Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 6

by Rachel McNeely

  Kayla shook her head. “I won’t tell you. No need to cause trouble for him. He’s out of my life now.”

  “Is that why Mrs. Terrell has had to worry about you eating?”

  “I don’t have much of an appetite and have lost some weight. Really, my old relationship had nothing to do with me not eating. It was a combination of occurrences that saddened me.”

  “But I’m sure he was one of those.” Jackson bent his head and took a deep breath. “I love your scent.” He kissed the spot where her heart had started to race. “Have you ever made love in the sunshine?”

  “No, and I don’t intend to either.”

  “The walls of my garden are high. I didn’t want people jumping over or looking inside. And with all the tall shrubbery and trees, no one could possibly see us.”

  Jackson stood and pulled her to her feet. “I’m going in to get a large beach towel. Pick out a spot where you want to experience making love outside for the first time.”

  He strode off before she could protest further. Do I have the nerve to undress and let Jackson make out with me in the sunshine? Just the thought makes me shiver, and yet part of me wants very much to have the experience. Evidently, my having dated another SEAL doesn’t seem to have bothered him. I’m not sure why I thought it might. Still, I didn’t share his name. He might be someone Jackson really dislikes, and that might have made a difference.

  “Have you chosen a spot?” Jackson came through the door holding a large beach towel. He left the door open and soft music drifted into the yard.

  Kayla glanced all around and chose a corner, under a large tree that shaded the area. Jackson spread the towel on the ground.

  “This isn’t as soft as the grass would be. Grass doesn’t grow very well in shade.”

  She glanced around again and chose a grassy spot partially hidden by his large bougainvillea plant full of red blossoms. Jackson chuckled at her choice, but followed her and laid the towel on the ground.

  “It’s a beautiful spot.”

  “Yes, and up against the wall where you feel more protected.” Jackson grinned and pulled her tight against him. He’d taken off his shirt and only had on shorts. “I predict you’ll like this so much that next time you won’t care which spot we use.”

  “Hah, we’ll see.” She stepped forward and put her arms around his chest. “Convince me, my warrior lover.”

  “Ah, I like the title.” He lifted her up and sat her gently on the beach towel. “Now, the first thing is to get you out of all these clothes.”

  As he uncovered each spot, he kissed her. In the background, the music seeped into her soul. His lovemaking moved slowly to the beat of the music, sliding along her arms, kissing her shoulders, smoothing his hands across her chest. Jackson tenderly cupped her breasts in his strong hands.

  His eyes met hers as his fingers slid across the tips of her breast. “You are beautiful.” He slid further down and kissed her belly, while the tips of his fingers caressed her nipples.

  Kayla’s body filled with warmth and desire like she’d never known before. Each caress and kiss seemed to soothe away previous hurts and rejections.

  He’d dropped his shorts nearby. Then he reached the short distance for a condom and quickly covered himself. Bear pulled Kayla’s legs apart and stared into her eyes, as he slid inside sending currents of excitement and heat flowing throughout her body. Once inside, he cupped her face. “Forget all the stupid men you’ve known and always remember, whatever happens, you are beautiful and lovable.

  When he quickened his pace, her body arched with ecstasy. She threw her head back as she flew up and into the sky.

  Kayla never knew how long it was before her heart slowed and the beautiful moment of connecting closer than ever with someone else began to fade. She opened her eyes to Jackson leaning over her. His smile made her lean up and kiss his mouth.

  “How was that?”

  “Wow. There is no other word,” Kayla said. “But what about you?”

  “Oh darling, it was beautiful.” He turned and spread his arm out to indicate where they were. “What do you think of loving outdoors?”

  She rubbed her hand across his chest. “Can we do it again, soon?”

  Jackson nibbled on her earlobe. “Better now, then later.”

  That evening they cuddled on the couch and listened to music. Jackson brushed her hair off her forehead. “What do you want to do tomorrow?”

  “I need to go home and get more clothes. You can take me home and go do whatever while I check in with Cheryl and my mother.”

  “All right, just don’t take too long. We only have this week.”


