The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series

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The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series Page 28

by C. D. Gorri

  “He’s man enough,” he started.

  “Not for me, Daniel. How could anyone compare with you?” She admitted the last without a thought.

  Clearing her throat, she expected him to get embarrassed again, but was rewarded for her honesty with a smoldering look from Daniel. It was the kind of look that made her heart pound and her panties wet. Oh my.

  “Ms. Alain? I went ahead and loaded your entire profile, complete with all your apps, contacts, and personal information onto your new phone. It will take another ten minutes or so to completely sync any updates, emails, and messages you may have received since misplacing your other phone. Um, I also installed the case for you,” he smiled vacantly as he stared down at her completely disregarding the fact she had on no make-up and had a few still visible bruises on her face.

  “Please let me know if you ever need anything,” he said. He moved to shake her hand, but was cut off with an ever deeper growl from Daniel, “Um, I mean, let us, let us know if you need anything else,” the young man jumped back when Daniel grabbed the bag with her new phone, along with his credit card, a little bit more forcefully than necessary from the young Bear.

  Lacey thanked the young sales rep. She slid her hand in the crook of Daniel’s arm and accepted the phone from him. She walked quietly beside him as he led them to one of the many restaurants on the ground floor of the mall.

  “Hungry?” She asked.

  “Always. Bear, remember?” He smiled as they followed the waitress to an isolated booth in the back of the pub.

  “I’m going to use the men’s room. Will you be alright?” Daniel cocked his head and waited for an answer.

  No one had ever done that before. Asked her if she was okay before they went and did something. Hmm. She wondered if she said no, would he just hold it in? LOL. He was truly a considerate man.

  “I’ll be fine. Want a drink?”

  “Seltzer water, please. Be right back, sweetheart,” he said and dropped a casual kiss on her lips as if it was something he always did.

  Lacey sighed and touched her lips with her fingertips. Her whole world had changed over the course of a few days and she could hardly believe it. Sure, it had started with something truly terrible, but this, well, this was just wonderful.

  The waitress came by, an older brunette with too much blush on, and asked her if they wanted drinks.

  “Yes, two seltzer waters, please,” she said.

  She tapped her fingers on the table and waited for Daniel. Pulling out her sleek new phone as she did. It was the latest model, unlike her old phone that was a few years old at least. She didn’t even want to look at the receipt. Not yet anyway.

  She held her finger on the pad and entered her numeric passcode. The phone lit up and beeped and she realized she had over a hundred missed messages. She started flipping through them and stopped dead when she saw his name. Tim Shaw.

  “Where are you? Fucking whore!”

  “I’ll find you, slut, and I’ll make you wish you never ran!”

  “You’re mine, Esme.”

  “Gonna cut that pretty face to ribbons.”

  “Who are you with? Fucking some pretty boy, aren’t you, slut!”

  “You’re nothing but a face and a pussy to fuck!”

  “You’ve been very bad, Esme.”

  “Maybe I’ll cut your boy toy up too.”

  “Gonna find you. Fuck you. Cut you. Slut.”

  She was shaking by the time Daniel came back. White-faced and no longer hungry, she jumped when he placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “Lacey? I thought you might like these,” he handed her a box of chocolates from the stand outside.

  She’d been eyeing them while they’d waited to be seated. She would have said thank you. If she weren’t busy shaking with fear and anger. Why won’t he leave me alone?

  “What is it, sweetheart?” Daniel dropped the box on the table immediately and moved in next to her, gathering her in his arms.

  “I was watching the restaurant, baby, I know no one came in or out from the mall. Did something happen?”

  “Oh God, Daniel. He’s just so vile and he’s not gonna give up,” she sobbed and that was when he noticed the cell phone. He took one look at the device and his features dropped.

  Lacey watched the Bear within as he peeked out from behind Daniel’s baby blue eyes. She didn’t think she could handle an outburst, however well-intended. But once again, her Bear Shifter surprised her. He dropped his forehead to hers and kissed her lips tenderly.

