Twisted Obsessions (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES Book 2)

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Twisted Obsessions (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES Book 2) Page 10

by K, S

"I can't help it. That's good for the asshole. He had it out for you from day one. I'm surprised you put up with it for that long."

  "Me too, but we needed every penny we could get."

  "So this chick from the private dining room offered you a job? Just like that?"

  Darrell nodded. "Yep. I don’t know what I'll be doing, but shit, whatever it is, I’ll take it. I need the money."

  Marcus grunted in agreement. As he thought about the night he'd had himself, the light went out of his eyes and his expression became solemn. Darrell had been going on and on about how fine the woman was and his plans for getting her into bed next time he saw her when he suddenly noticed Marcus was a million miles away.

  "You alright?"

  Marcus let out a deep sigh. "Yeah. Or at least I will be soon. I saw Kat tonight."

  Darrell raised an eyebrow. He knew all about Marcus and this angle he was working with Katherine Brisboe. "And?"

  "I finally got what I need." His eyes met Darrell's as he told him about the encounter and what he'd learned. "I knew eventually I'd get something I could use. But this..?" He slowly shook his head. "It's payback time."

  And payback is exactly what he’d extracted. Katherine Brisboe was the wife of Jameson C. Brisboe III - the man who'd single handedly destroyed Marcus' family nine years ago when he'd killed his parents.

  Jameson Brisboe was one of the heirs to a multi-billion dollar casino empire which had been in his family for generations, from the moment Las Vegas became a stopover town on the pioneer trails in the west. Even though the Brisboe clan was extremely wealthy and powerful, like everyone else, there was a black sheep in their midst and that black sheep was none other than Jameson Brisboe.

  The night Jameson ran head-on into Marcus’ parent’s car, he’d been driving in excess of a hundred miles an hour. His blood alcohol level had registered over twice the legal limits. If it had been anyone else, they would have immediately been convicted of double vehicular homicide in addition to other charges. Not Brisboe. By the time his family finished cleaning up the latest “situation” Jameson had gotten himself into, he was given a suspended sentence and ordered to attend a rehab facility for the next six months. He barely went for two.

  Later on when Marcus discovered the entire story about what happened to his parents and the man who killed them, he made it his job to find out everything there was to know about Jameson Brisboe. The legal system may have failed to give his parents justice, but he would rectify that slight; he wouldn’t rest until Brisboe paid for what he’d done.

  Not long after he started working at the casino, Marcus pursued Katherine Brisboe. They began an affair almost immediately and he eventually got the information he needed to ruin Jameson. Katherine had not only told Marcus about the illegal activities her husband was involved in, but actually had proof. She’d made copies for her own protection in case he ever tried to divorce her and leave her high and dry as he often threatened. When Marcus revealed who he really was, Katherine willingly gave him everything she had. Far from being upset about being used, she wanted Marcus to take his revenge as long as she came out on top.

  Jameson’s family had cut his access to the Brisboe fortune years ago. He was given a yearly stipend to live off of, but it wasn’t nearly enough. Therefore, Brisboe found other ways to get the flow of cash he felt he was entitled to.

  Vegas and the mob had long been strange bedfellows, and Brisboe had no compunction about bending over and spreading his ass cheeks for the mafia. He was paid millions to launder dirty money through the Brisboe casinos, and the relationship worked very well for years. Once Marcus had the proof he needed, he anonymously made sure it was placed in the right hands. The alphabet boys wasted no time converging on Jameson like vultures feasting on road kill. They didn’t give a fuck what his last name was. They’d been after the members of this particular crime family for years. Unless Brisboe cooperated, the only way he’d leave the penitentiary would be in a pine box.

  The government was very strict about keeping the mob out of the Vegas casinos. Any hint of an organized crime connection was enough for a casino to lose its gambling license. All of the Brisboe casinos were placed under investigation, and those found to have mafia ties were shut down. Almost single handedly, Marcus put a small dent in the fortune, and more importantly the reputation, of one of the wealthiest families in America.

