The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series

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The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series Page 12

by C. D. Gorri

  Even Marcus loved a good tussle now and again. But Taylor was more into books than fists, and yeah, women too. He was the original play-bear of the bunch. Took to girls like a fish to water just about as soon as he could talk.

  His Bear chuffed at the phrase. Touchy much? Taylor ignored the animal’s faint protest and encouraged him to amble forward. He tried to find his fur at least once a week, but admittedly, it had been awhile. He needed this. The release of his Change.

  There was nothing like the quick rush of energy and the fullness of Shifter magic as it filled his limbs. Settling him like nothing else, his Bear rose up from deep inside.

  A frequent reader, he’d perused a few accounts in the old Keeper’s journals of Spirit Bears. The Devlin’s produced one other a hundred years back, but the cub had died young. The victim of a hunting accident.

  The journals were like memoirs of a sort. A kind of captain’s log, only instead of the Alpha, they were recorded by his chosen Keeper. He’d been honored when Marcus chose him. People tended to think him flippant. Not that he gave them any reason to see beyond the façade. Dimples knows the real you. Remember the collection of Shakespearean plays she gave you for your birthday last year?

  The books were old, and leather bound. A unique edition, they were over a hundred years old and illustrated with fine gold etchings. He’d loved them. Odd how she knew that when no one else seemed to.

  The Bear turned his head and began ambling through the forest. His mind wandering as he went. Reading about his ancestors from the point of view of the Bears who’d led before him was simply amazing.

  One account that he’d found particularly interesting was written by Connor Devlin, his great-uncle. The Bear Shifter was as much of a ladies man as Taylor himself, but the way he’d described his Change, well, that was breathtaking.

  It spoke to Taylor in a way that not many things could. Uncle Connor, as it were, recounted each nuance of the shift in what could only be described as pure poetry. And the consequent feeling of being grounded, well, Taylor could totally relate to that!

  In fact, today’s shift was to help him do just that. His Bear grunted as he slowed his pace. The animal was distracted lately. Taylor tried not to think about why. A certain curly haired face popped into his head, but he pushed her out just as quickly as she’d appeared. No. No freaking way.

  He paused in his tracks, lifted his furry head to the trees, sniffing as he went. Intent on easing some of his anxieties with a nice hard run, but first he needed to perform a thorough search of the grounds. He breathed deeply, using his supernaturally enhanced bear sniffer to test the area.

  Suddenly, he stopped dead. A low roar blossomed from deep in his chest. There was a sharp, tangy scent in the air. One he didn’t recognize.

  Stranger. His Bear walked round testing the area for signs of the intruder. There it was again, stronger the closer he got to the bakery. Whoever it was, he was long gone. The scent was a few hours old at least.

  He swiftly changed back to his human form and shrugged into his clothing. His Bear on high alert, he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something familiar about that scent.

  Taylor dialed his brothers. Damn. Both calls went straight to voicemail. He spied the time and frowned.

  Fuck. It was later than he’d thought. He hopped into his black custom Range Rover with its pure white leather interior and zoomed down the road. Shit. His date was gonna be pissed, unless she’d changed drastically from high school. Doubt it. Oh well, home first then bar.

  Freshly showered and changed, he grinned as he pressed down on the accelerator. Thrilling at the immediate response of the pristine engine. A good car purrs for her master on the road like a good woman does in the bedroom. His Dad could be a bit sexist in his views, but damn if he didn’t say the funniest shit.

  Most people were surprised when they saw his car of choice. It was not some two-door flashy sports car, but rather, a fully equipped, luxury sports utility vehicle. But fuck them. He was no one’s stereotype, and New Jersey saw some pretty fucking fierce weather.

  Hot summers, cold as fuck winters, blizzards, hurricanes, thunderstorms, droughts, you name it. The Garden State was unpredictable as fuck, too bad the jokes about it weren’t. Not that Taylor gave a shit.

  He was a Jersey boy to the core and proud. His family had immigrated from Ireland a couple hundred years ago and came right to the place he called home. They practically named Barvale for fuck’s sake. It literally meant bear town!

