Unexpected Changes

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Unexpected Changes Page 13

by A. M. Willard

  I’m looking forward to some downtime with Cory tonight. It’s been forever since we just hung out like old times. The past few months have been a roller coaster between us. He tries to include me in his new life, but I feel like I’m hindering his relationship with Meredith. Then when I watched him being happy and in love, my heart would hurt for the one I was missing. Now, it finally feels like we are all in the same atmosphere. Life is as it should be.

  Making my way to my room, I look around at the mess still waiting for me to clean up. Tomorrow I’ll get this place back in order, as I have to pack and head out for a few days. Tonight, all I want to do is relax in my jammies, eat some pizza, drink a couple beers with my best guy friend, and enjoy the moment.

  Dressed in my comfy lounge pants and a tank, I throw my hair up into a messy bun and head into the kitchen. I have some crackers and cheese left over from the party. We can munch on that throughout the night.

  I hear a soft knock on the door and holler for Cory to enter. As he enters the apartment, he greets me. “What’s up, Firecracker?”

  “Hi yourself,” I say as I grab the bag from his hands and start to place everything in the fridge.

  “You look different, Tabitha. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, it’s been a long few days and I need some Cory time. It’s been forever since we’ve done this and I think it’s way overdue.”

  “It is, and perfect timing.”

  “Why do you say that, have I missed something?”

  “No, I just think you and I need to have a talk. I want to discuss last night and get into that head of yours.”

  “Really, you want inside my head? You might not like it in there,” I say with a chuckle.

  “Come on, grab the stuff and let’s go sit.”

  “I don’t want to sit and talk,” I respond with a stomp of my foot and pout.

  “Talk, then movie, I promise.”

  “Fine,” I say with another stomp and head into the living room.

  I place the tray of crackers and cheese on the coffee table and tuck my feet underneath me as I make myself comfortable on the sofa. Watching Cory dump all his crap and get situated as well, it causes me to get nervous. I’m not sure what he wants to ponder over, but I’ll listen and let him get it all off his chest.

  “Things got a little intense last night between you and Carter. What’s going on with you two?”

  “They did, and we are working on it all, just taking each day as it comes.”

  Shaking his head, he calls my bluff. “No, Firecracker. There is more to that story, so spill it. You love him and I know it. Does he love you?”

  I look down to my lap and start pulling the paper from around the neck of the bottle I’m holding. I suddenly feel reserved. I know Cory still has feelings for me, so once I tell him this, will it change the dynamics of our relationship? Taking a deep breath, I look up towards him to explain.

  “He said he loves me and I told him the same.”

  “Good for the two of you. I like him, just hope he doesn’t hurt you again, or I might have to kill him.”

  Swatting at his shoulder, I say, “Oh Cory James, you are something else. I think we’ll be okay. Just going to take one day at a time. We have things to work through, like distance and that little thing called trust.”

  “You love him but don’t trust him? Tabitha, come on. Think about it.”

  “Think about what?”

  “The man was protecting you from that life. You have to remember, I was outside that restroom and I saw him and then you when you both came out. I also watched him next to that wife of his. The thing I never told you was, I saw her leaving that night. She was with some grungy looking guy. I knew it was a ploy to get to you or him. Plus, I’ve watched you wallow in sorrow these last few months.”

  I stop him before he continues on with this conversation.

  “What do you mean, Cory? And you better talk. I cannot believe you held this information from me.”

  “You weren’t ready and now you are. You wouldn’t have listened to me then. You held too much hatred for the guy and the situation. Now, you’ll listen then get over it and we will enjoy our evening.”

  “Fine, carry on,” I say as I wave him along.

  “Look, no matter what the past held for the two of you, he’s perfect for you. I never thought I would say this, but I like the guy. The two of you are it for each other. I see it on your face and his when you look at each other. Hell, when he told you that he would give you the world last night, I was ready to watch the guy drop to his knees and put a ring on your finger.”

