Visionary Awakened

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Visionary Awakened Page 28

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Thank you for everything. May your journey be smooth and welcoming as you enter paradise." I spoke the words with power, my body falling into a trance.

  "Thank you Elemental," they said in unison, bowing their heads. "Our work here is done."

  I turned my head to Jaxson, who looked a little stunned at first, but soon relaxed. I didn't know how I looked like at this point, but I felt the power of the Stone of Awakening pulse inside me. I noticed my orange strands of hair begin to shift to silver with hints of gold. I took a calming breath and smiled.

  "I'm ready." I closed my eyes, allowing the words to flow into my mind and out of my mouth.

  * * *

  "May the Starlight gods bless you and grant you the powers within the Crystal of Forgotten Memories. May it give you the ability to forget the heartache one may cause yourself or others, and replace that pain with strength to strive towards implementing justice. May you forgive those who only want harm for you, but not forget the deeds that have been done. The dark memories that are forgotten will bring forth a wave of happy ones. May those motivate you to work harder to protect such happiness and spread the light throughout this world. I grant this role to you for as long as you shall live, until the day such power will be passed down to the next guardian. In stars, we trust."

  * * *

  "In stars, we trust," Jaxson whispered. I lifted my hand and placed the bracelet on his wrist, sealing his fate.

  The ruby jewel glowed brightly and I felt the power course through Jaxson in delight.

  * * *

  In the blink of an eye, time resumed and we looked to see five balls of light.

  Gold, green, blue, purple, and red balls floated where the women once stood. They began to move in a circle before shooting up through the roof and into the sky above.

  I grinned, feeling the power leave me as I pulled out of my trance-like state. I felt wobbly and Jaxson immediately wrapped his arm around my waist, preventing me from falling back.

  "Easy there. You okay?"

  I nodded. "Ya. I think that took a little more energy than I thought." I smiled sheepishly, looking up at him with tired eyes.

  He smiled back and leaned in to give me a tender kiss. "Thank you, Scarlet."

  He lifted me up into his arms and I rested my head against his chest, allowing myself to relax. The five guardians of the Crystals of Mother Destiny had all been chosen.

  All that was left now was to find out what Xerxes’ plans were and ensure he paid for his crimes.

  "A charity ball and PINC was invited?" I questioned.

  Kendrick nodded, pinching his nose. "Xerxes will be attending."

  "How can he attend if he's a wanted criminal?" Ethan asked in disgust.

  "Only PINC knows he's wanted. On the outside, no one else is aware. Again, his status plays a role," Kendrick pointed out.

  We were in Kendrick's office, all of Team Seven, as well as and Cece and Vinzent. When Jaxson, Michael, and I had returned from our little trip, Kendrick called all of us, asking us to come to the office ASAP.

  When we all arrived, we went got right to business. Now he was explaining that we'd been invited to a charity event specifically for shifters, and PINC had to ensure everything went as smoothly as possible.

  With all the fire outbreaks and increased crime rate in the paranormal world, the tension was high between shifters. The charity event was to help lower those levels, and the proceeds would help any shifters affected by the outbreaks.

  "Wait, but if we go, are we going in disguise?" Junho questioned.

  "Some of you, yes. But I'd need at least three of you as you are, which essentially will be Jaxson, Michael, and Scarlet," Kendrick declared.

  "Scarlet?" the guys said at once, turning to me. I raised an eyebrow at my dad, who sighed, looking troubled.

  "Um, why me?" I asked. "I'm the new recruit, remember?"

  "I'm aware, Scar. I’m putting you out in the open on purpose," Kendrick insisted.

  Cece crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head at Kendrick. "And WHY is that exactly? As of right now, he thinks she's one with the stars if anyone needs a reminder."

  "You want Xerxes to realize Scar's alive and slip up," Michael realized. We looked to see his stern expression.

  "Exactly," Kendrick confirmed.

  "So, you're using her as bait," Jaxson grumbled.

  "Total bait," Ethan huffed.

  "110% bait," Christian muttered.

  "I already have bad vibes about this," Junho worried.

