot fired. Below her, a bullet smashed into Manifold’s extended arm. Sparks and splatters of electricity and blood erupted as the limb was destroyed at the elbow and Manifold’s body crashed into the waters below, disappearing instantly as the waves devoured him. Above her, the figure of a woman stood with the Manifold’s rifle, a trail of smoke wisping out of the barrel.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Persephone was playing over the encounter with Vladamir through her mind as she walked back onto the Boulevard.

  The irritation of Vladamir’s interference was only secondary to his mention of previous experiments by CyBio, something she had been unaware of despite her fragmented memories from Peter Henshaw. Koenig hadn’t been any assistance, having been silent since the encounter with his head stuck in his PDA working on last-minute adjustments. She would have to interrogate him later, but for now, the main project was the priority, and she didn’t want to distract him from that.

  The Boulevard was still under a mist of melting snow, with more people filling the street than usual as preparation for the upcoming Day of the Dead parade was starting to take place. The parade, a throwback to a much older celebration, had endured due to the lack of burial space across the city. Bodies of the deceased were now shipped off to the outer zones of the city where the radiation from long-forgotten wars had destroyed the land, making it uninhabitable but ideal for disposing of the dead. Since people no longer had a means of visiting their loved ones, the Day of the Dead festival was a tradition that allowed people to celebrate lives that had been lost. Skull masks and elaborate costumes were sold in stalls across the streets, each having augmentations and special discounted prices. Persephone smiled. The parade was the perfect occasion for her to begin the next step of her plans.

  “Koenig,” she turned to the Doctor.

  “Yes?” he said distractedly.

  “Has Manifold checked in?”

  “I’ve not had any communication from him as of yet,” Koenig tapped his PDA.

  “Place a trace on his location. He should have finished the job by now.”

  Koenig nodded and hummed an affirmative before returning to his PDA.

  Persephone had hoped Manifold would have already sent confirmation that he had completed his task. If Bella was still alive, she could cause problems if she spoke with Prime’s allies. She pulled up her own PAD and tapped it.

  “Keller, is Prime settling in?” she asked once the connection established.

  There was a moment of silence before Keller’s voice crackled through.

  “He’s fine, watching the live feeds of the city, though he seems to have a habit of talking to himself, like full-blown conversations.”

  “No escape attempts? I’m surprised,” Persephone made a mental note to look into Prime later. If he was talking to someone, there was a chance he was up to something.

  “None, he watched the feed from the Medical Centre, which cut out once the room sealed. He’s just been sat in the cell ever since.”

  “Good. Prepare the others. It won’t be long until the next phase.”

  “We’ll be ready,” Keller replied.

  Persephone disconnected the communication. The crowds along Boulevard thickened as they reached the centre. The area was filled with digital billboards and alluring lights advertising every product imaginable with targeted marketing that read the buying habits of the shoppers as they passed by. Koenig had to stop looking at his PDA, needing to pay attention to the crowds as they bustled and shoved each other.

  “Where is the hub access?” he asked, twisting to avoid a woman whose clothes shimmered with yellow proximity warning signs.

  “Close, we are near the heart of the Boulevard,” Persephone nodded at a section ahead of them.

  A large crossroad was located at the exact centre of the Boulevard in the middle of the Gigacity district. At each corner, four monstrous skyscrapers rose higher than any other building in the city, walkways linking them at several intersections with four arms reaching diagonally over the centre of the crossroad. Suspended by the arms was a massive sphere covered entirely in glass.

  “The Nucleus?” Koenig said, staring at the sphere.

  Persephone smiled. The nucleus had originally been the home of the Metro’s founder when it had initially been built, though he had long since passed away. Now, however, the sphere had been sealed off to preserve the city’s history. Persephone had discovered a means of accessing the sphere during her research of the city. A perfectly preserved hub that allowed her to see everything that happened across the city.

  “Where else but the founder’s own home to begin the start of a new age?” She turned to Koenig, who nodded but remained silent.

  Access to the Nucleus had originally been possible through each of the adjoining skyscrapers, but three of the four were still completely sealed. One, Persephone had found, was left open, just in case anyone needed to enter the sphere. Persephone led Koenig to one of the skyscrapers, using an access code to activate a dormant elevator that travelled alongside the building.

  “Which floor?” Koenig asked, once they were inside.

  “The 160th, about midway,” Persephone said, “but that isn’t where we’re getting off.”

  Koenig looked confused as he watched the numbers on the lift count up.

  Persephone reached out and pressed a button on the lift’s control panel. A small metal section slid away, revealing a smaller square pad.

  “A fingerprint scanner? That’s a little old fashioned, no?” Koenig looked at the pad, amused at the quaint technology.

  “This building was built a long time ago, Doctor, back when the government ruled the Boulevard. These were the four pillars of democracy, each representing a region of the city.”

  “Of course, before the Corporation take over,” Koenig nodded.

  “Exactly, this building was left empty after the takeover, its technology untouched. Persephone reached into her lea
ther jacket and pulled out a small metal cylinder. She clicked a button on its end, and a hissing sound emanated accompanied by a cloud of vapour. A small drawer opened, and inside, the perfectly preserved remains of a finger lay in the cryogenic chamber.

  “Is that?”

  “The founder’s disembodied finger? Yes, it is,” Persephone lifted the finger and placed it gently on the scanner. The panel lit up with a flood of colour, a hum of power surging to the long-unused system, a new selection of floors appeared on the primary control. Persephone reached and flicked one labelled ‘Nucleus’, and the lift paused as it passed between floors 155 and 156. The doors slide aside, revealing a small passageway panelled with dark oak wood.

  “My God,” Koenig’s eyes explored the passage, taking in the array of antiques that adorned the walls. Paintings by artists from long ago, jewels and statues that were lost to the world but remained perfectly preserved.

  “Indeed. Welcome to the Nucleus, Doctor. This is where we will make our stand, and take control of the Boulevard.”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  “We need you to tell us everything you know about Prime and what happened at the warehouse”, Ally demanded once they were all seated. She was sat opposite Bella in the back of the cab, Quartzig to her right, while Salem sat beside Bella, who had his denim jacket wrapped over her hospital jumpsuit.

  Bella had insisted they go to the Silverstone building so she could get herself a change of clothes and rearm herself, so Quartzig had arranged an Autocab to pick the group up from the docklands, and they were now on their way.

  “Hey, hey! I want to know what happened as much as the next guy but give her some fucking breathing space,” Salem held up a finger to interrupt Ally.

  “It’s okay, Salem. Whoever came after me was most likely working for someone who was trying to stop me from talking, cleaning up loose ends.” Bella nodded at Ally, who smiled apologetically.


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