  Afterward, those words went round and round in her head. On Monday, for the first time, Kayla hated having to go to work. Their week together had been the best she’d ever experienced. But he hadn’t said he loved her, and neither had she. Perhaps like her, he thought it was too soon.

  Only after a week went by with no contact did she have to admit it was over. She’d gotten the nerve to ring Jackson’s phone, but it only rang and rang. This time the hurt went much deeper. Kayla worked late many nights until Mrs. Terrell told her to stop.

  “I’m certain he had to go on a mission. They can’t notify people that they’re leaving unless it’s been officially taken care of first.”

  “You’re probably right. I’m moping. I need to stop, especially at work. Whatever happens, I had a wonderful time with Jackson. A special time.”

  “Good girl, he’ll be back.”

  Kayla called her Mom that night. She was very happy to visit Kayla. The week went fast. Kayla took vacation during the time her Mom visited. They went on trips up in the mountains, which made her wonder where Jackson’s cabin was located. Back in San Diego, they went to the zoo and to see the old lighthouse in Point Loma. At the airport, her mother said they’d stayed so busy they had no time to talk, but it was a great vacation.

  When Kayla returned to work, she realized she wasn’t exhausted emotionally as she had been on her mother’s other visits. Maybe her mom was finally getting over her father.

  But several mornings later, Kayla woke sick at her stomach. She stayed home from work because of it and her nausea lasted all day and the next. Finally, on Friday afternoon she saw her doctor.

  “I’ve tried to think of what I could have eaten or drank to make me so sick. Of course, the flu is going around but I had my shot months ago.”

  “Well, let’s check you over,” Dr. Simmons said.

  He’d been her doctor since she’d been in San Diego, and she fully trusted him. Anne, his nurse, had her get a urine specimen and then took her to an exam room.

  “The doctor and I will be right back. Get undressed and put on the gown. She motioned to one on the back of a chair.

  The exam didn’t take long. Anne told her to dress and then Dr. Simmons would be back to talk with her. The minutes seemed longer than usual. Kayla fidgeted in her chair. Then a knock on the door. “Come in.”

  Dr. Simmons pulled a chair over in front of her. “First, there is nothing seriously wrong with you. Actually, I hope it will be good news. “You’re pregnant.”

  Kayla thought she’d heard him wrong. She leaned back in her chair. “I’m pregnant? How? We used protection every time, and my gynecologist told me, long ago, that I couldn’t bear a child.”

  “Sometimes doctors look at reports and say something will never happen when they ought to say it would be difficult. What type of protection did you use?”


  “Ah yes, they are fairly good, but not perfect protection. Will the father be excited?”

  “I’m afraid not.”

  “How do you feel about having a baby?”

  “It’s a shock, but what an exciting miracle. I always wanted children. This child will be loved and wanted by me, Dr. Simmons. You don’t have to worry.”

  “Good. Anne has some vitamins, instructions you must read, and medicine for nausea. I’ll
see you again in a few weeks to make certain you’re doing all right. Since you didn’t expect this surprise, I want to answer any questions and concerns that might have come up.”

  Kayla drove home carefully. She still had trouble believing what had happened, but regardless of what Jackson thought, she intended to love and enjoy their child. On Monday, she’d have to get Mrs. Terrell to swear she wouldn’t tell anyone including her husband.

  I need to be the one to tell Jackson. Hopefully, he’ll be home soon, if he is on a mission. And when I get home, I must call Cheryl. I’ll call Mom later. She just visited so I can put off telling her for now.

  She drove home carefully as she still had a feeling of shock and unreality. Once inside, she punched in her friend’s number.

  Cheryl answered on the first ring. “I’d put my hand on the receiver to call you. That’s eerie. How are you feeling? Did you see your doctor?”

  “I did, but I won’t feel totally better for about six and a half or seven months.”

  “What? I don’t understand?”

  “How long does it take to have a baby, Cheryl?”

  “How long…oh,” she screamed. “Are you pregnant?”

  “I am.”


  “The way most people get pregnant.”

  “But the doctor said you can’t have children.”

