My Forever

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My Forever Page 13

by Nikki McCoy

  “Quit trying to top from the bottom and do as I say.”

  “Top from the…what?”

  Bastian hardened his eyes. “Disobey me. Now take your pillow.”

  “But the bruises are almost gone.”


  The man moved with blurring speed, spinning him around by the arm and smacking him solidly on the ass. Kyle yelped in pain and cupped his sore bottom with both hands.

  “Something tells me you’re going to need a little cushioning for the additional bruises from last night.”

  The glare he shot Bastian might have been more intimidating were his face not flaming with embarrassment. He had finally convinced Lucas that he was ready, physically and emotionally, for the spanking he’d always desired from the man. It had been wonderful, completely erotic, and private! Thinking of it now caused his cock to swell, drawing Bastian’s eyes to the obvious tent in his pants.

  “I can feel you getting irritated. Behave.”

  “Ugh!” Kyle flung his hands into the air and stomped to the room to grab his pillow, ignoring Bastian’s snicker. He had only himself to blame. Instead of letting the man suffer, he’d offered forgiveness, and since then had been living under the rule of two aggressively protective Doms. One he was bonded to, and one who was like the second older brother he’d recently discovered he’d never wanted.

  “Behave or I’ll have to tell Deluc a punishment is in order.”

  Kyle stopped on his way back to the foyer. “You wouldn’t.” Though his punishments never involved pain, consuming remorse was inevitable. The knowledge that he had failed Lucas in any way was a punishment all on its own.

  “If I recall correctly, your last punishment was followed by a reward that I have no doubt you enjoyed.” Bastian frowned as another thought seemed to come to him. “I’m going to have to remind Deluc that he’s supposed to resist temptation during a punishment. Though I can’t blame him. Sexy as you are, I think I’d forget myself.”

  Snorting, Kyle opened the front door and walked to the car. Though their relationship was strictly platonic, Bastian took every opportunity to compliment his looks, his apparent submissive grace, and everything he did to please his Master. Kyle still couldn’t figure out why but apparently not only did Bastian thoroughly enjoy doing so, but Lucas encouraged his friend. Kyle treasured each compliment as much as he did his lover’s praise.

  That confession, however, would never pass his lips.

  They drove to a small café Lucas would meet them at when he finished shopping for supplies. The name of the town escaped Kyle. Two weeks of travelling from state to state had leached the distinctions between the many different cities and suburbs. Not that it mattered. Every night was spent under the loving yet firm control of his Master, every day filled with security.

  Life just didn’t get any better.

  “We’ll be leaving again in the morning. I’ve got a cabin up in Michigan that’ll be nice to visit for a few days or so. Ever been?”

  Unwelcome memories of the last time he’d been in a cabin popped into Kyle’s mind. Craig leering, toys used as torture devices spread out behind the man on the workbench. Craig’s voice spouting a myriad of insults and threats. Unbelievable pain fragmenting his mind until nothing else existed.


  He could still feel the steel bands cutting into his wrists. Skin stretched taut from the pull of his suspended, naked body. Rivulets of sweat mixing with the tears that streamed down his face.


  So caught up was he in the terror of his memory that he failed to register the car coming to a stop, or the sound of his seatbelt buckle being unlatched. Kyle felt an arm snake around his waist and he reared back. Two large hands braced the sides of his head, tilting it back so that he had no choice but to meet a set of stern, brown eyes.


  The command was low, inflectionless and utterly compelling. His throat opened and sucked air in. Recognition of his surroundings followed and Kyle lifted a shaky hand to Bastian’s chest. Instantly, he was pulled against it and held tightly. Convulsive shudders racked his body and his chest heaved with dry sobs but he refused to shed a tear. Never again for the monster who had ripped away his manhood.

  Bastian fished for the vibrating phone in his pocket and perched it between his ear and shoulder, leaving his arms free to keep Kyle trapped against him in a solid embrace.

