Delicious Sin

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Delicious Sin Page 7

by Claudia Stevens

  Most of the time I preferred to shop at the bakery for bread and treats but sometimes it was just easier to go to one place and get it all. Which was what my plan was for today. Eli wasn’t the only one who was enjoying the down time in my apartment. It was nice not having to get up and head somewhere.

  Even so, I knew that eventually I would need to make a decision about my career. It wasn’t in my nature to sit on my ass. Not to mention the need to prove that all of my education was worthwhile.

  A woman pushed a stroller past me. My eyes automatically lowered to the seat and I took in the sleeping angel. A sigh escaped at the sight and my hand subconsciously ended up on my stomach.

  What would happen if I ended up pregnant? The thought had been in my head since mine and Eli’s first night together. Even with condoms it was a possibility. Eli was adamant that he wouldn’t leave his child and I could tell he was being honest. That he would truly be happy. But how would I feel?

  For as long as I could remember, my goals were all lined up in a neat little row. One goal led to the next. But somewhere along the way, I had stopped wanting those things. Which was why I’d requested the time off from the firm. Something was missing and when Eli stepped into my apartment that first day, the hole inside of me filled and new goals began to take form. But did I really want to change my course and head in a new direction? And, what was I willing to give up for a child?

  The one thing I’d always told myself is that my child would never feel like they came second to my job. As a lawyer, it was inevitable. Because in my current job I was basically on call. Which meant that I either gave up being a lawyer or I gave up the idea of having a family.

  “Excuse me,” someone asked from behind me and I shook off my thoughts.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” I replied as I pushed my cart out of the way and looked back to find someone I’d hoped to never see again.

  “Naira!” My ex-boyfriend, Takeshi Niwa, said my name in shock.

  “Takeshi,” I nodded my head in greeting.

  My grandmother had introduced me to him several years before. He was the grandson of one of the ladies she spent time with at the senior center. Takeshi had made all of the right moves with my grandmother and parents. He’d even charmed me at first. The man had a drive to rival my own and was an up and coming architect. My relationship before him had ended badly because of my lack of time so it was refreshing to find someone as busy as myself. With Takeshi, it was easy. He understood.

  We’d dated for six months before I’d decided to sleep with him. And, I’d realized pretty quickly that there was something lacking in our relationship – a dick. Takeshi was small and he didn’t have a clue about how to use what he did have. Not once during the three months I continued to date and have sex with him did the man give me an orgasm.

  “Wow,” Takeshi’s voice pulled me from my memories. “I didn’t… Wow, you look amazing,” he gushed as his eyes wandered up and down my body.

  I instantly regretted my choice of tight jeans and barely there t-shirt. I’d worn them for Eli and now I wish I had a coat to cover myself with.

  “Wow,” Takeshi said again.

  “Naira, did you wan–” Eli’s voice stopped mid-sentence as he came up behind me. He must have noticed how tense I was because he looked slowly between Takeshi and me.

  “Oh… are you here with a client?” Takeshi looked Eli up and down and dismissed him as quickly. “I didn’t know you did those types of things in law.” Takeshi laughed as he switched his plastic basket to his other arm.

  My mouth dropped open at his words. How could I ever have thought this man was charming, I wondered disgustedly.

  Eli grimaced and placed the eggs in our cart. I saw him straighten, his arms crossed his chest, and then his expression went cold. But he wasn’t looking at Takeshi, he was looking at me.

  Wait, does he think I’m embarrassed about him? I thought in shock as it dawned on me how my silence at Takeshi’s words could be taken.

  “Actually, Takeshi, this is Eli Mattis… my fiancé.” Stepping over to Eli, I wrapped my arm around his waist and grinned up at him. “Eli, this is my ex… you know, the one we were talking about the other night.”

  A laugh flew from Eli’s mouth and he shook as he tried to push his laughter back down.

  “Oh, nice to meet you,” Takeshi huffed as he looked on in disapproval.

