Second Chances: Novella One

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Second Chances: Novella One Page 2

by Jo Briggs

  Clutching the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles went white, Evan tried to compose himself. In frustration, he pulled out the object from his jacket that he’d been fiddling with earlier and hurled it across the car, with such force that it cracked against the passenger door before falling into the foot well. The outer box broke apart to reveal its contents: a double-banded, single solitaire diamond ring. The sight of the gem sparkling in the remains of its container cracked Evan’s composure altogether. Bringing both hands up to his face, he sobbed

  Chapter Two


  Nearly five years later

  Stepping on to the pavement outside the hotel, Layla drank in the final images of her favourite part of New York on the Upper East Side before flying back to Manchester. It had been a short trip to make sure her newest boutique was running smoothly, as well as catching up with old friends from her modelling days. The city had been her home back then, and it still held a special place in her heart as it was where her son, Bennett, had been born.

  “Good morning, Madam. Are we heading directly to the airport?” the hotel’s chauffeur asked as he held open the car door for her.

  “Yes, please,” she replied, smiling as she slipped inside the plush vehicle.

  Smoothing her dress down over her thighs, Layla pulled out her newest electronic gadget from her shoulder bag. The iPad was the latest rage, and she’d already loaded it up with enough music for her journey home.

  Layla had managed to grab one of the last available seats on a plane flying to Manchester airport. The airspace above some of the Western European countries had been closed off for several days due to an ash-cloud plume drifting over from an ongoing volcanic eruption in Iceland. She had arranged to stay with her older sister, Ava, and her husband, Cameron, who lived a convenient fifteen-minute drive from the airport.

  As the door of the car shut firmly beside her, Layla settled back into the soft, leather seat. Pressing her fingertip against the tablet screen, she browsed her schedule, which she’d already synchronised between her phone and tablet. The girl had a week of family time planned to celebrate her upcoming birthday, but knew she wouldn’t be able to escape the odd business-related Skype call. In her absence, Luke, the designer she worked alongside, would be overlooking the latest design changes to her ready-to-wear summer collection.

  Despite not having much of a business brain, Layla had managed to juggle a two-year course in fashion merchandising at FIT in New York and Florence, as well as raising a child aged under three, before embarking on her own fashion label.

  As well as her own birthday, it would also be Ava’s and Keely’s that same week. Since they were kids they had always celebrated the three events in one go. This year, however, the group dynamics would be rather different. Keely was in Rome and would not be able to get to Yorkshire due to work commitments, so the gathering would be just Ava, Cameron, Millie and Evan.

  Millie was the saner of Cameron’s two sisters and the only one Layla could bear; in fact, if the other one had been coming, she wouldn’t be, simple. She thought Caggie Barker had ruined her life and planned to scratch her eyes out if she ever met her again. It was going to be enough of a strained atmosphere seeing Evan again without her presence too.

  Layla hadn’t seen Evan since the night before her niece’s christening, nearly eighteen months earlier, and the ultimate reason why she thought Caggie had ruined her life. Layla intended on making her pay for it. The familiar voice of Adele setting fire to the rain broke through her thoughts.

  Recognising the ringtone she’d allocated to Ava’s caller ID, she retrieved her smartphone from her bag and hit the ‘Accept’ button. "Shouldn’t you be on a plane?" Layla asked, pressing the handset to her ear. By her reckoning, Ava should still be in the air for several more hours.

  Instead of her sister’s voice coming, Layla heard an anxious-sounding Cameron. "Layla, there has been a change of plan. We flew back early as there’s been an accident. Ava has broken her leg quite badly and had an operation. They’ve had to place a metal pin inside to clasp the bones together. I’ve arranged for you to be met at the airport by my driver, who will bring you to the hospital."

  A feeling of dread flipped over in Layla’s stomach, knowing how much Ava hated hospitals since she’d spent a big part of her childhood in and out of them. "Is she okay? Can I talk to her?" she asked. Ever since the traumatic birth of her son, Layla always panicked whenever a member of my family went into hospital, even for the simplest of check-ups.

