Second Chances: Novella One

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Second Chances: Novella One Page 9

by Jo Briggs

  After the film, Layla yawned, saying she was ready for bed.

  Kissing her on the lips, Evan said he needed to attend to some work and that he would see her in the morning.

  Frowning slightly, Layla said nothing and went up to her bedroom. She lay awake for quite a while, wondering if she should have asked Evan what was troubling him, but she had not wanted to invade his privacy. Before finally drifting off to sleep, she decided it was best to see if the man’s mood had improved in the morning, before reassessing whether she should raise the subject again.

  The next thing Layla was aware of was turning over in bed and noticing the hall light shining through a slight gap at the bottom of the door. Otherwise, it was pitch black in the room, so no more than a few hours could have passed. Knowing it was Evan’s habit to turn off all the lights before retiring, she wondered if he were still working.

  Feeling concerned, Layla headed downstairs, wearing only a strappy, long negligee. Some of the lights were still on. After searching a couple of rooms, she noticed the library door ajar. She tentatively pushed it wider. The room inside was dark, except for one desk lamp shining in a corner.


  “Why are you awake? Are you okay?” Evan’s voice came from the same corner as the dim stream of light, allowing her to make out the outline of his body on the sofa.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I was concerned that you hadn't gone to bed.” Layla walked over, her eyes taking in his tired expression.

  “Adam's call troubled me, and I couldn't unwind.”

  Sitting down beside him, Layla took his hand in hers, placing it to her lips. “Evan, what is troubling you?”

  His eyes met hers and he sighed. “I’m not sure where to start. What I have to say isn’t pleasant, and I fear how it will affect us.” His voice quivered with emotion.

  “Evan, start at the beginning, and we can go from there,” Layla urged. “As to how it will affect us, I won’t let outside influences come between us again, now that we’re beginning to unravel our misunderstandings.” Her tone was firm, but anxiety hung in the pit of her stomach.

  Evan took a deep breath. “Well, it’s to do with Caggie again,” he blurted out.

  Layla tensed, but encouraged him to continue.

  He slowly explained that, despite not being officially in a relationship with the woman, he provided her with a monthly allowance. While Evan had not set out to keep providing for her, she kept threatening to publicise some photos of him in compromising situations.

  Layla gasped in shock. “What do you mean exactly by compromising situations?” She guessed what he was implying, but the thought left a sick feeling in her throat, and she hoped it might not be so terrible if she heard him say it straight.

  ”Umm, it’s not something I’m proud of, but after one particularly appalling night of drinking, I passed out on the bed. It seems Caggie took some photos of me naked in various poses,” Evan admitted.

  Layla closed her eyes. Hearing his explanation did not make it sound any better. She felt sick. It was horrible enough knowing that he had a baby with Caggie, but to know there might be naked pictures lurking on the internet at any moment was devastating. “Oh, God, how bad are they?” she asked.

  Evan grimaced and muttered, “Really awful. I was passed out. Caggie took advantage by handcuffing me to the bed, and you know the result.”

  Layla remained silent as she mulled over what he’d said. As angry as she was at him for being stupid enough to get himself into such a situation, there was nothing she could really say, since she felt to blame for him drinking heavily in the first place.

  “Say something, please. I know you must feel disgusted that I allowed this to happen.” He pleads, his eyes and face full of remorse.

  “Well, I can’t say I’m not disappointed, but I do feel responsible, ultimately.”

  Evan’s eyes flashed in confusion as he ran a hand through his jet-black hair. “How are you in any way responsible for this?”

  “Well, I’m the reason for you drinking yourself into a stupor, aren’t I?”

  “Well, it’s not like you stood there and poured all those glasses down my throat,” Evan protested. “It’s my fault, and I need to take responsibility for my poor decision of getting caught by such a cunning woman.”

  Layla sighed. “Do you know how many photos she has? Was it only a one-off occurrence?”