  "I agree with all of the above," Michael added.

  "I actually support them in this," Cece added.

  "Guess you know where I stand," Vinzent replied, looking irritated. I sighed, glancing back at Kendrick, who didn't look pleased.

  "This is one of the few opportunities we'll get to find out what Xerxes is planning. Showing that Scarlet or the Elemental is alive will freak him out. Then he’ll have to change whatever plans he originally had," Kendrick suggested.

  "His plan was to get the crystals and that failed, so what do you think he needs now? He could be one step ahead of us. Hell, he could have been the one to plan this whole charity shit to begin with, and you wouldn't even know," Ethan declared.

  "He has a point," Junho chimed in.

  "You're right, but I can't send any of my other teams on this, guys. No one else is strong enough to handle this assignment, and we can't afford to miss this event. We need information and this may give us a chance to catch Xerxes once he leaves the property," Kendrick explained.

  "When he leaves? Why can't we arrest him right then and there?" Michael wondered.

  Jaxson sighed. "Neutral agreement?" he asked Kendrick. The others groaned when Kendrick nodded, but I tilted my head in confusion.

  "What does that mean?" I asked.

  "No fights can take place on the property. So as long as Xerxes is in the building, we can't touch him. Same way he can't do anything to you," Christian explained.

  "But once we leave?" I pressed.

  "Once he leaves the building, whether it's outside in the parking lot or on the damn roof, that neutrality is revoked. But he could always have an escape plan, like leaving in a bulletproof car, or going back with another high person in command, which means we can't touch him if that’s the case," Ethan elaborated.

  "So we're going to be putting Scar at risk for the chance of MAYBE catching Xerxes," Jaxson concluded with a frown.

  "Not to mention he can have a backup plan to exit the building with someone of status or simply make it impossible for us to make a move," Michael added.

  "Or he can be hosting this entire thing to see who he still needs to take out before he can achieve his goal of realm domination," Christian concluded.

  "And let's go back to the fact we're using Scar as bait," Cece grumbled.

  "Alright." Kendrick huffed and we went silent. He sighed. "This is the best shot we have, guys. I don't want to be putting my daughter right in the open for Xerxes to see like a shiny bauble, but we don't have much choice. Whoever organized this is wealthy and has plenty of connections. There's tension between leaders and businesses across the globe. Many of them are coming together for this charity event. We have to attend and if we're able to catch Xerxes at the same time, it will be a bonus, but we can't get out of this either way. I've already confirmed your attendance."

  The others were silent, all of them having sour expressions. I noticed Moonlight jump onto Kendrick’s desk and stretch. Then he walked up to Kendrick, who just noticed his entrance.

  "Who brought Moonlight?" he questioned.

  I shrugged. "He wasn't with us." We turned to Christian, who rolled his eyes.

  "Why does everyone suspect me?" he mumbled.

  "Because I can bet five thousand dollars his doll is in your pocket," Junho wagered.

  "Make it ten thousand," Ethan added.

  "Haters,” Christian grumbled under his breath, pulling the doll out of his pocket.

  Moonlight s
tared at it for a moment but lifted his paw and scratched at Kendrick's arm.

  "OW! Moonlight?!" he snapped. I raised an eyebrow at Moonlight, who hopped down to the floor and walked over to jump onto Christian's lap to retrieve his doll. He then made his way down and came over to me, settling in my lap.

  "Meow," Moonlight declared. "Serves him right. Stupid plan if you ask me," Risuki grumbled.

  "Moonlight thinks your plan is stupid," I announced and the guys all nodded.

  "See?! Even Scar's cat agrees. I thought his opinion mattered," Ethan stressed.

  "Hmph, it does when he's protecting Michael and Scar when they're asleep," Cece muttered.

  Kendrick gave everyone a glare. We all shut up, not wanting to deal with his wrath so early in the morning.

  "When is this ball?" I asked.


  "TONIGHT?!" we exclaimed.

  "How the hell are we going to prepare for that shit?" Christian asked.

