Pleasure for Two

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Pleasure for Two Page 11

by Pamela Yaye

  Heartened by her thoughts, she reached for her cell phone. Anxious to share the news, she considered calling Taryn or Jenna. But telling her sisters over the phone was a bad idea. This was the best thing that had ever happened to her, and she wanted to see their unedited reaction when she announced that she was pregnant.

  Another thought came to mind. Or rather, a certain man came to mind. It wouldn’t be right to tell her family about the baby before Marcel. After all, he was the father. The nausea returned as she thought of breaking the news to him. He was going to be upset, and she didn’t blame him. She’d seduced him. She’d practically jumped his bones the moment he’d stretched out on the massage table. And now she was carrying his child.

  What if he ordered her to terminate the pregnancy? Or denied that he was the father? Fear pooled in her stomach, making it difficult to breathe, to think. Dominique forced her hands to stop shaking. Marcel was the father of her child, but it was her decision and her mind was made up; she was having the baby. If he didn’t like it, tough. She’d never had to depend on anyone for help, as she was more than capable of supporting herself and the baby.

  When the traffic light turned red, Dominique rested back in her seat. She didn’t feel pregnant, and moreover, she’d had her birth control shot last month, so, how could this have happened? Flattening her hands over her belly, she considered the advice Dr. Copeland had given her. He’d encouraged her to begin taking vitamins and suggested she have an ultrasound done to ensure the fetus was healthy. I wonder if I’ll be able to find out the sex of the baby at my appointment. Then I’ll know whether to decorate the nursery in blue or pink.

  Dominique smiled at herself. She was getting ahead of herself. Before she could pick out baby furniture, she had to tell Marcel that she was carrying his child. But when? They were going to the art exhibit on Saturday afternoon, but she needed more time to rehearse her speech. She hadn’t set out to get pregnant, but she was glad that Marcel was the father of her child. It didn’t matter if they were out at lunch or just sitting around; they talked and laughed comfortably with each other. Marcel was one of the kindest, most sensitive men she’d ever met, but something told her he wasn’t going to take the news of her pregnancy well. And that terrified her.

  Chapter 13

  Pacific Ridge was a family-friendly neighborhood surrounded by snowcapped hills. The community center had tennis courts, man-made lakes and a play structure that took up three quarters of the field. A layer of low, gray clouds darkened the sky, and a brisk wind swept leaves into the air, making it impossible for Marcel to see as he exited his car.

  He stood in front of Dominique’s house for several seconds, debating whether or not to ring the doorbell. Not seeing her all week was torture, and as he stared up at her bedroom window all he could think about was holding her again. They’d agreed to keep things casual, but Marcel was ready for them to be more. They were great together, and he didn’t want anyone else but her. And why would he? Dominique was everything he wanted in a woman and more.

  Images of the sultry banker crowded Marcel’s mind. He wondered why Dominique hadn’t returned any of his calls all week. Was she busy with someone else? One of her wealthy, corporate clients? Bile rose up in his throat at the thought of another man touching Dominique. They’d grown closer since that wild night they spent in the spa, but they were still a long way from being a couple, and he had no control over who she went out with. And it killed him that other men were attracted to his woman. Dominique was the type of woman people gravitated toward—a real beauty who was as gorgeous as she was kind.

  God help me when she opens the door, he thought, remembering the last time they’d been alone together. They’d had mind-blowing sex in the steam room, and when he’d dropped her home at the end of the night, they’d made out in his car for hours. Her kisses were packed with heat, and feeling her nipples against his chest had been the ultimate turn-on. He loved the shape of her breasts, loved how they fit perfectly in the palm of his hands, loved how she moaned when he sucked them into his mouth.

  When Marcel couldn’t wipe the picture of her naked body from his mind, he gave his head a hard shake. The air smelled like rain, and thunder rumbled in the distance. Despite living in Seattle for the past five years, Marcel still wasn’t used to the fluctuating temperatures and was never adequately dressed for the season. It was getting colder by the minute, and if he stayed on the porch any longer, he’d freeze to death.

  Marcel pressed the buzzer. Several seconds passed before the front door creaked open.

  “Hi, Dominique. How are you doing?” he asked, trying to sound casual, as if he did this every day.

  “All right, I guess.” She looked uneasy and wouldn’t meet his gaze. “What are you doing here?”

  “I thought we could have dinner before we go to the gallery, but if now’s not a good time then I can come back later.”

  “No, don’t do that. Come in.” Dominique stepped aside. “What’s in the bag?”

  Marcel had almost forgotten the present he’d brought her. “A promise is a promise,” he said, handing her the glitzy pink bag. “This is for you.”

  Dominique rested the package on the hall table and peeked inside. “These are so cute!” she exclaimed, pulling out a pair of yellow lace panties. “There has to be at least twenty pairs in here. I can’t believe you bought them in every color.”

  “I’m a man who keeps his word.”

  Her lips flared into a cheeky smile. “Thanks, Marcel. I’ve never gotten underwear from a man before, but I’ll take them over flowers any day!” she said excitedly with a laugh.

