My Forever

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My Forever Page 10

by Nikki McCoy

  * * * *

  Kyle awoke to the feel of his skull splitting in two. Bright lights above pierced his eyes when he cracked them open, making him flinch. Every muscle in his body ached and his stomach threatened to lose its contents at any moment. Bringing his hands to his face, he realised they were cuffed in front, as well as his ankles.


  “Good, you’re finally awake.”

  Both voices hit him simultaneously and his head reeled. When the room finally stopped spinning, he opened his eyes once more, blinking rapidly against the glare of the lights. Finely meshed walls encased him, digging into the bare skin on his right side. Beyond them, Craig sat complacently on a tall barstool a few yards away. Tools and shelves of car parts adorned the walls while various odds and ends cluttered the floor.

  He knew this place. Had been in this very room with Craig countless times in the past but his mind was still too groggy to function properly.

  “Baby, tell me where you are.”

  The warmth that flowed in was swallowed whole by his fear. Hanging on to the echo of Lucas’ voice like a lifeline, his mind scrambled to recall his location. His concentration broke as Craig stood and walked forwards.

  “I think it’s about time we began your lesson, don’t you?”

  Kyle whimpered as the man approached with a malicious sneer. After unlocking the small door, Craig yanked him out of the dog crate by his hair and stood him up. His knees refused to support him and he snatched weakly at the arm holding him to ease the pain in his scalp.

  “Lucas, I’m…I’m…”

  Craig hauled him to the middle of the room and lifted him by the elbows. The silver cuffs around his wrists were latched onto a rusted, metal hook attached to the ceiling, suspending him in the air.

  “Did you honestly think you could get away from me?” Rearing back, Craig cracked his palm across Kyle’s face. “It wasn’t hard to surmise that the asshole who stole you from me was keeping you hidden. He hasn’t been back to work since that day.” Crushing Kyle’s jaw in a tight grip, he hissed, “You should have come back to me.”

  When the man turned and strode over to a bench, Kyle searched his memory desperately. Lucas’ deep, commanding voice poured into him like a soothing balm.

  “I know you’re scared, sweetness. Do what I taught you and push past your fear. I can be there in seconds once you tell me where you are. You will obey me and calm yourself.”

  He would obey. He would abide by his Master’s rules. He would not allow this maniac to control him. Kyle repeated the words Lucas had told him the day they’d both accepted their bond. They came to him as clearly as though his mate were in the room with him and gave him strength.

  “Highway 54…”

  “Last time I used the whip, but that obviously wasn’t enough. If there’s one thing I admire about you, it’s that you help me to come up with new and inventive forms of punishment.” Craig picked up what appeared to be a small electric shock device. “I think I’ll save this for last.” Placing it on the stool, he went for a large, wooden paddle with several small holes in the middle.

  Kyle’s breathing quickened. “State Highway K. Lucas, please hurry.”

  Craig came forwards again, grinning evilly. “Sometimes I love it when you defy me. It gives me a chance to exercise my little sadistic pleasures.”

  When the man disappeared behind him, Kyle started to hyperventilate.

  “That’s good, baby. I know where that is. Just give me a little more information.”

  Then it came to him. He knew exactly where he was. “I’m four miles—” Blazing pain cut off his sentence as the paddle came down hard on his ass. A scream was ripped from his throat and by the time his breath ran out, Craig had landed four more blows. The man was relentless, striking him again and again, each one harder than the last. The pain was so intense it stole the very air from Kyle’s lungs. His thoughts scattered into a million fragments until all that existed was the fire in his backside.

  He wasn’t sure when it ended but Lucas’ voice managed to break through his fever of agony.

  “Four miles which way, baby. North or south?”

  Through the sheen of tears, he watched Craig approach with a single-tail whip in hand. “South! A cabin down the first road on the right. Lucas!”

