Unexpected Changes

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Unexpected Changes Page 3

by A. M. Willard

ANGELA AND I FINISH talking for a little while longer, and then she ventures upstairs to tend to Graham. I’m happy she avoided asking me where and why I was in that building today. This is something I’ll handle once I’m home.

  I’ve also informed her that I plan to go back home tomorrow. Things need to be done at the office, and I miss Cory. Angela has voiced her opinion that I need to explain everything to him and let Cory be there for me.

  Now that I have decided, the less Cory knows, the better off we all are. He will only end up nagging me to death about every little thing possible.

  Heading towards the guest room, I stop outside of Graham’s room. Angela’s singing softly to him, and it causes my heart to restrict. I push off the wall and continue the rest of the way down. Closing the door behind me, I lean up against the wall and open my phone.

  I debate with myself as I look at Carter’s text again. If I could only hear his voice tonight, it might help ease the pain and allow me to drift off for a few hours. Would it really help? Or will I lay here awake going over everything, like I do every night? I ask myself.

  Tossing the phone onto the bed, I head off for the bath. After the events from today and the stress that’s built up in my shoulders, I need to relax in a hot bath and let the water wash away the day’s and month’s events.

  As I step down into the hot water and slide myself down, it’s a relief to feel the heat rush over my body. I welcome the tingle from the temperature. Leaning back, I close my eyes and remember how I thought I was happy all these years, only to find out that I was living a lie, and I was fine with that. I blame Carter for coming into my life and wrecking it.

  I’m so paranoid that I can’t even think straight. I constantly look over my shoulder and second guess everything. It’s become part of my life now, and most days I don’t even realize I’m doing it.

  Then again, I’ve perfected the fake smile and happy attitude. No one ever asks, so I don’t indulge them with answers.

  I slide deeper into the water and let it wash over me. Holding my breath underwater for just a little bit, I then rise up and take a deep inhale as I open my eyes.

  My phone’s ringing in the other room and my hands look like prunes. I haven’t the slightest idea who would be calling me. A part of me wishes it was Carter, but I know one text or call a day from him is all I’ll receive unless I state otherwise.

  Stepping out, I grab a towel and wrap it around myself as I saunter over towards the room, looking to see that my missed call was from the one and only Cory.

  I type out a quick text, explaining that I’m tired and headed to bed. Not waiting to see if I receive a response, I flip my phone to vibrate.

  Tomorrow is a new day, a day in which I will have to deal with my internal demons alone. Tonight was a lot for me to release, and something I don’t plan to relive with Cory or my brother.

  That perfected smile and charm that I continually have will be plastered on this face when I step off the plane tomorrow.

  As I slide myself down into the bed and close my eyes, it’s Carter who stares back at me. My body hums with the need for him to touch me again. Months have gone by since the last time a man has satisfied me.

  It doesn’t take long until I feel my hand slide down underneath the covers towards my mound. Just thinking back on that morning with Carter between my legs causes my knees to jerk with anticipation.

  Just as I remember the way his mouth felt, I’m startled by my cell vibrating across the nightstand. It’s late and I’m not expecting anyone to call, which is alarming in itself.

  I notice it’s my Mom and panic sets in as I answer the call.

  “Mom, is everything alright?”

  “Hello to you as well dear, and yes everything is fine.”

  “You gave me a heart attack calling so late.”

  “I’m sorry, dear, but it’s not late here and I forgot to call you this afternoon. I have two things before I let you go to sleep. A package arrived for you today, and it doesn’t have a return address. Also, don’t forget the banquet that’s coming up.”

  “That’s odd, but I’ll stop by tomorrow when I get home. Oh, do I have to go to this one? I actually would rather sit this one out.”

  “Nonsense, we will discuss it tomorrow. Night, and I love you.”

  “Love you too, Mom, and tell Dad as well,” I say as I hang up and flop my frustrated body down onto the mattress. I’m so worked up that I know if I don’t release this pent-up energy soon, I might combust.

  Leave it to my mother to mess up a perfectly good moment. Maybe Angela was right: I need a boyfriend to tuck away in a drawer and share my travels with.

  Off to the store when I return home. No sense in dealing with pent-up frustrations when all I have to do is hit a button.


  I sent Jack home yesterday, as I need to deal with this mess myself. After sneaking out of my condo this morning, I head to the bank where I’ll retrieve the safety deposit box alone. On the drive into town, I mentally pray that the answers lie within that metal box. This could give me answers to everything.

  Striding in, I head right over to the teller and announce what I need.

  “One moment, sir,” the young teller responds, as I watch her glide over towards a balding older man.

  “Mr. Northwood, it’s a pleasure to meet you. If you would please follow me,” he says as he points to another room.

  I watch as he pulls a cream envelope out from a drawer and turns towards me. “I was instructed to personally deliver this to you when you came in. He was a good friend to me and confided in me to handle this for him. You need to empty the box into this briefcase, and only open it when you are alone. Protect this information, as these are the only copies left,” he explains and heads out of the room, leaving me confused and ready to get this over with.

  I search my pocket for the brass key that I’ve been holding onto for months. Taking my time, I walk over to unlock the gray steel door and slide the box out. After setting it on top of the counter, I pop the lid and stare at the contents.

