Dance With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 4)

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Dance With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 4) Page 3

by Blake, Joanna

  For some folks, it was a second home .

  Mae knew I couldn’t say ‘no’ to her. Not now, not ever. To sweeten the pot, she’d offered up free babysitting and two bedrooms in her house. Her much, much nicer house. I looked around. This place was a dump, but I’d made it work .

  Once Petunia started crawling though… well, it wasn’t exactly safe. I was pretty sure a few of the outlets gave off sparks, even if you didn’t stick your finger in it .

  “We’d have to baby proof …”

  Mae clapped her hands together with glee. Her eyes were shining as she pulled me into her arms for a big ol’ bear hug. I knew she’d been lonely without us. And she adored Petunia .

  Truth be told, everyone who set eyes on her loved her .

  “Does that mean you’ll come home? You could even start school part time. I can look after Petunia as much as you like .”

  She twinkled her eyes at me .

  “Heck, I’ll pay you double. Just give me some of that sugar !”

  “I’ll come home .”

  She folded me into her arms again. I was excited to come home. But then I immediately thought of him and the tears started .

  “Hush now, no man is worth it. He comes in all the time you know. Askin’ after you. I won’t give him so much as a glass of water .”

  I let out a startled laugh, leaning back to look at her .

  “You won’t serve him ?”

  “Not unless it’s pick up for the boys at the club. I can’t cut them all off. But if he has to share french fries with somebody, so be it .”

  I laughed harder .

  “Oh Mae, you are priceless .”

  “After what he did to you! Knocking you up and going back to his motor bike club floozies! I should have dumped a milkshake in his lap !”

  I sobered immediately. The sting of that night came back to haunt me, as it often did. I dreaded seeing him, even as I longed for it .

  He was the only man I’d ever loved. Not that he knew that. I hadn’t told him how I felt, and now I never would. He’d probably laugh in my face anyway .

  No he wouldn’t. He wasn’t cruel, even if he was a manwhore. In fact, I didn’t know what he would do .

  But it didn’t matter. I would never tell him the truth. That he’d had my heart and then he’d broken it. I wasn’t about to give him that sort of power over me. I’d cried too many tears over Whiskey already. I refused to do so ever again .

  Not one more tear .

  Still, I hoped I didn’t have to see him with someone else. I’d have to skip hanging with Kaylie, Janet and Sally at the club because seeing him with other girls would hurt too much .

  For all I knew, they were mad at me for skipping town anyway. But maybe, just maybe, my friends would be glad to see me. Maybe they’d hang out with me somewhere else .

  And maybe after seeing him face to face… I’d be able to get over it once and for all .

  Chapter Three


  “I ’m hungry .”

  The formerly stoic Jack had his head rested on his folded arms. The big man had three kids at home and a wife who was refusing to cook for him. He was wiped .

  “You want me to run over to Mae’s ?”

  He opened an eye and gave me a sour look .

  “You’re a glutton for punishment, you know that ?”

  I shrugged .

  “It’s not like I’m going to see her. She’s gone. She wants nothing to do with me, that much is plain. I’m over it .”

  Jack sat up, staring at me with a worried look on his face. Donnie poured him another ginger ale, shaking his head .

  “Doesn’t sound like your over it, Whiskey .”

  I glared at him. I’d taken a lot of heat over the whole Becky thing. Especially since the two of them knew I’d been ready to propose. Of course, both of them were so blatantly in love with their wives, they couldn’t say a damn thing about it .

  Still, I was getting tired of being a sad sack all the time. I could at least pretend I was over it, even if it was far from the truth .

  “ I am .”

  “ You sure ?”

  “Yes, Donnie. Jesus .”

  “Guess it doesn’t matter then .”

  “What doesn’t matter ?”

  “Oh, you haven’t heard?” He popped a straw into his mouth and grinned at me. “ Becky’s back .”

  My jaw dropped. I stared at him, seeing various shades of red flashing in front of my eyes. I didn’t like hearing the ‘B word’ on anyone’s lips. I had gone out of my way not to use it for months .

  “What ?”

  “She’s working at Mae’s right now. Or so I was told .”

  “ How long ?”

  “What ?”

  “How long has she been back ?”

  He shrugged .

  “Dunno. Just know she’s back in town. And no man in tow .”

  I stared blindly ahead. Excitement, relief and fury washed through me. I was so so so not over it. She’d ditched me. I couldn’t forget that .

  Ditched me after stealing my heart .

  Now she was back. Just like that. A reappearing act .

  This time I was going to be firm. She’d explain to me why she’d left. I’d let her apologize and then watch as she begged me to take her back .

  I would, but I wouldn’t fall back in love with her. Not all the way. I’d protect my heart this time. It would be fun, but nothing serious .

  This time I was going to get some answers. I would be the one in control. The one calling the shots .

  And then I was going to make her pay. I’d tease her mercilessly. I’d let her wonder what I’d been up to. I’d make her beg me to give her the pleasure that only I could .

  I cracked my knuckles .