  "Let alone for security measures and cameras. It's already ten. If we want to put this plan in motion, we gotta start moving," Ethan stressed. I knew he'd keep watch and be our guide throughout the entire session as always.

  "I'm aware, and that's why you all better get ready. I've already taken care of your outfits and disguises. Scarlet, your date will be Jaxson. Michael, you're with Junho," Kendrick declared.

  "Wait, what? We're going as a gay couple?" Michael asked.

  "Nope." Kendrick shook his head. "Junho, I registered you as a girl."

  "What? Junho exclaimed.

  " he throwing on a wig or something?" Michael wondered.

  "Um, Dad. I know Junho has awesome looks and all, but even if you throw a wig on him, he'd still look like a guy," I pointed out.

  "I need Junho on the dance floor for a number of reasons, one specifically is Junho can speak Japanese and Russian. There will be political leaders at this charity, and with the issues we're having abroad, I'll need Junho close by to use his skills of making connections while collecting information," Kendrick disclosed.

  "He has a point...but..." Jaxson trailed off.

  "You guys will figure it out. We need to set this plan in motion and I have to meet the president in an hour. Just be careful and work together as a team. Vinzent, Cece, I'll need you two to meet me downstairs in five. Everyone else is dismissed," Kendrick concluded.

  We all exchanged looks, but nodded. Guess we don't have a choice.

  "Hmph. Smells like a damn trap to me," Aurora huffed.

  "Agreed. Jeez, we better get to kick some ass or I'll be pissed," Serenity grumbled. "And I don't get upset often," she added.

  I mentally nodded to them both. You two should take a nap. I'll need both of you tonight. I didn't know what to expect, but I'd have all my cards at the ready if we had to fight Xerxes and try to bring him in for his crimes no one else knew about.

  "Okay. Night!" they said in unison and faded from my mind.

  "Scar, ready to go?" Junho questioned. I looked at Cece, who noticed my gaze and glanced away, looking nervous at my sudden attention.

  "Can I meet you guys downstairs? I'll be fast," I reassured them. The guys exchanged looks, clearly picking up on what I wanted to do.

  "Sure," Michael agreed.

  "Vinzent. We need you real quick," Jaxson called out to Vinzent, who looked up from his phone.

  He raised an eyebrow. "For?"

  "Tech," Ethan declared.

  Vinzent glanced at me before he nodded. "Ah. Security finalization. Sure. Cece, I'll meet you downstairs." He gave her a quick kiss and walked towards the guys who then all moved towards the exit.

  Cece looked stunned at the sudden move. I noticed Kendrick walk up to me and stare at Moonlight, who looked unbothered.

  "C'mon, Moonlight. Don't be all grumpy. Let's go for a walk," Kendrick suggested.

  "You make it seem like he's a dog," I pointed out with a grin, knowing what Kendrick was plotting.

  "Meow," Moonlight replied, standing up and dropping to the floor next to Kendrick's feet. "I'm still mad," Risuki grumbled.

  "And he's still mad at you," I added.

  "I'll get him some milk. Let's go," Kendrick declared. They both left the room, leaving Cece and I alone in the small office.

  We were both silent, staring anywhere but at each other. After a full minute, I decided I'd have to speak up or we'd waste the remaining four minutes we were given. "Cece, I-" I began.

  "I'm sorry," Cece spoke abruptly, cutting me off. I lifted my gaze from my hands to see her in a bowing position.

  "I'm sorry for not taking your opinion into consideration before I acted. As your best friend, I know you hate being left out of the decision-making process, especially when it's regarding situations or people in your life. I....did what I did because I couldn't allow Jake to do something stupid that would hurt you. You already know his past and I was worried if I let him live, he'd somehow get you involved in whatever drug shit he was involved in and bring you down with him as payback," Cece confessed.

  "Cece..." I trailed off, unable to be really mad at her, especially after my encounter with Akoya and the other sisters.

  "From now on, I'll remember to consider you if a decision I make may impact you. Also, you don't need to forgive me if you don't want to yet," she mumbled.

