A Find Through Time

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A Find Through Time Page 15

by Marianne Petit

  His stare intense, his shoulders taut, Two Moons stood in silence, watching as Blue Eyes once more placed a kiss on the man's cheek. With a nod to the four men nearby, she turned, walked inside the lodge of wood and closed the door behind her.

  If it were not for the group of men who stood around talking, Two Moons would have bolted to that door before it had a chance to close. Instead, he stayed hidden in the shadows, watching and waiting for them to leave. His bow aimed, his finger itching to let the arrow fly, the corded muscles in his arms strained tautly. He had to refrain himself from letting loose the arrow he knew would at least take down Blue Eyes’ lover. Finally the group broke up.

  He motioned to Shadow Elk to go around to the back. With a nod of understanding Shadow Elk disappeared.

  Two Moons' glance darted around him as he ran out into the open, then crouched behind the white man's big-barreled gun on wheels. He heard voices in the distance, the bark of a dog and footsteps over creaking boards. He glanced to the door where Blue Eyes hid, down the long wooden path, then glanced quickly behind him. All was clear.

  With the swiftness of the wind and the silence of the gathering clouds, Two Moons crossed the courtyard. He pressed his back to the door. His eyes sharp, his ears alert, he reached behind, slipped his knife between the door frame and lifted the inner latch. He stepped inside; bolted the door behind him.

  Except for a dim flicker of light from an adjoining chamber, the room was dark. He heard movement in the next room. Quietly, he slipped behind the open door where Blue Eyes stood a stone's throw away. There was a moment of silence, then he heard the soft beat of her feet against the wooden floor.

  She was close.

  The muscles in his jaw tightened. Patience, he told himself. Patience.

  The knock on the door outside sent his heart on a rampage. He burrowed deeper against the wall. His breath shallow, his eyes riveted, he watched her.

  Blue Eyes walked to the table, picked up the glass light and adjusted the flame. The amber glow illuminated her face, giving her skin a golden sheen. Her full lips parted as she drew in a breath. She turned and hurried toward the door.

  Through the transparent cloth of her nightdress Two Moons could see the silhouette of her shapely calves and the tops of her thighs. As he studied her, he became aroused. Angry at himself, he pushed all thoughts of desire away. He did not need her in his life. She caused him nothing but trouble.

  From his hiding place, through the small crack where the door met the wall, Two Moons watched as she quickly put on another layer of sleep clothes then opened the outer door. He could feel his coiled rage surface as her lover stepped inside the room.

  “I know it is late, but I thought I would see if you were in need of anything.”

  “No. Thank you,” Two Moons heard Blue Eyes say.

  “Golden Eagle is right. It is safer for you to stay with me tonight. I hope you do not mind my bed.”

  “No. I assure you it is a welcomed relief.”

  Her response chilled Two Moons' heart.

  She would not share his bed tonight, he thought, satisfied. He gripped the handle of his knife tightly in his hand. He will slice that yellow-bellied Blue Coat from ear to ear, then take his medicine bag and leave her to weep over her lover's dead body!

  “Well then, after my rounds I will return for the evening.” The Blue Coat nodded curtly.

  “I will wait up for you.” Blue Eyes' voice was filled with anticipation.

  Before the door had time to fully close Two Moons was behind her. He clamped his hand over her mouth. “Did you miss me?” he whispered in her ear.

  Her body tensed against his. He heard her quick intake of breath at his words and spun her around. His hand on her mouth, he shoved her back against the wall and leaned into her. “Where is it?”

  Her eyes widened in alarm. Then she lowered her gaze.

  With a yank, the front of her nightclothes tore beneath his fingers. The light of the moon shining through the window cast a white glow on her naked breasts. There, nestled between her soft, full swells, lay what he had come for: The medicine he would need in his battles to come.

  He raised his gaze, stared hard into her eyes. His finger slowly trailed over one mound. He encircled the dark round nipple, feeling its tip grow hard and taut beneath his touch. He leaned closer, pressing his own hardness between her thighs; and all the while his eyes studied hers-watching her reaction. He would make her want him. No longer would she desire the white man's arms. It would be his arms, she wanted and his alone. Then, when he felt her become liquid in his hands, he would leave her.