  “Yes, that was the only time I ever passed out with her there. The next morning, when I couldn’t remember what happened, I realised I needed to clean up my act. Otherwise I’d end up damaging my liver irreparably.”

  “So, I presume you retrieved all the photos and copies when you agreed to this monthly allowance?” Layla asked.

  “Adam convinced her to hand over her computer and other storage devices, to be wiped of anything incriminating.”

  “Okay, so if Adam dealt with that side of things, why are you still uneasy?”

  “It would seem she kept something back,” Evan replied.

  “You didn’t get everything? Surely you got your solicitor involved, so there wouldn’t be any repercussions?”

  “I was too embarrassed to. I admit I dropped the ball on a lot of things while I was in Chile. “

  “So, what is the latest problem?”

  “Her latest threat is a video of her and me in the bedroom,” Evan revealed. “I can promise you now that no such video was ever made with my knowledge.”

  Layla stifled a nervous laugh at the revelation. “Surely you don’t plan to let her get away with it this time?”

  He shook his head. “No, Adam is going to discuss it with our legal team and let me know the options, but I want to make sure the police and social services are aware of her blackmailing tactics.”

  “I know this might be a painful thing to consider, but with all the endless trouble she’s caused you, are you even sure Lily is yours?” Layla asked.

  “The thought did occur to me in the beginning, but once I saw her on the ultrasound machine, when she was still a tiny cluster of cells, I decided she would stay mine, no matter what. She needed to have someone to take responsibility for her care, since Caggie would be precarious about it, at best. I wasn’t involved with anyone, so I didn’t need to worry about hurting anyone's feelings, and thought being tested held no meaning. I’d still want to provide for her, even if she isn’t mine.”

  Layla understood Evan’s need to monitor the child's welfare; he had always wanted to care for others before himself, and her heart softened to the idea. She hoped he would be just as accepting of the situation when she finally confessed to him about Bennett.

  Chapter Eight

  The vibrating noise of a mobile phone moving upon the surface of the dressing table brought Layla back into the world of the living. She got out of bed and grabbed the smartphone, which was still buzzing in a distressed state.

  The caller, her interior designer, had left her a voicemail. Layla could not contain the excited squeal building within her as she replayed the message. Her house was finally ready! She was thrilled at the prospect of being able to go straight to there, once she and Evan returned from the surprise he had planned.

  Layla had just slipped back into bed to text the woman back when Evan walked through the bedroom door that was slightly ajar, carrying a cup of coffee, which had become their routine during her brief stay.

  “Happy Birthday,” he greeted, his bedroom hair giving him a sexy, tousled look, which caused Layla’s heart to flutter as he leaned in and kissed her tenderly on the lips, before sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Thank you,” she blushed, as she caught his gaze skipping between the low neckline of her nightwear and her face.

  "I didn’t interrupt a call on the phone, did I?" Evan asked, indicating the phone lying abandoned on the top of the rumpled duvet.

  "No, I was just checking the voicemail; my interior designer has confirmed that my house is finished." Layla could not keep the excitement out of her voice, even though
it meant that her stay with him was drawing to a close and her confession ever closer.

  "Oh," was all Evan managed to say in a solemn tone. His forehead creased into a frown as his clear, cobalt eyes turned a stormy grey.

  She sensed his body tense up. "Evan?"

  "Just don’t want it to end."

  Layla instinctively lifted her hand up to his cheek to caress it. "I may not be staying in your house, but that doesn’t mean our new understanding will falter. We can still see each other regularly." Her voice gentle, she added, "Maybe even manage some proper dates, and let you woo me in a more traditional manner."

  "Have I not been wooing you in a traditional manner then?" Evan asked, his mouth curving into a smile.

  "Well, ignoring our earlier history, staying in a man's house after knowing him for less than a week is not usual behaviour for me."

  "Mmm, true.”

  "I’ve no plans to abandon you as soon as we arrive back from wherever you are taking us, if that is what you’re worrying about,” she continued. “In fact, I was hoping that maybe you would stay there for a night or two. We still have more things to talk about, and at the same time we have to see Cameron and Ava at some point, now that she’s being discharged."

