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Gabriel Page 19

by Melissa Meintjes

  In addition to the photos of himself, Gabriel had also placed up photos of scenery, objects, and quotes. He had placed up one photo of palm trees in the sunset, the streets at night, a grayscale site of New York, a meadow, and a pile of glow sticks. She then read all the quotes he had posted. The first one read “I love this crazy tragic sometimes almost magic awful beautiful life.” Then she read “smile, you’re beautiful.” Then “Don’t be afraid to take risks for they make life worth living.” As she read them, she grew to love Gabriel more and began to wonder about the contradiction of his Facebook personality to his real personality. As she wondered she remembered how he had probably gained weight to feel close to her, and how he had dyed his hair for her. So as she felt his love, she thought that he had decided to act gay in order to joke around with her. Perhaps, she thought, Gabriel believed that the real him would intimidate her instead of encourage her to talk to him, and so she decided to talk to Gabriel through the fake personality of Mary Singer.

  Natasha decided to write comments on some of Gabriel’s photos, and as she looked through his various photos she chose, the one of his buttocks from the side as he sat on steps in blue jeans. She looked at his rounded hump and felt mesmerized by its perfection, and narrow waist. So she wrote “Such a masterpiece, it should be the main attraction at a museum in Italy.” As she wrote, she remembered the David of Florence and thought how his beauty compared. Then she commented on the photo of him in black jeans with his legs open and wrote “This photo sends anyone in to a state of passionate mental ecstasy. You should become a model.” As she wrote to him from the comfort of her anonymity, she felt pleased to have a connection with the man she so coveted. The following day, he responded to her, and she felt pleased to hear from him. To the photo post about his buttocks from the side, he responded “Aww thank you, in fact let me go right ahead and email one of the main museums in Italy. Do you know of any Ms. Honey? Thank you for the inspiration. Gag, my body works them girl jeans out......!” Then she read his post about her comment about his legs open. He had written “Thanks my love.. But I decided not to get into that. Had a chance to model for GAP but did not proceed. Circumstances in life deterred that goal but it was never my ambition. Too young, among many other things. However thank you Ms. Singer.” Natasha felt very offended over having been called disgusting in a way, but her love for Gabriel drove her to respond by writing “I am sorry, I did not mean my femaleness to offend you, but I thought you liked attention in general, since you are good looking enough to have a lot of friends at a gay club, or gay website, and you decided to let anyone write. I think you secretly crave the attention, even from women.” Then Gabriel responded “Any rational person will understand. There is no reason for alarm. Any compliment from anyone is well taken, appreciated, with a humble yet modest thank, without being vain. Now friends? “Friends” is a heavy word. I have many. However, I can count on real "friends" with 5 fingers. Let’s be sincere....For the record, let’s say I do secretly crave the attention you claim. How is it a secret when I post my pictures? If it was a secret, perhaps there would not be any pictures, posts, or even a Facebook page for me. I am just extroverted. I am stuck on gay website though.” Then Natasha, feeling confused, responded believing he was the Gabriel from two doors down: “It is a secret because you say you are gay. I am not sorry about my femaleness though. I love being a woman. I would not change it for anything in the world. I sometimes think I am gay too. I guess, I do not know how to deal with your sadism. I think you are crazy not to love women. Sometimes I actually struggle to be straight. It must be a miracle.” Although Natasha did not struggle with gayness very often, she claimed she did, in order to make him focus on her in a more positive way. Then Gabriel responded “That’s not being crazy, lady. That’s being me, GAY & PROUD, and it’s no secret... Shhhhhhh.....Lady its because you love tuna fish...” Then Natasha felt very hurt, for she hated men who insulted vaginas and so responded “I think that is rude slang for pussy. I can’t help it if you like dirty hoes. Clean women don’t smell bad. Men who don’t bath, who don’t brush, stink like hell too.” Then Gabriel responded “There is no need to be sorry about your femaleness just as anyone in their rational mind such as myself am comfortable with my maleness.” Then Natasha responded “I am not in to being abused. I thought you were someone else.” Although Natasha admitted that he was another Gabriel, she still secretly believed that he was the same Gabriel. Then Gabriel responded “I’m sorry to hear... I don’t have those issues with men.. Call me fortunate. And if I decided to be rude I would have called you a CUNT.” Then Natasha responded “Telling me that my beautiful femininity makes you feel like vomiting, is rude.” Then Gabriel got angry and responded “Woman I don’t even know who the fuck you are! You don’t even have a face.” Then Natasha responded “I have a face. I just don’t want to show it to you. I thought you were someone else, with a different personality.” Then Gabriel answered “Fuck yea, I don’t like VAG especially yours, it is beginning to smell bad.” Then Natasha responded “I think you smell bad. You don’t have to get angry because I am not in love with you. For a homosexual, you act very heterosexual.” Then Gabriel retorted “Oh Ms. Pebble why do I even scoop to your level? Honey we can go at this forever.” Then Scott Olsen, a friend of Gabriel’s began to talk by saying “needs a spanking.. just saying hahahaha.” Then Natasha responded by saying “You don’t know me, so you do not know what level I am on. But life is too precious to argue. Bye.” Then Gabriel wrote “The bitch needs to get slapped...” Then Scott wrote “Miss you Gabriel, hope you’re doing well.” Although Gabriel had always been obsessed with men, he continued to obsess with Natasha and wrote to her “Ur a fucking fag not a woman.” Then Scott wrote “Hey what did I miss? Wow? I need to come beat someone’s ass! Apparently Mary whoever you may be, doesn’t deserve to be a part of this amazingness. Delete us and do us a favor.” Then Gabriel wrote “I have a feeling she is a he. Only a Ft. Lauderdale homosexual sounds like her. That is not typical woman behavior.” Then Scott wrote “=)typical bitch shit. Smooches bud.” Then Gabriel continued “I meant to say a Fort Lauderdale homosexual acts that way. I hope she gags on my dick.” Then Scott wrote “well you know, I still love and miss you.” Gabriel responded by writing “=)I love you too. Smooches. I miss you too.” Natasha who had been reading their entries quietly felt frightened by their persecution, and was happy to have it finally be over. Natasha felt shocked that the beautiful man from two doors down, was capable of such brutality, and began to imagine the possibility that it had not been him; instead a twin, a look alike, a clone, or a multiple personality.

