The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series

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The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series Page 7

by C. D. Gorri


  “No buts, don’t walk away from me over this, please,” he looked at her in earnest, his fingers holding her in place as if he was afraid, she’d slip away.

  “Marcus, this is crazy. I’m not in your class-”

  “Stop that! This is the twenty-first century. This thing between you and me is about us alone. Let’s see where it goes, okay?”

  “Okay. I’m sorry I panicked. I just didn’t want you to think I manipulated you-”

  “As if you’d do such a thing,” his voice sounded husky, and she detected just a hint of vulnerability.

  “Come on. Let’s finish breakfast?”

  “Alright, Marcus,” she could swear he looked relieved.

  Silly, but then he tensed once again when she added, “I just don’t like lies. I want to make sure there’s no misunderstanding between us. I mean even if this is just a vacation romance, I want it to be honest, alright?”

  “Anything you say,” he murmured, his fingers caressing as they danced along her arm and she almost missed the glint of possessiveness in his eyes before he replaced it with a charming smile, “Let’s eat then swim.”

  After they ate, having ordered more rolls and coffee from the hotel staff, they ran towards the surf and played like children in the cool, clear water.

  Marcus was full of energy. He swam like he was born to it. Splashing and showing off around her. Leya gasped when he lifted her up out of the water and tossed her in the air only to catch her in his big, strong arms.

  He never seemed to tire. What’s more, he never paid any attention to anyone else. He only had eyes for her.

  She was completely dazzled by his attention. He teased and joked with her, softly coaxing the real Leya out from hiding. It had been so long since she just let go. But she could finally be herself, with him.

  They lounged on a double raft in the mild waves. Him sprawled on his back and her lying on her side just looking at him.

  He glistened like a bronzed god in the surf. All golden and muscular with dark hair that was starting to get gold highlights in the tropical sun. Beautiful, if a man could be that.

  She exhaled and bit her lip, wishing for more than his gentlemanly handling of her. The idea of pressing herself against his hard, wet body in the skimpy suit she wore made her pulse race.

  Not that she would do that with all those people around. The reason for his restraint possibly? She could only hope so. Hours later, they dragged the raft back to the sand and let the waves tickle their toes as they built a rather sad looking sandcastle with their hands.

  “It’s too top heavy,” she said as he piled on the sand.

  “Well, maybe, but I kind of like that,” he looked at her with narrowed eyes, and she swatted him when she realized what he was talking about.

  “You have a dirty mind, sir!”

  “Only when it comes to you, sweet Leya,” he said with a growl and captured her lips with his.

  “Finally,” she whispered into his mouth and kissed his salty lips. The soft whisper of his tongue against the seam of her lips had her sighing his name, giving him an opening.

  It was a sweet and sensuous caress, arousing as hell, even though only their mouths touched. He sucked on her top lip and nibbled the lower one with his teeth.

  Marcus’ long tongue expertly stroked her mouth as he thrust inside. She sighed deeper, falling more and more under his spell with every slow slide between her lips. She needed more.

  She reached for him just as a wave came and crashed over them both. Saltwater and sand filled her mouth, and she sputtered laughing at the entire incident. Marcus pulled her up to stand, but it was too late, they were both a mess.

  “Come on let’s rinse this off,” he laughed and swept her up in his arms. He dove under the next wave holding onto her with a gentle, reassuring strength.

  Leya sucked in air as he came up with her still cradled against his chest as if she were something precious. He brushed a strand of hair back from her cheek. The water was cool and refreshing, but Leya felt as if she were standing on hot coals.

  “Hey,” he said looking at her through his dark, wet lashes.

  His eyes were dark and velvety, almost liquid as he watched her mouth. The sun beat down on them from up high, but Leya hardly noticed. The air seemed to sizzle, alit with a magical electricity only for them.

  Oh no, she gasped, and eyes widened. His hands tightened on her. No. NO. NO!

  How could I fall in love with him already? But she had. She knew it in the answering rumble of his chest. He kissed her mouth softly then carried her to their cabana.

