Mated to Four Werebears: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Bear Shifter Island Book 1)

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Mated to Four Werebears: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Bear Shifter Island Book 1) Page 59

by T. S. Ryder

  Jessica faithfully obeyed the doctor's recommendation that she stay in bed resting, but at times she thought she was going to go crazy with boredom. It wasn't as bad as it had been back in the dorms since now she could actually enjoy her romance novels again, but it still grated on her nerves. So one day, while Stafford was out looking for work, she convinced Braden that it wouldn't hurt to take a little walk in a nearby park.

  "Where are the other members of your flock?" she asked, her hand tucked into the crook of his arm as they strolled around a small pond.

  Braden chuckled. "Did I ever tell you that I love how you call us a flock? Some of the others hate it, but I think it's adorable."

  Jessica ducked her head and smiled up at him. "It sounds better than 'gang.' So where are they?"

  "They've all stopped by to show their solidarity. I sent them back to their homes and families. I'm sure we could take the witch police force if we all got together, but I didn't want them to get mixed up in all this. But Jacob, that's the one that the witch attacked, he's been out a few times bringing food and stuff. I think he's got a bit of hero worship going on, if I'm honest. Even started to mimic my actions. It's damn annoying."

  Jessica laughed. "Can you really blame him?"

  Braden shook his head. "Nope. I certainly can't."

  "Can we sit for a moment? My back is really hurting for some reason." Jessica frowned. "Maybe I'm overdoing it."

  The dragon scooped her into his arms, carrying her briskly to the nearest bench. He settled her down before taking a spot next to her. "Jessica, there's been something that I've been meaning to ask you. Well, more like a promise to make you. I know it's not possible right now, but someday I am going to build you a house with everything you love in it."

  Jessica's heart fluttered. "Really?"

  A cold, angry voice from came behind them. "What do you want from her?"

  Jessica jumped to her feet, ignoring the jolt of pain in her abdomen that it caused, and turned. Pearl stood only a few feet away, her hands brimming with purple sparks, eyes narrowed and jaw clenched. She trembled, her gaze focused on Braden. The dragon snarled under his breath, quickly stepping between the headmistress and his mate.

  Braden tensed. "What are you doing here?"

  "I came for Jessica. I'm not going to let your lies put her in jeopardy."

  "I'm not in any danger," Jessica spat. "Except from you and your lies!"

  "He's the one who is lying to you. Do you think he really loves you? He'll take your babies and leave you with nothing!" Pearl's voice rose in pitch.

  "You don't know what you're talking about." Jessica put her arms around Braden, afraid his protective streak would get the best of him and that he'd attack the headmistress. His tense muscles relaxed minutely at her touch, but he still remained coiled and ready to strike. "Braden and I love each other. Why can't you see that?"

  "Dragons lie. They all lie!" The sparks around Pearl's hands died. A hollow look came to her eyes and she stared at Jessica with a raw, tortured expression. "You think he loves you? That's what Owen told me. But he lied. All he wanted was for me to have his child, and then after the baby was born he took her and I never saw either of them again."

  Jessica's eyes widened. Pearl said herself that she’d never had any children… but she had been impregnated by a dragon? And then to have that dragon steal the baby away? Had she thought she was going to have a happily ever after as well, only to lose it?

  A shiver ran up Jessica's spine, and she put a hand on Braden's arm, giving him a significant look before she approached the headmistress. Braden growled, but let her go. Her stomach was feeling heavier than normal, and the pain in her back was getting worse. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew what it meant, but she stamped on the thought, focusing on the situation at hand.

  "Braden isn't Owen. He's not lying to me. I was the one to seek him out. He told me to stay home during the spring equinox." Jessica cautiously touched Pearl's hand. "What happened to you was horrible, but that's not what is happening to me. You can't paint all dragons with one brushstroke."

  Pearl continued to stare at her with that hollow look. Her hand came up, brushing against Jessica's cheek. "You look just like him," she whispered.

