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[Unbreakable 02.0] Rule Breaker

Page 21

by Kat Bastion

  I blew out a slow breath, wanting to touch…taste…feel. But not yet. We had a whole night. “No. Not now. And…” I blinked, then glanced at him, propping my head up with a bent arm. “Mind-blowing?”

  He fought a smile. “Well, something’s gonna blow. That’s for damn sure.”

  For damn sure.


  Confused at his redirect, I frowned. “Where is—” it?

  My mind froze and I blinked more heavily as he shoved down his shorts. At my eye level, hung his impressive manhood, thick with a pale golden hue. And I stared at it. I’d seen it before, only a flash when we’d first met. But inches away, its many inches stole my breath away. If that’s what he looked like not turned on, however would he…fit…when he was?

  “I’m guessing over there?” His voice softened to a low murmur.

  Breaths coming faster no matter how hard I tried to control them, I glanced up. He reached a hand toward me, then nodded at the far corner of the room, beyond a lava rock wall. “The question was an invitation.”

  “Oh,” I whispered. So not sex in the bed yet.

  Trusting in him like I’d never trusted another man before, I slowly swung my legs to the side of the bed and took his hand. Staring into my eyes, he pulled me up, then guided me forward before folding me into his arms.

  He pressed a kiss to my temple. His lips lingered there a moment, tender yet firm, before dragging lower until they brushed the shell of my ear. I shivered under the intimate warmth of his breath as his hands smoothed up my back, over the thin material I still wore.

  “Relaaax...” His whispered suggestion dragged out like a buttery caress as his thumbs rubbed over the tight muscles between my shoulder blades. “No sex yet.”


  A low chuckle rumbled from his throat as his lips teased over my jawline before they drifted lower, over the sensitive skin of my neck. “No. Only foreplay.”

  I blew out a shaky breath, not fully understanding what he meant but very much wanting to find out. “How will I stand long enough to shower?”

  “I’ll hold you.”

  I smiled. “Is this your typical foreplay?”



  “Only with you.”

  The admission stunned me. And pleased me. That I’d be special enough for him to take his time with me. To allow me to savor the slow buildup. That he’d want the same thing too.

  With a slow glide of his hands, his fingers wandered under the hem of the rash guard that covered my swimsuit top. His breath floated warmth over my neck, my shoulder. “May I?”

  “Yes.” The word came out on a croak.

  A final kiss brushed over my collarbone before he leaned back and tugged upward.

  Cool air rushed over my skin as the clinging fabric peeled away from my stomach, my chest, my shoulders, then up over my head. I shivered when he took a small step backward without removing his hands from my upper arms.

  His gaze roved down my body. “Gorgeous.”

  And though I still wore a tiny bikini top and boy-short bottoms, I felt completely naked. Because he didn’t only see me skin-deep. He knew me, every part, down to my beating heart. And he liked what he saw.

  Even though fear still hovered, it faded toward the edges of my mind; I grew bold with him. That someone might know me for who I was deep inside, who I yearned to be out loud for the whole world to know with every fiber of my being.

  Could you grow to love me?

  And…will I be able to keep you if I let myself fall?


  Leilani shivered in my arms. But not from cold air. And I didn’t need to ask her why.

  Her expression gave her away…





  Countless emotions were in the trembling of her lower lip, the hesitation in her eyes. But her hardened jaw as she straightened her shoulders made my chest swell with pride. And hope.

  Because the girl who’d hunted me down across the ocean, the one who’d hidden behind a mask of propriety and rules for some undisclosed reason, had grown. She’d ventured out of her shell, shed the restricting mask.

  And I stood before her, naked. In body and heart. Whatever she would have of me, for however long we were lucky enough to have it—brave enough to take for ourselves no matter the consequences—was hers.

  “Let me.” Soft words were steeled with determination as she stepped just out of my reach.

  I clenched my hands, aching to pull her back, claim her as mine. But I waited, knew she needed to take the leap on her own.