  He walked looking at her, oblivious to the stares of the few people scattered on the sand. They all seemed to melt away, blending into the background with the music and the wind.

  The whole world just faded away. All she saw was Marcus. Oh, so tempting, Marcus. She itched to touch him. She ran her hand along his square jaw and reached back to tangle in his wet hair, then she pulled him closer.

  He tugged the curtain closed and laid her down on the lounge chair.

  “Kiss me, Marcus,” she said against his mouth and lost herself to the feel of being in his arms and diving into his kiss headfirst.

  Chapter 8

  Shit. No lies or misunderstandings. A “vacation romance”. Good job, idiot!

  Marcus tried to shut out all the nagging doubts in his head as he’d held Leya in the cool Atlantic waters. They’d frolicked and played for hours. Like cubs. He grinned thinking about the day they’d have their own.

  Oh fuck, picturing his sweet mate swollen with his young was going to end with him having a raging hard-on in his swimsuit. Not a fucking option.

  He’d been back to reciting multiplication tables when she pulled his head down to her lips and asked him to kiss her. Then he was lost.

  He didn’t lie as a rule, but man, did he have a secret. A big one. About nine-foot-tall and eight hundred pounds give or take.

  After he managed to get that conversation out of the way, how was he going to convince her that she was his fated mate? The one being in the universe made just for him and vice versa? That their little vacation romance was destined to last a hell of a lot longer? Like a lifetime longer.

  Marcus exhaled slowly as they walked out of the cabana hand in hand. She was so fucking perfect. The feel of her soft fingers interlaced with his was amazing, more than he’d ever dared hope for.

  He gazed down at her bent head as they walked back to their rooms, her blonde waves blowing in the breeze, the scent of honey wafting into his nostrils. His mouth watered. She was so beautiful.

  But that wasn’t why his blood thundered in his veins, not the whole reason anyway. Leya was smart and kind, funny and honest. The more they talked and spent time together, the more he wanted, no needed, to be around her. She was quickly becoming necessary to him.

  Mine. Mate. Marcus would have argued with his Bear for acting like a Neanderthal, but the truth was, his human side couldn’t agree more. I have to tell her the truth about myself. And soon. His Bear growled in agreement, eager to meet his mate in the fur.

  Marcus exhaled to quell the nerves in his stomach. Damn. I’m a Bear and yet I’m nervous as a mouse. He bit back a groan. The sun dipped lower in the beautiful skies, and he turned to her. An idea started taking shape in his mind.

  “We still goin’ on that hike?” Leya smiled up at him as she donned her cover-up and slid her feet into her sandals. The lobby was air conditioned and would be cool after their time outdoors.

  “Definitely, sweet,” he said.

  His eyes were riveted to the side slits of her sheer dress. The garment flowed over her soft curves, almost hitting the floor. Those glimpses of her tanned legs were just enough to make a man wonder…and wonder.

  Just how high did those legs of hers go? How would they feel wrapped around his waist? Would they squeeze him when he took her? Grrr. He had every intention of finding out.

  “Alright, I’m in! So, what should I

  “Um, shorts and sneakers should be fine. Bring a change of clothes too in case we decide to, uh, camp out. Would you be game?”

  “Of course,” she smiled and agreed without hesitation. A fact that made his Bear chuff in happiness. She trusts us to keep her safe.

  “Great! I’ll grab some food and supplies. Meet you at your room, okay?”

  “Awesome, I’m starving,” she laughed.

  “Me too.” But not for food. He pressed his lips to her palm and tasted her sweet skin as he handed her into the elevator.

  “I’ll be by your room in about an hour, okay.”

  “Okay,” she bit her lip. Marcus was unable to resist a light brushing of his mouth over hers before the doors closed. He smiled to himself as he set about getting ready for that night.

  A little while later, they traipsed through a mini, tropical wilderness, miles away from the hotel. Marcus had explored the area on his last visit. As a Bear, he loved being out in the wild.