  Maybe, if she begged me prettily enough, I would consider loving her again .

  But only if she begged .

  Chapter Four


  “M ay I have please a slice of that delicious looking pie there, Missy ?”

  “Apple or cherry ?”

  “Oh, apple. Definitely apple .”

  I smiled at Mr. Johnston, one of Mae’s oldest customers. I remembered him well. He didn’t tip much but he was a total sweetheart. A lot of the older customers had real manners. He was a true gentleman .

  I always got a real smile from Mr. Johnston. And that was worth a dozen tips. I knew he had a limited income. He came in a few times a week as a treat and tipped what he could .

  I didn’t mind a bit .

  I even gave him extra whipped cream .

  “Anything else? Coffee ?”

  He hesitated and I could hear him mentally calculating the cost .

  “It’s on the house .”

  He grinned like a child and I went to get his pie and coffee. I was just writing up his check when I felt it. The air in the room changed. Warmed up. I could feel the electricity zapping around the diner .

  My skin got hot. My stomach did a little flip flop. And my cheeks got tingly. I could tell my face was bright red .

  Only one person had ever had that effect on me .

  And I knew, I absolutely knew that he’d just walked into Mae’s .

  Whiskey was here .

  I was almost afraid to turn around, to see. But I couldn’t help myself either. Whiskey stood by the door, his eyes boring right into me. They were blazing, giving off so much heat I immediately started sweating .

  Not cute girl in a yoga commercial sweating. The guy in the movies who has to deactivate a bomb sweating. Mowing the lawn in July sweating .

  He just stared at me for the longest time. He looked like he was in shock. Like he was relieved but real, real mad at the same time .

  I realized we were staring at each other like two fools and hustled to check my other tables. By the time I finished, he was sitting at the counter, watching me .

  My throat was dry so I took a sip of water. Then I walked over to him, cool as a cucumber. At least I hoped
it looked that way, anyhow .

  “Can I take your order ?”

  He looked at me, not saying a word. I started to fidget under the intensity of his gaze. Finally, he spoke .

  “You know what I want .”

  “No, I really don’t .”

  “Same as usual .”

  “Fine. Strawberry shake and fries .”

  He gave me a slow nod. He really did look happy to see me. That was just because he didn’t know he’d been busted with those girls !

  “This is not the end of this, Rebecca .”

  I gave him a stern look but decided not to dignify his comment with an answer. It hurt to see him. Part of me wanted to throw myself into his lap and hold on tight. The other part of me wanted to cry at the thought of him with those club girls. And all the other girls he must have been with since that night .

  The other part of me wanted to smack him .

  Hard .

  Instead I just made his shake. I knew how he liked it. Extra strawberries with two scoops of vanilla. Full fat milk. And a single squirt of chocolate syrup .

  I’d never tasted one of his but it smelled freaking delicious .

  Personally, I always went right for a double chocolate one. I was powerless against chocolate .

  Not lately though. I hardly did anything nice like that for myself anymore. Fun was a foreign concept these days. I didn’t have time for anything except work, sleep, and Eliza .

  Of course, she was well worth all the work, stretch marks and sleepless nights. And then some .

  I stole a glance at him as I refilled coffees. Our baby really did look like him. And she was just a baby! For the rest of my life I was going to be looking at his handsome face and sparkly blue eyes .

  Even if I ran .

  So I might as well face up to it. To my feelings. To him .

  But not tonight .

  I slid the fries to him. He’d barely started on the shake. I frowned. He did look a little gaunt, come to think of it. He’d always been lean, thickly well-defined muscles but not much fat .

  Not like, me, Miss Rolly Polly .

  Was he sick or something? Or working out more? Or was he… sad? Depressed or something ?

  I couldn’t help the little frisson of worry that started in my belly. I hadn’t wanted to see Whiskey at all after what he’d done, but I didn’t want him to get sick or anything .

  In fact, it kind of made me feel better knowing he was out there, imperfect as he was. He was a good person deep down, even if he was a dog with women. But so many men were .

  It was part of the flawed human condition .

  Maybe someday I’d find a man who wanted me and me alone .

  “When can we talk ?”

  I blinked. I’d been idly cleaning the counter, I realized. Washing the same spot over and over again. Just a few stools down from Whiskey .

  Ugh, I hoped he didn’t read into that. I wasn’t trying to get his attention or anything. Even if it looked like I’d been making myself available .

  I snapped “not now” without thinking. He looked a bit startled .

  “You owe me a conversation, Rebecca .”

  Ouch. If only he knew. I owed him so much more than a conversation .

  But I was not ready to face him. Definitely not when I was working a double to try and keep Mae’s doors open. Not until I was ready. Prepared to deal with this .

  I just hoped he didn’t lie .

  I walked away, forcing myself to the stockroom to get started on closing prep. I’d have to refill the napkin holders, salt and pepper shakers and maybe even the ketchup bottles before the night was over .

  When I came back, Whiskey was gone. He’d left two twenties, which was way too much money for his food .