  He’d never wanted to live anywhere else. Even with their newfound status, the Devlin boys hadn’t even considered uprooting the original storefront and moving to some posh Manhattan building or trendy Boston brownstone. That was for their corporate employees. Delegating was the shit!

  Fuck Manhattan or Boston. This was home. Taylor, Marcus, and Daniel had each pitched in to turn the lucrative family business they’d inherited early from their dad into a billion-dollar corporation.

  Bear Claw Bakery was everywhere. They served their goods in hotels, on airplanes, in movie theatres, schools, universities, cruise ships, and several dozen amusement parks across the world. That was a lot of fucking honeybuns if he did say so himself.

  Of course, they hired the best of the best to help run their empire and maintain their local, hometown feel. Like Dimples. She was amazing. A great employee. Hell, she’d practically grown up at Bear Claw.

  Yeah. She was like family. That’s why he couldn’t understand when she’d gone and turned a simple kiss into something it wasn’t. Stress? Maybe.

  She did work hard and, her home life had never been easy. Not with caring for her mom who was ill more often than not, and practically raising her younger sister. Luisa was a pip. She’d worked summers for her sister as an assistant but hated the job.

  After college she’d opted for medical school and got in. Tuition was a lot. But clever Taylor had introduced the Bear Claw Bakery Scholarships that year. Coincidentally, Luisa was one of the first recipients.

  He frowned remembering how pissed Krissy had been. It was only after some quick thinking that he’d saved his ass. She thought he was making a dig at her not being able to support her family, but he’d assured her that had nothing to do with it.

  The brothers paid her a handsome salary, he knew that. But it didn’t go far with a family of three to support and the countless doctors’ bills despite the generous insurance coverage they provided.

  Regardless, he’d gotten her to calm down with a little charm. Who knew she was so proud? Then again, he should have known it. She was so dedicated and trustworthy. She really was the best.

  He hoped Marcus did the right thing today setting her up to hang out with Leya. She was probably angry that his brother’s mate made her stay away for so long.

  Yeah, poor Dimples. She probably just wanted to go home. No way she’d want to go out for drinks. Dimples didn’t drink. She’d be so out of place in her flannel shirt and baggy jeans at The Thirsty Dog on a Saturday night.

  Poor thing, maybe she wouldn’t be too mad. He could ask her to dance and make amends. He had a sort of date, but she was an old friend. Margot wouldn’t mind.

  Besides, it was only Dimples. She was like a sister. Wasn’t she? For some reason his bear huffed at the description. He checked the time and squirmed in his seat.

  Ten minutes to go.

  Chapter 5

  Krissy slammed down the shot glass and sucked hard on the lime. She giggled a little as the cool citrus juice chased the hot alcohol as it slid down her throat leaving a trail of fire in its wake.

  It took a lot for any Shifter to feel the effects of alcohol, and for a Bear Shifter more than most. Their size, the speed of their metabolism, and supernatural magic saw to that.

  She’d never taken advantage of those particular fringe benefits of being a Shifter. Until now. Spending a real girls’ day for the first time in her life left Krissy a little shell shocked.

  She’d spent more money on clothes than sh
e ever had before in her entire life! Not that she couldn’t afford it. The brothers paid well, but she was still paying off her sister’s school loans, and there was the house, and her mother’s medical bills.

  Still, she deserved a little something for her efforts, didn’t she? Guilt threatened to overwhelm her, but she pushed it away. She wasn’t used to this.

  Krissy just never bothered treating herself before. Well, that all changed today! She looked down at herself and smiled. Her skintight, designer jeans were artistically ripped in strategic locations to show glimpses of her smooth thighs and calves.

  Who knew her legs could look that good? And her butt! OMG! She almost died when she saw how great her ass looked in the clingy blue jeans!

  The material was soft and strong. Kind of like her. They hugged her frame perfectly! Outlining her assets and making her feel great in the process. She’d probably cry about the money tomorrow, but right now she was more than glad that she bought not one, but several pairs by the same designer.