  “When this is over, you will learn your place. No more…”

  There was a loud crash upstairs and Craig span around in time to see the basement door fly from its hinges. Kyle was only able to catch a glimpse of Lucas before everything became a blur. The sounds of fighting and objects shattering lasted only seconds, then he was being lifted again and lowered into a familiar embrace.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you. Close your eyes for me.”

  He was too weak to do anything but follow orders. There was an odd sensation of displacement then Lucas was laying him down on a soft bed. Opening his eyes, he realised they were at home in their bedroom. Lucas tucked a finger from each hand into the cuff on one wrist and broke it apart. The same was repeated to the cuffs on his other wrist and ankles.

  “Turn over, sweetness. Let me see your back.”

  When he complied, a barrage of emotions blasted him. Anger, guilt, torment and more bowled into him, shredding the last of his defences and causing sobs to wrack his body without respite. The powerful blast of Lucas’ emotions dimmed but he was helpless to stop the torrent of anguish that flowed from his body in tears and choking whimpers. Through it all, Lucas held and rocked him, murmuring words of comfort.

  When at last the floodgates ran dry and the violent quaking faded, a soft cloth wiped his eyes and Lucas’ handsome features came into view. Nothing had ever looked so wonderful.

  “I need to pack some bags then we’re going to take a little trip. A vacation, so to speak. Try to get some sleep and I’ll be right back for you.”

  Kyle didn’t want to let go, but his energy had fled with his tears and his lids closed of their own accord.

  Chapter Seven

  Heat blanketed every inch of his skin, infusing his pores and enveloping him in a tight cocoon. It was peaceful here, relaxing. Which meant that his mate was with him. He squirmed to dig an arm from the layers surrounding him when Lucas’ hand moved from his waist to his hair.

  “Shhh, I’m right here. You’re safe now. Try to go back to sleep.”

  Low vibrations and the cool tone of Lucas’ voice nearly pulled him under again but his bladder had other plans in mind. “Umm…Sir, I have to pee.”

  Threading his hand through the strands of Kyle’s hair, Lucas said, “We’ll pull in for the night at the town up ahead. Can you wait ten minutes?”

  Kyle nodded and burrowed his face in what he discovered was the man’s lap. The position put ideas in his head that he couldn’t resist. He nudged his nose deep into Lucas’ crotch, rubbing along the lengthening column and inhaling the scent of musk mixed with laundry detergent.

  “Behave, imp,” Lucas growled softly. “We’re almost there.”

  He snuggled in with a few more nudges then settled down. A short while later, Lucas parked the car and told him to stay put. In no time his mate came back and pulled the car around a corner.

  “Let me get our bag and open the door. Don’t move.”

  “Where are we?”

  “I’ll explain after I get you in the room.”

  Frowning, Kyle waited for the man to return. In the span of two blinks, Lucas was leaning over his head and picking him up. They entered what could only be a hotel room, with puke-worthy paisley curtains that matched the bedspread. The moment his behind touched the bed, he cried out in surprise and pain. Flashes of events filtered through his mind in a jumbled mess.

  “Craig found me—how did he know I was there?”

  Lucas kept his expression impassive as he tucked a pillow under Kyle’s head then rummaged through a duffel bag on the floor. “Either he, or someone he paid off, set the fire in the store. Craig knew you were staying with me and took a ch
ance on you coming with me to investigate.” A small tube was pulled from the bag and he set it aside in order to unravel Kyle from the blankets wrapped around him.

  “He took me to his father’s cabin. I remember you asking me where it was, and then you were there.”

  Cotton pants and a sweatshirt were peeled off next. “Lay down, sweetness.” He squeezed a dollop of cream into his palm. “This will help with the bruising.”

  The urge to obey warred with defiance but he eventually gave in to the command. “How did you get there so fast?” The cream felt cool on his burning skin and a small moan slipped out.

  “We can talk about this in the morning after we get some rest.”

  Kyle twisted to send Lucas a glare. “I feel like I’ve slept for days. Any more rest and I’ll slip into a coma. I need answers now.” A smart smack on the side of his thigh was enough to remind him of his role. “Sorry, Sir. Can we please discuss this before going to bed?”

