Alphas Unbounded

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Alphas Unbounded Page 9

by Terra Wolf

  "Adrianna, we need to discuss what we started to last night."

  Now that her hunger for food was sated, her focus was directed to her other primal urge. She pushed the urges back.

  Standing, Ian backed away from the bed. "I'm just going to show you."

  "Show me what?" Adrianna's brow furrowed as her eyes examined every inch of his gloriously naked body.

  "Just keep an open mind."


  "Just... watch." Taking a deep breath in, Ian released it loudly and closed his eyes.

  Adrianna's frown deepened, but her confusion was quickly replaced with a mixture of shock, horror and amazement as the man she'd spent the night savouring the body of quickly transformed into a wolf. But not just any wolf... Her wolf. The wolf that had saved her life when she was a child. The wolf she shared every thought, idea and secret with.

  "Oh-my-God," she gasped, her green eyes widening not sure if she believed what she was seeing.

  The wolf slowly made its way over to the side of the bed and sat patiently waiting for her to say something.

  "I... Ummm..." Running a shaky hand through her mussed hair, she kept her eyes glued to the large wolf sitting beside her bed. "Ian?"

  The wolf jumped onto the bed. Startled, Adrianna jumped backwards and went toppling off of the other side of the bed.

  "Adrianna? Are you okay?" Ian shifted back to human form and went rushing to her aid, grabbing her hand and helping her back onto the bed.

  Adrianna pulled her hand from his and put as much distance between herself and Ian. "You're a werewolf?" How was it possible? The whole thing was insane, something out of a fantasy novel.

  Ian frowned and slowly nodded. "I'm a shifter."

  "This isn't real. It can't be real." With hesitation, she crawled across the bed to him and touched the side of his face. "How is this possible?"

  Taking her hand he kissed the back and kept it held firmly in his. "How is anything in this world possible, Adriana? We know as much about our history as humans do their own, which is virtually nothing. A popular belief is that shifters are a human mutation, but others believe that we were created along with humans, as a breed all our own."

  "Wow." Adrianna was blown away. A sudden, embarrassing realization hit her. "Oh-my-God! I've told you everything about me. Every single embarrassing and intimate detail." She could feel the heat rising up in her cheeks and she covered her face with her hands unable to face him. "Everything."

  Ian's heart went out to her. He couldn't imagine what he'd be thinking if the roles were reversed, he doubted he would have taken the news as easily as she had. "There's more."

  After a couple of minutes she lowered her hands from her face and caught her gaze. “Is there a reason why I'm so attracted to you? What do you know that you're not telling me Ian?"

  "Well, I'd like to think that you're attracted to me without a reason." She could see the guilt in his eyes and she knew then, this wasn't a coincidence.

  "But there is a reason, isn't there?" she promoted, her eyes narrowing at him and her anger building. What had he done to her?

  Ian sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I didn't do anything exactly. When I saved you from the cougar when you were a child a bond developed. We call it imprinting."

  "Oh-my-God... So I never had a choice. All this time..." She inched further away from him.

  "No. Oh, God Adrianna. It's not that simple." Seeing her so confused, and upset was killing him. The last thing he wanted was to see her upset over being his. He wanted her to welcome the idea, not see it as some sort of curse.

  "Then explain it, Ian."

  "We can only imprint on other shifters Adrianna." Her face paled and he worried she was going to faint so rushed over to the other side of the bed and he pulled her into his arms.

  "I'm not a shifter. I can't be. This is insane Ian."

  Ian kissed her temple and was relieved when she turned in his arm and accepted his embrace. "No, you're not a shifter Adrianna."

  She sniffed, and pulled back in his arms and looked up at him her eyes tearing up. "Then what am I? I don't understand."

  "We think your father was part of our pack. You're human, but you carry some of the wolf genes. You can be imprinted upon. You feel at one with the pack and with nature in general. Your mother never disclosed who your father was. I think she knew what he was and didn't want you to know. She wanted you to lead a human life. She didn't want you to feel that you were different."

  Tears began to stream down her cheeks and she batted them away with the back of her hand. "Which one is my father and why hasn't he come to see me. Especially after mom..." The flood gates opened and she began crying openly, clinging to him.

  "Oh Adrianna. Sweet Adrianna." He stroked her satiny hair and kissed her temple. Her tears ran down his chest as she clung tighter to him, her body convulsing as she let go completely.

  "I w-want to s-s-see him," she said between sobs.

  How was he going to tell her the rest? It was tearing out his heart to see her like this and know he was partially to blame for it, though he suspected much of it had to do with her still not coming to terms with her mother's death.

  "Your father was killed by a hunter while in wolf form Adrianna, not to long after you were born."

  Her body went alarmingly stiff in his arms and her sobs faded. "I always thought, hoped, that maybe. I have no one Ian."

  "I know." He placed another kiss on her temple and ran his hand though her silky locks.

  "But you have me. You've always had and will always have me. I swear to you."