  “We were going to wait to get married but with the baby coming, I really thought it best we move up the date,” I continued as I forced my face to remain innocently happy. “Isn’t that right, Big Guy?” I cooed at Eli and moved my lower body against his.

  “Yep,” Eli gloated as he pulled me into him for a kiss.

  “W-w-well, it was nice to see you again, Naira,” Takeshi stammered before rushing off.

  When he was clear of the aisle, I allowed the giggles to roll from me. Eli chuckled but soon I realized he had gone quiet. I looked up into his face and wasn’t too sure what I was seeing expressed there.


  “Fiancé… I like the sound of that,” he murmured as he leaned down and pressed a light kiss to my lips. “And, the idea of you pregnant with my child, actually has me feeling pretty caveman at the moment.”

  “Oh,” I gasped as he kissed me again.

  When we pulled away, he grinned wickedly and looked at my phone. “So, what else is on the list?” Eli asked as he snatched up a box of cupcakes and put them into the cart.

  My gaze dropped to the cupcakes and I shook my head at him. “We really need to work on your eating habits.”

  “What?” Eli looked at the cupcakes and then at me – “We should celebrate, right?”

  “Celebrate what?” I asked as I placed my hands on my hips.

  “I just got engaged!” Eli boomed and turned to head off in search of only God new what.

  Looking around I saw several shoppers give me a small smile and a few called out congratulations. My gazed dropped back to the cupcakes and I laughed. With a shrug, I began pushing the cart in search of my fiancé.



  The groceries barely got put away before I had Naira bent over the couch. I rammed every inch of my cock in her, while I gripped her hip with one hand and pulled her hair with the other. She screamed in ecstasy and came again and again. Each time she came, I became greedy for more of her. I wanted to remind her why her ex was her ex and why I was the man she was with.

  “Eli!” she screamed as she came again.

  This time I didn’t fight the urge to come. I rammed one last time inside her. Her pussy tightened around my cock as she rode out the end of her orgasm. My balls tightened and my body tensed as my own orgasm struck me like lightening.

  “More. Give me more of you cum,” she begged, looking over her shoulder at me.

  I thrust deeper inside her hoping to give her every ounce of my cum.

  “Fuck,” I growled, when Naira began grinding her ass on me. “Damn, baby.” I smacked her ass.

  “What?” she asked innocently.

  “You know what,” I chuckled while still trying to catch my breath. “You’re so sexy.”

  “I’m all yours, Eli.” The sexiness in her voice made me wish I could go another round. But Naira had already drained me once, early this morning, and now this round. At this rate, I was going to need to take a blue pill to keep up with my horny sex goddess.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up, beautiful,” I said, pulling her back with me instead of pulling out of her right away. “I doubt you want your couch covered in cum.”

  “Would make for an interesting conversation piece,” she giggled. I swatted her ass and laughed.

  “Yeah. I’m sure your family would love that,” I chuckled. “They’re already going to shit a brick when they meet me and learn that I’m white.”

  Reality slapped me in the face. Naira’s ex was Asian. Judging by the way Naira talked about her family, they most likely expected her to bring home some rich
doctor, who was Asian. They would see me as holding her back from a life of riches. They’d see me as some low-life white thug.

  “Stop, Eli,” Naira said, turning around and wrapping her arms around my waist. She looked up at me.

  “I won’t lie. It will be tough for them to accept at first, but once they see how happy I am, they won’t care about that,” she smiled brightly. “For the first time in my life, I’m truly happy. That’s all they want for me. Happiness.”

  “I’m sure they do, Naira,” I sighed. “But, I’m probably the poster child of what they consider the worst pick for you.”

  “Doesn’t matter what they think,” she frowned. “All that should matter is what we think and how we feel about one another… right?”

  There was fear written all over Naira. She was worried about me breaking up with her because of her family. I couldn’t blame her because I was half-tempted to break up so she could find someone better. She deserved much better than me. She deserved the world. I was willing to bust my ass to give her the world, but I didn’t have the world to give her right this second.