  He removed his hand and completely covered her mouth with his. He thrust his tongue between her lips, opening them for his entry. His kiss was angry, meant to punish. Yet despite his fury, he enjoyed the feeling of being inside her mouth. Barely aware that her arms encircled his shoulders, he withdrew his mouth to nibble hungrily along her slender neck. Her soft moan made him want to enter her, to release the ever growing tension within. She arched closer. He could feel her trembling against him. Her defenses were weakening-or were his?

  “Two Moons are you mad?” Shadow Elk's voice was like a splash of cold water.

  Two Moons pivoted and glanced to his friend. Crouched outside the window, Shadow Elk motioned that he come. Without so much as a second thought, Two Moons spun on his heels, swept Blue Eyes up off the floor and hurried over to the window. He dumped her into his friend's arms, then hauled himself through the opening. Shadow Elk, in turn, tossed her over Two Moons’ shoulder and the two men took off into the darkness.

  Chapter Twelve

  A hawk's haunting cry shattered the stillness. Two Moons kneed Anpo Wie, urging his horse closer to the edge of the forest. Shadow Elk followed close behind. Their senses alert, both men were keenly aware of all that went on around them.

  “Let me go you big brute. Do you hear me?” Blue Eyes' screams, like that of the large black bird riding the winds above them, bounced off the mountain tops and echoed across the vast open plains.

  “Let me go!” She struggled beneath his hold.

  He should have known the minute he threw Blue Eyes upon his horse's back, she would try to flee. He held her squirming backside down with a firm hand. With his free hand, he delivered a stinging blow to her buttocks.

  “Cease your chatter woman, unless you wish us all dead,” he ordered. “Or is that what you had in mind?”

  “Is that what you think? Damn you. Stop for a minute and let me-”

  “Enough, or I promise I will beat you!” His nerves as thin as a fraying rope, Blue Eyes’ constant complaining and struggles to escape from his hold did little to ease his tension. He glanced around. Something wasn't quite right. He sensed a presence that he could not see, but nevertheless, felt.

  “My brother, perhaps with the blue-eyed one astride your pony we will make better time? Is it not more trouble to keep her from falling in that position?” Shadow Elk asked from beside him.

  “She is as she should be, befitting her position. If we were not in such a hurry to return to our brothers, I would make her walk as any slave of mine should.” Two Moons glanced over his friend's shoulder. Someone followed them. He was sure of it.

  “Let us cease this discussion. We have many miles to cover before the sun is high in the sky.” He jabbed his horses’ flanks with his heels and Anpo Wie took off at an easy canter.

  Nothing more said, they entered the deep grove of pine and continued their journey toward the village.

  It was the dead of morning, when Two Moons, now sure no one had followed them, stopped his horse beside a narrow gurgling stream and slid down Anpo Wie's back.

  “We will stop here. The horses need their rest.”

  Shadow Elk nodded, dismounted and led his horse to drink.

  Two Moons reached up to Blue Eyes. He placed his hands around her waist and yanked her down off the horse.

  Her legs buckled beneath her as her feet touched the ground, but she managed to s
traighten. She whirled around, facing him. Her hair tangled by the wind, stuck to her lip. She flung the loose strands away from her face. Her eyes blazed. The front of her white sleep clothes, now gray from Anpo Wie's sweat and dust, hung open.

  Conscience of his gaze, Blue Eyes gathered the outer layer of cloth across her breasts to shield her nakedness.

  “Give it to me,” Two Moons demanded, reminded that between those breasts still dangled his medicine pouch.

  “What could you have been thinking to drag me away in nothing but-”

  He reached out to her chest and covered her clenched hand with his. “If you wish to keep the remainder of your sleep clothes in one piece, you will give me what I want.”

  She jerked her body away from him, breaking his hold. “God, there's no need for threats.” She reached to her neck and lifted his bag over her head.

  “Here. I was going to give it back to you anyway. You don't have to be such a brute about it.”

  He snatched the pouch from her outstretched hand, then grabbed her arm. Dragging her to a large gnarled tree, he forced her down to the ground.