  “Fuck, Lacey, I’m sorry,” he whispered against her mouth, kissing her sweetly and cupping her face in his large hands.

  “I’m here, baby, I got you,” Daniel murmured.

  He was so big and strong. So very masculine. She’d seen his Bear, knew his inner strength was tremendous, and yet he’d only ever been gentle, protective, and supportive with her. Maybe that was his real strength. His tenderness.

  She returned his kiss, desperate to maintain the contact with him. To make all the ugliness of Tim’s words wash away in the tidal wave that was kissing Daniel.

  If only she could curl up and fit inside his pocket, she’d never leave him. She sighed into his mouth surprised by her thoughts. Yes, I’d keep him with me always. My Daniel, she stilled at the phrase that whispered through her mind. No, he’s not mine. Not to keep.

  “I shouldn’t have stayed at the kiosk so long, sweetheart, I’m so sorry. Come on, let’s go,” he dropped a hundred-dollar bill on the table and stood up. He leaned down and scooped her up in his big arms, leaving out the back door of the restaurant as if he owned the place. The workers just nodded and watched the two of them. Hell, for all she knew he did own the place. Bear Claw Bakery had many holdings.

  But she didn’t care about that. Only about him and how good it felt to be in his strong, capable arms. She was glad he snuck her out the back.

  It’s like he knows what I am feeling or maybe he can read my mind. She snuggled into the safety of his warm chest, wishing for all she was worth that he really was hers to keep.

  She had to stop this crazy infatuation before it got out of hand. Just not yet. She needed to hold onto him for a little while longer. When he doesn’t want me anymore, I’ll leave, I swear, she promised herself though she had no idea how she’d survive such a thing.

  “Hold on, baby,” his voice resonated within her and she trembled in his arms as he carried her through the parking lot to his SUV.

  He placed her inside and snapped the seatbelt, pausing to drop another kiss on her lips before walking around to the driver’s side. Lacey knew she couldn’t have stomached the crowds after reading some of the things Tim had said.

  Each text got more and more manic and threatening. He was graphic and disgusting, not to mention violent in his anger. Sick man.

  What the hell happened to Tim Shaw anyway? He was just some nice man who complimented her after her shows. He’d been funny and sweet at first, but that soon changed. His attitude had totally altered from a friend to someone obsessed with owning her.

  She’d done the best she could. Warding off his advances, then finally, telling him, quite firmly, that she had no romantic interest in him. She never led him on. That part was definitely a lie. She was no damned siren. Had never seduced a man in her life. Never wanted to. Until now, her thoughts turned to Daniel.

  Maybe there was something wrong with her? She had one crazed Wolf stalking her and threatening her with harm, but all she could think of was this man next to her.

  Chapter 8

  “You okay,” Daniel asked from behind the wheel of his large SUV.

  The vehicle was like him. Powerfully built but not ostentatious. He didn’t need to beat his chest or yell to all what he was capable of. No, his strength was there for all to see, whether they acknowledged it or not. She supposed it was what made him a good Clan Enforcer, though she didn’t know much about his job or what it meant to be a Shifter really.

  “Lacey?” His softly utter
ed word shook her out of her reverie, and she moved closer to him across the seat.

  An action that seemed to please him as he gathered her close and squeezed her shoulder with one arm. With the other he draped the afghan she’d worn earlier around her shaking frame and started the car.

  “I’ll turn the heat up,” he began, but she stopped him.

  “No, I’d rather just be next to you if that’s okay. You’re so warm,” she could feel heat rush to her face. You’re warm? I sound like an imbecile. But it was the truth. He seemed to be about five degrees hotter than she was at all times. Like her own personal furnace. Yes, please.

  “It’s a Shifter thing. We run a little hotter than normals, you know, humans, like you,” he started the car and pulled out of the spot careful to look where he was going.

  “Wow, that’s really interesting. What else is different about you?” She couldn’t help but ask.

  “Well, I turn into a Bear,” he grinned, and she laughed.

  “Very funny, Daniel.”