  On a deep inhale, she arched her back, hands disappearing, breasts pulled taut beneath the small triangles of her suit while she undid the tie between her shoulder blades. Her gaze lowered, as if she’d gone shy.

  “I see you.” I stared hard at her, not moving a muscle.

  She blinked heavily, then lifted her gaze until it locked with mine.

  “All of you.” Not only the tempting curves, but what lay hidden beneath. Just for me.

  “What do you see?” Innocent curiosity softened her face, but she didn’t stop undressing. Her hands lifted to her nape, untied the last knot, then the flimsy covering twirled to the ground.

  I stared deep into her dark wide eyes. “Your wild heart. Your bright soul.”

  “You don’t want to tame my wildness?”

  “Not even a little. It’s what I love about you. You’re a beautiful, intelligent woman who knows what she wants and has finally allowed herself to have it.”

  Her hands curved over her midsection in a self-hug. “What do I want?”

  Fear held her back, but she was ready; I sensed it. “You tell me.”

  “You.” Force weighted her steady tone. “I want you.”

  “Why?” I needed to hear it. Had to know whether her desire and need had gone deeper than a physical craving—like mine had.

  “Because…” Her gaze went unfocused. On a swallow, she pegged me with a hard look. In silence, she smoothed her palms out over her lower stomach. Her fingers wedged into the material hugging the widest part of her hips. “Because you understand me.”

  “I do.” I let out a slow breath.

  In her, I saw myself. We were the same: harboring an inner child who’d struggled growing up, wanting desperately to be loved. As new adults, we practically vibrated with a need to find ourselves, to accept who we were first in order to have what we ultimately wanted.

  “And…” She shoved her hands down, shedding the last bit of clothing she wore along with any remaining inhibition. “I want you to know me. To love me.”

  Bared before me stood the most incredible sight. Vulnerable and strong. Humble yet proud. A fierce female warrior with a soul brighter than the sun.

  And all mine—because she offered me her heart.

  “Come here, island girl.” When I held out my hand, the corners of her mouth twitched, but she wordlessly obeyed, sliding delicate fingers over my palm. “I know you, and I want to know more. Everything there is to know...” I dropped a kiss on her temple, traced my lips along her cheekbone, rubbed my nose to the tip of hers. “You ask me to love you…”

  “Please,” she whispered on an exhale.

  “I already love you.” Our breaths mingled, lips hovering. At the slightest touch, hers parted on a gasp. I molded my mouth to hers with a sensual kiss that grew in intensity as her body fell lax in my arms. Breathing hard, I pulled back, touching my forehead to hers as I admitted the truth to myself, to her. “Started falling when you stormed away from me the first time we met.”

  With a contented sigh, her head tilted to the side until her cheek rested on my chest just below my shoulder. We stood naked in each other’s arms. It should have been sexual, and it was. But for the first time we stood bared to each other as our true selves. Fears and all. The effect was both thrilling and frightening. And I wanted to let it sink in, find my foundation in it.
/>   “Got thrown for a tailspin when you opened up that night.”

  Soft laughter tickled over my skin. “When you got me drunk?”

  “We got drunk.”

  “I began to fall then too,” she admitted.

  “You didn’t make it easy on yourself.”


  “Stubborn woman.”

  “Yeah.” Her hands flattened over my lower back and she pulled me close.

  “So, we getting clean, or what?”

  “I feel like we just did. Like I’ve cleansed my soul.” Her hold tightened further. “Will it stay that way?”

  Unmarred by the world, she meant. I couldn’t promise that. We didn’t have control over outside forces. We could learn how to react to them though. “Only if we fight for it.”

  She gave a nod against my chest. “Only if we do it together.”


  “To the shower, yeah?” She stepped back, biting her lip. Then she whirled around and smacked my ass before darting around the corner.

  A hot sting smarted over my skin, then fired deeper, heating my blood. “Oh, so we’re playing it that way.”

  When I rounded the corner, moist air flowed over my face. Warm wood floors gave way to cool polished black stones. Weathered lava rock surrounded a fifteen-foot square outdoor space. Ferns and colorful orchids sprouted out from cracks and pockets in the wall. Palms and jacarandas swayed in the strong winds overhead, dancing shadows across filtered light.