  “He was wrong. I plan to send him a birth announcement and a picture.”

  “Oh my gosh. I’d love to see that doctor’s face when he receives the baby picture. What about Jackson?”

  “I don’t know. I’m having this baby with or without him. You know how much this means to me. I was heartbroken at the other doctor’s diagnosis.”

  “They’re sure. This isn’t another missed diagnosis, is it?”

  “I saw the results of the test. I’ve had morning sickness. This is the real thing.”

  “I can always sue the other doctor for you.”

  “Stop being the lawyer. I’m not suing anyone.”

  “I know, but I love to tease you. Listen, I’m here for you. Whatever you need I’ll help you get it.”

  “I know. I’m lucky to have had you as my best friend for all these years. Now, go put the bad guys in jail.”

  Laughing, Cheryl hung up.


  Kayla stood in front of her mirror. Gradually over the last few months, her morning sickness had gone away. Thankfully, most of my sickness occurred at night or very early in the morning, so I’ve been able to hide my pregnancy. I’ve even put of telling Mrs. Terrell. But, it won’t be long though before I have to buy maternity clothes, and then everyone will know. I had hoped Jackson would return before I showed too much.

  When her phone rang, she jumped. It was a strange number, and she started to reject it, but changed her mind. “Hello.”

  “Kayla is that you?”

  “Yes, is this Jackson?”

  “Right. I only have a few minutes, but I wanted you to know I hope to be back in a few weeks. I had a slight injury…”


  “I’m going to be fine, but I’m staying with a team member who can’t leave yet. We’re at the hospital in Germany. I’ll let Wolf know my arrival date, and he or Caroline will contact you. I’ve missed you. Got to go.”

  The buzz in the receiver made her realize he’d hung up. Just as well. I wouldn’t tell him I’m pregnant on the phone. Two more weeks, before I have to face him with my big surprise. Her hand touched her stomach. Don’t worry little one. Whatever happens you’ll have me.

  Chapter Five

  “Caroline, have you contacted Kayla yet?” Matthew asked as he stopped in the front doorway before leaving for work.

  “No, I’m planning on going to her workplace later this afternoon and telling her in person. I’ve tried to call twice. She didn’t answer.”

  “Good. Kayla must have been out, but this way you won’t miss her.”

  “So, Bear and his teammate, Jordan, should arrive at Balboa Hospital this morning, and basically, Bear’s wound in his side is healing well, but Jordan will need more care. Is that what I tell her?”

  “Right, explain Bear had the opportunity to return ten days sooner but stayed to be with Jordan.”

  “I will, but he may have called her from the hospital.” Caroline walked to the door and kissed Matthew. “Be safe, love.”

  “Will do. Hopefully, there won’t be another mission for a while. This last one was short and sweet. We left after Bear, completed our assignment and got back before Bear and his team.”

  Caroline waved and went back inside. She’d asked for the day off from work, so before going to see Kayla she’d start dinner in the crockpot and then exercise.


  Kayla slipped into the kitchen at work. She’d brought soup and crackers for lunch. She’d managed to hide her morning sickness, but soup and crackers were a safe meal for noontime, just in case, her baby decided to surprise her. Things were much better. No sickness for quite a while, but better to eat food easy on her stomach at work. The microwave bell rang. She pulled out her hot soup and had just sat down when Mrs. Terrell walked in.

  “I noticed you’ve been eating in here most of the time. You’d do better taking a walk and eat somewhere along the way. It’d be good for you and the baby.”

  Kayla’s eyebrows shot up. “What baby?”

  Mrs. Terrell sat across from her. “Kayla, you have a little baby bump. If you had been heavier, it wouldn’t be noticed, but you’re not. Are you ashamed of being pregnant and not married?”

  “No, I’d been told I’d never have a child. This is a miracle, but I’d rather no one else knew yet.”

  “Until you tell, Jackson?”

  Kayla took a deep breath. “I don’t want him to hear from someone else.”

  “Are you worried about his reaction, because I’d be surprised if he isn’t thrilled.”

  “You can’t be sure. Jackson’s a loner and comfortable with his life as it is.”