  I did feel a sense of relief but there was something else, as much as I didn’t want to admit it .

  I was a little bit disappointed too .

  Chapter Five


  I leaned against my bike, killing time until Becky got off. She and I were having a talk. A long one. Even if I had to wait all night .

  I wasn’t letting her run off on me again .

  I was shocked by what happened inside me when I saw her. I’d been determined to be cold. Hard. She’d done me wrong and I was a different man now because of it. I wanted answers and I wanted her back in my bed, and that was it .

  But seeing her pretty face had felt like a punch straight to the gut .

  All those old feelings came racing back. I was so damn happy to see her all I could do was stare and try not to smile. I was angry too, yeah. But mostly I was fucking overjoyed .

  I felt like I’d been underwater this whole time, just waiting to resurface .

  It felt like I had come back to life .

  That was not an appropriate or rational response to seeing the girl who broke your heart after nearly a year .

  So I waited. She owed me answers. And I needed time to prepare myself .

  Be firm. Hard. Cruel, if need be .

  Remember you’re a Goddamn Devil’s Rider, Whiskey! Not a teenage girl !

  For some reason though, telling myself my heart was officially closed for business just didn’t ring true .

  It wasn’t long before I saw her leaving Mae’s, pulling her denim jacket tight around her. I frowned, staring at her sexy bare legs. It was chilly out, and she wasn’t dressed warmly enough .

  Dammit, couldn’t the woman even take proper care of herself ?!?

  She froze in place when she saw me. Then slowly, very slowly, she walked up to me and stopped .

  Not that she had much of a choice. I was parked right at the end of the ramp that led to the parking lot from the front door .

  “What are you doing, Whiskey ?”

  “Waiting for you .”

  She glared at me, shooting daggers with those pretty blue eyes. But damn if she did not look beautiful doing it !

  “You got out early .”

  “I worked lunch .”

  “Lunch and dinner. Good shifts. I guess Mae’s not mad at you for skipping town on her .”

  She tossed that pretty head of hers. I stared hungrily as the shiny waves spilled over her shoulders. Even though I was supposed to be mad as hell, I couldn’t tear my eyes off of her. She looked so lovely, so perfect, so real .

  I’d started thinking maybe I’d dreamed her up, truth be told. But she wasn’t a figment. She was irresistible .

  And she was mine .

  She just needed reminding of that .

  Her golden hair was shining under the street lamp. Her eyes bright and defiant. Her curves impossible to cover, even though it was clear she was trying .

  “Of course, she’s not. She knew where I was going. And why .”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and fixed her with a hard stare .

  “Care to fill me in on that ?”

  “Where, or why ?”

  “Both .”

  She tossed her hair again and glared at me .

  “No, I don’t .”

  And then she walked her cute little self around my bike and down the sidewalk. I cursed, chasing after her .

  “Becky. We need to talk .”

  “No, we don’t .”

  “Yes, we do. You took off on me without a word. Why? Where have you been?” I ran my hands through my hair. “Are you okay ?”

  I could have kicked myself for the worried tone of my voice. I wasn’t being hard and firm. I sounded like I was begging .

  Hell, I was begging .

  She didn’t answer me. She didn’t even slow down. If anything, those sexy legs of hers picked up steam. I was trying to think of what to do or say when she finally spoke. I was caught off guard by the raw sound of her voice .

  “Don’t .”

  “ Don’t what ?”

  She stopped abruptly and turned to face me, her eyes shining with unshed tears. I almost fell over at the look in her eyes. She was hurting bad .

  Hurting because of me . />
  Had I done something? Damn if I could remember anything but worshipping her sweet little ass .

  But there was no getting around that look .

  “Don’t pretend you care .”

  “Don’t be like that, sweetheart …”

  I reached for her but she swatted my hands anyway .

  “Don’t you dare call me that either !”

  She took off again. This time I was hot on her heels. I wasn’t giving her a chance to run off again .

  Besides, it wasn’t safe for a girl like her to be out here all alone at night. She was far too tempting. And the thought of someone putting their filthy paws on her was unacceptable to me .

  I left my bike at the diner and followed her home. She didn’t say another word either. She just gave me a furious look when we got to Mae’s house. Then she stomped up the front walk, opened the door and slammed it shut .

  I stood there, staring at the house and wondering what in the world had just happened .

  And what the hell I was going to do to get my woman back .

  Chapter Six


  I nearly melted all over the floor as I stepped inside, shutting the door. I felt like a human puddle. Whiskey had followed me the whole way home, not giving up even when I refused to speak another word to him .

  He’d eventually fallen back and let me walk ahead of him, keeping pace about five feet behind .

  I leaned against the door, resisting the urge to look out the peephole .




  I looked .

  He was still outside, staring mournfully at the house. Acting love struck and heartbroken. Like I hadn’t caught him cheating! It wasn’t even just lipstick on the collar. He hadn’t just been with one woman !

  He’d been with two !

  I felt the familiar righteous anger rise up and take away the pain. Or maybe it just covered up the pain. Either way, he was a bastard through and through !


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