  When the mob got wind of the plea deal Brisboe had taken to name names and reveal what he knew about the complex intricacies of their operation, he became a marked man. Knowing he was fucked from every direction, Jameson took his own life like the coward he truly was. Marcus’ only regret was that he’d killed himself before he knew Marcus had been the one responsible for his downfall. With Jameson’s death, Marcus felt his family was finally vindicated for the wrong done to them so many years ago. He knew they could finally rest in peace.

  Stepping off the treadmill, Marcus went over lie down on the weight bench. Wrapping his hands securely around the barbell to do a set of repetitions, he worried not about this crap with Paula and Melanie. By the time he finished, Paula would have to be taken away in a straitjacket and Melanie would be lucky to find a job as a candy striper in a nursing home.

  The situation they’d brought to his doorstep was irritating, no doubt. However, it was child’s play compared to everything he’d gone through in his life. They wanted to fuck with him? Let the games begin.

  The next morning Marcus’ eyes followed Aleesha as she anxiously paced back and forth while waiting on the call they were expecting from Dr. Roberts.

  “Baby, don’t worry. Dr. Roberts is gonna call,” he told her.

  Aleesha expelled a loud gush of air and plopped down next to Marcus. “What if Paula changed her mind? What if she happened to mention to Melanie that she was going to come clean to Dr. Roberts, and Melanie talked her out of it…”

  The ringing of the phone interrupted her. She watched as Marcus snatched it on the second ring. “Hello…”

  “Marcus. It’s Paula.”

  Marcus’ looked at Aleesha. He shook his head to let her know it wasn’t Dr. Roberts. “Hi Paula.”

  “I’m on my way to see Dr. Roberts. I…I just needed to make sure…you know, that we….”

  Aware that Aleesha was hanging on to his every word, Marcus turned his back and lowered his voice. “Paula, I love you. Nothing’s changed since last night. Unless…have your feelings for me changed?”

  “No! Marcus, I love you! I just needed you to reassure me.”

  “Call me when it’s over. I’ll be right here.” Marcus waited a few moments before turning back to face Aleesha. “Baby, I…”

  “Marcus - don’t. You don’t have to explain.” Aleesha smiled weakly.

  Marcus walked over and sat down beside Aleesha, wrapping his arms around her. “Still. It can’t be easy for you to hear me tell her that.”

  “No easier than it is for you to say it, I’m sure.”

  More than an hour later, the ringing of the phone shattered the tense silence in the room. They looked at each other before Marcus went over to answer it.


  “Dr. Bennett. It’s Dr. Roberts.” Marcus’ eyes quickly found Aleesha’s.

  “Yes, Dr. Roberts.” Aleesha hurried to Marcus’ side. He reached down to tightly clasp her hand.

  “I’d like to meet with you right away if that’s possible.”

  “Of course. I’ll leave now.” Marcus hung up the phone and looked down at Aleesha. “This is it baby.”

  Aleesha slipped her arms around him. “Everything is working out as we planned. I’ll be at Jerra and Darrell’s house. They’re just as anxious as we are to get this over with.”

  Chapter 11

  When Marcus walked into the hospital, all eyes on him as if they sensed something was going on, but didn’t know what.

  As he passed the nurses’ station to get to the elevators, Marcus smiled when several of the nurses gave him thumbs up. When he saw Katrina, he
winked. Katrina blushed and returned the smile. After getting off the elevator, Marcus turned in the direction of Dr. Roberts’ office. He saw Paula walking towards him with a security guard apparently escorting her out. It was obvious she was crying.


  Paula’s eyes shot to his when she heard his voice and broke free of the guard. She ran to Marcus and threw her arms around his neck. “Marcus! Oh Marcus, it was awful! I told Dr. Roberts everything. I told her about how Melanie got upset when you rejected her and that she masterminded this entire scheme in order to get back at you. I tried to tell her Melanie forced me to go along with her, but she acted as if she didn’t believe me.”

  As she continued to relay the entire scene to Marcus, he stood with his hands at his side.

  “After I did the right thing and confessed, the old witch had the nerve to threaten me after she fired me. She said the decision would be yours to press charges or not.” Paula pulled back and looked up into Marcus’ face as she clenched his shirt in her hands. “I tried to tell her we love one another, but she was so ugly to me. Said I was obsessed with you or something and needed to get psychological help….”