  She remained in his arms, not saying a word and with each passing minute he feared she was moving further away from him. He could feel it.

  "This isn't real," she said, pulling away from him. She looked up to meet his worried gaze, her eyes red and face tear streaked. "This... Us... It's not real. This imprint stuff..."

  "No Adrianna." For the first time in Ian's life he felt fear. He was going to lose her. "The imprinting happened because we were meant to be together. Don't you see?" Of course she didn't see he'd just thrown an incredible amount of information at her while she was already in a vulnerable state. He cursed himself for throwing so much at her at once.

  "I need you to leave so I can think about this."

  His heart sank. "Addy, I think..."

  "Please. If you care about me, you'll leave."

  Ian's jaw clenched, fearing if he left he'd never see her again. But that was unreasonable. She just needed time to herself, she'd come around. She had to.


  "Noooo," Adrianna's scream echoed throughout the house and her eyes shot open. Her heart was hammering within her chest and her entire body was shaking. This was the fifth night she'd experienced the nightmares.

  They started the night she sent Ian away and each time she closed her eyes they'd return, each one more vivid then the last. In each dream, she was taken back to the incident in the woods when she was nine, but this time Ian wasn't victorious. In each dream she watched him get torn to shreds by the cougar and with his death she felt a part of herself being ripped from her.

  In addition to the dreams, her need for him grew each day she stayed away from the river clearing and him. Masturbation was useless now. She knew what her body and heart was demanding - Ian. Their physical union and his taken her virginity seemed to solidify their bond.

  She glanced over to her right at the digital alarm clock on her bedside table. It read 3am. She knew this would end up being another night tossing and turning.

  "To hell with it." Leaping out of bed, she grabbed the pink terry cloth robe from her dresser and slipped it over her otherwise naked body. Slipping on a pair of shoes she rushed downstairs and outside into the mild, summer night air.

  "Ian," she called out. She'd been able to feel him watching the house, watching her, each day so she knew he was out there somewhere. "Ian!" She began to make her way into the forest towards the clearing.

hooted and animals of the night rustled the branched and bushes surrounding her as she walked. For the first time since she was nine a shiver of fear rushed through her. The dreams were taking a serious toll on her.

  "Please Ian, I need you," she muttered under her breath.

  She made it to the clearing without sensing him. Worry crept into her mind. Maybe the dreams had been an omen. What if... She strained her eyes to see into the woods across the river, hoping to see movement or the ice blue eyes of his wolf form.

  She was about to give up when she sensed him. Her body ignited as she spun around and saw him beautifully naked appearing from the tree line. He looked better than usual, if that was at all possible. This was the first time she'd seen him in the wood in human form, and the vision helped make it real for her.

  "Ian..." Now that he was standing before her, she was at a loss of what to say. There were so many things racing through her mind. So much she had to learn from him about who he and she both were.

  "How are you Addy?"

  "Bad," she admitted, lowering her eyes to the spot between their feet. "I can't stop thinking about you. And I keep getting these dreams, horrible dreams." When he remained silent she lifted her eyes to meet his. "I can't be without you Ian. I don't know what this imprint stuff is or what it means-"

  "-Addy, I..."

  "I don't care Ian. Imprint or no imprint I would have still wanted you. I know that now." She closed the distance between them and ran her index finger along his jaw. "You've watched over me all these years haven't you?"

  He nodded.

  "And you'd never leave me would you?"

  He shook his head. "Never."


  He frowned and ran a hand through her hair, watching the strands fall from his fingers in the pale moon light. "I love you Adrianna. I've loved from the day I first set eyes on you. When you were a child, I felt a responsibility to watch over and take care of you. As you became the woman you are today those feelings changed to needing to have you. Claim you as mine."

  Looking into his eyes she knew it was true. He was her best friend, her protector, and her lover. She couldn't fight it if she wanted to, which she didn't. "I need you too, Ian," she whispered.

  She barely got the words from her mouth when he pulled her tight against him and his lips came crashing down on hers, claiming hers roughly - demanding her surrender. She moaned against his lips and gave his tongue access to her mouth, as her body melted into his. She was his for the taking.

  All the anguish and upset she'd been experiencing over the past five days slipped away and all that mattered was them and now. Her desire for him flared up and she reached between them to stroke his rapidly rising cock.

  "Damn, I've missed you," he groaned as he untied the belt holding her robe together and pushed the robe off of her shoulders and to the forest floor.

  "Oh God, me too." She clung to him, as he grabbed her thighs and hoisted her up onto his hips and pressed her back against a tree.

  Without wasting a moment, he slammed his cock up into her wet pussy. She cried out in surprise and pleasure as he buried himself to the hilt.

  "Oh Addy." He nipped at her neck sending a shiver through her to end in a throbbing between her legs.

  The bark of the tree dug painfully into her back as he rammed into her over and over at a relentless pace. But she didn't care, all that mattered was the feel of him and how good it felt to have the head of his cock stroking her inner wall with each inward thrust.