  "Yes, they’ve made her comfortable. She’s sleeping at the moment. The doctors say there is nothing much to do now except to wait."

  Taking a breath and trying to sound composed, Layla replied, "Okay, I’ll see you at the hospital once I land. Give my love to her." With that, she ended the call and stared blankly out of the car window.

  The close brush with death that she had experienced with her son haunted her. Pull yourself together, she chastised inwardly. Cameron is her husband, and he won’t let anything happen to her. It’s a bone break, not life or death.

  A short time later, Layla was being shown to her seat inside the sparsely filled first-class cabin by an immaculately dressed stewardess, who seemed to have every hair in place. Sitting down, she couldn’t help noticing a familiar-looking woman sitting across the aisle from her staring in her direction. But, with all the flights she’d notched up between Europe and America every year since the age of eighteen, Layla often recognised passengers who did the same route on a regular basis.

  Sighing, she acknowledged the woman with a brief nod before glancing away and trying to look engrossed in retrieving some invisible item from her handbag, to prevent a dialogue starting. Normally she didn’t mind chatting to other people on a flight, but the mood for chit-chat just wasn’t there today. It seemed to work as that initial conversation line never materialised.

  Upon closing her eyes, Layla’s thoughts rushed back to Ava’s predicament. If her sister remained in hospital, it would make staying at her place awkward. Layla wasn’t due to move into her new house with Bennett for another week, but she didn’t want to be a burden. She even considered telling Cameron that she would stay in hotel. At one time or another, she could have stayed with Evan, but that was unlikely now, especially after the appalling way she’d treated him the last time they met.

  Not wanting to dwell on that particular subject, Layla opened her eyes and opted to browse through the movie choices as a source of distraction for the next seven hours.


  As one of the first people off the plane, Layla claimed her Louis Vuitton cases with relative ease, and headed through the long corridor to the main arrival lounge. Weaving her way through the waiting mass of people, she tried to locate Cameron’s chauffeur, who she would recognise on sight. He had been in his employ for a while now.

  But it was a different man to the one she was expecting that stepped towards her. "Miss Keyes, it’s a pleasure to see you again."

  Her eyes focused on his face for a second; he seemed familiar. "Edward, is that you?" she asked. Edward Reynolds had been Evan’s chauffeur when they’d been a couple.

  "Yes, Miss Keyes. Mr. Carter directed me to come pick you up, as Mr. Barker’s driver was otherwise engaged," he explained.

  Layla stood frozen to the spot, contemplating why Evan would be gracious enough to send someone to collect her when she was certain he hated her. Moreover, how did he even know I was flying in at this particular moment? Random thoughts flashed through the girl’s mind until she felt someone take the luggage handle from her hand.

  "I’m to take you directly to the hospital, as arranged, to see your sister. Mr. Carter is already there with Mr. Barker.”

  Too shocked to do anything but nod, Layla followed the driver to the car.

  The drive from the airport to the small, exclusive hospital was over remarkably quickly. Ava had stayed at the same place when giving birth to her daughter, Jess. With the car parked, Layla exited th
e vehicle under her own steam, rather than waiting for Edward to open the door, and walked around to the back.

  Handing Layla her luggage from the boot, Edward told her, "I hope your sister recovers quickly. They are in room eight."

  "Thank you, Edward," she replied.

  With her heels tapping on the pavement, she walked past several paparazzi, who were lingering outside the building. They hurriedly snapped her picture as she turned into the entrance.

  The vultures were out early today, she mused. Layla normally considered the press following her to be a necessary evil in getting her clothing brand noticed, but seeing them lurking outside a hospital entrance annoyed her. She presumed the possibility of taking a picture of two celebrity sisters together undoubtedly doubled their sale value.