  Laughing at that, I shake my head and cut him off. “So not ready for that yet, Cory.”

  “You say that, but I’m telling you, stop fighting it. Follow your heart, Firecracker. It will not lead you down the wrong path, not with him. Seth can’t see past what’s going on with him and Jessica right now and the others aren’t as close to you as I am. You know I love you and would do anything for you, but I have to support the poor guy.”

  Listening to what Cory is saying, I know he’s right. Especially after today, Carter is it for me and now we have to wait and see what else will either keep us apart or bring us together. I’m tired of fighting this and I want to live in the moment with him. I want to dance in the rain and do all the sappy crap lovers do. That chance to make a complete fool of ourselves in front of others. You know the ones you have to yell at to get a room? That’s what I need.

  He chose me last night, so now I choose him.

  I let a smile spread across my face and look back up at Cory. “Thank you for always giving it to me straight, but just so you know, I’m still mad at you. You should’ve told me, you know that.”

  “I do, but you had to see and experience it for yourself, Tabitha. Even if I would’ve, you would have shut me out. I couldn’t let you do that. I picked the easy way out. I knew when the time was right, it would all work out. Oh, on a different note, where’s that baby of yours?”

  “Funny tonight, huh? In the cupboard still. I don’t know what to do with it. I wasted my money on the little venture.”

  “See, that’s what happens when I stay away for too long. You go off the deep end and make crazy choices. Glad you came to your senses with that.”

  “It sounded so great in my mind, you know?”

  “I’m sure it did, Firecracker, but in reality, you have to wait. It’ll happen, and soon.”

  As Cory says that, I feel the panic building back up in my chest. He notices and asks, “What’s wrong, Firecracker, you’re as pale as a ghost?”

  I can’t speak. All I can do is hold my chest and take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. Cory scoots closer and rubs my back gently as he tries to calm me down.

  “I’m all right,” I whimper.

  “Fine? Is this what you call fine? What’s going on?”

  “Cory, I screwed up and I’m not ready to find out how bad I messed up.”

  “Okay … come here and explain it,” he says as he pulls me to his chest. I wrap my arms around him and let him caress my head as I explain.

  “I came off my shot and we were stupid, because neither of us has used anything. What if I’m already knocked up? I was ready to become a mother with my frozen sperm, but I’m scared shitless that it might be a reality. It’s too soon for us to go down that road, Cory. I don’t want that to be the reason he stays in my life. That will only end with us both being miserable.”

  “That wouldn’t be the reason he stays with you, babe. He’d do it because that man loves you. Do you understand how lucky he is to have you? You bring so much to all of our lives. That spunky attitude is what he loves. Either way, Tabitha, you’re stuck with him, and all of us. Stop worrying about what you can’t change. Things in life happen unexpectedly, you can’t control it. Remember when you were learning to surf and I told you to let it all go? Just ride the wave and it will carry you to shore. Now is the perfect example. Ride the wave, it will bring you to the place
you need most. This time it’s not the shore, it’s the love of a man that you deserve.”

  “When did you become so smart?” I say against his chest.

  “Just now. That was good, huh?”

  “Yes it was,” I say as I hear a knock on the door. I get up and announce that the pizza is here. Just as I open the door, I wipe away the tears, and then I turn around and look at Cory, giving him a small smile.

  Pizza boxes are spread out across the table and we’ve both vowed to let the deep conversation go for the rest of the evening. Cory put a few things into perspective, and gave me some things to think about.

  Curled into Cory’s side watching one of my favorite movies, Failure to Launch, I let sleep take over. This will always be my safe zone with him, especially since I’m missing Carter. It’s him that I wish was next to me tonight, and his face that I dream to wake to in the morning.


  As I finish the last bit of paperwork from today’s events, Kelly pops her head in to remind me I have a flight to catch soon. I hand the folders to her and make my way back out of the office. Only this time, I’m happy to head out to make this flight. Hopefully, the next time I fly back here is to finalize the sale of my property and half built house.

