Twisted Obsessions (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES Book 2)

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Twisted Obsessions (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES Book 2) Page 4

by K, S

  “I don’t have time to date right now Marcus. My career comes first until I establish myself, and a lot of men find it hard to be friends with a woman. That’s what I like about you. We’re comfortable around each other.”

  Marcus hesitated for a moment more then gave in. “Alright, but first you have to admit that the only reason you want me to watch this movie with you is because you’re afraid,” he teased.

  Melanie laughed. “Okay. I admit it. So is seven o’clock good?”

  “Perfect.” Seeing one of the doctors he had been looking for earlier, he excused himself for a moment.

  As Marcus walked off, Melanie allowed herself a small smile. Marcus was everything she wanted in a man, qualities she called the 'Triple ‘S Factor’: smart, successful, and sexy. After tonight…he was going to be hers.

  “Marcus Bennett, by the time I’m finished, you won’t even remember you have a girlfriend.”

  Friday afternoon…

  Aleesha hurried home from work to change. She was flying out to Vegas tonight to surprise Marcus. He thought she wouldn’t be in until late Sunday, but she was ready to make amends and sex him up for the next few days. Since she had a closet full of clothes at Marcus’ house, she didn’t have to pack very much. Smiling, she held up the sexy lingerie she’d bought specifically to drive him crazy. Aleesha sighed as she thought about how much she missed him. She could hardly wait to see the look on his face when she showed up at his house tonight.

  Friday evening…

  Marcus spent a large part of that evening laughing at how Melanie squealed and cringed at the gory thriller. They were sitting on his couch, and with it almost being almost over, Marcus could only shake his head when she clenched his arm in a death grip as she watched a particularly graphic horror scene.

  “Look behind you!!” she screamed at the television, ducking behind Marcus’ shoulder and peeking through her fingers. Marcus glanced down at her and laughed again when Melanie scowled. “It’s not funny, Marcus.”

  Grinning, he said, “See. I knew this is why you wanted me to watch this with you.” Melanie stuck her tongue out, causing him to chuckle under his breath.

  Finally the movie came to an end. Melanie stretched her arms over her head before leaning across Marcus to get the remote. Her breasts brushed against his chest as she sat back down. Marcus quickly jumped up off the couch as if he had been scorched by boiling water.

  “Is something wrong?” Melanie blinked up at him.

  “Huh? No, no! Everything’s fine.” Marcus walked to the kitchen to hide the beginnings of an erection.

  “Do you mind fixing me another drink while I run to the bathroom?”

  “Uh, sure,” Marcus said over his shoulder without turning around.

  He blew out a breath when he heard the bathroom door close. Marcus paced back and forth in the kitchen, giving himself a pep talk. “Come on Bennett, get a hold of yourself. Your baby will be here in two days. Fix her the drink, and then kick her the hell out.”

  Marcus quickly switched his mind to thoughts of the game he’d watched last night to try and stop thinking about how soft Melanie’s breasts had been. His dick was finally starting to go down, when she came out of the bathroom.


  “Be right there,” Marcus called out.

  “I think I’ve changed my mind about that drink….”

  Thank God, Marcus thought.

  “Ok, no problem.” His voice was cheerful as he came back in the room. He came to an abrupt stop, though, when he saw her. He knew his bottom lip was probably touching the floor, but for the life of him, he couldn’t look away. Melanie stood in front of him wearing a lilac lace bra and matching thong.

  “What tha…” Marcus winced. Damn, she was fine!

  Her dark nipples were clearly outlined beneath the sheer bra and the tiny thong left little to the imagination. Marcus could feel all of the work he’d done to get his Johnson down and under control fly out the window.

  Melanie pranced towards him and pulled the rubber band from her hair. She shook her head from side to side until the glossy strands flowed in soft waves over her shoulders.

  “Melanie…” Marcus cleared his throat when his voice came out sounding gruff and hoarse. “This isn’t gonna happen. I have a girlfriend…..”