  “Eli, please, say something,” Naira whispered. I looked down to find her with tears in her eyes. “Are you going to break up with me, now?” A tear streamed down her cheek. I swiped it away with my finger and shook my head.

  “No, beautiful,” I kissed her softly. “We’ll get through our insecurities together. Right?”

  “You promise, you aren’t breaking up with me, right now?”

  “Naira,” I whispered and kissed her forehead. “We can conquer anything together. I just need you to be by my side to give me strength.”

  “Strength for what?” she asked in a mouse-like voice.

  “Strength to feel good enough for you.”

  Naira reached up and held my face with her hands. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me.

  “You’re more than good enough for me, Eli Mattis,” she said sweetly and then kissed me softly. “More than you’ll ever know.”

  Naira sat up against the headboard reading a book. It was some book about flamingo and lion shifters. She laughed almost on every page.

  She glanced over at me and grinned like a vixen. Lust-filled her eyes and she looked like she was ready to jump my bones.

  “What are you reading? You are staring at me like I’m a steak and you’re… well, like you’re that lioness in your book,” I stared at her with my eyebrow raised.

  “You are pretty yummy,” she smirked.

  “Should I grab a condom?” I chuckled.

  “Why? We haven’t used them the past few times.”

  Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. She was right. We hadn’t been using the condoms. We had been too caught up in the moment to even think about them. Or maybe subconsciously, I didn’t want to use them. Sex was amazing with or without the condoms but feeling her pussy and her juices slick my cock made the sex more intense.

  “Do you want us to use condoms?” I turned slightly so I could look at her better. She shrugged and looked down at her book. “Naira? Tell me. Do you want to use condoms? Or would you rather us fu… have sex without them?”

  She sighed and then closed her book. She set it on the nightstand before laying on her side and facing me.

  “Would you be mad, if I didn’t want you to wear condoms?” she asked softly.

  I knew the responsible thing would be for us to use condoms. Naira was a lawyer and had a career. She wouldn’t want a baby coming in the way of that.

  “No. I wouldn’t be mad,” I finally said. “But I don’t want to mess up your career, if you ended up pregnant.”

  “What about your career?” she retorted softly.

  “I’d pick up extra hours to make sure you and the baby had everything,” I replied without hesitation.

  “I could work,” she shrugged.

  “But you could stay home too… if you wanted to.”

  She smiled.

  “You really aren’t afraid of getting me pregnant, are you?” she asked. Her tone was a cross between curious, happy, and amused. I never thought it was possible for anyone to have that kind of tone, but that was the tone Naira had right now.

  “I know, I should be. I mean, we’re just now dating and getting to know each other. But something feels right when we’re together,” I shrugged to play off my nerves.

  “That’s exactly how I feel,” she said sheepishly with her eyes staring down at the covers. “When I stop to think about it, I know things are moving at warp speed. But it all feels natural. Does that make sense?”

  “Complete sense,” I nodded my head and chuckled. “That’s exactly how I feel.”

  “We’re a hot mess,” Naira giggled and laid her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head.

  “Yeah, but we’re each other’s hot mess.”



  A scream escaped my mouth as Eli pounded into my pussy. He had me bent over the end of my couch and my face was buried partially into the cushion, but you could hear the scream as it escaped out the side of my mouth.

  It had been two days since I’d seen him last and I felt greedy for his cock. A smack landed on my ass and I jerked against the arm of the couch. The rough material hit my clit and I let out another scream as I arched upward and tried to move my hips back against Eli. Unfortunately, my height barely allowed my toes to touch the floor as he smacked me again.

  “Naira,” Eli commanded everything when he uttered my name as he wrapped my hair around his fist.

  When he pulled my head back so he could reach my neck, I moaned, and he nipped and sucked hard on my pulse point.

