Sealed by Fire: The Nature Hunters Academy Series, Book 2

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Sealed by Fire: The Nature Hunters Academy Series, Book 2 Page 12

by Quinn Loftis

  Terrick finally broke the silence. “Does anyone have any ideas on how to move forward?” he asked. Iterra knew he was taking the lead simply because they were in Terra Academy, and it made sense to defer to the headmaster and mistress of the territory in which they were located. Had they been in Hydro Academy, then they would have deferred to Marcus and Serena.

  “First,” said Serena, “I feel we should start small. I don’t think we should attempt any wide-scale changes on an academy level. That would be too much adjustment at once. The potential for chaos would be too great.”

  Everyone nodded, and Terrick said, “I think we can all agree with that.”

  Talia, the Crimson Academy headmistress, spoke up. “I think our professors know our students better than anyone. We should have them make lists of select students in their third and fourth years they feel work well together. Then we can match them up with students in each of the other schools until we have groups of four. Each group can rotate between the academies using portals. We set a schedule for them just like we do now.”

  “I also think they need to be our top students,” Ellena offered. “Those who are powerfully gifted, but also levelheaded. They will be the pupils who can then help train the younger students.”

  Several murmured agreement. Iterra admitted it sounded like a good plan. It wasn’t too complicated, though anything they did was going to take a little bit of time because they were talking about moving around many students.

  “If you all are agreeable,” Terrick said, “I would offer Terra Academy as the location of the first training session.”

  “I see no problem with that,” said Jeremiah. “This cooperative effort began because of your soul bonded, Terrick. It seems fitting that the first lesson begins here.”

  “Agreed,” said several of the other professors.

  “And one professor for each element. If that’s going to take too many professors then we could rotate out and have half of the students do a morning training time and the other half do an afternoon training,” Terrick said.

  “I think we also need to bring in our warriors from the field to fill them in on what’s going on and pair them up with teams from the other academies. They are going to have to learn to work together as well,” Marcus pointed out. “It will make them more adept at protecting their Marks.”

  “I agree,” Terrick said.

  Iterra knew that Jax and Terrick had already discussed that plan and sent out a call to their warriors. Most of them would be coming in tomorrow morning.

  “What issues should we prepare for?” Ellena asked.

  “The possibility of animosity between students. Interschool rivalry. Though having pride in one’s school and elemental attunement is admirable, I believe we’ve inadvertently nurtured the attitude that our own school is somehow superior or more powerful than the others,” Terrick admitted.

  “We are guilty of the same thing,” said Jeremiah. “That’s something we will have to firmly correct. A certain amount of humility for the fault we played in this will probably go a long way with the students.”

  “I think that is an excellent idea,” Iterra said.

  “How long do you each need before we make the new schedules?” Terrick asked.

  “Four days?” Marcus suggested. “Will that be enough time to get the students organized into the groups?”

  “I think it should work for us,” Jeremiah said.

  Callum from Tempest Academy nodded. “That’ll do for us as well.”

  Iterra and Terrick wished the other academies a good afternoon and watched as they opened portals and exited Terra Academy.

  “I’m not going to lie, my love,” Iterra said. “At this point, burying my head in the sand is sounding more and more tempting.”

  Terrick chuckled as he pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her. They had been together for nearly two centuries, and she was still just as madly in love with him as she’d been when they met. They weren’t soul bonded, of course, not in the magical sense that came from Mother Gaia. Such a thing was exceedingly rare. But they were bonded by choice.

  “I’m going to call in the heads of each department,” Terrick said. “I’m hoping we can keep this from turning into too big of a mess.”

  Iterra smiled. “It’s better to lower your expectations a bit. That way when it turns out good, you’re pleasantly surprised.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement, my love.”

  Elias felt a burning need inside of him, and it was beginning to drive him a bit mad. He had no idea what was going on, just that he and Tara had been eating with Liam and Aston one minute and then the next he’d pulled her to her feet and began tugging her behind him out of the dining hall and toward his room.

  “Is everything okay?” Tara said, her voice wavering a little.

  Elias could tell his behavior was making her nervous, and he honestly couldn’t say it shouldn’t. Bloody hell, it was making him nervous as well.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Elias?” Her voice was softer and full of concern.

  He didn’t respond. Elias pushed open his dorm room door and pulled her inside. As soon as it closed, he turned and gently pushed her against it. Elias leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers. His breathing was rapid, and his heart was pounding painfully in his chest.

  “Hey.” Tara reached up and placed a palm on his face.

  Elias leaned into the touch, allowing the heat of her flesh to ground him to the here and now. “Just give me a moment, please.”

  “Okay,” she said but didn’t move her hand, and he was thankful.

  Elias searched his emotions, trying to determine why he was so desperate to keep her close and away from anyone else. It wasn’t rational. He didn’t want her near other elementalists. He just wanted her with him where he could keep her safe. Elias needed to feel her body against his. He needed the current that flowed through them to make a loop from her body to his, making them one. He wanted to strip her.