  Layla felt more comfortable with the idea of finally telling Evan about Bennett on her own territory, rather than his, just in case everything came crashing down around her.

  Evan nodded. "Sounds like a plan." His fingertips traced the outline of her collarbone and up to her tattooed shoulder as he wore a thoughtful countenance. “I didn’t think you were an inked type of girl.”

  “Me, neither, but I liked the idea of a permanent dedication to Bennett.”

  “It’s a Calla Lily, isn’t it?” he asked.

  Layla’s tattoo was of the petals of a large pale-blue lily, with two vines curving down her upper arms. It was an unspoken understanding between them that this type of flower was her favourite, and therefore no explanation was needed of their significance in their relationship.

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Why two vines?”

  Looking him directly in the eyes to gauge his reaction, Layla whispered, “One for the memory of our baby and the other for Bennett.” And the flower itself is you.

  Evan’s eyes started to water as she spoke. “Oh Ley,” he said, almost choking with emotion as he leaned forward to kiss the tattoo, before pushing her back against the messed-up sheets and pillows. His mouth descended on her flesh, devouring its softness with his tongue and parted lips.

  Layla’s quivered warmly at Evan’s use of his old nickname for her. Sliding her hands up, she started to push the dressing gown back off his shoulders, easing each of his arms out of their sleeves with his cooperation.

  With his upper body now naked, Evan moaned softly as Layla’s hands glided slowly over his lower back, her long nails grazing against the skin roughly. Leaning into kiss her once more, his firm chest rubbed itself against her aching breasts, her nipples hardening in response.

  They kissed eagerly, a fervent heat building slowly between them. Evan pulled away first, panting, as he hastily slid her negligee straps down her arms to free her breasts. Moving down the bed slightly, he began to trace the outer edge of her nipples with his tongue before taking their perkiness in his mouth.

  Layla arched her back, pushing herself against him harder and exhaling a shallow gasp of breath. Her hands pushed underneath the waistband of his pyjama bottoms, kneading and exploring the curve of his buttocks, and then pulling him fully on top of her. Layla closed her eyes as she enjoyed the emotions that coursed through her body whenever he touched her like this.

  Pulling her upper body to him, he elevated their bodies slightly and pulled the satin negligee over her head. Evan proceeded to kiss in a downward direction, from Layla’s cleavage all the way to her flat belly, while one hand remained on her breasts, squeezing each of them gently as he kissed and licked at her soft skin, wandering ever lower.

  Evan’s other hand paused to part her legs, allowing his body to slide between them as his tongue and fingers continued their slow journey over her yielding flesh until they reached their destination, where the top of her thighs met.

  “You smell as sweet as I remember, Ley,” said Evan softly, as he lifted his head up from between her legs and caught her staring at him. Her head was tilted, watching him as he pressed his mouth down there.

  His tongue probed in and out of her folds repeatedly, lapping at her arousal while she made a shuddering moan as the exquisite torture began to overwhelm her.

  As Evan continued to tease her swollen clit, Layla’s hands moved up from his buttocks to his jet-black, curly hair, pressing his head closer to her apex to enhance the exhilaration.

  “Come for me, baby,” he egged on in a raspy voice, continuing to rub her sex over and over as she writhed desperately against his touch, until she came explosively.

  Evan slid off her and lay on his side, with his head propped up by one arm, watching her descend from her pinnacle of climax.

  “That was quite a start to my birthday!” she admitted, breathlessly, turning on her side to face him. A satisfied smile spread itself across her face.

  Evan smiled and winked as Layla leant over to reach for his long shaft, bulging through the material of his pants, alert and seeking attention. Pushing the material down over his hips, she gently freed the beast of an erection from its prison. Enjoying the feel of his thick girth in her palm, Layla massaged it up and down, before leaning in and tilting her head, taking the tip into her mouth and tasting the pre-cum liquid that had escaped.