  An off-the-shoulder peasant blouse that ended just above her belly button complimented the jeans. She had to admit, she looked downright cute! Something that at five-foot-ten inches tall and a solid size fourteen, Krissy had never felt about herself! But dammit it was way past time she did! She was cute and sexy! So there, world!

  The men who sat at the bar laughing and smiling at her while they downed more shots seemed to think so too. She knew a few of the guys. Werewolves mostly. But there was one man who stood out. He was handsome as sin in a desperado kind of way.

  Her senses told her he was a Bear too, but he was a stranger to her. Definitely not Clan. He’d arrived at The Thirsty Dog shortly after she and Leya had. Almost an hour ago now. Cautiously friendly she returned his smile then studiously ignored him.

  The two women started with some margaritas before moving on to shots. They toasted Leya’s upcoming marriage, and New Jersey’s awesome no taxes on clothing before collapsing on their stools in a fit of giggles.

  The sheer joy and exhilaration of the day made her feel like she was floating on cloud nine. Okay, maybe that was the tequila. With her newfound bravery, she looked over at the big hunk of Bear she’d been eyeing and sent him a shot of the locally distilled artisanal whiskey, Summer Bite.

  To her humble surprise, he accepted! The hunky dark-haired stranger even raised the shot glass in her direction before downing it. Krissy had never been so happy. Of course, then again, she’d sampled several shots herself by this time. LOL or was that YOLO. Never mind.

  Her sluggish mind wasn’t working too well, but she didn’t care in the least. Krissy was having fun! Ooh look, more shots! The bartender, a cute Werewolf names Jordan, winked at her as he set up another round of shots. More tequila. And enough for three!

  He nodded towards the stranger. Obviously, the shots were from him. At her smile, he strode towards them. Confidence and more than a little interest evident in his swagger, he tilted his head at the two of them.

  “Ladies,” he murmured, eyes on Krissy as he spoke.

  “Uh, I’m gonna go sit at the table and order some appetizers, Krissy, Marcus will be here soon. Why don’t you, uh, sit here and get to know your new friend?” Leya bit her lip and winked at her, nodding to the huge dark-haired man before scampering off to a nearby table.

  “My name is Nate,” the stranger offered his hand. It was large and warm, swallowing hers up as squeezed it for a second longer than necessary. He smiled sheepishly at her raised eyebrow and she noted his eyes were a deep forest green.

  “I’m Krissy Sposa,” she said and nodded to the shot.

  “Shall we?” He lifted one of the tiny glasses handing it to her, then took another.

  Nate clinked them together and murmured cheers, before they both started the ritual of lick, salt, drink, suck. Giggles erupted from her mouth as he winced at the tartness of the lime.

  “So, what are two pretty ladies like you doing here all alone?”

  “We’re not alone. At least we won’t be. My friend’s fiancé is on his way.”

  “Her fiancé? So you’re single then?”

  “Um, yeah. Yes. I am single. You?”

  “Darlin’, would I be talking to you if I wasn’t?” His accent was different, though she couldn’t place where.

  “Can’t say as I know you well enough to answer that, darlin’,” she sassed back.

  “Okay, I get it. I’ll just have to prove myself. Now, you mind if I ask you something?” He leaned forward and she breathed in his scent. Definitely a Bear. Not our mate, her Bear growled, but she pushed the beast away.

  “Okay, but I’m warning you, I’m not an easy mark.”

  “I never thought you were, darlin’, not with those eyes and that mouth.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re quite the looker Krissy Sposa, now about my question?”

  She laughed and leaned in closer breathing in his pleasant musk. No thrills, she noted with disappointment. Still, Krissy admired his smooth manner and giggled at the traces of Western accent in his deep voice. Stranger indeed.

  He was good to look at, glimpses of his deeply tanned, muscular body peeked out from his black t-shirt. He looked dangerous, and sexy too.

  His dark hair hung over his forehead in a thick wave. A very attractive man. But not our mate. Krissy ignored her Bear and allowed Nate to turn into her from his bar stool.