  “He’s right here. No, he’s all right, just a little shook up. I think he had a flashback. I mentioned visiting my cabin and he freaked out.” There was a long pause, then, “Fucking hell. All right, I’ve got this.” After a few seconds, Bastian’s tone became exasperated. “Dude, I know he’s your mate but I love the little guy, too. Stay there and have some faith in me. I’ll take care of this.”

  The cell phone hit the floor a moment before a kiss was pressed into Kyle’s hair. When Bastian’s last words finally sank in, his fear was replaced with confusion. Did he really say…?

  “You love me?”

  The band of arms around him loosened enough for Kyle to peer up at the man. Their faces were mere inches apart but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Sincerity and…yes, it was love, shone down on him.

  “Of course. Don’t get me wrong. I mean, Deluc’s great and all but I find you much easier on the eyes.” The suggestive wriggle of his brows elicited a sharp burst of laughter from Kyle. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Do that at least twenty more times today and you’ll make me a happy man.”

  “That was quick. Wait, is he flirting with you again?”

  “Tell your mate he owes me big for doubting my skills.” Bastian let go to interlace his fingers and stretch them forwards to pop his knuckles, flexing his muscles in a boastful manner. “He may be your Master, but I am the Master.”

  Kyle rolled his eyes. It was impossible to dwell on the misery of his former life while in the company of his Doms. His Doms. The thought was unbidden yet true. For all of his faults and arrogance, Bastian had somehow come to be an integral part of his life.

  “When it’s safe, can we move back to the first house we went to?”

  “Well that answers my question. Tell him I said that’s cheating. And yes, we can live there to stay close to Bastian.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” His happiness was reflected in the current of approving contentment Lucas sent back. A thought occurred to him and it was blurted out before he could stop himself. “Do you think Lucas loves me?”

  Bastian subdued his levity and laid a reassuring hand on his knee. “Sweet cheeks, I’d bet my left nut that the man fell in love with you the day he met you. I know I would have. Granted, he was the last person I expected to find a soul mate, but a bond cannot be made in the absence of love. So I guess the real question is…why haven’t you told Deluc you love him?”

  Kyle ducked his head to hide his blush behind the locks of his hair. There wasn’t an answer for that other than cowardice. It was still hard to believe sometimes that he was truly wanted despite all of his hang-ups.

  “Well, let’s go in and grab a bite to eat. I’m starving.” Bastian picked up his cell phone from the floorboards, exited the car then waited for Kyle to join him. Keeping a territorial hand on Kyle’s elbow, he walked to a booth towards the back of the diner where they sat down across from each other, Kyle on his pillow. The man’s possessive nature in the absence of Lucas’ presence had long ago ceased to bother Kyle. He had a feeling his submissiveness brought out the dominant in Bastian that only served to strengthen his sense of security.

  A cute brunette with a high ponytail and red-rimmed glasses bounced over to take their orders. As expected, Bastian ordered for both of them then turned on the charm. In no time, the girl was giggling and touching the man at every joke and flattering comment he threw out. When she at last walked away, Bastian sat back with a smug grin.


  Kyle shook his head. “You have a compulsive flirting disorder, don’t you?”

��Hey, not all of us can get as lucky as Jonathan and find the perfect sub and partner. Until I do, I gotta make the most out of what there is.”

  Jonathan. It was Lucas’ new public identity. Kyle had also been given a different name but had trouble remembering to respond to it around others. Instead of yelling at him for it, though, both men simply addressed him by different terms. Bastian’s favourite was ‘boy’ and Lucas stuck to his usual ‘sweetness’.

  When their food arrived, Kyle entertained himself between bites by listening to the man’s cheesy seduction and watching the girl fall head over heels for it. Bastian’s knack for detecting the willing and available really was amazing. Male or female, young or old, they were attracted to him like moths to a flame. Kyle had yet to see the man get any real action, though. It was too dangerous to let anyone know of their whereabouts.

  Eventually the girl left and Kyle asked, “If you can’t sleep with them, why do you still flirt?”