  Now as I sit here, I hope Tabitha will welcome me with open arms. I haven’t spoken to her since this afternoon and didn’t send any texts to confirm my actions. She’s used to me surprising her, and this should ease some of her worries.

  I told her I choose us, and this is the only way I know how to show her. She gave me back my life even though Tabitha doesn’t see it that way.

  Pulling into the empty lot in front of her apartment, I notice the glow coming from her front window. She’s awake, even though it’s late. I don’t understand how she goes the way she does on such little sleep. That’s something I plan to change soon.

  I knock on the door softly and wait for her to open. It’s not until the door creaks away from the frame that I’m face to face with the one and only Cory.

  “Hey man, she’s asleep on the sofa,” he says as he opens the door a little wider for me to enter.

  “Didn’t know you were going to be here,” I say, as I feel I need to fight for her honor or something.

  “She needed a friend tonight. That’s why I’m here,” he says, and I notice the small overnight bag perched against the wall. I know they are friends, but this internal need to throw him out overcomes me. She’s mine and should’ve told me she was upset, not him.

  “She didn’t tell me anything was bothering her. Everything okay?”

  “It will be. Come in the kitchen. Once I have this put away, I’ll be out of your hair.”

  Following him into the kitchen, I watch him put everything away. He’s so familiar with her belongings that it causes my chest to hurt. I have no idea where she even keeps the towels much less where the cups and plates go.

  Cory leans against the counter and gives me a deadpanned stare. “Look man, she needs you now more than ever. That girl in there is finally in love and I couldn’t be happier. Now, you need to make sure she is never touched again by the darkness that follows you. Love her, and she’ll love you back. I told you before, I’ll step aside and let you have her, but now you need to show me I made the right choice. I care for Meredith, but my heart still lays with that girl in there asleep on the sofa. . I won’t stand in the way, but make damn sure I don’t have to pick those pieces up again. Are we clear?”

  “We’re clear. Oh, and for the record I’m here to stay. Nothing is left for me back in Seattle. She’s my new home. I almost lost her before and I refuse to let that happen this time. So with that said, are you and I clear?”

  “Never been clearer,” he states as he pushes off the counter and walks towards me. Stopping, he says, “She’s passed out, pick her up and put her on the bed. That girl needs sleep. She won’t even know what you’re doing. It’s rare that she sleeps that deep, but when Tabitha crashes, it’s a hard one.”

  “Thanks, for being there for her. I’ll get her into bed,” I say as I escort him towards the door. Once Cory is gone, I lock everything up and head towards Tabitha’s room. Making sure the bed is pulled down and the lamp is on, I head back out to gather her up.

  Standing above her, I take in her features as she sleeps. In the same position as she was when I got here, she looks peaceful. Her red hair has fallen down and is cascading around her face. I swipe away the fallen strands so I can take her in. Breathtaking is what she is. Not sure if she can sense me being here, but I hope the smile she just showed me is because she knows I am.

  I lean down and scoop her into my arms. Still asleep, she wraps her arms around my neck and cuddles into my chest. I hold her against me as we make our way to her bedroom. Placing her down gently on her side of the bed, I pull the covers over her body and head towards my side. We still need to come to an agreement as to whose side is whose, but for tonight, she can have her usual spot.

  Sliding under the covers, I reach over and pull her to me. She whispers, “Night Carter.” I have no idea if she knows I’m here or not, but I take that as a good sign. It’s me she’s dreaming of and not someone else.

  With Tabitha curled into me, I lie awake and stare at the ceiling. I have to ask myself if I can give her everything. Will she be happy to have me here when she wakes? I didn’t stop long enough to even consider what she would think about me moving in with her. If she’s not ready, I’ll find my own place in town. As long as I’m close to her, we will figure the rest out. My old life is no longer a hindrance to our relationship. Time for us to focus on what we both want from life. That’s the easiest thing for me to answer these days—Tabitha is it. I don’t care about Bethany’s schemes or what her lies did to destroy me. This moment, right now, is all I need. The rest will come in time, as I buried the past a few hours ago.