  It’s full of papers, pictures, and various other items which I can’t imagine the importance of. Bending down, I pick up the briefcase and set it next to the box. As I reach in and start transferring the paperwork, a small ultrasound picture falls to the floor.

  Scooping it up, I take a moment to look at my child. It’s when I look to the right that I notice a different name listed. My heart feels as if this is the same picture I’ve hidden away all these years and claimed as my child. Now, I’m not sure what this is. My copy doesn’t have a name, or any of this pertinent information.

  Was it never my child to begin with? Did Bethany lie to me from the start?

  Chapter Six


  GLAD TO BE STEPPING foot on my home turf, I take in the air around me and move down the stairs. It’s not until I reach the bottom that I look over towards the car parked next to us. Cory’s leaned up against the side with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

  The pure sight of seeing him warms my heart. I haven’t the slightest clue how he knew when I would land, but I’m happy to see him. At this moment, I need his strength and comfort. I don’t care what everyone else thinks, he’s the only one who knows me now.

  Rushing over to him, I stop mere inches away and look up at him. “Hi stranger.”

  “Welcome home, Firecracker. Missed you,” he says before he embraces me in a bear hug and places a soft kiss upon my head.

  Mumbling into his chest, I say, “Missed you more.”

  “Come on; let’s get you home so you can tell me all about your trip.”

  “Home sounds good, but can we stop by my parents’ on the way? I have a package to pick up,” I say as I get into the car.

  “Sure, it’s been a while since I’ve seen your parents.”

  “Oh, then you might want to stay in the car. Mom has another banquet coming up and you know what that means,” I say as I give him a deadpan look.

sp; “I know, Meredith already asked me to attend and I kindly explained that I will have two dates for this event.”

  “I’m not crashing your date. I’ve explained to Mom that I’m passing on this one. Plus, you never know, I might be out of town.”

  “You travel way too much. I don’t like it and you look tired.”

  “I am and thanks for reminding me,” I respond as I look out the window to avoid eye contact.

  Cory can see right through me, and as much as I need his support and love, I’m not ready to explain everything. He knows what he needs to in order to understand.

  “Have you heard from him?”

  “I take him to mean Carter, and yes, but you know I’m not answering his calls.”

  “What if he’s trying to explain? You know it won’t hurt to listen and see what he has to say. I know you still love him and you’re fighting it.”

  “Cory, I suggest you change the subject. I’m not in the mood to go through this again. Whatever Carter has to say, I don’t care to hear. It’s over and done with. Time for me to learn how to be alone.”

  He doesn’t respond—no words are needed as he squeezes my knee to show he’s here for me.

  The rest of the car ride is silent and that rips my heart out a little more. We have never been the ones who didn’t have something to say or talk about.

  Thankful to pull into my parents’ drive, I open the door and look over. “I’ll be right back.”

  With a nod from Cory, I continue on the path to the doorway of my family home. I notice Seth’s car in the drive and pray I can get in and out like I’d planned.

  “Mom, I’m here,” I say loudly as I walk toward the kitchen.

  “Kitchen,” I hear her say as I get closer.

  When I step in I look around and notice that my brother, Seth, is sitting on top of the kitchen counter picking at the salad Mom is preparing.

  “Hey, Sis.”

  “Hi. What are you doing here?” I ask as I look at him. His forehead’s all scrunched and those permanent worry lines he sports are front and center.

  “Just visiting Mom. You?”

  “I have a package and Cory is waiting for me.” I stop and try to gauge what is really going on here before I speak to Mom. “Mom, where’d you put it? I hate to run, but I’m tired and need to get home.”

  “In the foyer, dear. Tell Cory to come in and have dinner with us. I have plenty and you know how I miss seeing you guys.”

  Shrugging my shoulder, I respond, “Maybe this weekend. I really am tired.”

  She walks over and grabs both of my shoulders to turn me towards her. As she takes me in, Mom turns to Seth. “You two need to get over this. I’ve never seen the two of you like you are right now. A mother knows when something is wrong. You two might not explain it all to me, but I see it. Dinner this weekend and you both will be here.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Seth and I both answer in unison.

  “Gotta run. Love you both,” I say quickly and head out, trying to avoid any conflict with my brother.

  He and Jessica are not seeing eye-to-eye on things, and since she works with me now, I plead the Fifth on all matters.

  Shutting the door behind me, I look out and notice that Cory has his head leaned back in a way that shows me he’s got a lot on his mind. The package is light but odd. I haven’t received mail at my parents’ home in years and this one doesn’t contain a return address.

  “Have you talked with Seth lately?” I ask as I buckle up.

  “Earlier today. Why?”

  “He’s in the kitchen with our mother and seems down.”

  “He and Jess are still not seeing eye to eye. Those two are made for each other if they would only wake up and see it.”

  “I know and I’ll see what I can find out.”

  “Good luck, because I already tried. They don’t talk about it. What’s in the package?”

  “Don’t know, but let’s see.”

  I take one of my keys and slice the tape across the top of the box and open the cardboard flaps. When I look down into the box, I gasp and shut the lid up tight.