  There was a loud sigh behind him. “Can you stand?”

  It damn sure didn’t feel like it, but he gave it a shot. Once on his feet, Lucas clasped his hips from behind and guided him to the bathroom. Each step made his backside throb and he had to bite his lip to keep from voicing his agony. It was awkward, trying to take a piss while being held from behind, but he was grateful for the support.

  Back in the room, his mate helped him under the covers. “I need to take a shower first then we’ll talk about what happened.” A hoagie, chips and a bottle of water sat on the nightstand near his head. “For now, try to eat. It’s been about twenty-four hours since you’ve had food in your stomach.”

  Nodding, he leaned into the kiss on his temple. With the first bite, his appetite roared back to life. It wasn’t long before three empty containers lay discarded on the stand and he discovered that lying on a full belly was less than comfortable. The bathroom door opened and his hot, heavily muscled saviour came out in nothing but a low-slung white towel highlighting an exquisitely rounded butt. Craning his neck to eye the succulent view, Kyle forgot all pain and rolled over.


  Lucas whipped around and Kyle felt his face flame. Rolling back, he took refuge in the depths of the pillow.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Nothing to see here, just…go away.” A soft chuckle reached his ears that didn’t help matters. By the time the bed dipped under Lucas’ weight, Kyle thought it was safe to come out again.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Compared to what he would be feeling had Lucas not rescued him? Great. Peachy. “Better.” A hint of hesitancy flitted into Kyle so he decided not to push the issue of his question.

  “Do you recall what I said about the particular attributes of Tsielen?”

  “Strength and speed.”

  “And occasionally other powers. I can teleport to any known location at any time.”

  “So when I told you where I was, you teleported there?”

  Lucas nodded.

  Kyle digested this information for a bit. It would explain the man’s sudden appearance and their subsequent arrival in their bedroom. Truthfully, he thought it was possibly the coolest power in the world, but apparently Lucas had felt the need to keep it a secret. Pieces of the puzzle were still missing.

  “What happened to Craig?”

  “He’s no longer an issue.”

  “Sir, what did you do? Is that why we’re at a hotel, because we’re running?”

  Lucas fixed him with a piercing blue gaze. “He was still breathing when we left. Whether or not he lives long enough for someone to find him is not my responsibility. And no, that’s not why we’re running.”

  “So this really isn’t a vacation.” It wasn’t a question and he received no answer. Amanda’s earlier words came back to him about loneliness. Lucas had proved himself time and again and yet he still felt the need to hide parts of his life. There was only one reason Kyle could think of for that and the possibility floored him.

  Willing to test any theory to get the man to open up, Kyle scooted over and rested his head in Lucas’ lap, facing him. “I won’t leave you, Sir. No matter what you tell me, I’m here, and I’m staying here. Bonding with you has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me and nothing you say can change that.”

  Lucas stared at him for the longest time as though frozen in contemplation. Abruptly, he bent over and kissed him desperately. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “I could say the same.”

  That brought out the intended laugh and both relaxed into their previous positions. Lucas adapted a reminiscent look and said, “My race has an Order called the Mackaeo, much like your police force. They patrol the activities of all Tsielen on Earth and have the authority to punish those who break our rules. Depending on the offence, the criminal will either become an indentured servant to the Queen and her extended family or be condemned to die.

  “The Mackaeo are made up of those Tsielen who are born with a power. It gives them certain advantages over others, enabling them to apprehend criminals easily. I was taken from my family at the age of ten, when my power first showed itself. Because my power is rare and favourable when conducting hunts, I was trained to track down those with a death sentence and carry it out.”

  “You were a trained killer?” Kyle tried to keep the amazement out of his voice. It was disturbing yet thrilling in a perverse sort of way to know that his mate really could protect him at all costs.