  Jessica's heart twisted as pain wrapped around her belly. Her breathing was shallow as she searched Pearl's eyes. Did she look like Owen? "What do you mean?"

  Was she staring at her birth mother? She always knew she was adopted, but had never given any thought to who had given birth to her. Was it Pearl?

  The headmistress shook her head. "I thought you might be when I first saw you. You're the right age. But when you were being tested for entrance to the university, it was clear that you have no dragon heritage."

  Jessica let out a pent-up breath. "But?"

  "But from the first time I saw you, I thought that maybe I could pretend, and watch over you as if you were my daughter. And I couldn't help but think that Owen must have done to other girls what he did to me, and I swore I would protect you, especially knowing what your parents did to you."

  Braden stepped up beside Jessica, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You don't need to protect her anymore. That's my job now. I will rend anybody who tries to hurt her limb from limb."

  Pearl's gaze shifted to him again and her lips thinned in disapproval. "You need to learn how to temper that violent streak of yours. I understand that you're the alpha of your gang of dragons, but it's not a healthy environment to bring up babies in."

  "He's not violent, just protective," Jessica argued. "He's—"

  Another pain curled around her belly and she couldn't stifle a gasp, leaning against Braden for strength as her knees buckled. He grabbed her, holding her upright, and Pearl reached out, though she withdrew at Braden's snarl.

  "I think I need to go to the hospital," Jessica whispered. "But they're still three weeks early—"

  "The babies will be fine," Braden told her, scooping her into his strong arms. The leather of his jacket brushed against her skin and she pressed a trembling hand to the tattoo of a sparrow above his heart. The steady thump against her palm helped soothe her. A little.

  "We can take my car," Pearl said at once, but Braden shook his head.

  "Flying is faster."

  "I need to call Stafford." Jessica fished Braden's cell phone from his pocket as his jacket crumpled upwards, pushed aside by his magnificent black wings.

  Stafford answered quickly, but they were already airborne at that point, and Jessica had to shout to make herself heard over the wind. Braden cradled her against his chest, wrapping her in his strength, and she closed her eyes. The pains kept coming, more rapidly now, and Jessica bit her tongue, holding in her whimpers. Her heart raced–what if it was too early? What if their twins were still too little to survive?

  They arrived at the hospital within seconds, and this time the nurses knew to immediately show them to a room. The doctor came to them quickly and confirmed Jessica was in labor. Within moments they were transferred to the maternity ward, and Jessica was sucking in deep breaths to get through the contractions.

  "Your water hasn't broken yet," the obstetrician told her after checking her. "I expect it will be another few hours yet. But seeing as it’s dragon twins, we'll keep you here."

  He gave Braden a few instructions on how to help her through this, then left the two alone. Jessica forced a smile at her dragon, trying not to show how worried she was. "We never talked about names."

  "Yeah," he said, a little breathless as he sat on the bed beside her. "I thought we could wait to see if they're girls or boys first."

  "If they're boys, let's name them after your father and Stafford. And if they're girls—"

  "My mother and you?"

  "My middle name."

  Braden smiled and kissed her forehead. "That sounds perfect."

  Another contraction came and went, and Jessica turned on her side so that Braden could massage her lower back. Just knowing he was there helped, bu
t she still shook as fears crowded her brain. If it was too early…

  Pearl and Stafford arrived at the same time. Stafford blocked the headmistress from coming near Jessica until Braden told him it was okay, then hurried to his sister's side and held her hand. Jessica smiled gratefully at him, then winced as another contraction came.

  "You really do love her." Pearl's voice was shocked as she stared at Braden, who continued to massage Jessica's back.

  The dragon met the witch's eye. "Of course I do. And I will fight for her to my last breath."

  "Don't talk about dying right now," Jessica moaned.

  Braden kissed her shoulder. "I'm sorry. But it's true."