  Melanie didn’t give any indication she’d heard him. She stepped closer until the tips of her nipples brushed against his chest. “But she’s not here, is she?” She rubbed her hands over his pecs before encircling his neck. “If she cared so much about you, she’d be here now….and I don’t see her. Do you?”

  Marcus reached up to pull her arms from around his neck. His lips parted to tell her she needed to leave, but before he had a chance to, a voice sounded from the foyer.

  “Apparently, you’re not looking in the right direction. I’m over here, bitch…”

  Marcus’ head whipped around. Aleesha’s voice was freezing cold and her expression was fierce.

  Aleesha! What are you…?” Swallowing a groan, he threw his head back. Fuck!

  Aleesha didn’t even acknowledge Marcus; she’d deal with him later. Her attention never left Melanie’s, and when she saw the other woman made no move to step away from Marcus, Aleesha’s eyes narrowed.

  “You want to take your hands off of my boyfriend?”

  Aleesha’s words spurred Marcus into action. He practically pushed Melanie away, causing her to stumble back with a frown. He took a step in Aleesha’s direction, but stopped when she did a frontal body sweep and zeroed in on the bulge pushing at his zipper. Aleesha slowly brought her eyes upward to glare at him.

  Marcus held his hands up as if to ward off the thoughts reflected on her face. “Leesh. Wait. It’s not what you think…” he told her in voice meant to calm and soothe.

  Aleesha 's expression told him to enlighten her then shot a quick look at Melanie. The other woman's mouth twitched in a smirk which was meant to provoke, and provoke it did. In an instant, Aleesha’s anger became solely focused on her.

  She stalked over and stood in front of Melanie. “What in the hell is so funny?!”

  It only took Marcus a second to gauge Aleesha’s intention. He stepped between the two women to face Aleesha and put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Aleesha, baby, wait!”

  “Marcus, you’d better back up off of me now, and get your got damn hands off of me,” she warned.

  Aleesha’s hands splayed across his chest as she tried to shove him back. When that didn’t work, she brought her leg up and kneed him in the groin. Marcus immediately dropped to floor and howled in agonizing pain.

  Once Aleesha was free, she reached for Melanie and grabbed her by the hair. With the sounds of Marcus writhing on the floor moaning in agony, Melanie screamed at Aleesha to let her go, but Aleesha held fast.

  “Oh, hell no! You were a smug bitch a minute ago, looking all satisfied with yourself!”

  Aleesha twisted Melanie’s long hair around her hand and pulled her this way and that as Melanie reached up and tried to get loose. “Now…you were asking Marcus about me a minute ago?”

  “Marcus! Help me!” Melanie cried out.

  Aleesha’s grip tightened. “You must be crazy! You’re calling out to my man? To come and help you? Bitch please!”

  “Leesh…..” Marcus whispered from the floor, still in pain. “Aleesha…”

  Melanie made the mistake of trying to scratch Aleesha’s face. Aleesha threw her down and commenced to whipping her ass for real for real. Melanie tried to defend herself, but Aleesha was acting out of anger, jealousy, and pure pisstivity. Melanie was no match.

  Marcus pulled himself to a crouching position and limped over to them. He was finally able to wrap a firm arm around Aleesha’s waist. He used his other hand to try and peel Aleesha’s tightly clenched fingers from Melanie’s hair

  “Leesh, let go!”

  Marcus squeezed her fist in his larger one just enough to pry her hand open. Once he succeeded in do
ing so, he pulled Aleesha away from Melanie. He picked her up, making sure he kept her back to his chest in case she tried to damage his family jewels again. With his arms circled around her, he effectively pinned her arms to her body.

  Over his shoulder he yelled at Melanie, “Put your clothes on and get the fuck out!”

  Melanie quickly scrambled off the floor. “I’m calling the police, Marcus, and I’m pressing charges. Your little ghetto girlfriend is going to jail!” Tears were streaming down her face and her hair was all over her head.

  “Bitch, call the police!” Aleesha yelled. “It’ll be your fucking word against mine, you slut! And who are you calling ghetto?! I ought to kick your ass again, just for that!” Aleesha began struggling anew to reach the other woman.

  “Melanie. You need to leave - now!”