  “Keeps my skills sharp. Plus it gives me a face to picture at night when I listen to you guys going at it.”

  He screwed his face up disgustedly. “You’re one sick puppy, you know that?”

  Bastian grinned wickedly. “And you’re one loud little spitfire. How am I supposed to ignore the delightful sounds you make?”

  Kyle felt his entire body heat as he gaped in disbelief. “I’m not that loud.”

  “Yes you are, but don’t curb your enthusiasm on my account. It’s the next best thing to having a warm body in my bed to play with.”

  It was impossible to tell whether he was serious or not but Kyle didn’t think he wanted to know. Thankfully, the rest of their conversation consisted of talk that revolved around subjects other than sex, for which he was profoundly grateful. By the end of the meal—like clockwork—the waitress had slipped a folded piece of paper under the bill and told Bastian when her shift would be over. Kyle was surprised it fit in the man’s pocket what with the numerous other numbers he’d stuffed in it during the past few weeks.

  “Stay here while I pay the bill.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Lucas should be joining them at any minute. An unexpected sickening feeling entered the pit of his stomach and he lurched forwards as a surge of anger tore through him.

  “Tell Bastian to ‘port you. Get out of there now!”

  Kyle looked up frantically and saw a huge man move to stand a little too close to Bastian at the register. Just as he slid out of the booth, he was yanked against the unyielding length of another large man. Something sharp pierced the skin on his side and he bit his tongue to keep from crying out.

  “We’re going to walk out of here nice and easy,” the stranger said in a hushed, cold tone. “If you try to run, it’ll be the last thing you do.”

  His frightened gaze met the rage blazing out of Bastian’s eyes a moment before they were both herded out of the café. In the parking lot, three men flanked Bastian, detaining him while his own captor prodded him with a blade towards a black sedan.

  “They have us. Lucas, they have Bastian.”

  “Shit! Don’t let him ‘port in front of them. They can’t find out about him.”

  At that moment, Bastian elbowed one man in the gut and swung a fist at another. He fought wildly then made a break for Kyle as soon as he saw an opening.

  “Bastian, no!” The knife jabbed deeper and Kyle was shoved roughly into the backseat of the car. The man was on him at once, pressing the blade into his throat.


  The car jerked and spun as the driver slammed on the gas. Kyle remained still until he saw his captor take a syringe from a side compartment and aim it at his arm. He kicked out and shoved but his struggles were useless. The man pinned him easily beneath his hulking weight and jammed the needle in.


  Kyle was out before he got an answer.

  * * * *

  Lucas eyed the group of traitorous Mackaeo that had caught him by surprise, encircling him at the edge of the parking lot of the grocery store he’d just come from, then glared at his former commander. The man was still built like a brick—square angles and overdeveloped muscles with a scalp as smooth as marble. Connor smiled in satisfaction at whatever message he’d just received on his phone then raised his steely gaze. “Before we go any further, I want you to take a look at something.”

  Holding the phone face out, he stepped forwards just enough for Lucas to make out the picture on it. His recognition of the reddish-blond hair and delicate features was immediate. Kyle’s face was slack in unconsciousness but blessedly free of any marks. Even though the break in their connection had alerted him to Kyle’s current condition, knowing his mate was in the hands of the treacherous group of Mackaeo brought his temper to a boiling point.

  “If you hurt him in any way, I will kill you and your men.”

  “My men? They used to be yours, too. Whatever ever happened to comradeship among your fellow Mackaeo?”

  “You gave up the right to call yourself Mackaeo the moment you went against the Queen’s orders and started killing humans for profit.”

  Connor kept his expression neutral while he gestured with one hand for his men to lower their weapons. Lucas felt the dampening effect one of the guys had held on his power lift, but it was no consolation. So long as they kept Kyle unconscious in an unknown location, there was nothing he could do.

  “Let’s continue this conversation on our way to the compound, shall we?” Turning his back to Lucas with confidence, he opened the back door of a nearby car and waved his hand for Lucas to precede him. The others climbed into their own vehicles and formed a line as they made their way onto the interstate.