  His natural curiosity had him trekking all over the island the first few times he proposed to open a shop at the exclusive resort. Moongate Island was gorgeous.

  Lush and tropical, with one small local fishing village and the resort as the only inhabited areas. The rest of the grounds were as nature had intended. With a few changes left by the people who had explored over the centuries of course.

  Marcus discovered the spot he wanted to share with Leya on one of those treks a few months ago. He couldn’t wait to experience it with her. It would be like seeing it for the first time again. The first of many shared experiences, he silently hoped.

  The overhang was reached by a rocky path and overlooked the Atlantic Ocean. But it was a different side to the deep blue than they experienced at their hotel. Tall, rough waves pounded against the mountainous side of the island. The noise was loud and thrilling to hear. Like listening to thunder from the source.

  Funny, how it reminded him of the sound of his own blood rushing in his ears whenever he stood close to her. He exhaled as he waited for Leya to tie her sneakers and join him.

  “Oh, Marcus, this is beautiful!”

  His chest swelled with happiness. Leya seemed genuinely eager to go on this hike with him. When he’d suggested they camp their overnight, he was equally surprised when she agreed.

  Her trust in him, in his ability to keep her safe and his good intentions, humbled the mand and filled the Bear with pride. She was his. His to care for, to love, and protect. She just didn’t know it yet.

  “I’m so glad you wanted to do this. I wasn’t sure you’d like this kind of thing.”

  “You know, not all chubby girls hate exercise.”

  “Okay, about all this fat nonsense-”

  “Marcus, come on, it’s not as if I don’t know I’m fat-”

  He turned around in a move so fast she didn’t even have time to guess what he was doing! He plastered her against his body. Holding her by the waist in his steely grip.

  Every nerve ending was on edge at being so close to her. Feeling her body, even through layers of clothing, smelling her sexy honey scent as her arousal drifted into his nostrils was almost more than enough to wrest control from his hands. He closed his eyes, attempting to hide the Bear.

  This was dangerous, being so damn close to heaven! He pressed his hips forward unable to help himself, and in truth, not wanting to. Her body was soft, rounded and perfect for him. A foil to his hardness.

  He growled deep in his throat as he nuzzled her neck and found her lips with his, allowing her to feel his current physical state. A state that hadn’t changed since he’d laid eyes on her.

  “You feel this?”

  Her eyes grew darker in her arousal, her honey scent all the more potent. His voice deepened, instinctively answering her need. It would always be like that. His Bear’s first thought to please, protect, and care for his mate. Mine.

  Marcus moved his hands, caressing the silky skin of her arms and neck. Damn, she felt so fucking good. His breathing became rough as he tried to focus.

  “For the record, you are perfect. And I didn’t think you wouldn’t like hiking because of your weight. I was thinking more like girls, bugs, and no bathrooms didn’t mix. The only chubby thing around here, is this,” he pressed his hardness against her soft belly and saw heat flare in her blue eyes, oh fuck.

  “Leya, this happens anytime I get within a few feet of you. Hell, all I have to do is even think about you and I’m hard as a fucking rock. You are so beautiful, baby, I’m having a hell of a time remembering my promise not to rush things.”

  “I never asked you to promise that.”

  “I know, but I promised myself, I’d give you some time to decide for sure. Because once we do this, baby, there is no going back.”

  There was already no going back, but he didn’t want to scare her. His Bear roared angrily. He was never giving his mate up regardless of what his human half may have implied. Easy, he told his beast.

  “Okay. Um, so tell me about this place, while we set up camp,” she said and bent down to their supplies.

  “Okay. This side of the island is completely mountainous and unspoiled. No one lives nearby,” he said and unfolded the tent while she removed two rolled up sleeping bags from her bag.

  “Why not?”

  “Well, the natives here live in a fishing village,” he thought of Mrs. Leeds and her Cormorant Shifter family and smiled, “They’re pretty damn amazing and supply all the fish to the hotel restaurants. Anyway, this part is deserted as there are rumors of wild boars and packs of feral dogs roaming the hills,” he frowned when he saw her eyes go wide.