  Marcel laughed as Dominique led him through the foyer. Not only did the sexy bank manager have expensive taste in clothes but she had a keen eye for home decor as well. Luxuriously furnished, her house had a charming country feel to it. Gardenia plants with large, lush leaves sat beside wide windows, apple-colored area rugs added a punch of color and all of the wooden tables were topped with books. “This is a lot of house for one woman, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but I love to entertain. My friends and family have designated my house party central, so there’s always something going on here. An engagement party, an anniversary dinner, the Project Runway season finale!”

  He pointed to the fireplace. “I’ve never seen a house decorated with such creativity, and that painting of the Cotton Club is incredible.”

  “Yes, with a lot of help from my art teacher!” Pride filled her eyes. “Every month I buy a huge stack of home decor magazines and study the latest trends. I’ve lived here for almost five years, and I’m still not finished decorating!”

  Marcel smiled, and when she turned toward the kitchen, he openly admired her outfit. Her cashmere sweater skimmed her curves, and she was wearing the hell out of her dark blue jeans. Dominique was all about style, and he loved how she always looked smart and classy. “You didn’t call me back on Wednesday, so I wasn’t sure if we were still on today,” he said, trying to sound casual. “Is everything all right at work?”

  “Things are okay. Didn’t you get the text message I sent you yesterday?”

  “Dominique, texting is not the same thing as calling. I need to hear your voice at least once a day. Understand?” Marcel said in a mock-serious tone.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call you back yesterday. I had a long day, so I turned in early.”

  “Do you still want to go to the exhibit?”

  “Yes, I just need a few minutes to get myself together. I wasn’t expecting you so early, and I need to change.”

  “Or—” stopping mid-thought, he took her hand and brought her to him “—we could spend the afternoon here.”

  “Doing what?”

  “I have a couple of things in mind.” Marcel placed his hands on her hips. “And both of them involve you being naked.”

  Dominique poked him in the chest. “Do you always have sex on the brain?”

  “Only when you’re around.” Fueled by desire, he lowered his
head and crushed his mouth to her lips. The lingering, close-mouthed kiss excited him, and he couldn’t stop himself from stroking her hips. Dominique curled her arms around his neck, drawing him into her sweet embrace. Blood rushed to Marcel’s groin when she pressed her pelvis against his erection. Their sexual chemistry was so intense that it bordered on ferocious. And the harder he tried to keep his body in check, the weaker he felt. “If we don’t want to repeat what happened in the steam room, we better get out of here,” he said, reluctantly pulling away.

  “Okay, just give me five minutes.” She reached up on her tiptoes and gave him a peck on the lips. “Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I’ll be right back.”

  Upstairs in the main-floor bathroom, Dominique ran a brush through her hair. Knowing that Marcel was downstairs excited her. He looked like a block of sexual chocolate in his camel-colored turtleneck and dark slacks, and seeing his outfit had required a quick wardrobe change.

  Wanting to look good for him, she’d ditched the worn sweater and jeans. But as Dominique studied her profile, she wondered if her suede skirt was too tight. Marcel didn’t like to attract attention to himself. He was a charming, soft-spoken guy who had the demeanor of someone much older, and she didn’t want her sexy outfit to turn him off.

  You’re stressing out over what to wear? You should be worrying about how you’re going to tell him about the baby, not the shape of your butt in that skirt.

  Gripping the side of the sink, she stared at her reflection in the iron-rimmed mirror. Tonight, after dinner, she was going to tell Marcel about the baby. He deserved to know, and putting it off was only going to make it harder in the end. Trepidation flooded her stomach, and for a second Dominique feared she was going to be sick. Like she’d been that morning. For the past week, she’d been unable to keep anything down, and if it wasn’t for the bottle of ginger ale she kept on her nightstand, she’d still be hugging the toilet bowl.

  Dominique heard the phone ring but decided against answering it. It was probably just a pesky telemarketer. She wasn’t finished getting ready for her date, and there was a hot man waiting for her who she was trying to impress.

  After brushing her teeth, she searched her cabinet for her bottle of Chanel No. 5—a small dab of the perfume behind her ears and she was good to go.

  Sliding a stick of gum into her mouth, she grabbed her purse off the counter, and tucked it under her arm. Dominique reentered the living room feeling confident, sexy and full of energy. “I’m sorry for making you wait so long,” she said, wearing a shy smile. “But I’m ready now.”

  “Someone called while you were in the bathroom.” Marcel gestured to the answering machine. “It sounded important. I think you should listen to the message before we go.”

  “There’s no time. I’ll check it when I get back.”

  “Dominique, would you do it please. For me?”

  They stared at each other for a long, quiet moment.

  “Marcel, I don’t understand what this is all about.”

  He walked over to the long, glass table and pressed the button blinking on the answering machine. “Just listen.”

  “Now you’re scaring me. Did Jenna call? Is she sick?”

  He shook his head.

  Unnerved by the sudden change in his attitude, she searched her mind for a possible explanation. Had her ex called and left a lewd message? Was that why Marcel was so upset?