  “Stop it! You're hurting me.” She tried to twist from his grip. He pinched her wrists together, binding them with the strip of leather he had pulled from his braid.

  “Why don't you give me a chance to explain. I-”

  “Save your false truths for someone who wishes to hear them.” He secured the knot, leaving the leather loose so her wrists would not mar.

  “Lies. What lies? If you'd let me talk, I'd-”

  Two Moons’ lips curled with disgust. He clasped then unclasped his hand. “You will not run away from me again for I will hunt you down and bring you back.” He leaned in close to her face. “It will be a dirty game we will play, one I assure you will exhaust you before me.”

  He stood abruptly then continued loud enough for Shadow Elk's ears. “Get used to those ropes for they will be a part of you from now on.”

  “I didn't run away, you big jerk!” Her words stopped him dead in his tracks. Two Moons pivoted around to face her.

  “Already the game has begun, has it not?” He marched back over and stopped before her. Peering down into her eyes, he searched for the truth of her words.

  “Your tongue is sharp and your lies make my blood run hot with anger. Think carefully before you speak to me again.” In her gaze, he saw not deceit, but a look of confidence. A spark of hope flickered in the back of his mind. Perhaps he had been wrong.

  “Two Moons,” she began, her voice soft. “Despite your rudeness-wait.” Before he had a chance to open his mouth in protest, she continued. “I had no desire to run from you, or your people. Little Wolf said-”

  Little Wolf?” Doubt and suspicion began to grow in Two Moons' mind. He should have known Little Wolf would somehow be involved.

  “He said that I must get your medicine bag-”

  “Why did you steal it?”

  “Why would I want to go through all the trouble of trying to get the bag purified if I had stolen it? It broke off your neck when you were in such a hurry to dump me in the water.” She struggled to her feet. “And as for that little scene with Kills Pretty, to-to have that woman embarrass me like that in front of everyone-I didn’t know my presence was a threat to your powers. And you --” Rage choked her words. “You believed her.” She took a deep breath, then exhaled. “And it didn’t improve my day any to be traded for a few bottles of whiskey.”

  “What talk is this?”

  “Little Wolf. He traded me to Golden Eagle for whiskey.”

  Two Moons rubbed his chin and studied her face carefully. Should he believe her? Her words seemed honest. Now Little Wolf-that he could believe. The man was known to be sweet on the white man's fiery waters.

  “I will think on your words.”

  “Come on.” She lifted her bound hands to him.

  He ignored her plea. “You will sit. I wish not to hear your talk any longer.”

  “Damn it, Two Moons! This isn't fair!”

  He stomped away, her curses bouncing off his back. No other woman in his camp, or for that matter any other tribe, would dare talk as she did. He wasn't sure if her spirit at this moment pleased him, or made him sorry he had found her. His life had been simpler before.

  “Ouch!” Shadow Elk, his brows arched, his eyes wide, curled his hands like claws. “The she-cat hisses. Watch your back. Her nails are sharp, but I suspect her fur is soft. It would be worth the scratches once you tame her.”

  Two Moons grunted. He strolled past his friend, then bent to the water's edge to take a drink.

  Shadow Elk knelt beside him and scooped up a handful of water. “A spirited woman is like the angry wind and rain that runs across the land, bringing with it, new life.” He paused, brought his hands to his lips, drank, then continued. “She makes you think and stirs up new feelings deep in here.” He pointed to his heart. “Does she not?”

  Two Moons stood. Shadow Elk did the same.

  “What I feel in here,” Two Moons pounded his chest, “is confused by what I feel in here.” He tapped his head. “And when I saw her with that Blue Coat, what I felt here…” He rested his hand over his heart, “… twisted like an angry serpent. I do not like these new thoughts I think.”

  “Only by listening to her words will you learn the truth. But you must ask her first.”

  Two Moons glanced over to Blue Eyes who by now had given up her struggles and was sitting, her eyes closed, against the tree.

  She had spoken the truth about her feelings for Little Wolf, this he now believed, but what about the Blue Coat? Could he believe that she did not care for him? Did he really want to hear the truth of her words?