  I sighed, knowing if I didn't say something, she'd be bawling her eyes out. I stood up and walked over to her, reaching out to hold her trembling hands. "Raise your head, silly," I whispered. She did, her blue-green eyes already glossy with unshed tears.

  "I know what you did was for me. I was just upset about it, but I don't hate you. You’re my bestie and I know everything you do is to make sure the people you care about are safe. I guess what I'm trying to say is I love my best friend, and after all this is done, I want a detailed story about how you're the Queen of Demons. And seeing as Vinzent's a horse shifter and all, that means he has lots of stamina in bed, right?" I questioned. Cece gawked at me as her face grew red.

  "Uh...well...I guess...he does have quite the stamina," she mumbled. I snickered before I broke into full laughter. Cece smiled before she started chuckling too. Then she pulled me into a hug.

  "I missed your ass. I've been so busy," she mumbled.

  "Ah, me too. I owe Ethan a date after this assignment over, but after that, we need a long ass break, just the two of us. We'll leave the boys at home," I announced.

  Cece giggled."Well, let's see how Junho looks like as a girl. Maybe we'll let him tag along?" she proposed.

  "How are they going to change him into a girl?" I asked, completely confused.

  "Leave it to Michael and Ethan. Just sprinkle some fairy dust and add Michael's hair and fashion skills. I can already picture the female version of Junho in the flesh," Cece sang.

  I laughed. "This is probably the only good thing about this damn assignment."

  "Pretty much. Make sure you take tons of pictures so we can blackmail him later," Cece winked and I grinned.

  "Honestly, knowing Junho, he'd work it as a girl and wouldn't even mind. I can already imagine the level of confidence he'd have. He'd think he's a model, just in a girl’s body," I suggested.

  "Ah, you know what? Probably. He'd make all the men kneel and the girls wish to have his female looks. Well, at least we can still get cute pictures. C'mon, let's go downstairs! I'll help you tonight with getting ready. I got to choose your dress," she revealed.

  "You did?! I was wondering what Kendrick would have possibly chosen for me to wear." I tried to picture it, but all I could imagine was a garbage bag to ensure I showed no skin.

  "He chose the most hideous dress that looked like a fucking garbage bag. I never slapped a hand so fast from clicking the buy button in all my years. I got something that suits you perfectly. AND it has POCKETS!" Cece declared with excitement.

  I slid my arm around her and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "That's why you're my best friend. A dress with pockets is everything a girl needs."

e shared a look and giggled, before making our way out of the office and downstairs to prepare for what felt like would be the final showdown.

  It was time to dress up and face Xerxes, once and for all.

  "STOP FUCKING LAUGHING, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!" a high pitched voice demanded.

  "He even sounds cute as a girl!" Michael laughed.

  "Oh Starlight gods, we should have thought of this a long ass time ago," Ethan chuckled.

  I walked out into the hallway on the top floor of Junho's place, which was only minutes away from the where the charity event was being held.

  Cece had finalized my look before she portaled away, saying Vinzent needed help with some last minute security changes and she needed to add some harsh reinforcement so things would go as quickly and smoothly as possible.

  I wore a long red dress, the silky material the perfect shade of vibrant red. The chest portion of the dress dipped really low, which meant I couldn't wear a physical bra, but that's why I had my lovely best friend who knew how to make invisible bras with magic. Spectacular.

  The waist part of the dress fit me almost like a corset. It had a silky bow that rested in front before the dress poofed out in layers of red, shifting from bright to dark red depending on how the light shone on the material.

  To add a bit of style, the top half that led to the low dip was covered in red gemstones that reflected in the light and made my chest stand out even more. The back of the dress was just as revealing, putting the large tattoo on my back on display, which I knew would turn heads and catch people’s attention.

  It was honestly one of those dresses that you had to be confident in wearing, but it gave you a sense of empowerment which helped with the confidence boost.

  Thanks to Michael and a hint of Ethan's magic, my neon orange hair was short and curled up in waves. Ethan had made my roots black, slowly shifting to bright orange, which made my hair look more dramatic and matched the fierce appearance I was trying to achieve.


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