  The answering machine beeped twice, and then a woman’s voice filled the room. “Hello, this message is for Dominique King. I’m calling from the women’s prenatal clinic to inform you that your ultrasound has been scheduled for next Tuesday. You can confirm this appointment by calling our office directly at…”

  Dominique’s handbag fell from her wrist and dropped to the floor with a thump.

  Chapter 14

  I feel like I’ve just stepped into an episode of The Twilight Zone! A sudden and intense wave of nausea hit Dominique like a bolt of lightning. For several seconds, she couldn’t breathe. This was not how things were supposed to go. She’d planned on telling Marcel about the baby later, not twenty minutes into their date.

  Feeling the heart of his glare, she raised her head and met his gaze. Dominique opened her mouth but closed it when she realized she didn’t know what to say.

  The minutes on the clock trickled by.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  For a split second, Dominique considered lying but instead said, “Yes.”

  “Do you know who the father is?”

  “Of course I do,” she snapped. Marcel probably thought she had a string of lovers, and it was all her fault. In an effort to remain calm, Dominique cleared the irritation from her voice and continued. “There’s no doubt in my mind who the father is.”

  “I’m not trying to be insensitive, Dominique. I’m just a little blown away by all this. I thought we were on to something, and then I find out you’re carrying another man’s child.”

  “I’m not carrying another man’s child. This is your baby.”

  His chin dropped when his mouth fell open. “Can you run that by me one more time?”

  “I wouldn’t lie about something this important.”

  “And you’re sure about this? I mean, you’re absolutely sure that—”

  “I’m four weeks pregnant, and you’re the only man I have slept with in the past eight months.”

  Marcel shook his head. “No, not about me being the father, about being pregnant. Is it possible that the test was wrong?”

  “I went to the clinic this past Thursday, and the doctor confirmed it. I’m four weeks along,” Dominique revealed, her feelings of dread mounting.

  “I can’t believe it! I’m going to be a dad?” A chuckle burst out of his mouth as he scooped her up in his arms and spun her around the living room. “We’re going to have a baby!”

  Dominique clamped her lips together. Another spin around the room and she’d lose the sandwich she had for lunch. “Marcel,” she croaked.

  He must have seen the panic in her eyes, because he immediately put her down. “I’m sorry, ma belle reine. I guess I got a little carried away. Are you all right?”

  “Yeah,” she said, touching a hand to her forehead. “I’m all right. I’m just a little dizzy.”

  “Well, I’m thrilled! Over the moon! This is the best news I’ve gotten in a long time.”

  “You’re okay with this? You’re not mad or—”

  “Mad?” His face wrinkled. “Why would I be mad at you? We had unprotected sex, and although I regret losing control like that, I’m glad we made love that night.” He looked at her with affection, a deep tenderness that instantly made her feel loved and cared for. “I still can’t believe it. I’m going to be a dad!”

  His excitement was contagious, and when he put a hand on her belly, she laughed. “To be honest, Marcel, I expected a very different reaction from you. Few men break into a cheer when they find out they’re going to be a father, and you look like you’re about to burst!”

  “Dominique, I’ll be thirty-six in a few months.”

  “So? That’s not old.”

  His hesitation was momentary. “I’m the oldest in my family, but I have no kids. My grandparents didn’t think they’d live to see my first child, but by the grace of God they will.”

  He caressed her cheek. The overall image Marcel typically projected was one of extreme confidence, and hearing the vulnerability in his voice made tears sting the back of her eyes. This wasn’t an act. He was genuinely excited about the baby, and his words touched her deeply.

  “Have you told your family yet?”

  “No, I wanted you to be the first to know.”

  “Thanks, Dominique. You don’t know how much that means to me.” He kissed her then. Like fresh water flowing from a river, his kiss quenched her body’s thirst. Dominique savored every touch and sensation. She’d stressed herself out all week, and realizing her concerns had been unfounded was a great weight off her shoulders. Their
hands remained intertwined when they finally separated. “When are you going to tell them?”

  “During Thanksgiving. We spend the morning at the spa, and I figured I’d tell my mom while she’s facedown on the massage table. That way she can’t hit me!”

  Marcel didn’t laugh. “Why don’t you tell them during dinner?”

  “Why does it matter?”

  “Because I’d like to be there when you do. We’re in this thing together, and I want you to know that you can count on me.”

  “Marcel, I appreciate the offer, but you can’t come to Thanksgiving dinner. My mom doesn’t know you and—”

  “That’s even more reason for me to be there.”

  “I can’t spring you and the baby on her at the same time. She’ll have a heart attack or something!” Dominique released a deep sigh. “It doesn’t matter whether you’re there with me or not. She isn’t going to take the news well. This pregnancy was an accident, remember? No mother wants to hear that her unwed daughter is pregnant—especially mine.”

  “God’s timing is perfect,” Marcel said. “He never makes mistakes.”

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. That came out all wrong.”

  Her gaze drifted around the room, then after a moment returned to his face. “I’ve been wanting to have a baby for years. I just didn’t expect it to happen right now. I know you want to help, but I need to do this on my own.” To put an end to the conversation, she went over to the closet and rummaged around on the top shelf. “We can leave as soon as I find my umbrella.”


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