  Her sow bristled at his touch, but she allowed it. Curious to see if she could respond physically with another man. It wasn’t unpleasant, but still, she felt wrong. No. Don’t go there. You are single, unmated, and you deserve to have some fun.

  Nate’s legs caged her in on either side and she leaned forward to hear what he was saying over the noise of the bar. It was band night. A group of musicians were tuning their gear, getting ready for some good old-fashioned rock and roll.

  Krissy appreciated a live band now and then. She also liked having a handsome man pay attention to her. Nothing wrong with that, she told herself. She laughed at Nate’s jokes and didn’t pull away when he twirled the end of her newly dyed and styled hair around his long finger.

  “What’s that smile for?” Nate asked.

  “Oh, I was just thinking that I am having a nice time.”

  “Are you now?”

  “Yeah, I am. I don’t get out very often. You know, responsibilities and all.”

  “You look like a responsible person, darlin’.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Honey, it’s in your eyes and your posture. You’re genuine, Krissy Sposa, and if you don’t mind me saying, you’re pretty as all hell. You sure you ain’t got a man hidin’ somewhere, waitin’ to pounce on little old me?”

  “You little? No, seriously, I am very, very single.”

  “Well, seems to me Krissy Sposa that there are some pretty dumb men up in here. But their loss, is my gain, darlin’! How about another round?”

  She laughed out loud and nodded her head. Yes. Krissy was having fun. She smiled and accepted the shot glass from Nate. He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear.

  “Ever do a body shot?”

  “A what?”

  “Well, darlin’, you hold your glass here, and I wrap my arm around yours. Yes, just like that. Now, you hold my glass in your pretty little hand, right about there. I’ll hold yours here. Then I lick your sweet little wrist, just like this, and add a little salt-”

  “And I lick yours?” Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she did the same maneuver to him.

  “You catch on quick there, baby girl, now on the count of three, we lick, we drink, and then we suck,” he wiggled his eyebrows and she giggled again.

  Krissy never did anything like this before! She felt wild as she basically made out with a total stranger in public! The way she saw it, she was long overdue.

  This guy, Nate, might not be her one, but he sure as hell was fun and attentive! He was hot too, and he looked at her like she was the only woman in the ba
r. Doing a couple of body shots with him sounded like a really good idea!

  The music began pounding and he swayed a little closer to her. Heat from his body spilled onto hers. They didn’t belong to each other, but she wasn’t looking for her fated mate tonight. She knew where the asshole was, and he didn’t want her.

  Determined to enjoy herself, she nodded when she was ready. On the count of three she and Nate grinned then, lick, drink, and, oh my, suck!

  Nate slipped the lime between his teeth and pressed it into her mouth. His salty sweetness mixed with tequila and lime met her lips in a searing hot kiss. Whoa!

  Krissy did what any red-blooded woman would do when a hot guy offered her his lime.

  Krissy Sposa opened wide and sucked for all she was worth. She was enjoying herself too until an earth-shattering roar erupted from somewhere behind her.

  “What the-”

  Chapter 6

  “Fuck!” Taylor scrambled out of his SUV and walked through the doors of the very crowded bar.

  It was usual for a Saturday night at The Thirsty Dog, especially since they started having live music on the weekends. He hated being late, and from the seventeen texts he’d gotten on his drive over, he knew his date was already there. And she was pissed.

  “There you are!” Margot zeroed in on him as if she had specialized Taylor-seeking lasers in her cold eyes. Damn. He frowned in mild annoyance.

  She looked aggravated. He frowned at her too tight leather pants and corset top. She looked like she was at a damn vampire costume party for fuck’s sake. She always did like too much make-up and perfume for his tastes. He’d forgotten that about her.

  He preferred light flowery scents with a hint of vanilla. Like Dimples. Where the hell had that thought come from? He pushed it away and forced himself to smile at Margot.

  Though he could not stop his wince as she kissed him hello. At least he managed to tilt his head to the side, so she caught his cheek instead of his mouth. For some reason, his Bear was not happy with the overdone woman or with him for his attention to her.


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