  Stroking his balls as she pulled him fully into her mouth, she sucked his cock to its hilt. Evan fell onto his back and closed his eyes, rumbling laments loud with excitement. In one fluid motion, he pushed Layla down on the mattress and placed himself entirely on top of her. He buried his face against her neck and plunged his aching erection into her tight core.

  Their rhythm began at a slow, controlled pace, but became increasingly wild as their passion mounted, causing the headboard to slam against the wall with every stroke of Evan’s thrusting. “You. Feel. So. Good,” he groaned punctuating every word with a hard thrust. “You’re mine only.”

  “Yes,” she answered without hesitation.

  “I want to hear you say it.”

  “I am yours. Only yours.”

  Stilling himself, he pulled out and manoeuvred Layla into a different position. Her round cheeks raised up as her head leaned downwards against the rumpled sheet; his hips were poised behind her as his erection rubbed against her swollen cleft teasingly.

  Evan leaned over and pressed his mouth against her back before entering her slickness again, his hips eagerly starting their rocking motion. The new position enabled Layla to feel his movements even deeper inside her molten fire, the friction of his hardness rubbing against her G-spot rigorously as she floated away.


  After eating the eggs and bacon that Evan had prepared for them, Layla disappeared back upstairs to pack her bag for the surprise trip. He was just clearing up, and placing some items in the dishwasher, when the doorbell rang. Puzzled as to who it might be since Edward was not due to pick them up for at least another hour, he went off to answer it.

  Evan had planned to fly down to London with Layla, giving her the opportunity pick up her son before they all headed off to another continent. Knowing she was missing her child, he wanted to surprise her by bringing him along.

  Opening the door, Evan was surprised to find his cousin on the doorstep, looking rather anxious.

  Adam was four years older than Evan, making him thirty-six. Besides being first cousins, they were as close as brothers were.

  “Adam, why are you here?” Evan asked, slightly peeved that his plan for a quiet moment with Layla before their trip was now ruined. He guessed it had to be bad news for Adam to come in person, rather than phone. “Another hour and you would have missed us totally,” he added.

  “I realise I’ve spoiled your plans to head off with Layla this morning, but I didn’t think this could wait. Caggie won’t listen to reason, regarding not publishing that video, unless you agree to meet her personally. And she’s also claiming to know some secret about Layla that you might not want publicised either. What she had to say shocked even me,” Adam responded as he lingered in the hallway, wanting their conversation to continue out of earshot of anyone else in the house.

  “Come through into the kitchen and we can continue talking privately while I clean up,” Evan replied, noticing that Adam held back from moving further into the house. “Layla is upstairs, so we won’t be disturbed for a few minutes.”

  As they settled in the kitchen, Evan looked expectantly at Adam to explain his presence as he continued filling the dishwasher. His cousin poured himself an espresso from the elaborate coffee machine that Evan had had shipped over from Italy recently, before asking, "So, how have things seemed between you and Layla?"

  "Surprisingly relaxed. She obviously wasn’t best pleased about the ongoing problems with Caggie, but we seem to have come to an initial understanding."

  "I believe Caggie may continue to make things as awkward as possible, now that she has seen you out and about with Layla,” Adam replied simply.

  Evan had anger written all over his face. “Talk about delusional! It’s not as if she’s had any involvement in my life for years." The venom he felt pronounced itself as he spoke.

  "I agree that Caggie is clearly unstable, but she said this secret of Layla’s had something to do with the messages she admitted deleting.”

  Evan frowned. “She’s finally admitted what they said?”

  Adam nodded. “She certainly implied that to be the case.”

  “So, what did she delete?”

  "She’s claiming that messages were Layla saying her son is yours."

  Evan spluttered. "How on earth can he be mine? Layla’s child is only three or four at the most. I’ve seen him with my own eyes. Clearly, as I hadn’t been with Layla in five years, I couldn’t be his father."


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