  Natasha, continued to look and analyze at the photos of Gabriel trying to understand if he was the man from two doors down. As she looked at them, she enlarged them to try and imagine what it would be like to look at the man in person. She constantly saw the man from two doors down through the photographs. She saw him from the time he walked his dog, or the time he had been jogging and therefore felt happy that she finally possessed photos of him. Although they looked identical, Natasha still could not help but doubt that they were the same man. She imagined that perhaps they were two different men, very similar in features but different in personalities. As she continued to look at the pictures closer she thought that it could not be possible, because they looked so alike. She thought about all the different Gabriel’s she had seen; how each had a different face, and then doubted her situation. She thought about the evolution of animals, and how on the animal channel she had seen that a certain type of whale has a unique mark on its tale, different from all other whales of the same species. She remembered how the television had told her that no two whales had the same tales, and therefore could identify one another. She remembered how she had then thought about human faces; about how they were all different and therefore acted as identification. As she remembered the whales, and thought about all the different Gabriel’s she had seen, Natasha decided that Gabriel Hatfield could not be a different man fro
m Gabriel down the hall, and therefore, had to be two different men, in one, for she could not imagine her neighbor to be so rude. So she imagined Gabriel made up of two personalities; as twins who had played a joke on her. Then her mind pictured Gabriel as a gay man ashamed of his identity, then as a clone, then as a joke from God; and then wondered which reality she should trust.