  “Soak my cock, Naira,” he demanded and everything inside of me tightened and then exploded outward.

  I rode my orgasm as Eli went crazy behind me, his movements lost their rhythm but picked up force as he slammed into me time and again. Then, as my clit hit painfully against the couch arm and I whimpered, Eli bellowed my name and filled me with his cum.

  He collapsed against me and we panted in unison as we both came down from the pleasure high.

  “I fucking hate overtime,” Eli complained as he lifted off of me and pulled his cock from my body.

  “Me too,” I whined as my body immediately felt empty without him.

  A grin spread across my face as Eli, lifted me from the couch and carried me to my bedroom. When he laid me on the bed and rose back up to head – probably to the bathroom for a washcloth – I raised my eyes and began laughing.

  His t-shirt had been shoved up to his armpits, he had marks from my fingernails on his chest, and his pants barely hung off of his ass and his cock was still sticking out of his fly.

  I’d been smart – I’d worn a dress when he said he was coming by after work. A halter dress with nothing beneath it.

  “Laugh it up,” Eli chuckled and motioned to me.

  Looking down, I noticed that one strap of my dress had been ripped off and the top shoved underneath my breasts, the skirt was twisted and laid awkwardly on my thighs.

  We both laughed and Eli mumbled something as he walked to the door. He returned a few minutes later with a washcloth. While he was gone, I’d removed my dress and tossed it at my trash can. I wasn’t a seamstress and it was an old dress anyhow.

  Once he’d cleaned us both off, we curled up together in bed. Eli rested his chin on the top of my head and ran his fingers through my hair.

  “I missed you,” he murmured.

  “Miss you more,” I insisted.

  “Doubtful, you at least have the rat,” Eli chuckled, and I felt his head turn and knew he was looking at my gerbil’s cage.

  “You need to stop hurting Gertrude’s feelings, Eli,” I pouted and looked up at him.

  “Sorry, Gertrude,” he mumbled with a sour look on his face. It didn’t last long, and it was soon replaced with his wicked smile I was becoming used to seeing.

  Settling back onto Eli’s chest I inhaled deeply o
f his unique scent and hummed in appreciation. The need I thought would stay sated began to build inside of me again as I digested the feel of his skin against mine and the musky male scent to which I’d become addicted.

  “You know, spending that week with you spoiled me,” Eli mumbled into my hair. “My apartment is nowhere as nice as yours and is way too empty.”

  “Then you should stay here,” I whispered as I pressed a kiss against his nipple.

  “Naira?” Eli pushed me away and forced me to look at him. “Don’t joke about that. You say that and you’ll have a roommate you can’t get rid of.”

  Eli’s eyes were hopeful but weary as he went serious on me.

  “I never say anything I don’t mean.” Sitting up I moved away from Eli. I couldn’t think when he was too close. And, over the past few weeks I’d been thinking about the fact that I wanted Eli to be with me all of the time.

  “You want me to move in?” His expression didn’t look convinced. “Naira, I haven’t even met your parents. Don’t you think I should before we become roomies? I don’t want the police called on me because they show up when you’re not here.”

  My fingers began to worry the comforter beneath me as I thought about what he was saying. Eli was right of course but it wasn’t an easy thing to think about. When I had told Eli my parents only wanted my happiness those several weeks ago, I was being honest. But my parents also had some very old school ideas of what would make me happy.

  “Do you not want me to meet them?” Eli asked softly.

  “Of course, I do. But…” I waved my hands in the air and dropped down onto the bed so I could bury my face in a pillow.

  “Naira…” Eli sighed.

  When he rolled me over tears were streaming down my face.

  “Naira? What’s wrong?” Eli’s tone immediately shifted to concern and he pulled me into his arms.

  “Nothing. Everything.” I wailed as my sobs grew in strength.

  “Please don’t cry.” Eli had the tone every man got when their woman began to cry. Men hated to see women cry and Eli was no exception.


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