The Izzy and Seb Collection: The Evermore Series Books 1, 2 and 2.5

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The Izzy and Seb Collection: The Evermore Series Books 1, 2 and 2.5 Page 39

by Rachel De Lune

  At the end of our meal, Seb stands and offers his hand to help me rise. He gently leads me from our table to the other end of the restaurant. Frosted glass doors seal off the dining room from the room beyond. Several more couples arrived during our meal, and their attire forms what amounts to a uniform—the men in well-tailored suits and the women in barely-there cocktail dresses. As we approach the door, another suited staff member pulls it open for us.

  We’re back in a reception area of sorts. There are open areas branching off from this main space, also adorned with fabric and curtains, making them seem more private. There are a few leather sofas and wooden drinks tables to one side. Seb pulls me closer to him as he moves me to one of the areas. As it opens out, it appears to be a bar. A few plush sofas are scattered in the corners, creating cosy areas. The lighting is soft and minimal, helping the ambience from the restaurant to follow into the larger space.

  Two tall, elegant ladies walk past and I battle my instinct to cower against Seb. Their beauty stirs my insecurities about other women. We don’t go into the bar but steer around to another alcove room. This one is more secluded and has opulent floor cushions and pillows scattered around several winged back chairs. A man sits in one of them with a curvaceous woman at his feet. The scene reminds me of the times I sat at Seb’s feet. I want that!

  I feel the pressure of Seb’s hand against my flesh but I want to resist it. I want to watch these two. My embarrassment is overcome by my own curiosity. Something about this couple makes me want to stay. The room isn’t closed off, nor are they hiding behind any curtain or screen.

  “Come on, Isabel.” Seb’s hushed voice doesn’t hide the command behind it. My feet start moving forward, although the destination isn’t clear. We appear to be touring all of the rooms that are connected to the reception. I think back to the ‘cottage’ that I thought I was entering when we arrived. Where has all this space come from?

  “What is this place?” It certainly isn’t just somewhere to have dinner. I would guess it to be an exclusive club.

  “It’s called Solace. It’s a place that caters to Dominant and submissive needs. I want to show you part of this lifestyle.” My feet are able to keep moving although my mind has completely tuned out. I think it stopped working when I concluded that this was a club. Seb’s been here before—likely with other submissives. Now he wants me to do what I thought was private between us observed by others? My mind is racing and I’m suddenly scared to obey him. What if I don’t like what’s on the other side of the door?

  For the first time, I seriously consider saying ‘Black’, my safeword.

  “Don’t tense up on me. I can feel your body’s reaction. I need you to trust me. Nothing is going to happen that you’re not happy with.” His words take the edge off. Seb grabs my hand and turns me to face him. “Trust me.” Hot, sensual lips meet mine and I take refuge in his attention. I kiss him back, telling him that I will try. For Seb, I will try.

  “Follow me, sweetheart.” Seb pulls me protectively close and we walk swiftly through the rest of the reception area. He sets us toward a stone archway with a marble pillar running down one side of the arch. It looks like an entrance, with steps disappearing out of view. Trepidation seeps inside of me and I cling to Seb.

  “Remember your reaction to the couple you saw earlier? You liked what you saw. Keep that in mind.”

  The staircase spirals down and is lined by black, iron railings which I use to steady my steps. My heartbeat echoes the loud click that my heels make on the polished stone. When we reach the bottom, we enter a small waiting area of sorts. Corridors lead off to the left and right. Seb pulls me to the right along the hallway.

  The lighting is much darker. What I thought of as intimate in the rooms above has been replaced by shadows and intrigue. Another frosted glass door blocks our path. Seb pulls me towards it, and out of the shadows, a suited employee opens our entry. His attire is more casual than upstairs—an open collar shirt with his sleeves rolled up. The doors open and the heavy bass beat drums in my ears. My eyes adjust to the lessening light and shadowy forms take shape. Dotted around the room are couples in various stages of undress and activity. Seb’s hand urges me to follow him deeper into the room. I recognise the sounds of hands slapping on flesh and the passionate moans that accompany them.