  “I aim to please. But really, Shifters have various degrees of things that make them different from normals. I don’t pretend to know about the others, but Bear Shifters have an average body temp of about 100 degrees. We’re strong, dependable. We live by the rules of our Clan and our Alpha. Blend in with society and take care of each other. That’s what a Clan is really. Just a community.”

  “Wow. Sounds amazing.”

  “You’re not afraid?”

  “Of you?” She gasped astounded he would even ask such a question.

  “Of Shifters. Now that you know about Bears and Wolves, there are others too, Lacey.”

  “Like what?”

  “Dragons, Lions, Tigers, Hyenas, Witches, Demons, all manner of beasts and other supernaturals. They’ve been here as long as humankind. Maybe longer,” he seemed to be watching her as he drove, gauging her reaction.

  “I think it’s incredible,” she responded, “What? Did you think I’d run screaming?”

  “Lacey, I just told you monsters are real. That reaction wouldn’t be unwarranted,” he turned the wheel and headed out onto the highway, but she stayed glued to his side. Safe and snug next to him.

  “Daniel, from what I have seen you are a good man and Bear. Everyone else deserves to be judged according to how they behave. Tim is a monster. Not because he can turn into a Wolf, but because he doesn’t have an ounce of humanity in him. He treats people, even his Wolf buddies, like dirt. Thinks people are possessions. You’re nothing like him.”

  Daniel seemed to preen at that. He squeezed her shoulder and drove with one hand, a low, slow rumble sounding through his chest. How could he think she would put him and that Wolf in the same category? No way.

  “Wanna get some drive thru, baby?”

  “Yes, please,” she nodded. Now that they were away from the mall, her stomach was grumbling.

  “Okay, I know a great chicken place,” he said.

  “Mmm. Fried? I haven’t had fried chicken in like twenty years,” she smiled at his astounded look.

  “Daniel, model remember?” she pointed to herself.

  “Yeah, but what does that have to do with fried chicken?”

  “Look, I was born with this face, so I don’t pretend to have earned that, but everything else is a lot of work. When I am working, and that has been non-stop since I was a kid, I eat mostly vegetarian. Raw foods, steamed, or boiled. Nothing fried or fatty.”

  “That sucks!”

  “I mean, I don’t know. I guess I am healthy, right? But I admit fried chicken and coleslaw sound yummy.”

  “Good. Cause I’m gonna feed you all the fried chicken and coleslaw you want tonight.”

  Lacey laughed at his serious expression. She rested her head on his chest while he drove, secure in his competence behind the wheel. Before she knew it, she was dozing off in her seat.

  When she came to, it was to her being carried out of the car once again by Daniel. He seemed to love the feel of her in his arms, and she wasn’t complaining. How often did a girl who stood almost six-feet tall get swept up in a man’s arms? Not very.

  His face was so much more thrilling up close. His blue eyes were glued to her, taking in every nuance of her expression. She felt her own face burning and could only imagine the blush staining her normally pale cheeks.

  “This isn’t the Den,” she said and straightened in his embrace.

  “No. I brought you to my place,” his gravely voice did funny things to her insides. Like he was kindling a small fire inside her with the promise of it turning into an inferno.

  “I thought you lived there,” she said breathily, surprised at the change in her voice. She’d never felt this way before. Anxious and nervous, craving him on a level that was new to her.

  “I do sometimes, but I like my privacy. When I’m not working, I stay here.”

  Here was a beautiful two-story log cabin that sat on the shore of a huge lake. Several large windows looked over the land with equally sized wooden shutters. There was a huge, wrap-around porch, with oversized Adirondack chairs overlooking the lake. Both the shutters and the chairs were painted deep, forest green. She loved that color. Heck, she loved the house.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she marveled.

  “Yes,” he said but was still looking at her, “Uh, I mean, thanks, I built it myself. The Clan has several small cabins dotting the lake shore, but this one is mine.”

  “Are the other cabins close?”

  “Not really, we’re a good half-mile from the nearest one,” he grinned as he carried her over the threshold and the scents of food, fried chicken maybe, and burning wood floated to her nostrils.