  “Don’t worry, sweet, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  ‘I know that. Sorry for being silly, it’s just I was bitten by a dog as a child and sort of never got over my fear of them.”

  Marcus frowned hard. His bear wanted to find the offending mutt and rip its fucking head off. Grrr.

  “Marcus! I was nine, really, it’s okay!” She laughed, and his Bear was soothed once again. A happy Leya was good. Yeah. Keep her happy. That was the plan.

  “Sorry,” he continued, “alright, well, mostly folks stay away because the volcano, though dormant, it’s due for an eruption. At least that’s what the locals say, but they’ve been saying that for a hundred years or more.”

  “They do, uh, track volcanic activity though, right?”

  “Of course,” he smiled.

  They talked about the little things for the next twenty minutes over their lunch of cold fried chicken and a chilled tropical fruit salad.

  Marcus packed up the leftovers and piled them into the insulated backpack he carried along with their tent, some more food, emergency supplies, and fresh water. It was seasonably warm, so he didn’t worry about a fire.

  They sat in companionable silence for the next few minutes. This is easy, he thought shocked by his admission, being with her feels natural, like breathing.

  He asked about her family and friends. He knew about her job already.

  “I’m not close to my parents and I have no siblings.”


  “Well, dad wanted a boy and mom was indifferent. I think she didn’t like me because I wasn’t like the other girls, you know? I didn’t look like them and I never wanted to be a cheerleader or girl scout.”

  “It’s their loss, I mean it,” he said and took her hand. Her brilliant blue eyes never failed to hypnotize him. Like sapphire pools he couldn’t wait to dive into.

  “I have two brothers and it’s just my dad now, but we are all close. We run Bear Claw together,” he didn’t want to dwell on his brothers. He wanted to focus on her.

  Like most Shifters, his family was close. Too close at times, but he couldn’t imagine it any other way. Most Shifters craved community, leadership, a natural pecking order. Their cubs would grow up safe and secure. Leya pregnant with our young…

  “My parents never understood why I chose the city. I just needed a ch
ange. But I guess they were right. I’m tired of life in the Big Apple, but I don’t want to go home either,” she fiddled with a stick she found lying on the ground while she spoke, “I’ll worry about finding a new home when I go back. Anyway, how about you, Mr. Bakery-mogul?”

  Little do you know, my love, you have a home waiting for you. In me. He had to focus on her words to come up with a quick response. Fucking daydreaming again, pal? Claim her. His Bear seemed happy to taunt him.

  “Oh, come on, I’m just a simple baker, Leya.”

  “Yeah, right. Anyway, where do the baking Devlin’s hail from?”

  “My family lives in Barvale, New Jersey.”

  “Is that by Maccon City?”

  “Yeah, just west of there. How did you know?”

  “My company had a client there, Lane Liquors Corp. You know it?”

  “Yes, I do! I am a fan of Bite.”

  “Really? Me too!”

  They laughed as he took two small bottles of the local craft beer that he stowed in the cooler. Leya grinned and lifted hers to her lips and he exhaled. He didn’t know if she liked beer, but took a chance she’d enjoy the light, fruity blend the hotel served.

  Marcus was so focused on her that he let his guard down. He should have been paying more attention to his surroundings. A mistake that was soon brought to light when the unmistakable sounds of growling reached his sensitive ears.

  “Um, Marcus,” she squeaked. Leya’s eyes popped out of her head and he followed her gaze to two snarling beasts that moved in front of them.

  “Shit. Okay, Leya, get behind me,” he slowly stood, doing his best not to provoke the animals.

  When he was satisfied, she’d listened to him, and moved behind him to the entrance of their tent, Marcus began sliding to the left. He wanted to direct them away from their campsite.

  The sound of a third feral dog sneaking up behind them was not lost on him. Fuck. The scent of Leya’s fear was making his Bear nuts.

  “What are we going to do?” she asked. Her worry sliced through his hesitation. His protective instinct going into overdrive.


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