  “How did you know?” Lucas asked, not bothering to hide his contempt.

  “Your employees were more than cooperative in giving me information. I found it a little too coincidental that you used your power then disappeared at the same time the human who was living with you did. It doesn’t match your MO of solitude to take a plaything with you into hiding. Naturally, I deduced that you had bonded with him. It was appalling to find you had lowered yourself to mate with a human, but after seeing him, I can’t say I blame you.”

  “How did you find us?”

  “We’ve been keeping tabs on Bastian for years. It took us a while to locate him. He’s not exactly sociable with his own kind, but after that I knew it was only a matter of time before you contacted him again. Don’t worry. He’s of no use to us. My men have already informed him that if he gets any bright ideas like running to the Queen or attempting a suicide rescue, your life will be forfeit. Other than that, he’s free to do whatever he wants.”

  “And what about my mate?”

  Connor fixed him with a vacant, black stare. “That depends on you. I can offer the same proposal for him as I did for Bastian. If you work for me, I’ll see that he spends the rest of his years living comfortably and financially stable—under supervision, of course.”

  Lucas’ suspicions rose. The ability for mates to speak telepathically with each other was common knowledge to his people. The only way to keep him from talking to Kyle and finding him was if his mate remained in an unconscious state. “What are you not telling me, Connor?”

  With a malicious twist of his lips, the commander replied, “Oh that’s right. You haven’t been around to hear about our latest breakthrough. You remember Sereck, right?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “He developed this wonderful drug that inhibits certain receptors in the brain, effectively cutting off the ability to receive messages sent telepathically. There is no lasting damage as far as we know, but I’m afraid you two won’t be communicating with each other again.

  “The injections need to be administered bi-weekly, but I think we can wait for yours until we get to the compound. The dose we gave your little toy was laced with a powerful sedative. He’ll be out for hours.”

  Clenching his fists, Lucas turned his gaze out onto the flat land passing by. One swift hit with the heel of his ha
nd would end Connor’s miserable life and give him a hell of a lot of pleasure, but he stifled the urge. “He is my mate and you will refer to him as such.”

  “Fine. I’ll keep my men from your pretty little mate if you agree to come on board.”

  “I want him put up in a house and given a monthly allowance that will support him no matter what he wants to do with it. I also want real-time video recordings of him every week. His privacy is not to be disturbed, however. Install the camera in a fitting location and access it via remote control so that I can see that he is unharmed. One bruise or scar on him and the deal is off. Your health depends on his.”

  Connor leant back to put more distance between them even as his chest puffed up in triumph. Lucas let him have it. Bastian was still free and his power undiscovered. It would take his friend some time to find Kyle, but he had no doubt that Bastian wouldn’t stop until his mate was safely in his care again. The only decision to make was whether or not he should join them after their escape. Both men would run with him regardless of how long it took to shake the Mackaeo, but if they were caught again, Kyle and Bastian would suffer far worse than they were now.

  No. He couldn’t leave. The risk was too great. Tsielen bonded for life, but that didn’t make Kyle incapable of loving others. Lucas would rather he find happiness under the protection of Bastian than take that slim chance that he become a prisoner for the remainder of his days.

  * * * *

  Several hours later, he could make out the lights of the compound in the empty darkness of the desert night. Instead of the main entrance, the driver took them in through the back.

  “Not going to gloat about your victory in retrieving a deserter?”

  Connor flicked him an annoyed glance. “No one leaves the Mackaeo. You died days after you left. Killed in action by a rogue Tsielen.”

  “So only you and your men know I’m alive?”

  “Yes. I’ll not be made a fool of.”

  All this time he thought he’d been chased by the entire Order. Disclaiming Connor’s false report by somehow making others aware of his existence was a fleeting idea and quashed as quickly as it came. It would only make things worse. If he weren’t placed in custody and executed for renouncing the vows he took to protect his race, he would be reinstated into the Order and essentially returned to his former life.


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