  “I came in and started a fire before taking you out of the car. The food is warming on the stove too,” he ducked his head and she saw a blush spread over his cheeks.

  “You can put me down now, Daniel.”

  “What if I don’t want to.”

  Her eyes flashed at him, loving the feel of being in his muscular arms. He stepped a little bit further inside of the room. The décor was big, masculine like him. All dark greens and tans, but it was neat as a pin.

  What would it be like? To stay here with him. The very thought thrilled her at the same time, it broke her heart. Yes, he was attracted, but he never said forever. Don’t borrow trouble. Live for today, she told herself firmly.

  “Hey, come back to me, baby,” he said in her ear and she whipped her eyes back to his oh so close face.

  “That’s it,” he growled out the words and let her down.

  She slid against him. He was holding her so close. Allowing her to feel every hard edge and rip of his body. And boy, was he hard. Like everywhere. Oh my.

  Lacey bit her lip. She felt heat pool in her belly and dampen her panties. Desire and need rose within her as he closed the door with one arm behind him never breaking contact. Anticipation was like a living breathing animal, and it had taken up residence right there in that room, in that inch of space that was still between them.

  “Are we alone here?”

  “Yes,” his answer was thick with his Bear.

  The flash of power in his eyes brought more moisture to pool between her legs. She licked her lips and Daniel followed the movement like the predator he was. Lacey loved that she could drive him to the edge of his control.

  “Good,” she said and pressed herself closer.

  Daniel grunted as she tugged on his head, pulling him down to meet her willing lips. That was all it took. Her big Bear grabbed her by the waist and wrapped her in his steel embrace.

  Melting their mouths together, they collided in a frenzy of passion. Clothing was moved aside, or just ripped off, in their need to get to each other.

  “I’m starving for you,” he growled against her mouth, cupping her face with one hand and claiming her with a searing kiss. She wholeheartedly agreed with the sentiment.

  Lacey arched her back to get closer to him, opening her mouth and tangling her tongue with his. She ran h
er hands over the hard muscles of his stomach. Reveling in every flex and tremble of his flesh. She affected him alright. Good. Cause God knew, he affected her as well.

  “Daniel,” she moaned his name, inciting him even more.

  His growl reverberated through the room as his hands dipped under her bra, tugging the confining material away from her heated flesh. He groaned as he gazed at her bare breasts. As if he was unable to decide what he wanted to do, touch or lick.

  He made up his mind quickly, yanking her off the floor and bringing her freed breasts to eye level. Clad only in her now damp cotton panties, Lacey wrapped her legs around his waist. He cupped her ass, securing her to his body before dipping his head and suckling one hard nub into his mouth.

  “Oh, yes,” she moaned loudly as he gripped her tighter, flexing his hips and brushing his steel hard length across her core.

  With every pull of his glorious mouth she felt a tug all the way down to her needy clit. Never had sex felt like this. Her entire body hummed with desire. She craved this one man’s touch like she needed oxygen to live.

  “Smell so good, baby, Need you, Lacey,” his growl was deep and rumbled through his chest into her.

  “Yes! More,” she cried out as his lips sought and found her other breast.

  He held her tighter, higher, suckling her nipples, one at a time. Each delicious tug sent more ripples of pleasure through her entire frame. On and on he kept up the rhythm, relentlessly until she cried out.

  In a blur of movement, he whisked her down the hall and through an open door. She was suddenly pressed against a firm mattress, Daniel breathing unsteadily over her. Not because he was winded, no, she gathered the Bear Shifter could outrun a whole flock of New York marathoners should he feel the need.

  This kind of breathing had to do with their lack of clothing and the acute desire growing between them. His blue eyes darkened to a sapphire color and she swore she saw his animal looking at her for a moment, triumph in his gaze. Just like that the Bear was gone, replaced by the man once more. Maybe I imagined it.

  “Are you sure about this, Lacey? Once we start, I don’t think I can stop,” his voice went even deeper if possible and she shivered in response.


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