  Pearl approached slowly, her brow furrowed. After a moment of silence, she nodded. "The witch you attacked is one of my students. I've been hearing rumors that you were defending another dragon after she attacked him for refusing her on the spring equinox. I'll have a little talk with her and get her to tell the truth. And…" She twisted her hands. "I'm sorry for what I did. I thought that…"

  "You thought that I was going to steal our babies and leave Jessica." Braden's voice was carefully controlled.

  "I did. And I'm sorry. Jessica, I hope you'll come back to university. You have great potential as a witch, and you need more training to get a good position."

  Going back to school wasn't appealing, but now didn't seem like the time to make a decision. Not when she was in labor! "I'll think about it."

  Jessica cried out as another contraction took her. They were so quick now; she didn't think it was possible for labor to set in so quickly. There was a sudden rush of fluid between her legs and she knew her water had broken.

  "Get the doctor," she gasped as pressure built in her pelvis. "They're coming."


  Erick and Stafford Clampett came into the world two healthy, screaming little boys. Within hours of their birth, smoke was puffing out of their nostrils, though Braden assured her that they wouldn’t start to breathe fire until their first shift. Both looked like their father—golden skin, black eyes—but they had Jessica's curls in their surprisingly thick hair.

  When Jessica and the twins were released from the hospital two days later, she returned to the apartment to find it absolutely brimming with baby toys and diapers.

  "The flock has been stopping by with gifts," Braden explained, shifting a giant bunny out of the way of the entrance. He carried both twins in their car seats. "They may have been a little over the top. Oh, and Pearl sent a message. She's going to buy us a house if we move back to the coven. I suppose it's her way of apologizing."

  He didn't sound very forgiving, but Jessica only smiled as they waded through toys to the bedroom. "At least she got that witch who attacked Jacob to say what really happened. We have the option to move back if we want."

  The witch rubbed her belly. It was soft again, and still ached a little from giving birth, but the magic really helped to speed up the healing process. It felt strange not to have her babies kicking from the inside anymore, but gazing at their sweet little faces made her beam.

  "My flock wants me to come back, so maybe it's worth thinking about." Braden shrugged. He set the twins down and unbuckled Erick while Jessica took little Stafford to the crib.

  Big Stafford was back in the coven, having gotten his job back from Pearl. There wasn't enough room for him in the apartment right now, anyway, and Jessica was grateful that he recognized that she and Braden needed some time to connect to the babies, just the four of them.

  After the twins were in their cribs, Braden picked her up and settled her in bed. He kissed her gently. "So. I have something for you."

  Jessica leaned forward eagerly as he produced something from his pocket. It was a ring with an emerald set into a gold band. The metal was a little scratched up, indicating that it was very old. As Braden slid it onto her finger–the third finger on her left hand–Jessica's heart sped up and a smile bloomed over her face.

  "It was my mother's ring, given to her by my father. It was his mother's ring, too. I want you to wear it… and be my wife."

  "Yes!" Jessica hardly let him finish before she blurted out her answer. "Yes, yes, yes!"

  Braden looked taken aback by her enthusiasm but smiled. "I take it you're happy."

  "Of course I am." She pulled him close and pressed a kiss to his lips. "This is what I've wanted my whole life. Now I finally have it. My dragon. My twins. My happily ever after."



  The Wolf's Mate


  What do you do when your mate isn’t looking for a mate?

  Bear shifter and virgin Iduna Hudson doesn’t want a mate. But she wants a baby. So she has herself artificially inseminated and is ready for life as a single mom. Who needs a man anyway?

  Werewolf Stephen Jackson knows his one chance to have a family is to track down the woman who received his sperm. His wolf knows he’s found his mate the moment he sees her.

  But love isn’t an option. Iduna is much younger than Stephen, and the relationship between wolves and bears is strained at the best of times. And these aren't the best of times.

  Things turn deadly when Stephan and Iduna come face-to-face with anti-shifter zealots who are out to kill every shifter that crosses their path.

  But Stephen has been searching for his mate for decades and isn’t going to give up when he’s finally found her. Even if it means fighting the fight of his life.