  “Bloody hell!” Elias jumped away from her as if he’d been burned. He couldn’t believe where his mind had taken him. But he knew it was the magic inside of him that wanted to join with Tara. Her magic called to it, beckoning them to join in every way. There was something significant and unexplainable about the way the magic worked … not that the man didn’t crave to be joined with Tara as well. Elias was in love with Tara. He wanted her in every way that a man could have a woman.

  “Your eyes are swirling,” Tara said as she watched him intently.

  He blinked, trying to get control of his emotions, but they were not going to be pushed back into a box.

  Tara closed the distance between them and once again reached up to cup his face in her small hands. She pulled gently, and he let her draw him to her face. Her eyes locked on his as she rose up on her toes and pressed her lips to his. At first, the touch was tentative and unsure. Elias wrapped an arm around Tara’s waist and pulled her against him. His other hand ran up her back until he held the nape of her neck in a possessive way. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss and, when she moaned and opened her mouth, Elias licked the inside of her lips in a slow, sensual circle.

  “Elias,” Tara breathed out in a rush.

  Her desire for him was as palpable as his was for her. He felt her desperate need in the way that she clutched him as her hands lowered from his face, down his shoulders, and under his arms so she could wrap them around him.

  Elias backed her up once more and pillowed her head to keep it from knocking against the door. He felt her body rise, seeking the heat of his own. He obliged by pressing close to her.

  Her scent swirled around him, making his head swim. She tasted of peaches and sugar as their tongues danced. Every now and then, Tara would nip at his bottom or top lip, and it drove him crazy. He growled when she did it again. He picked her up, encouraging her to wrap her legs around his waist.

  He forced himself to slow down, and he began pressing light, soft, kisses
to her cheeks, eyelids, jawline, and neck. Elias loved the way she tasted. He latched on to the skin just below her ear and sucked gently.

  “Ahh.” Tara’s voice rushed out as her forehead dropped to his shoulder. Elias continued to bite and suck gently on the same spot as she undulated her body against his. It seemed to drive her crazy and it drove him just as wild knowing he had this effect on her.

  “Elias, please,” she said in a breathy, sexy voice. “What’s going on?”

  Elias chuckled. “If I have to explain it to you, then I don’t think I’m doing it right.”

  His mouth went back to her neck, and he knew he was leaving a mark on her flesh. It should have bothered him, but some primitive part of his brain liked that she would wear his mark for a time.

  “I mean,” she huffed, “why are you like this?” Her words came out in breathy pants as his hands ran up the outside of her thighs to her bottom and back down again.

  “I’m in love. I’m attracted to you, and everything inside of me, down to the marrow of my bones, is telling me to lay you on that bed and strip you down, flesh to flesh, and join our bodies and our magic.”

  “Holy fairy babies,” she choked. “You just say it like it is, don’t you?”

  “I don’t want there to be any confusion about what I desire. But I would never push you for anything you aren’t ready for.”

  Tara laid her head back against the door, closed her eyes, and drew in a large breath. He could tell she was attempting to slow her breathing. Perhaps Elias should have tried to help. Instead, all he could focus on was the small amount of cleavage rising and falling at the top of the V-neck shirt she wore. Why was it that a tantalizing glimpse was even sexier than a woman bearing it all?

  “Eyes up here, Casanova,” she said and ruined it by licking her lips.

  “Dammit woman,” he growled. “How am I supposed to focus if you lick your lips like that?”

  “They were dry.”

  “Let’s fix that then.” Elias didn’t give her a chance to respond before he was on her. His lips sucked at her own and nipped at them to get her mouth to open. He ran his tongue across her mouth over and over slowly and quickly, changing the pace constantly and occasionally dipping into her decadent mouth. He felt so out of control with his desire for her. When she pushed back and kissed him with a new fervor, Elias wondered if he’d be able to stop or if he would seduce her.

  Tara couldn’t believe the way Elias was pursuing her. He hadn’t done anything she was uncomfortable with, and maybe that should have raised some red flags, but the only thing that seemed to be rising in her was passion. Her heart was pitter-pattering, and her lungs were fighting for air as Elias kissed her with complete abandonment. Her hands ran over his broad shoulders and down his arms then back up again. She felt his hands cup her butt and then run down the bottom of her thighs.

  “Tara,” he whispered before he pulled on her bottom lip, sucking it into his warm mouth. She couldn’t help the stupid girly sigh. He was making her feel so desirable.

  “You are desirable,” he whispered as he pressed his chest tightly to hers. “You have no bloody idea how badly I want you.”

  “Did I say that out loud?” she muttered, unable to truly be embarrassed because of his hands and lips distracting her.

  Suddenly, she felt a rush of emotions that weren’t hers. Mainly because she instantly had the desire to lick her own collarbone and then lower. “Holy hell, that’s weird.”

  “That’s me, love,” he said softly. “I’m sharing my feelings with you.”

  “Damn.” She breathed out. Her desire blended with his was one of the most intense things she’d ever felt. He kissed her harder, and she experienced the way the kiss felt to him. He loved the way her lips felt on his. He loved how her body felt in his hands and how silky her skin was against his mouth.