  As she thought about the conversation with Gabriel Hatfield, Natasha, imagined sucking on Gabriel’s dick the way he had suggested. She began to feel aroused. She liked him so much that she omitted his comment about gagging from her mind. She imagined swallowing his semen, and licking his penis, the way she had hinted that she wanted to through her comment about mental ecstasy. She imagined Scott slapping her buttocks, and Gabriel also. As she became more aroused, she came to orgasm, and felt her entire body relax in to the soothing transcendence of sex, and therefore she felt her masochism reawakened.

  When Natasha, did not masturbate about Gabriel, she would look at his photographs either trying to figure out if he was really her neighbor, or a look alike. She would stare at the photos at times, just for pleasure, analyzing them for their beauty instead of for the truth. She would look at his big blue green eyes and feel her heart beating faster, and enjoyed the thought that such a beautiful man had been interested in her.

  Chapter 35

  A week later, while Celia got undressed for a photo shoot of bondage, with ropes, the hooded man approached her and told her that her employer had told him about her curiosity over him. He then took off his hood and exposed an attractive square jawed man, who possessed pale blue eyes, rounded lips and a slightly crooked nose. His hair stood thick, long, and black, as if he had come out of a romance novel. She felt overwhelmed with happiness and with his beauty and felt a greater sense of humiliation over her work in front of a man she so coveted. Although other women would have seen his profession as vulgar, Celia greatly appreciated his profession, because it made her feel better about her own.

  Therefore she smiled and responded “yes, I was curious about you because I always wonder what your face looks like and now I know.”

  Then he asked “what do you think about it?”

  She then responded smiling “I like your face a lot.”

  Then he said “I have to tie you up now, but maybe Friday night we can look at each other’s faces more.”

  She then smiled her flawless smile and responded “I would love to, but I get off work at two am.”

  “Where do you work?” He asked.

  “At the Naked Genie, a strip club. You are welcome to watch me dance. I dance from ten to two am.”

  He then said “I will be there, Celia. By the way my name is Eric.”

  She then smiled, and walked nude in front of Eric, who wore a mask and black leather underwear to the ropes where he proceeded to tie her up.

  Eric tied ropes around her breasts and buttocks, suspending Celia above the ground, opening her legs, and then tying a rope around her neck too. He found her body beautiful and enjoyed touching her even more now that he knew she liked him. He adjusted her round buttocks and stuck a dildo up her rear end. She became red as she felt the hate of the ropes, and the sadistic act of sodomy. The red flush only emphasized her red lips more, and therefore made her more attractive to the camera, as everything about her seemed more alive.

  After the photo shoot, she got dressed and hugged Eric goodbye, and felt his erection. On the way to the strip club, she felt overwhelmed with happiness to know that she would go on a date with a man as good looking as Eric. His real face replaced the face she had so often fantasized about and instead of the arched slender nose and full lips, surrounded by high cheek bones, and big eyes, she imagined Eric’s features and felt satisfied with the knowledge that they were real. To her knowledge, the man she had imagined did not exist. If he had, she loved him, but since fantasy was not reality, she decided to make the wise decision and live in reality instead of a fantasy, and so tried to love Eric instead of a phantom in her imagination.

  Even though Celia had decided to love Eric instead of a phantom, and therefore tried to have a relationship with Eric, part of her still loved the phantom she had imagined him to be; the face she had so often masturbated about, and still coveted that face more than ever. Part of her still loved a man she did not know, and secretly hoped he somehow watched her in the crowd, and loved her the way she loved him. As the days passed, she refrained from masturbating about her phantom, the way she sometimes had, but a sadness settled over her life for the loss. She would feel empty, like she was not good enough for a man as perfect as her phantom, for if he was not Eric, she imagined him to have been a lawyer, a doctor, or some other marvelous profession who most probably saw her as nothing but a whore. As she felt the hatred of the phantom, she realized she only had Eric, and abandoned the fantasies of the phantom. As she tried to forget him, she wondered, was it better to live in a perfect fantasy, or an imperfect reality. As she remembered her mom dying, she realized that reality would always be reality and therefore only fools lived in fantasies; for life was not for dreamers, but rather realists, because reality would always pursue the dreamer full of its dangers. So she let go of her dream concerning the beautiful phantom, and realized she had gotten lucky to have any man, even a sadistic porn star.