  “For over two centuries. I didn’t mind my job so much. I’ve seen what a rogue Tsielen can do when a member of the Mackaeo fails to bring them to justice.”

  “But you quit.”

  “No,” Lucas said quietly. “There is no quitting the Mackaeo. I left because some of the members were becoming corrupt. A select group decided to take it upon themselves to seize lands and funds from humans all in the name of the Queen. Those who found out about us because of their carelessness were murdered. I couldn’t be a part of that.”

  Kyle frowned. “Does your Queen condone this?”

  “She is completely unaware of it. When the Mackaeo are sent to kill a Tsielen, they confiscate all of the criminal’s monetary possessions and give fifty per cent to the Queen. Last I heard they were giving an additional twenty per cent of what they gained from humans as well. They keep the rest to split amongst themselves and the Queen thinks they’re doing a better job taking care of criminals based on the increase in income.”

  “I still don’t understand why we’re on the run.”

  With a sigh, Lucas caressed his cheek. “A few Mackaeo have the ability to sense when others use their power. Because I used mine to find you, they’ll try to track me down and force me to join them. I was the only member in The Order with the ability to teleport and with my power they could probably double their revenues. It took me four years to shake them when I left. It shouldn’t take that long to lose them this time, though. I’ve been making preparations for this type of emergency for years.”

  Kyle opened his mouth again but Lucas stayed his next question with a kiss. It was so full of longing and passion that he knew he’d been right. This big, intimidating, glorious specimen of a man—Tsielen—was scared of losing him. The thought aroused him more than any compliment Lucas had given him to date.

  His cock swelled and he massaged it along a firm thigh. Lucas took it in hand and began stroking him in long, steady pulls. The kiss deepened and he moaned into the mouth devouring him. This was worth everything he’d gone through in life. The insufferable years of heartache, pain and isolation had all led him to this point, this man. His Master could be gentle and sweet, or exciting and rough. He loved it all. When his balls tightened and he teetered precariously on the brink of release, Lucas circled his thumb and forefinger just beneath the rim of the head and applied enough pressure to deny his orgasm.

  “This is off-limits until I give you permission to come.” At Kyle’s whine, he increased the pressure.

  “Yes, Sir,”
he said breathlessly.

  “Very good. Now let’s get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow.” Lucas positioned him across his chest then was out in seconds.

  The next few hours spent trying to follow his Master’s command and ignore his throbbing hard-on redefined the meaning of the word torture for him.

  * * * *

  Lucas cast another sidelong glance at his mate. Kyle had been distant and quiet for most of the day, his moods fluctuating between depressed and irritated, and now sullen. Considering the latest incident with Craig, it was understandable, but he didn’t know how much more he could take of his mate’s withdrawal.

  He would always live with the shame and guilt of breaking his promise of safety. It was his burden to bear. Kyle, however, should not have to suffer for something he’d been powerless to prevent. Of course there was the option of professional help, though he hoped it didn’t come to that. As far as he knew, he was the only person Kyle had opened up to since his mom had died.

  “Baby, nothing that happened was your fault. If you’re worried about Craig, I can send an anonymous call to the police and have a cruiser sent out to the cabin.”

  Kyle gave him an incredulous look. “What? No! I hope that prick rots in hell. I hope he spends eternity kissing the devil’s ass and shovelling crap. I hope…”

  “Okay, okay. I think I get the picture. Damn boy, I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder.”

  “Low-life, rotten, slimy scum-sucking piece of…”

  “And changing the subject. If that’s not what’s bothering you, what is?”

  Thinning his lips, Kyle gazed out of the window. “Will we ever go back home?”

  So that’s what this was about. Kyle was giving up everything he’d known to run with him. Granted there wasn’t much of a choice. If the Mackaeo found out Lucas had a mate, they would use Kyle to lure him out. Still, he hadn’t taken the time to realise how hard this must be for Kyle.

  “No. I ported from there so they’ll find out it’s mine and seize it.”

  “What about the store?”


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