  I don’t want to look, but my traitorous body is warming to the feeling of being here. My eyes drift to each area as we pass. It’s not busy. Many of the ‘play areas’ are empty. A man is gently spanking his partner over his knee in a small nook halfway into the room. We don’t stop and I tear my eyes away from the woman’s pert bottom, open to whatever her partner wishes.

  The same feeling from earlier washes over me. I want that. My head might be reluctant, but my body’s eager. As my thighs sweep together, I feel moisture with every step.

  Benches, metal racks and PVC-covered tables make up some of the other equipment in the room. Seb slows in front of a wooden X. It towers over me, restraining the writhing woman who is cuffed to each corner point. I’ve seen images of a St. Andrew’s Cross, but I hadn’t expected the reality of it to be so… daunting. A shirtless, burly man distracts my view of the woman. He’s pacing in front of her like a lion, the flogger in his hand twitching with every step. My breath catches as I look back to the woman. A sheen flushes her skin. Her mouth hangs slack. Is this what I look like when Seb spanks me? Do I look as erotic, as hungry as she does for the strike?

  The man trails the fronds of the flogger over her skin as he paces around his vulnerable prey. Her gasp doesn’t reach my ears, but I don’t need it to. I can see her ribs heave and her lips mouth words. She silently begs for relief. Her desperation is written on her form.

  “More,” I murmur. She needs more, like I do, every time I’m with Seb. My own need blooms in the pit of my stomach, and my clit longs for the friction of my thighs, my dress, my fingers.

  “You should recognise this, Isabel. I’ve done this to you. I’d like you to watch this evening. Look at what the Dominant does and how his sub reacts. Let yourself enjoy it. Understand?” The deep tones of Seb’s voice stoke my growing need. I melt into him.

  He’s right. I do recognise this. The sensuality and carnal nature of the scene steal my curiosity. I see her, but I also see me. I feel her arousal as my own. The lion stops his stalking. The flogger rises and descends. Thud, thud, thud. Each strike matches my heartbeat as the fronds fall to her back.

  The man covers her body with his. He traces the shape of her slender body with his hand before his palm slaps. He pads back a few feet and swats her again with the flogger in his hand. The muscles in his upper torso transfix me. They tense before each strike, a snap in his arm to deliver the next blow. My eyes follow his movements and I see the sub relax into her restraints after each hit. A rhythm ensues, their exchange mesmerising.

  Minutes merge together until I pant with frustration. The steady beat of Seb’s heart pumps against my back. He presses our bodies close, shielding me from any stray eyes. I want more. I want his touch. I want his affection. The sub’s desperate moans mirror my desire.

  “Do you like watching the power exchange, Isabel? Do you see what the sub gives to her Dom? She surrenders her body and her control over what happens to him. She puts her trust in him not to hurt her and to bring her pleasure. That exchange is the first step in this scene.” Seb’s words drip with sensual command. With nothing other than his voice, Seb could make me come on the spot while watching this show.

  “Yes, Sir. I like watching them.” My husky words sound sexy even to me.

  “Continue to watch. Don’t take your eyes off them.” A shiver runs over my skin at the command. I doubt I’ll have any trouble obeying.

  Seb’s hand snakes under my dress and teases a path up my inner thigh. His touch promises the relief my pussy craves. We’re in a public club, anyone could see Seb’s hand between my legs. I should stop Seb’s public fondling and protest. My legs shift in response, widening so that Seb
can find my aching clit.

  My eyes fix on the couple in front of me. The Dom flicks long, sensual, suede tails over her back and thighs before moving towards her. I watch and I feel. Seb’s fingers rest tauntingly close to my labia. I’m desperate for him to touch me. He skims a finger over my wet seam and I sag back into his body.

  “Someone is very wet. Do you want to be flogged? Do you want me to tie you up and flog you?”

  “Yes, god. Please, Sir.” His finger drives inside of me, my reward for begging. Seb slides in and out, slow and steady.

  “Keep your eyes open and on the couple.” My hooded eyes fly wide at his warning. The Dom has turned the woman around so she faces us. A blush rushes over my cheeks as she looks right at me. With one hand clamped around the sub’s neck, her Dom whispers in her ear and spanks her sex with a small flogger.