  On Friday night, Celia arrived at the Naked Genie full of enthusiasm that a man as beautiful as Eric would enjoy her. She put on her genie costume and began to dance with other women. As she danced, she saw Eric in the crowd watching her. She loved his pale blue eyes, and could hardly resist coveting his penis. So as she danced, she danced for him, and felt happier than she had ever felt. After the genie dance, she dressed up as a police officer and stripped. She walked up close to Eric and almost touched his head with her breasts. Then after getting completely nude she went in to the back room for anyone who wanted a personal show. After a few minutes, Eric went to the back and wanted her to do a school girl dance. She then came out in a school girl uniform, and began to dance. As she danced, she watched him, and loved the idea of him. After the dance, she kissed him nude, as nobody watched, but him.

  At 2am, Eric waited for Celia, and then drove her to his apartment and told her that he had secretly always wanted to have sex with her.

  “Finally, I will be able to enjoy you.” He said.

  Celia then asked “how did you know you would?”

  Then he responded, “I just imagined. I know my mask intrigues women.”

  Then Celia asked “how many women have you had?”

  Then Eric responded “A man never reveals his secrets. I can’t wait to pump you up.”

  Although, Celia felt excited by the thought of sex, she felt humiliated and disrespected by the thought that he expected it automatically, without even having to pay for dinner. She also felt hurt that he did not want to share his sexual history with her. Even though she felt humiliated, she forgave Eric because she felt he was being real, considering her profession and the amount of experiences she had with him already. Also, she believed he was the best man she could get, considering her career. She wanted to complain about her feelings, but then felt lucky to have him, and therefore decided not to. When she got to his apartment, he offered her food and drink, and as a result of thinking about sex and feeling satiated from sexual excitement, she denied being hungry. He then told her to take off her clothes and bend over on his bed. She did as told, and then he stuck his penis deep inside her vaginal cavity, and then her anal cavity. She screamed a little, and then felt happy to feel his semen flow over her back.

  After he came to orgasm, he walked away and stepped in to the shower, under the running water. Then he asked her if she wanted to join him. She responded “yes,” and then got in with him. As they showered together he washed her anus and her vagina, and as he bathed her, her desire to complain about his lack of sexual submission disappeared. She instead felt moved by his nurturing instinct. Then she felt happy as he kissed her. She would have washed him, but he washed
himself before she had a chance to. Once Eric had finished, he got out and she followed. He then said “It is late, and I am tired. I will call you.” They both got dressed, and she left feeling empty and dissatisfied, but happy to at least have a boyfriend.

  Chapter 36

  As Miguel Sanchez watched television, he thought about the women he saw, and wished he could kill many of them. He especially wanted to kill the young, who were not as attractive as Joanna, because they insulted his love for her, and therefore him, by being alive, because his love for Joanna had defined him and his ego. As he watched, he imagined slicing their throats, stabbing them, shooting them, and then axing them up the way he had Joanna. Joanna had died and been burned, and therefore he felt that the other women needed the same end. He imagined Pagan and desperately wanted to kill her. He imagined putting a knife between her breasts, and realized he had to kill someone or else he would lose control and kill Pagan in the managerial office. He imagined the board of directors finding out and calling the police. Then he imagined buying a little boat and drifting away where nobody could find him and then living off the sea. Since he preferred to live in a house, he decided not to kill Pagan, and decided to start killing other women instead. He needed to kill a certain kind of woman, a woman who made him feel better about having killed Joanna. So he started thinking about walking around in the mall or a super market and there finding a beautiful woman who made him feel better about having killed Joanna. Then he imagined stalking that woman home and then killing her outside her home, by shooting her with a gun.


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