  And an exotic beauty with silken dark hair flowing down her back stood at the far end, angling up a faucet lever.

  At the sound of a low hum, then sputtering an instant later, she glanced around as our surroundings came to life. Tiny waterfalls gurgled out from hidden openings all over the surface of the wall. Green lily pads and purple lotus flowers floating in a shallow pond that skirted the bottom of the wall began to sway with the sudden current. Water droplets began to fall from a wide copper latticework that spanned above the entire space. A heavier shower rained down from solid sheeting near her end.

  As I walked farther in, she slinked around the edge of the shower, light on the balls of her feet.

  “Looking to escape?”

  “Could I?” She feigned slightly left, then right, causing her breasts to sway.

  I swallowed hard, then sucked in a slow breath at the incredible sight. “No.”

  Could either of us? And why would we want to.

  Gazed fixed on me, she stepped under the stream, tilting her head back with no modesty. Like we’d been reborn together in the sacred place we’d trespassed into, neither of us willing to hide any longer.

  I closed the ten-foot distance between us, then pulled her into my arms as a delighted smile lit up her face.

  “I’ve got you,” I murmured before my lips covered hers.

  No escape. Because I’m never letting you go.

  Soap suds.

  I blame the soap suds.

  And the naked.

  And all the wet.


  Because after Leilani and I got clean, we got very, very dirty.

  Her lips parted on a gasp, eyes drifting shut, as my fingers slid down between her folds. Hands gripping my shoulders, chest heaving for breath, her entire body began to tremble.

  Rock hard and straining for her, I sucked in deep breaths, dangling by the barest thread of control. I tucked her close with one arm while I pressed a little harder, rubbed a little faster…

  The sexiest low moans quieted into whimpers with each of her quickening breaths. Her bronze skin flushed into a gorgeous shade of pink. Dark, wet eyelashes covered eyes that had pinched closed under her tense brow. After a sudden deep gasp, her body went taut, grip tightening on my arms as she bit her lush lower lip.

  I almost felt the painful pleasure with her as she teetered on that edge, about to fall over.

  Flattening my hand, I glided my fingers farther down, pressed the knuckle of my thumb over her clit where my fingers had been, then plunged a finger into her slick heat. I stroked over her inner nerves with a curling thrust, circled my thumb, then gripped together with firmer pressure.

  She gasped then screamed, body shaking from head to toe, inner muscles clenching my finger in tight spasms as she tumbled into sweet release. Over the next seconds, I continued stroking while slowing the pace, taking every quaking wave her body wanted to give.

  Head tucked under my chin, her arms moved around my waist, hands sliding up my back. With a tight hold, she clung to me, letting out a low satisfied groan.

  With a heavy exhalation, I wrapped my arms around her, breaths slowing on pace with hers. The moment hit me hard, her level of trust, the gift of her body, her heart, and it took me a bit to recover along with her.

  Water still raining down on us, she began to stir back to life. “Damn,” she breathed out.

  Then she pulled slightly away, testing her legs for strength as she found her balance.

  I didn’t say a thing. I couldn’t. The gorgeous woman who’d just come apart in my arms had taken my breath away and stolen all my words.

  She stared up at me with amazement. Then she gave me a shy smile. “You did hold me up.”

  “Told ya I would.”

  She bit the corner of that plump lower lip again, fire sparking in her eyes. “Your turn.”

  “Nah, it’s okay.” I wanted to give her time. Make sure she was ready.

  “Ohhh, no. No more waiting.” She wrapped her hand around my cock.

  I hissed in a breath as it kicked against her touch, hardening again for her. “Well, okay. If you insist.”

  “I do.” Her breaths shortened, her excitement growing again as she gripped the base, then stroked upward. “I insist.”

  I groaned, brain cells frying, every inch of skin she stroked throbbing. When I leaned back, my shoulders pressed against the jagged lava rock wall. Then I blinked and quickly looked around. No chairs in sight. Only hard ground and rough walls.