  “I … this … oh dear.” Her words came out in clipped, breathless pants as his lips continued their assault on her flesh.

  He ran both of his hands through her hair and pulled the long locks away from her face, causing her head to tilt back. Elias slid his tongue from the dip in her throat, up her neck, and then placed a tender kiss on her chin and lips. He stood there like that, his lips just laying over her own, for several moments as they both fought to catch their breaths.

  “That was…” she whispered, “It was… I’ve never…”

  “I know,” he agreed. “Neither have I.”

  Tara couldn’t deny the fact that it gave her immense pleasure to know he hadn’t been with another girl in the same way. It wasn’t something she’d expected in someone who looked like him. It was most definitely a pleasant surprise.

  “It would drive me crazy if another guy had ever touched you or kissed you like this.” His voice rumbled in her ear. Elias moved his face until his mouth rested beside her ear, his head pressed to the door beside her head.

  “I want to try something, if you trust me,” he said.

  “Of course, I trust you.”

  He dropped her feet to the ground and then took her hand, leading her over to his bed. “Will you lie down on your side?”

  Tara’s brow rose as she looked at him.

  “We aren’t going to make love,” he assured her, “unless you ask nicely. Then I might indulge you.”

  She laughed. “Indulge me? It wouldn’t be an indulgence for you?”

  “It would be heaven on earth for me.” His expression and tone of voice made it clear he was dead serious.

  Tara laid down on her left side, and Elias laid down beside her on his right side, facing her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close until their foreheads touched. She tried to keep her breathing even, but it was tough when she was so close to him that she could feel the heat from his body.

  “Try and relax,” Elias said quietly as he pushed her shirt up just high enough that he could rest his palm on her waist.

  Tara began to feel heat from his palm, but it wasn’t just normal body heat. This was much hotter, and it moved up to her chest, neck, and then head. At the same time, the heat moved down her thighs, calves, and feet until she was completely covered in it. She shivered as the sensation moved deeper into her veins and bones. She felt something inside of her being tugged as if a string was tied to a part of her, and it was being pulled to Elias. Her natural instinct was to pull back.

  “Let go, luv,” Elias murmured. He pressed his lips to hers briefly before wrapping his arm completely around her and pulling her even closer.

  Tara gasped at the sensation of warm water being poured over her head and down her body, then she felt him. Elias’s power was running through her veins, and she could feel his love, desire, and devotion for her.

  “I feel you, too.” His voice was a gentle breeze in her mind.

  “Can you hear me?”



  “Because our magic and souls are connected.” There was complete awe in his voice.

  Tara felt his hands in her hair, on her back, and down her thighs, but there was no way he could be touching her in all of those places unless he had four hands.

  “It’s my magic,” he explained. “It loves the way you feel.”

  She didn’t understand how he could talk about his magic as if it was a separate entity. Tara didn’t know how it was possible for their souls to be joined, but she could feel it. She took a deep breath and felt Elias take one as well. She could feel his heart beat in tandem with hers.

  “I could stay like this forever,” he said, speaking out loud this time.

  Tara wasn’t sure what she was doing, but she pictured herself enveloping him in the love she felt for him. She imagined bolts of electricity flowing from her body and into his because she didn’t know how else to picture the magic she could feel inside of her.

  “Bloody hell,” he groaned in her mind.

  Suddenly the warmth and pulse of electricity that flowed between them was gone, and Tara was once again alone in h
er body. She felt cold on the inside despite still feeling his body heat. “Whoa,” she said as his gaze held her. “Intense.” She took several deep breaths and then asked, “So is that it? Are we bonded? I mean, I don’t feel different. Should I feel different?” Tara tried to clear her thoughts from the haze of lust and desire. But her heart pounded, and her hormones screamed at her to shut up and get physical. And now she was using 80’s song lyrics to describe her needs. WTH? Then her mouth opened and just kept saying things against her will. “You said we were joined, but there wasn’t like, joining, joining, right?”

  “Bloody hell, man.” Liam’s voice boomed through the door. “If she has to ask you if there was any joining then you definitely weren’t doing it right.”

  “Oy,” Elias yelled. “Get the hell away from the damn door, you arse!”

  “I’m just saying,” Liam continued because, clearly, he wanted to die. “I told you we should talk about the birds and the bees. I even brought a banana to show you how to put on the…”

  “LEAVE!” Elias roared so loudly that Tara’s hands flew up to cover her ears.

  After several heartbeats, Tara couldn’t keep her laughter in check any longer. “I swear he’s just asking for an engraved invitation for you to kill him.” When Elias didn’t respond, Tara forced herself to get over her embarrassment and pulled back so she could look at him. His eyes swirled with emotion, and his jaw was clenched tight.


  “You asked if that was it,” he said. His voice was rough and full of the same hunger that had been in it when he’d first brought her into his room.

  She nodded, unable to speak because she was once again caught up in the desires she could feel through the strange bond they had.


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