  “That sub is going to come when her Dom tells her to. I’m going to finger fuck you and I want you to come when she does.” I don’t answer. I’m lost in my own fantasy. I hear Seb’s words and I want nothing more than to do as he says. My nerves, fears, everything from earlier is forgotten. Nothing else matters but watching the woman in front of me submit to a man controlling her pleasure—controlling mine.

  Seb’s fingers grow urgent, and keep time with the smacks of the flogger. Her muscles are tight and her chest rises on every deep breath. The sub is desperate to release. My orgasm coils in my stomach, my legs tense in the restraints of Seb’s body. Just… a little… more.

  “Come!” a deep, gravelly voice barks and the sub contorts wildly as her orgasm fires. Her release and Seb’s fingers force my own climax. My knees give and my spine stiffens as I ride crashing waves of pleasure. I close my eyes and sink back into bliss.

  Soft, wet lips cover the column of my neck and I regret that we are in a room full of people. I want to be hidden away where Seb can make love to me until I come again. His erection jabs into my back, and I wonder what his plans are now.

  “Come with me.” Seb pulls me back through the room towards the doors. After leaving the room, Seb stalks down the corridor, past the archway and along the other hallway. There are a series of doors to one side, evenly spread apart. He stops, enters number eight and pulls me inside.

  A king size bed dominates the room bare of little else. My stomach drops at the click of the lock, but I’m glad of the privacy. I drag my eyes from the bed and search Seb’s face. He looks hungry, and I’m his perfect treat to taste. I wait patiently for instruction.

  “I’m going to strip you and then I’m going to suck your gorgeous breasts into my mouth. I want you to be loud. Tell me how I make you feel. When I can see your wetness trickling down your thighs, I’m going to lie down and you’re going to ride my cock.”

  Oh god, I want to come! “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good.” He closes the distance between us and I brace for his assault. From our dirty talk I expect a passionate embrace, but Seb takes his time. He’s gentle. He slides the fabric of my dress from my shoulders. The bodice slithers to my waist. He sucks my nipple into his mouth before lowering his knees to the floor, pulling the rest of the fabric from my body. Sparks travel down to my clit. He’s still in his suit while I’m standing before him naked, submitting to his fantasy. My fantasy.

  He pops my nipple from his lips and circles my belly button with his tongue. I convulse and bend my body in pleasure. Pressure registers deep inside me and I grow unsatisfied with his tease. I want to ride him.

  “You like that?”

  “Yes,” I pant, holding onto his shoulders for stability. The ends of my hair tickle my bum as I throw my head back in pleasure.

  “Are your thighs wet yet, Isabel?”

  “I hope so. Please, Sir. I want you.” His tongue pauses in its stimulation of my body. Please, please, please.

  “On the bed.” I turn and crawl onto the bed. On any other occasion I’d admire the silk sheets, but I want Seb under me. He walks around to the side of the bed, divesting himself of clothes. He lies down and I eagerly climb onto him.

  “We do this my way. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.” This is what I crave. This is what makes my heart dance with joy. Seb takes control and doesn’t allow me space or time to worry or think. I can relax and just feel.

  “Straddle me.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He leans up and guides me to the position he wants. My pussy is open to him and grazes his firm cock. I barely avoid grinding down on him.

  “Keep your hands behind your back. Hold onto your wrists. I’m going to move you.” I do as he says. He lines up his hard, straining cock with my entrance and thrusts in. We both moan in pleasure. The gentle pressure of him filing me sends pulses of heat through my body. I fight the urge to move my hands and grab his shoulders for support.

  Each of his fingers digs into my hips, anchoring me to him as he begins a gentle rock. He slides in and out, rubbing deliciously against my exposed clit. My eyes roll back and I let heat, love and lust consume me.

  The gentle motion doesn’t last. He picks up pace, thrusting me down onto him and spiking my arousal. I’m not going to last long, but he said nothing about holding my orgasm back.

  “Yes, oh yes. Sir, you’re going to make me come.”