  Covering her hand with mine, I gently removed her hold from my body for the moment. I slid my hand into hers, then tugged her back toward the bedroom. “We need a location change.”

  Back through the entry, in an alcove on the left, upper shelves held stacks of thick folded white towels. On the wall across, two plush white robes dangled from hooks. I tossed a bathmat onto the ground, then wrapped her in a soft bath sheet, gently toweling her off.

  “We’ve done this before,” she said, gazing down at me.

  “We have?”

  “You taking care of me, toweling me off.”

  “Ahhh…shots of tequila, a near-shark encounter, then you about to pass out.”

  “Yeah, but I remember what a gentleman you were. Me naked. You not taking advantage.”

  I swept her into my arms, towel and all, then carried her over to the bed. “And now?”

  “You better take advantage.”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice, woman.” I gently dropped her onto the thick bedding, and her body gave the most incredible bounce, curves swaying, then settling.

  She stared up at me, happiness in her expression.

  “Oh, damn. Hold that thought.” I backed up, committing the way she looked to memory, all flushed contentment turning into shocked amusement as I began to retreat. Then I strode out of the room.

  “Where are you going?” She shouted, laughing.


  In the fastest retrieval known to man, I raced through the kitchen leapt over two pieces of furniture, dumped the contents of both our bags, scattered everything until I pinched a foil packet between my fingers, then raced back, slowing my steps to act all casual as I approached the bed.

  The moment she saw me, she let loose a wide yawn, eyes half-lidded.

  “Ohhh, no.” I jumped onto the bed, then began tickling her. “No teasin’, then sleepin’. I’m taking advantage—you said. There’re no take-backs.”

  After her laughter died down, her hands slid back i
nto position, gripping my shaft with renewed force. My body reacted, beginning to harden for her once again. “No take-backs.” Arching up, she kissed my chest, dragged her lips up my neck, then clipped her teeth onto my earlobe. “Only taking me.”

  Once I’d grown hard again, which took only a few seconds under her touch, she plucked the condom from my grasp and began to roll it on. I slowly kissed a trail over her body from ear to navel, charting every curve, dip, and plane, taking note of which spots made her gasp, tremble, or moan. Her legs eased open, knees bending, calves brushing over my hips, then across my ass as she welcomed me into her most private space.

  When my lips clamped a nipple, her breaths shallowed. As I sucked the hardened bud through my teeth with steady pressure, then flicked it with my tongue, she squirmed and softly moaned.

  I pulled my head up when I finally drew my hips back, though. Gaze locking with hers, I caught my tip at her entrance and stared into her sparkling eyes as I gently thrust forward, connecting with her deeply in every way.

  Fingers digging into my arms, she let out a soft whimper as I glided into her slick body.

  Not yet fully seated, but concerned, I eased back and searched her eyes. “You okay?”

  She gave a quick nod. “Yeah, tight.” Then she curved her hips up, pulling me deeper again.

  “Yeah, tight.” I gasped for air. “So fucking tight.” I kissed her slowly, driving forward as her inner muscles gradually began to adjust. “Amazing,” I growled against her lips.

  Her hips undulated right as I thrust one last time, causing me to slide all the way in, balls-deep. She clung to me and gasped. My head fell to her shoulder as I struggled for breath. Sparks of pleasure zapped from deep in my lower back into my groin. On a hard swallow, I eased back, then thrust forward. When I pulled back again, she arched. Then she matched my every movement, my draw then thrust, her arch then curve, as we found our perfect rhythm.

  Soon, her moans grew louder. Pressure built in me the closer she got, the harder she gripped. Breathing deeper, I did my best to hold back, wait for her once more. But the feeling was too intense. She flashed hotter all around me. Then I snapped, ache firing hot and fast until my nerve endings detonated. I growled out as I came. Her nails dug into the back of my arms as her muscles went taut, back arching, hips grinding; then she screamed, spasms clamping around me as her entire body shuddered.


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