  She cried out, as she rapidly ascended the mountain of her desire.

  "Oh dammit, come for me honey. I need to feel it," he growled in her ear, the warmth of his breath sending another shiver through her. Her pussy clenched around his cock which was jack-hammering into her at an astounding pace.

  "Yes, yesyesyes. So close." Her body tensed, as she reached the peak. She was almost there. Almost.

  Ian cupped her breast in his hand and pinched the nipple which was already hard from the night air. A sharp jolt of pleasure raced through her and pushed her over the edge. Her pussy tightened around his cock and then relaxed as a wave of her juices, slid over the length of him and dripped onto his balls.

  "Fuck yeah!" Ian kissed her hard and set her on her feet.

  She found her knees felt like jelly under her, as he spun her around so she was facing the tree.

  "Hold onto the tree Addy," he instructed as he spread her ass cheeks and ran the head of his cock back and forth along the length of her soft, dripping folds, and using her juices to lube up her ass.

  She never, ever had anyone explore her back entrance so she found herself tensing as he slowly slipped a finger past the tight rim of muscle protecting her ass.

  She groaned, feeling the pleasure and the burn as his finger invaded her ass. "Ian, oh God Ian. I've never..."

  "I know." His voice, deep and seductive helped sooth her and she found her body relaxing as he slid his finger all the way in. "I'm not taking your ass tonight honey. Don't worry."

  "I'm not." In fact, the feeling of his finger deep within her ass was kicking her desire back into full gear and she found herself bucking back against his finger, wanting and needing him in deeper.

  "I have so much to teach you honey," he moaned against the back of her neck as he lined his cock up with her drenched and dripping pussy.

  "Yes, teach me." She wanted to know everything and experience with him. She wanted to experience everything she'd read and fantasized about over the past few years.

  Ian's finger continued to pump her ass he slid his rock hard cock deep within her with a loud, feral groan. She felt good, so fucking good. Her fingers dug into the bark of the tree as she wildly bucked back against him, needing him fast and hard.

  She was so wild and responsive tonight, and it was driving him mad. And her pussy was so tight, warm and welcoming. It was begging him to fuck it. As the days had passed he'd continued to practice reining in his wolf half and he was grateful he did, because having to go without and to experience her as she was at that moment there was no way he'd have been able to keep himself from shifting. As it was he was struggling.

  Removing his finger from her ass, he fisted her long hair and gave her hair a sharp yank, exposing her neck to him. She yelped, but a moan quickly followed. He nipped and kissed her exposed neck as he continued to slam into her; over and over, savouring her moans and whimpers that accompanied each of his thrusts.

  "So much I want to do to you Addy," he growled. The positions and places rushed through his mind as the intense pleasure rapidly brought him to his breaking point. "You're mine now."

  "Always yours," she cried out in response.

  Oh, dear God. It was impossible for him to hold back a moment longer. His balls tightened and cock thickened as he prepared for his release. "I'm coming," he groaned as with one final, hard thrust, his balls slapping her pussy, he exploded deep within her, filling her with his seed.

  She screamed out, her voice travelling for miles as she came with him, a warm rush of her nectar joining his cum. He fell forward, taking care not to crush her between his hard body and the tree trunk.

  "I can't get enough of you," she whispered as he slowly slid his depleted dick from her warm core. She turned so she was facing him, her back to the tree trunk. "Is that part of the imprinting you were talking about?"

  He grinned and kissed her slightly bruised lips softly. "I hope it has a little bit to do with me and not all due to the imprinting."

  She returned his grin and kissed him. "Will you move into the house? I don't want to spend another night without you." she cringed and the shuttered at the thought.

  "Oh Adrianna, I couldn't imagine spending a single night without you now. These past few days have nearly killed me. The mating cements the bond between shifters."

  Adrianna crinkled up her nose at him. "Mating huh?"

  He shrugged, kissing the tip of her nose. "In a manner of speaking."

  "I have so many questions Ian." slipping he
r hands around his neck, she buried her face against his neck. "Who I am, what I am. So many questions."

  He wished he had all the answers for her, but what he didn't know he'd find out for her. They'd find out together. "Good thing we have the rest of our lives to find out the answers honey." He kissed the top of her head and pulled her tight.

  She pulled back and their eyes locked. "Rest of our lives, I like the sound of that."

  "Me too honey. Me too."

  The End

  Her Wolf, Her Saviour (Part 2 of the Her Wolf Series) is now available!


  Adrianna Boyce has come to accept the love of her life, Ian Groves, is a wolf shapeshifter and is willing to follow the rules and customs that the pack require to be with him - including a ritual that they call "the Claiming." But not everyone is pleased with the young lovers' union. In addition, the process of "the Claiming" will make her discover things about herself she never realized and put her and Ian's love to the test. Is Adrianna and Ian's love strong enough to endure hundreds of years of bitterness, tradition and newly revealed secrets?

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