  After speaking briefly to the receptionist for directions, Layla took a deep breath before making her way down an immaculately clean corridor, boasting well-dressed visitors and staff alike. The sound of a rumbling chuckle coming from inside the room stopped Layla in her tracks, a few feet away from the partially open door. It sent a tingling sensation running down her spine. His laugh.

  As she walked through the doorway, the owner of the laugh was standing in front of her; that dark-haired Evan Carter that she could never forget. The same man who used to take her breath away every time he uttered her name. He would be about thirty-two now, she guessed. Even in her Louboutin heels, which added a few inches to her five foot, eleven frame, he was still taller.

  With his back to the middle of the room, Evan was looking out of the window at the side of Ava’s bed while chatting to Cameron. He wore a well-cut pair of navy chinos, with the hint of a cream, knitted collar beneath his fitted, mocha suede jacket. Each item designer has an equally exclusive price tag, no doubt.

  Swallowing hard, Layla smoothed her clammy hands over her electric-blue, halter-neck dress and stepped further into the room. Even though she’d had the drive over from the airport to prepare for meeting Evan here, she wasn’t prepared for the effect that his presence still had on her.

  Cameron’s face broke into a bright smile when he noticed her, but Layla only had eyes for the other man in the room. A rush of long-buried emotion bubbled to the surface

  Chapter Three


  Noticing Cameron change the direction of his gaze in the reflection in the window, Evan turned around to fully face her, the woman he’d lost all those years ago. It was a loss he thought he’d die from as it hurt so deeply and profoundly.

  Evan didn’t trust himself to say anything at first and an awkward smile curved over his mouth in greeting. Neither could his eyes meet hers directly at first; instead they slid over her curvaceous body. Layla’s dress was gathered at the bust, enhancing the firm bosom. Lower down, the diamanté-detailed waist feature nipped in her slim waist before the skirt cascaded down over her shapely thighs.

  His inspection lasted but a few seconds before he managed to compose myself enough to engage Layla’s gaze calmly, not showing any emotion or sign of what he might be feeling. Inside he was trembling. Being in the same room with her made him breathless still. A raw ache thundered in his chest as the pain of what he’d lost swelled where his heart once lived.

  Layla smiled back slightly and said, "Hi Evan, thank you for sending your car to pick me up."

  Evan stepped forward to take the luggage handle of her case from her, planning to place it alongside his, for when they were ready to depart. "It’s the least I could do under the circumstances." At first, he could feel Layla’s resistance at his attempt to take her luggage from her grasp, but she seemed to think better of it when she caught his frown, and released it without further comment.

  His gaze followed her every movement as she stepped over to Cameron, greeting him with a kiss on the cheek. "How are things?” she asked. “What has the doctor said?"

  "He wants to keep her in for a couple of days, to make sure the wound caused by the bone breaking through the skin doesn’t pick up an infection." Both of them turned to look at the still sleeping Ava. "They think she’ll doze through the rest of the night due to the sedation."

  Layla nodded as her eyes suddenly darted to where Evan was standing. Her gaze on him was so unexpected that he did not have time to neutralise his stare. Embarrassed at being caught watching her so blatantly, Evan glanced away as he tried to coach his expression to be devoid of any emotion. His ego could not bear for her to know how much of an effect she still had on him. Breathe in. Breathe out.

  Her eyes flickered in surprise.

  Air, I need air. I didn’t expect playing the indifferent ex to be this hard. Evan turned to the others. "I’m going to make a quick phone call and get a drink from the machine. Want me to get any of you something?" he asked.

  Both declined. Evan caught Cameron giving him a strange look as he almost sprinted from the room. If she guesses how strongly I still feel for her, she may never agree to be friends.

  Five years was more than long enough to not have the woman in his life. Now that he’d discovered she was moving closer, Evan was determined to make her his again. Friendship was the first step.


  When she was sure Evan had gone, Layla turned to her brother-in-law and questioned him in puzzlement, "Cameron, why is he here?"