  Marcus lifted Aleesha up and forcibly carried her to his bedroom. Once they were safely inside, he slammed the door behind them. “Damn it Aleesha! Enough!”

  Aleesha stopped wiggling to get loose only because she was out of breath. Marcus cautiously dropped his arms. When he did, Aleesha jerked away from him and walked across the room to glare at him. Her chest heaved up and down from exertion.

  “What in the hell is wrong with you?” Still in pain, Marcus leaned against the door and bent down to rest his hands on his knees. “Have you lost your mind?”

  Aleesha had been pacing back and forth, but hearing the question she stopped and stared at him in disbelief. “Have I lost my fucking mind? You’re the one sporting a hard on because of some half naked bimbo who was draped all over you! And you want to know if I’ve lost my mind?!”

  Marcus’ eyes flashed as he slowly stood up. He took a step towards her but hesitated. He needed to deal with Melanie first. “Stay here, Aleesha. I mean it!”

  The warning in his eyes stopped the protest forming on her lips. Instead she glared pin sharp daggers in his direction. Marcus ignored the venomous look and jerked the bedroom door open. He slammed it behind him hard enough to dislodge the hinges.

  Aleesha’s entire body trembled. She sat on the bed and crossed her legs, rapidly shaking her foot as she made an effort to calm down. She looked at her watch. She would give him one minute to get that bitch out of here and not a second more.

  Marcus walked back to the living room as Melanie was gathering her purse preparing to leave. Melanie jumped thinking it was Aleesha, but when she saw it was Marcus, she cut her eyes away and kept walking. Marcus stepped in her path and blocked her exit.

  “Hold up. What did you think you were doing?”

  “Don’t you dare speak to me like that!” she spat out. “Your little hood rat of a girlfriend has done quite enough. And I’m not joking. I’m calling the police as soon as I get in my car!”

  “She’s not a ‘hood rat’. She’s my girlfriend who walked into my house and saw a half-naked woman all over her boyfriend,” Marcus said through clenched teeth. “What were you trying to pull?”

  “You weren’t exactly protesting,” she sneered at him. “Your dick was hard and ready and if that little bitch hadn’t walked in here, what do you think would’ve happened?”

  Aleesha threw the door opened and stood with her arms folded while glowering at Melanie.

  “Nothing would’ve happened. In case it escaped your attention, I was pushing you away. I don’t give a fuck what your interpretation is. You’re not calling the police. It’ll be your word against Aleesha’s…” Marcus’ light brown eyes darkened. “…and I hope you don’t think I’m going to take your side over my woman’s. Besides, it wouldn't be in your best interest career-wise. Remember. You just started working at the hospital. I’ve been there a hell of a lot longer and am known and respected among the staff and the administration. Think about that.”

  If looks could kill, Marcus would be ten feet in the ground right about now. Melanie jerked her arm out of his grasp and stormed out of the house.

  Marcus slowly pivoted around to face Aleesha. He just stared at her, and she defiantly stared back. She had heard the entire conversation, but she’d be damned if he blamed her for this.

  “Well? What do you have to say for yourself? Who was that?!” she demanded.

  Marcus’ jaw clenched and unclenched several times to get a hold of his temper. “That was one of my co-workers. She stopped by and brought a movie for us to watch. It was all innocent, or so I thought, until she came out of the bathroom in her underwear.”

  Aleesha snorted out a laugh, her expression full of scorn and disbelief. “Ha! Is that what they call it nowadays? ‘Innocently watching a fucking movie?’ I hope you’re not this ‘innocent’ with all of your co-workers…”

  Marcus’ eyes narrowed as he took slow, measured steps towards her. “Before you came in, I’m sure you were standing there long enough to hear me tell her that whatever she was planning wasn’t going to happen because I have a girlfriend. I was pulling her arms away from me if you think about it for a second.”

  He stopped in front of her. The anger emanating from his body was almost palpable. Aleesha continued to regard him with suspicion, but mentally went over the last few minutes of what she’d heard before she burst in the room.