  Paula took a breath and frowned when she noticed Marcus’ cold expression. “What’s wrong?”

  Marcus reached down and roughly pulled her arms from around his body and thrust her away from him.


  Marcus took a couple of steps forward which forced Paula to move until her back pressed against the wall. Leaning so that his face was within inches of hers, he snarled. “Did you really think I was going to start a relationship with you? Hm? You and that other bitch tried to ruin me, to ruin my career. The only thing I feel for you is repulsion.”

  When Marcus curled his fingers around Paula’s neck, the security guard turned his back and looked the other way.

  “Forget pressing charges. That’s not my thing. If I have a problem, I take care of it myself. This is your warning, the only one you’ll get from me. If you ever come near me again, I will make sure my face is the last one you ever see.” His fingers slowly tightened. “Paula, this isn’t a game, I don’t have time for shit like that. Please…please…don’t test me because I promise you’ll lose. Do I make myself clear?”

  Paula clawed at Marcus’ hand, trying to loosen the grip he had on her neck. When she saw Marcus wasn’t going to let go until she answered, she managed to bob her head up and down in a couple of jerky nods.

  Marcus stared at her for several seconds to make sure she understood what he was saying then slowly removed his hand. He nodded to the guard and motioned for him to take Paula away. As he continued on to Dr. Roberts’s office, he heard Paula hoarsely screaming his name. The security guard picked Paula up and carried her out the back entrance to avoid any further scene.

  “Stupid bitch,” he muttered under his breath as he turned the corner.

  Dr. Robert’s secretary glanced up and smiled when Marcus walked up to her desk. “She’s expecting you, Dr. Bennett. You can go right in.”

  “Thanks, Susan.”

  Marcus stepped into Dr. Roberts’s office and pulled up short when he saw Melanie sitting there staring at him in shock.

  Dr. Roberts sat behind her desk studying a stack of papers. Without lifting her gaze, she addressed her comment to Marcus. “Come in and have a seat, Dr. Bennett.”

  Marcus slowly closed the door and walked over to sit in the chair she indicted.

  Melanie stood up and pointed at Marcus. “I demand to know why he is here. I want him to leave now or I‘ll have my lawyer on the phone so fast, it’ll make your head spin!”

  Dr. Roberts looked at the papers for a few more moments before she calmly removed her glasses and coldly stared at Melanie. “Dr. Blalock…sit down.”

  “I will not sit...”

  Dr. Roberts slammed her hand against her desk, causing Melanie to jump. “Sit down now or security will come in and do it for you.”

  Melanie's ass quickly became glued to the seat of the chair. She blinked at Dr. Roberts as if she were in school sitting in front of the principal. Deciding to change tactics, Melanie’s eyes suddenly teared up. “I’m sorry, Dr. Roberts. It’s just...after everything that’s happened, this is so traumatic for me. Even being in the same room with this…this…”

  “Shut up, Dr. Blalock.” Melanie’s tears dried up in an instant as she gaped at Dr. Roberts. “Now. Before you continue speaking and incriminate yourself even further, I want to inform you that your co-accuser, Paula Charles, has recanted her story and indicated you as the ring leader in this farce to discredit Dr. Bennett. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Melanie’s mouth opened and closed several times like a fish in water before she managed to get a word out. “I…I don’t know what Ms. Charles told you, but I stand behind my claims. This man, who I must point out, you assigned to show me around, invited me over to his house for what I thought was an innocent evening between colleagues, and….”

  Dr. Roberts held up a hand, effectively stopping Melanie with that one gesture. “I suggest you read these notarized statements before you continue.” She slid a typed sheet over to Melanie.

  Melanie leaned forward in her chair and picked the paper up. She read statements from several staff members who had overheard the conversation between herself and Marcus. They swore under oath Melanie was the one who invited Marcus to watch the movie with her, not the other way around. The statements even went so far as to say, she practically begged him because she stated she didn’t have any friends. During the entire exchange Marcus sat quietly in his chair and let Dr. Roberts cut Melanie down inch by inch.