  “Good. Just a little bit longer.” Seb’s hands move and he wraps my body in one of his arms, pulling me closer to him. We’re so close. The shift in position adds to my pending rush.

  “Sir, I’m going to come…” As I shout the words, Seb’s free hand snakes over my bottom, and his finger presses at my rear entrance.

  “Good. Come.”

  I’m so focused on my climax that the unfamiliar pressure only adds to my release. As his finger breaches my tensed muscle, his body contracts and he erupts inside of me. I want to escape the intrusion of his finger but that would require me to stop milking his cock.

  Finally, when the tremors have subsided, I slump forward onto Seb’s body. He falls back to the bed, taking me with him. His finger pulls out and I shift to let his cock slide free. We’re too spent to do anything more and I rest against Seb’s chest, listening to his pounding heart.

  I wake to a chill and take a moment to orientate myself. We must have dozed off. I head to the other door in the room and hope it’s a bathroom. It is and I clean up and sneak back to Seb. He’s stirred, too, and is holding the covers open in welcome for me. I snuggle under and resume my comfortable position against his chest.

  The soft trailing of his fingers over my shoulder relaxes my tired body, but my mind is awake. I have so many questions about this place, but I’m not sure how much I want to ask or even which questions I want answers to. I know that Seb learned what he knows from somewhere. Perhaps this was the place. Maybe this was where he took women and spent evenings dominating them.

  “Will you tell me some more about Solace? Why you brought me here?” My voice sounds small and unsure. I’m still not sure how to be on the days that I give over control to Seb. The rules are fuzzy in my head. When it’s just the intimate sex stuff, it’s easy. I’ve always wanted that. It’s natural. Outside of that…

  “I’ve been coming here, on and off, for several years. A friend of mine recognised some of my traits, similar to how I recognised the submissive in you, and suggested I give this a try. Of course, I loved it. It was something that had been missing for me until then. But I didn’t like the public element of the club scene. There is an expectation to play with other submissives, casually, nothing past the scene or evening. That wasn’t what I was looking for.”

  “You wanted a relationship?”

  “Yes. I wanted to meet someone with matching interests, someone who shared my desires and my hunger for a D/s exchange.”

  “And they didn’t? The women in your past?” I can’t help sounding nervous, but Seb just holds me tighter.

  “If I wanted a submissive for one night, I could play at Solace. If I wanted a long-term D/s relationship, I had to risk finding a submissive woman through d
ating. A pattern developed. The women I got even remotely close to feigned interest. My date would pretend that D/s was what she wanted and submit just enough that I believed her. I began to hope I’d found an honest submissive. The woman would tell me how much she wanted to please me and make us work, but as soon as we got past a few sex toys and kinky underwear, pleasing me went out the window. These women found no pleasure in my more stringent desires, so I learned to guard my true feelings.”

  I remember back to the beginning of our relationship, to his task to buy a number of sex toys to play with that filled certain criteria. He gave me the instructions, but it was my choice what to buy. He always said that he was impressed with my choices.

  “What are you thinking, Isabel? I need you to communicate with me.”

  “I’m just thinking about what you’ve said. About this place. I’m not sure… It’s a lot to take in.”

  “You were doing fine until I told you about why I brought you here.”

  “Was it a test?” I voice my biggest fear—that Seb was testing me like he was the other women in his life.

  “No, sweetheart. This wasn’t a test. Not like that.” He rolls to his side so we’re facing each other and tilts my head up with his finger. “Isabel, look at me.” My eyes jump up to his. “I already know that you’re perfect for me, that we match. You want what I want from a relationship and you submit beautifully to me. I wanted to explore your boundaries to see how you liked the club environment, to see if this interested you. I’m going to continue to do that, explore and find out how far I can take you. It’s how we’ll grow stronger, by exploring our mutual pleasures. We have our own rules that work for us. You submit to me totally for a couple of days a week. I’ve never had that before and I fucking love that you want to please me.

  “I’ve told you before that I’ve taken you further than I ever thought possible,” he says. “I want to see where else I can take you. I’m drawing from my past experience, but you need to talk to me. If you don’t like anything…”


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