  Damn his stubborn hide! Gabrielle watched as Two Moons built a small circular fire with rocks and twigs, then threw some buffalo dung on top as fuel. She should hate him right now-really, really hate him for the way he treated her, like some insignificant object he could throw around, only she didn't. “You shouldn't have dragged me away from the fort like that,” she shouted at him.

  Anger, as heated as the flames that hissed and rose into the dark sky, flashed in his eyes. Then, his expression tightened. Gabrielle snapped her head sideways, following his gaze. What had he heard? She squinted, trying to see through the darkness of the woods. The chirping song of the crickets filled the air-and stillness.

  Two Moons seemed uneasy as he went back to his task. A deep concern for his safety and that of Shadow Elk welled in her breast. Could it be they had been followed? Was her grandfather out there somewhere searching for her? Grandfather Jackson. A stab of loss assailed her as she thought about him. Her fingers slipped into her pocket and she felt the gold locket she had placed in her robe. Why did Two Moons have to come and interfere just when she was going to learn more about her family? Learn more about herself? This whole time-travel thing had to have a purpose. What if somehow she was supposed to stop Jackson from fighting? How was she ever going to do that if she couldn't get back to the fort? She'd never find her way back alone. She couldn't ask Two Moons to bring her back. He’d never understand.

  He stood, made his way over to his horse and reached into the satchel that hung from the animal's side. She couldn't risk his life. Custer was on the move and that meant only one thing - he was out searching for Indians.

  Despair tore her heart. What a choice, to save the life of her great-great-grandfather or to save Two Moons. She didn't want to lose either one.

  “I’m freezing and dirty from that horse of yours. You could have asked for your medicine pouch. You didn't have to destroy my nightgown.”

  Two Moons pulled a small bundle from his parfleche, ignoring her. Surprised when he walked over and stopped before her, she stared at him in silence. The corded bands in his shoulders flexed as he pulled off his long buckskin shirt. The muscles in his chest contracted. Without a word he dropped his shirt in her lap, then turned and went back to the fire.

  “You have caused my fr
iend great concern,” Shadow Elk walked over. He sat beside her and untied her hands. “I think that is good for him.”

  Two Moons crouched, opened his bag and sprinkled fine shaving over the flames. A strong bitter smell wafted up through the smoke.

  “Tobacco and sweet grass. It is through those that Whope, the daughter of the sun and moon, transforms her powers and allows Two Moons to ask for the Great Spirit's aid.”

  Gabrielle slipped the poncho-style tunic over her head. Huge, the garment fell to her mid-thighs and the warmth from his body soothed the goose bumps on her arms. Silently she thanked him.

  With an apologetic glance, Shadow Elk rebound her hands. She clamped her mouth shut. Her protests would cause him nothing but trouble.

  “The fire represents the sun, the force that allows all living things to prevail upon Mother Earth.” He crossed his legs, making himself comfortable. “The white sage Two Moons sprinkles over the flames is to drive away the evil forces which your touch has brought to his medicine.”

  “Look. I didn't mean for him to be haunted by ghosts. The last thing I wanted was for his medicine bag to lose its protective powers. This whole thing isn't really my fault. I-”

  “Without the knowledge of our ways you are not at blame.” Shadow Elk’s kind words and gentle tone comforted her anger.

  She glanced at the man beside her. He was quite handsome-in a boyish kind of way.

  “You will listen and learn. Aye?” He smiled and his whole face brightened.

  Gabrielle nodded.

  Shadow Elk continued. “The sun is the all powerful, who reigns over the spirit world, the world itself and the world beneath the world.”

  World beneath? Her heart leapt. “Are there many worlds?” She took a sharp breath and bit her lip to contain her excitement. Perhaps he would understand. Perhaps he could make her understand how she came to be here?

  “Yes. Just as there are many spirits and their powers are many. The powers of the Sicun, or powers of good, are greater than those of evil. But the evil spirits are not to be taken lightly. Iya is a monster who eats animals and men. His breath can bring disease. Gnaske brings insanity. Now Gica is the one whom Two Moons is concerned about. He can bring accidents, perhaps even death.”


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