  Lowering the paper, Melanie defiantly looked at Dr. Roberts. “This doesn’t prove anything. They’re all lying. The women here are jealous of me and half the men who gave this statement tried to date me.” Melanie stood up. “I think it’s time I called my lawyer…”

  “Sit your ass down.”

  Melanie blinked at Dr. Roberts. “Excuse me??”

  Dr. Roberts slowly stood up. “I said: Sit. Your. Ass. Down!”

  Once again, Melanie plopped back down in her chair. Marcus wanted to laugh, but after seeing this side of Dr. Roberts, he didn’t dare. He crossed one leg over the opposite knee, and folded his arms over his chest. Damn, this was good.

  “I think you should look at this one last piece of information. Afterwards, if you still feel the need to call your lawyer, then by all means…”

  She slid another document towards Melanie. After hesitating, Melanie slowly picked it up. Reading the opening statement, her hands began to tremble.

  Dr. Roberts continued. “It seems this isn’t the first time - or the second - that you’ve accused a highly respected doctor of harassment. Those statements are from the last facility you worked at. They settled out of court and couldn’t wait to get you out of their hair after all of the confusion you caused – and neither can I, but there will be no payoff. With that being said I've taken the liberty of drawing up a statement for you to sign."

  Melanie frowned. "What kind of 'statement'?"

  "It recants yours and Nurse Charles' accusation against Dr. Bennett and clears him of any wrongdoing. Nurse Charles has signed one that's almost identical. Afterwards, you will immediately be escorted out of this hospital. Your things will be packed and sent to you. Now as I told Ms. Charles, the decision is Dr. Bennett’s as to whether or not he pursues charges for defamation of character. If he decides to do so, his lawyer will be in contact with yours.”

  After she pushed a button on her phone, a security guard immediately appeared. Melanie glared at Dr. Roberts before furiously signing the paper. She stood up, her face red from anger mixed with embarrassment, and turned on her heel to leave.

  “Dr. Blalock?” Melanie mutinously glared at Dr. Roberts when the other woman called her name. “I think you have something to say to Dr. Bennett….”

  Melanie’s mouth opened as if to protest, but thought better of doing so when s
he saw Dr. Roberts’ expression. She turned to Marcus, fixing her eyes on a point over his shoulder. “Dr. Bennett. Please. Accept my apology.”

  Marcus looked at her in disgust for a moment then averted his head without acknowledging the apology. Melanie glowered before stomping to the door. When the security guard touched her arm to guide her out, she jerked her elbow away.

  “Don’t touch me!” she screamed. Susan quietly came to close the door behind them.

  Dr. Roberts turned to Marcus. “Dr. Bennett - Marcus. I hope you understand that we had to suspend you until we were able to prove the allegations to be false. I never, for one moment, believed their claims. However, I was duty bound to follow protocol. I know it seemed as if it was taking a long time to investigate, but I wanted every 'I' dotted and every 'T' crossed when I confronted those two with the evidence we gathered. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  Marcus stood. “I understand Dr. Roberts. I appreciate your belief in me. I have to admit I was beginning to feel as if I’d been thrown to the wolves for a moment. Thank you. Thanks for everything.”

  Dr. Roberts stood up to shake his hand. “No thanks necessary, Marcus. You’re one of the most talented and brightest doctors we have on staff. Speaking of which, I think it’s time for you to come back to work.”

  Marcus laughed. “That’s the best news I’ve heard in the last couple of weeks.”

  Once he was in his car, Marcus called Aleesha, who was at Jerra’s, and told her he was on his way over. He made a quick detour home to pick up a package before heading over to see her. When he got to Darrell’s house, he walked in and saw Aleesha holding baby DJ. Marcus found himself lost in the magic of that moment as he took in the beautiful picture she made which touched him to his soul. An ache stirred deep in the pit of his stomach. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he wanted her to hold their own child like that one day.

  Jerra glanced up at Marcus standing several feet away. She rushed over to Aleesha and nodded towards Marcus as she took the baby.


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