  “What’s wrong?” Cory asks.

  “Nothing, I forgot I ordered this and must have not changed the address when I did it.”


  Thank God he didn’t see inside this box.


  With the ultrasound picture folded up and stuffed into my pocket, I march towards Bethany.

  “I’m going to ask you this once and I expect an honest answer. Do you understand me?”

  She only responds with a nod of her head.

  “Were you ever pregnant?”

  Silence takes over the room and I notice Bethany has tears welling up in her eyes. She looks down to the floor and then back up to me. “I’m so sorry, Carter.”

  “That is not the answer, Beth, and you know it,” I say.

  “That’s all I can say. I can’t answer you.”

  “Don’t play coy with me. And you will answer my fucking question. Do you understand the pain I have gone through thinking I wasn’t here to protect you and our baby? Do you?”

  “No … I didn’t have your child, Carter. I was pregnant, but it wasn’t yours. All the answers are in your briefcase.”

  My nostrils flare as I feel the increased blood flow within my body. My vision becomes cloudy. Pure hate is what I feel right now for the woman in front of me.

  “Beth … I’m going to say this once: get the fuck out of my house. Do not contact me ever again, and I swear if I see your face again I’ll not be held responsible for my actions.”

  When I finish and back away before I lose control, I notice that she’s become pale and all of a sudden seems weak. This isn’t a look I am used to witnessing on her, and I’m taken by surprise when she starts to speak. Bethany’s voice sounds defeated as she explains.

  “For what it’s worth, I am sorry. I never meant for it to get this far. I’ve already packed my bags, since I knew where you were going this morning. I’m leaving the country for a while; it should give you enough time to finalize the divorce.”

  “Don’t you think you need to be here for that?”

  “Not right now, just know that I’m not behind it all, Carter. Also, make sure you watch out for the one you love.” She walks out the door, leaving me confused about that last bit of information.

  I’m more confused than I was before, but at least I’m closer to having all the answers.

  Chapter Seven


  GLAD TO DITCH CORY with the lame excuse that I’m tired and ready to unpack, I throw all my things into the foyer and dig out my phone.

  I punch at the screen to dial Carter and wait for him to answer. As his voice filters through, I start in on him. “Listen you son of a bitch, call the dogs off and leave me the hell alone. I didn’t ask for any of this shit.”

  Carter interrupts me as I try to continue. “Tabitha, calm down and tell me what the hell you are talking about?”

  “The pictures of me in your condo is what I’m talking about. Oh, and why would they mail them to my parents’ house of all places? What is going on, Carter?”

  “I’m not sure what’s going on anymore, Tabby. I can promise you that I’m getting to the bottom of it all, though. It will all be over soon. Can you tell me about the pictures?”

  “Not quick enough, and no, you should remember, you were there, with me pressed up against the window. Look, I’m tired and I have to go,” I say as I hang up. I shouldn’t have called him, I haven’t the slightest idea what is going on, and I’m not sure I even care. Hell, who am I trying to fool? I do care.

  Now I’ll be up all night going over everything that’s happened in the past and what I dream of for the future.

  Dragging my luggage into my room, I hoist it onto my bed and head over to close the blinds. The pictures have caused a little paranoia now—it’s best to be safe and keep things closed up.

  I flip on the iPod dock and search for
a song to help me unwind as I unpack my items. I hit the link for “Cool Kids” by Echosmith; it fits perfectly for this evening.

  Sighing as I hang up my items, I let the words sink in and realize it really does fit. I reach back into my bag and grab the framed picture of me and baby Graham. I stare at it and allow it to warm my heart. Looking around, I find the perfect spot for it and place it on top of the dresser. This way I can see it every day when I wake.

  Tomorrow, I plan to call my doctor here in town and find out the next step in my plan. I’m still keeping it all a secret until I’m ready. No way are they going to talk me out of it.

  Happy that I’ve unpacked and everything is in its place, I head out to the living room to do some work. The emails and reports have been piling up for the last few days, and it’s causing my OCD to go into hyper drive.

  Laptop, drink, and my briefcase situated, I get comfortable as I wait for everything to load.

  When the background to the laptop shows, I smile as I look at the picture I have plastered across it: Seth, Cory, and me at The Hill. It was taken a few months ago, after he did the toast. It was before things got complicated.

  I dial Cory and wait. “Hi.”

  “Everything okay, Firecracker?”

  “It is. I just wanted to thank you for picking me up today and all.”

  “Anytime, and you know that.”

  “I do and … I was wondering if you’d like to maybe go out this week and have a few drinks at The Hill. You can ask Meredith to come if you’d like?”

  “I think we need a night out and it will just be the two of us.”

  “Oh okay … What about Seth and the guys?”

  “Sounds great. We haven’t all been together for a long time. Text with what night works and I think I know the time.”

  “Are you going to sushi this week?” I ask.

  “I’m going to try, and I’m sure I’ll see you then. Are you sure you’re okay? I can come over if you need me to.”

  “No, I’m good, just trying to figure a few things out, that’s all.”

  “You know I’m always here for you, and things don’t have to be the way they are.”


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