  “Why was she here in the first place? Why would you invite another woman to your house on a Friday night to watch a movie?” Aleesha’s voice got louder with each word, and Marcus’ did the same.

  “I invited her because she’s new to the area and doesn’t know very many people. My chief of staff asked me to take her under my wing and show her around until she settled in. How was I supposed to know she’d start taking off her clothes and try to fuck me?!”

  “Don’t give me that. It’s a good thing I showed up when I did from the way things were progressing. I would’ve been none the wiser if you had slept with her. I’ve been down that road before and I refuse to be made a fool of again.”

  Marcus became positively livid when he realized she was comparing her to her ex-fiancé Amir. “Don’t even go there.” The words were growled from between clenched teeth.

  “Why not? What makes you so different? Are you trying to say it never crossed your mind to cheat on me? And as for being clueless about you co-worker, don’t act like you’re some naïve teenager. You had to have known she was attracted to you. You’re far from stupid. The state of your dick when I walked in leads me to believe you were attracted to her as well. Were you?”

  Marcus remained quiet and didn’t answer her, which infuriated Aleesha all over again.

  “I’ve seen how women look at you even when I’m standing right beside you. I know when a woman is trying to make a move on my man.”

  “Well then maybe you should start taking better care of your man!” Marcus yelled.

  Aleesha stood there looking at him with her mouth open. Time seemed to stand still as Marcus glared and Aleesha blinked in disbelief. A sound of frustration blew out as he turned and walked towards the front door.

  “Where are you going??” Aleesha called out after him.

  “Out!” he growled as he slammed the door.

  Shock coursed through Aleesha’s body as she stood unmoving in the middle of the room. She wanted to run after him, but something told her he needed time to cool off. Now that she was calmer, she realized she may have misconstrued the situation a bit.

  Crap! Her 'surprise visit' was not going as she planned - at all.

  Chapter 5

  Marcus sat in his car for a few moments outside his home. He knew he should stay and work this out with Aleesha, but right now he couldn’t. He needed to put some distance between them or else things would be said on both sides that they’d regret later.

  Expelling a pent up breath, he started the car and drove off. Marcus rode around for about twenty minutes before he found himself passing by First Down. Deciding he could use a drink and a place to clear his head before he went back home, Marcus pulled into the parking lot. Once inside, he nodded to a few people he knew but didn’t stop until he was at the bar.

  “Hey, Marcus. How ya doing tonight?” the bartender asked him.

  “’Sup, Nick. I guess things could be worse.” He paid for his drink then picked up the beer Nick placed in front of him. “Thanks man.”

  Marcus sat on the bar stool with a dark scowl on his face. How did things get fucked up so quickly? He had been looking forward to seeing Aleesha all week, had been determined to get things back on track in their relationship. Now he wondered if that was even possible. He’d been more than ready to take things to the next level. At the very least, he wanted them to live together. This long distance thing was getting harder and harder to keep up. Maybe tonight had been a sign…

  “Marcus! I thought it was you over here. What’s up man?”

  Marcus turned around when his friend Dominick slapped him on the back. They shook hands before Dominick sat down on the stool next to Marcus. He and Darrell had met Dom the first year they’d moved to Vegas and the three of them had a tight friendship.

  A couple of months ago, Dominick had finalized his divorce after six years of marriage. He’d found out his wife, Justine, had been cheating on him with one of her coworkers. She begged him to reconsider and give their marriage another try, but to Dominick, loyalty was everything. The only thing he cared about now was his little girl, Samantha, who he and Justine shared joint custody of. Lately, Justine had been using their daughter to manipulate him and things were getting ugly.

  “You want to come over to the table? We’re catching the last quarter of the game although it’s practically a done deal.”

  “Nah, I’m not staying long. Just came in for a beer and to try to clear my head a little.”

  Dominick peered closely at Marcus and noticed the stress on his face. “You alright, bruh?”

  Marcus finished off the beer before he answered. “I don’t know, man.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  After a brief hesitation, Marcus began to tell Dominick about the night’s events.

  Upon hearing all of the details, Dominick’s face contorted in imagined pain. “Damnnn…she kneed you in the nuts?”


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