  Can Stephan and Iduna escape their enemies? Can they save themselves and their baby? Will love conquer hate?

  Chapter One – Iduna

  It was a beautiful day in the southern interior of British Columbia. The mountains were dappled green-and-yellow, the contrast between the deciduous and coniferous trees painting a picture of the transition between summer and winter. Iduna Hudson sat on a bench just outside the library in a rare moment of enjoying the beauty around her, rather than keeping her nose in a book

  It helped that there wasn't anyone around to try to draw her into conversation and then act like they didn't want to talk just as she was explaining why leaves turned color in the fall.

  Her baby kicked her, making her wince, and the Bear put a hand over her belly. At eight months pregnant, she couldn't wait for the next month to pass by. She was tired of being pregnant. As much as she enjoyed the sensation of being a little person move inside her, the backaches and swollen feet and her body's refusal to get comfortable at night was wearing on her nerves.

  But she didn't regret the decision to get pregnant. She wanted a baby, and she was going to have one.

  Iduna inhaled the fresh air. Her small Bear Shifter community was fairly isolated, made up mostly of farmers and orchardists, and they preferred to go about their business on foot or with their Bears. Rarely did people around here use vehicles, even though everybody had a car. The result was that the air was clean and fresh, and the community cozy and quiet. It was one of the reasons why Iduna enjoyed living here so much. She could breathe without worrying about the effects of pollution on her lungs.

  An unfamiliar scent caught her nose and she turned.

  Her eyes widened and her heart rate spiked when she saw the man walking towards her. He wasn't a Bear. That was clear. He walked with a certain amount of dominance and grace, not the heavy-footed steps that she was accustomed to. His dark hair was just starting to gray at the ends, and crow's feet spread from the corner of his eyes. Iduna guessed he was around forty. His skin was a milky color, indicating he was more of an office worker than an outdoorsman.

  And he was beautiful. Iduna willed her heart to slow down, a little concerned about her reaction. There were plenty of good-looking men in the community, so why were hormones flooding her system now? That in itself was odd. She could count on one hand the amount of times she had been sexually attracted to someone.

  Well, it would be over soon enough. As soon as they started talking he'd start sounding like an idiot and her attraction would die a
s suddenly as it had blossomed.

  "Hello," she said.

  "Hello." He took off his ball cap. "Are you Iduna Hudson?"

  Iduna blinked in surprise. "Do I know you?"

  "No. I… this is weird, I know, and I apologize if I make you uncomfortable. But I'm the donor."

  What donor? Iduna gasped as her baby kicked again, eyes going wide. Of course. "You mean the sperm donor that I chose when I was artificially impregnated?"

  "Yeah. I'm that donor."

  "I see." She peered at him closely and nodded once. He was just as she had been assured of at the clinic. "How did you find me?"

  "You signed some papers that let the clinic tell me how to contact you. May I sit?"

  Iduna nodded, shifting to give him room. The man sat. Now that he was closer, the Bear could smell ink toner and a spicy scent to him. She leaned forward unconsciously, sniffing. Her heart rate picked up again and she felt her hands start to tremble. Her reaction surprised her and frightened her a little bit.

  She had ultimately decided to go ahead with AI at her young age because she wanted to be able to do the things with her baby that her parents had never been able to do with her. Everybody had asked why she chose AI instead of finding her mate. The answer was simple. She had met every Bear shifter for miles around, and quite a few humans, too. None of them were for her. None of them had her blood roaring like this man.

  And she didn't even know what his name was.

  "You're a Wolf!" she cried in surprise, detecting the distinctive scent of dog around him. "Or you live with one."

  "I'm a Wolf," he confirmed. "Didn't the clinic tell you?"

  She shook her head. She had requested a Bear Shifter's donation, but apparently either the sperm samples had gotten mixed up, or they didn't care. Given the way she was treated after revealing she was a Bear herself, the latter wouldn't surprise Iduna. Anti-Shifter tensions were high around here.


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