  He smiled. "Evan helped me get Ava a bed here urgently. He is close friends with the orthopaedic surgeon who operated on her, and he’s the best in the country. The doctors in Canada were concerned the leg wouldn’t heal properly due to the brittleness of her bones. This surgeon is experienced with dealing with such a problem. If it weren’t for Evan’s help, I don’t know what I would’ve done as there is a high demand for this doctor’s time.”

  Layla sat down on the couch that was pushed against the wall, overwhelmed by the reality that Evan had gone out of his way to help in order to give Ava the best chance of a full recovery. He must have done it out of his deep camaraderie for Cameron, rather than because of herself, Layla decided, feeling a sudden sadness that Evan would probably never do anything for her again. She knew it was a selfish thought to have but she couldn’t help herself. She just wanted him to love her again.

  Cameron began again, "I know you were expecting to stay with us until your house is completed, but I’ll now be sleeping here, so Evan has offered to let you stay with him until Ava comes out of hospital, rather than you being bored in our big, old house alone."

  Layla’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and her heart raced at the idea. It did make sense to stay there, rather than burdening an already occupied Cameron, but her mind was a whirl with trying to fathom why Evan would offer such a thing.

  She had been so continuously rude to him, before discovering the truth about Caggie’s dirty tricks to keep them apart, that she couldn’t imagine him wanting her in his house for an extended period of time. Layla wondered if he had discovered Caggie’s deception? Could she dare to hope that he had helped Cameron get Ava into the hospital, so he’d have an excuse to offer her a place to stay, giving them some time alone to talk properly? She didn’t have time to consider the possibilities further as Evan re-entered the room.

  Layla thought he must have guessed they had been talking about him because his eyes shifted to her face. Though Evan’s expression was unreadable, his body language held a hint of stiffness. He probably believed she hated the idea of spending time with him and wanted to retract the offer.

  In a bid to reassure him, Layla ran her finger over her nose. It was a simple, yet effective gesture that she knew he would understand instantly, without any words passing between them. Years ago, when they had to attend business and charity dinners together, they had thought up a signal she could use to reassure Evan that she was fine and didn’t feel out of her depth.

  "I understand from Cameron that you’ve offered to put me up while Ava is in here. If you’re sure it won’t be putting you out, I’ll gladly accept,” she told him.

  Evan’s eyes flickered in recognition of her
signal. "You won’t be putting me out." Despite his stiff body language, his voice was soft.

  The three of them chatted about trivial things for the next thirty minutes or so, until Layla could no longer fight her jetlag and stifled a yawn. Taking her cue, Evan asked, "Shall we go?"

  "Sure," she answered, trying her best to remain calm.

  Collecting their luggage, Layla and Evan bid farewell to Cameron, after he reassured her that he would call in the morning with an update on Ava.

  Evan led the way out, pulling Layla’s case on its wheels. Giving Cameron a backward glance, he gave her a thumbs-up sign. Rolling her eyes in response, Layla took a deep breath and followed Evan out the door.


  His initial nerves getting the better of him, Evan walked ahead taking long strides. All he could think about was the chance to be alone with Layla, with her long bare legs in that dress. The same legs he had caressed countless times when he’d woken up to find them entangled with his own.

  He had barely been able to concentrate earlier, with the safety of a third person in the room. Now it was just the two of them, Evan was going to have to school his train of thought on to less dangerous ground; otherwise it was going to be a very uncomfortable few days.

  Yes, emotional distance was what he needed. Be polite and friendly, but reserved for now. How hard could it be?

  As they approached Evan’s Jaguar XKR-S, he clicked the remote for the central-locking system remote so that Layla could settle into the passenger seat. A whistling sound drew his attention to her lips.

  “Nice wheels,” she said. “I see your penchant for flashy two-seaters hasn’t dwindled.”

  Evan could not hold back a smirk. It had been a standing joke between them that he never bought anything but these sports cars. “Not strictly true. Edward picked you up in a normal car, did he not?”

  “Okay, so you have one normal car in your fleet of... how many is it these days?”


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