  “He was until he met you. I think you’ll find he’ll want you both.”

  “We’ll see. Until I talk with Jackson, please don’t mention it to anyone else.”

  Mrs. Terrell stood and patted Kayla’s hand. “Don’t worry. Whatever happens, you have my support.” She smiled and walked briskly out the door. Blinking back tears, Kayla sipped her soup and ate her crackers.

  But will he be back soon? It’s a few days past two weeks, and I’m getting anxious. Whichever way it ends, I want to know soon.

  After lunch, Kayla kept busy finishing a project that had been difficult and long. She leaned back in her chair and rubbed her tummy, a habit she’d started several weeks ago. Her phone rang, and she slid her chair closer to the desk.

  “Hello, this is Kayla Townsend. How can I help you?”

  “Kayla, this is Caroline. I’m so glad to hear your voice. I’ve been trying to reach you. Can you meet me downstairs?”

  “Are you in the lobby, now?”

  “Yes, come down. If you can take the time, we’ll go to the little coffee shop across the street. I have some news for you.”

  “I’ll be right down.” Kayla’s heartbeat raced. Was it about Jackson? Did he have a setback after he called? Not now, please.

  Kayla took the elevator and hurried across the tile floor toward Caroline. She stepped wrong and almost fell, but Caroline ran forward and caught her.

  “Slow down, I ought to have told you Jackson is all right. I didn’t think you’d jump to the wrong conclusion.”

  “He called about two weeks ago. He said he’d been injured, but he was doing fine. Since its past the time I expected him to arrive, I’ve been worried about whether his injury might have gotten worse.”

  “His teammate took a few days longer than expected before he was able to travel. Are you, all right? Let’s go across the street.”

  “No problem. He mentioned his teammate. I know better than to rush in these high heels.”

  Caroline glanced a
t her stomach as they walked outside. “Especially since it looks like you’re expecting a little one.”

  “Oh dear, everyone seems to be noticing today.”

  The coffee shop was quiet and empty. An older lady came from the back to get their order. “Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?” she asked.

  “Tea please, but make mine decaf,” Kayla said.

  “Do you have any of your special vanilla wafers?” Caroline smiled at Kayla. “They are delicious.”

  “I do. I’ll bring the tea and cookies out shortly.” She nodded and disappeared into the back of the shop.

  Caroline took hold of Kayla’s hands and held them tight. “You are not to worry. They completed their mission, and most of the men got back a few weeks ago. Jackson has a slight injury from a bullet wound in his side. It’s healing well. But his friend, Jordan, got shot in the leg. He had to have surgery abroad, but they arrived stateside at Balboa hospital this morning. Jackson stayed behind longer to be with Jordan.”

  Kayla closed her eyes. “Do you think I’d better wait and see him after his release?”

  “I think you need to see him today. Otherwise, you won’t sleep tonight worrying about him and how he’ll react to his baby.”

  “You believe it’s his?”

  “Of course, you aren’t the type of woman to jump into someone else’s arms as soon as your man leaves, whether you heard from him or not. Don’t be upset that he didn’t call before he left. He couldn’t. They had to leave at a moment’s notice.”

  “I know, but we’d only begun to know each other. Jackson could think I’m trying to trap him.”

  “Did you?”

  Kayla frowned and sat straighter. “Of course, not.”

  “Here’s your tea and cookies, ladies. If you need anything else, ring the bell at the counter. I’m cleaning up to close, but take your time.” She smiled and left them alone.

  “I knew you didn’t, but people may make comments, some nice and some mean. It’s the way of the world.”

  “Will you all think less of me?”


  Kayla lowered her head and stirred sugar into her tea. She took a sip and looked straight at Caroline. “My doctor on the east coast told me I couldn’t get pregnant, and I believed him. So, when I went to the doctor for what I figured was the flu, I was totally shocked to find out I was pregnant. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled. It’s like a miracle whether or not Jackson wants to be involved in the baby’s life. But I’d wanted to make sure we’re right for each other. I don’t want him to feel he’s being forced into anything.”


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