  Bethany confirmed with a text that everything is done and she was thankful for the money. That makes me smile because she honestly believes I am short five hundred thousand dollars. The best thing I did was set that money up into a separate account. Not only did I collect interest, but the blood money is now back in the proper hands of the owners. I, however, did keep the interest that was gained over the last ten years.

  It only proves that Robert and Jack were way smarter than me back in the day.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  STIRRING IN MY SLEEP, I snuggle closer to him and take a moment to feel around. The last thing I remember from last night was falling asleep against Cory as we watched a movie. The sun from outside is barely streaming into my room, but it allows me to take a good look at the person lying next to me. “How did he get here?” I question. I thought I was dreaming last night when I smelled him as I was being carried to bed.

  I’d thought it was Cory tucking me in and I was already dreaming of Carter. Now, I look at this gorgeous man next to me and let a smile spread across my face as I take him in.

  “Morning. I hope that’s a good smile you have on your face,” he says in that deep sexy morning voice that only Carter can pull off.

  “How do you know I’m smiling?”

  “I feel your checks against my chest.”

  “Oh …” I turn my head towards him and let Carter physically see the smile I hold only for him.

  “There it is.”

  “When did you get here and why are you here? I know I put you on a plane yesterday.”

  “Yes, you did put me on a plane and then Kelly put me back on one. I’m here for you, Tabitha. I’m not going back home.”

  Sitting up on my elbows, I look over at him and ask, “What do you mean not going home?”

  “Exactly what it means. I told you I would figure it out and while I was sitting in the airport yesterday, the choice was made for me. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do when I left, even though I had an idea. Now, I need new board members and a place to live.”

  “It’s too early for all this and I need a lot of coff
ee,” I say as I slide out of bed and head towards the kitchen. Leaving Carter in my bed, I stand in my kitchen, staring at the pot as I pray for it to hurry up. Bouncing on the balls of my feet, I rub my hands together as if I’m warming up for a marathon. Those nerves I thought were gone … oh they’re back with a vengeance.

  Startled by the arms that wrap around my waist, I turn to face Carter.

  “Tabitha, I don’t have to stay here with you. It was late and I needed to see you. When I arrived, Cory let me in and I took you to bed. That’s all. I just know I have to be in the same zip code as you.”

  Speechless and wide-eyed, I drag my lower lip into my teeth and think before I open my mouth. I don’t know what to say. “Coffee’s ready, want some?” I ask as I weasel myself out of his arms.

  “Sure,” Carter says as he steps back and strolls over to the dining room table.

  I take my time as I pour each of us a cup of coffee. I need this moment to think about my response. What was it Angela told me yesterday? I try to think back to the conversation for her advice and it’s now that I wish I was paying attention during my mini panic attack. Then her words hit me like a punch to the gut. “Then you have to have faith, Tabitha. Hell, look at Logan and me, what we went through and now how happy we are. Every couple has obstacles; it’s how you decide to drive around them that makes it work. I know you and you’ll figure it out. Just stop thinking so hard and let go.”

  Faith and obstacles, okay … I can do this, I think as I turn around. With our mugs in my hands, I walk over to the man I love and place the cup in front of him.

  Sliding my chair out, I sit and take a few sips from my cup. I need this extra little pep before I begin. Carter’s staring down into his cup as if he doesn’t know what to expect me to say and he should know. He showed up and surprised me with that bomb. Hell, I should be used to his popping in on me, but this is different. He’s here, and not leaving. Am I ready to let Cater in completely? I don’t even know what he likes to eat, does he leave the toilet seat down? I’ve trained Cory and the others to use the bathroom in the guest room, as I don’t want to fall into the ceramic abyss in the middle of the night.


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