Dance With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 4)

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Dance With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 4) Page 8

by Blake, Joanna

  She texted back immediately .

  Have fun tonight! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! We’ll come get you tomorrow .

  Tomorrow ?!??

  I couldn’t help it. I made the sound again. Then I stomped back into the cabin. Whiskey was right on my heels .

  I stopped so suddenly he nearly banged into me .

  “Don’t follow me !”

  He held up his hands .

  “Sorry .”

  Then I realized something. I might not have my breast pump but I would have to figure out a way to pump and dump anyway. Petunia was in good hands but I texted Mae anyway. She told me not to worry, thank goodness .

  In fact… this sort of gave me license to drink since Eliza wouldn’t be getting her nightly feeding tonight anyway. I knew I had left a few bottles in the fridge anyway, so she would be fine. I always had backup .

  I eyed the row of liquor bottles in the kitchen and made a decision. I was going to drink tonight. There was no reason not to. And it might even help .

  I needed the distraction .

  And the liquid courage .

  It was certainly better than sitting here staring at Whiskey and drooling. Or thinking of ways to get my revenge on the so-called ‘friends’ who had put me in this predicament. Tar and feathers maybe. Public flogging sounded good at the moment .

  They might have had their hearts in the right place, but at the moment I couldn’t even think about that. Right now all I wanted was revenge .

  And a stiff drink .

  I stomped my way over to the kitchen table that was serving as a makeshift bar. No one had even cracked the bottle of very expensive tequila silver that sat there. In fact, no one had drank at all from what I could see .

  “Do you want a burger ?”

  I shook my head, pouring myself a shot .

  “Portobello? Grilled onions and peppers ?”

  “No. Thank you .”

  “Okay, I’ll put the food away. I can always cook you something if you want it later. Did you hear from anyone ?”

  “Kaylie texted me .”

  “Did she say when they would be back ?”

  I threw back the shot and nodded. Then I poured another shot .

  “Yes .”

  “When ?”

  I turned to stare at him, shot glass in hand. I saluted him with the glass and pounded it .

  “Tomorrow .”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I left. I had to. I was watching Becky toss back drinks and glare at me. All I wanted to do was kiss the woman, and she clearly hated me .

  But this night… well, it was almost too good to be true. If I could make the most of it. And at the moment, I didn’t quite know how .

  I shook my head. This was a set up. It had to be. And if our friends had gone through this much trouble, I had to make it work .

  But I couldn’t do that if she was plastered .

  I cleaned up outside quickly, noticing there were two prime stakes left, as well as some marinated portobello mushrooms and two ready to be baked potatoes, already wrapped in tin foil .

  I grinned .

  Maybe we could celebrate with a home cooked meal .

  If we reconciled .

  Correction .

  When we reconciled .

  Of course, when I went back inside, she hadn’t thawed even a little. The bottle of tequila definitely had a dent in it. And now she was pulling on a beer .

  “I thought you preferred wine .”

  She shrugged, not bothering to answer .

  “I haven’t drank anything in a long time. Maybe my tastes have changed .”

  “How long? Were you sick? When you were gone, I mean .”

  She stared at me steadily, ignoring my question .

  “Did you need help outside with anything ?”

  She was too cute. Even when she was mad at me, she was always so polite. She was a nurturer, my Becky. She had all those maternal instincts in spades .

  I hoped I’d get to see that in action someday .

  “No. I got it. Thanks .”

  I looked around as I put the last of the food away, noticing the gas fireplace .

  “I’m done now anyway. Do you want to play a game ?”

  She gave me a surprised look over her shoulder .

  “Huh ?”

  “Dev has a lot of board games up here. And we used to play poker once a month .”

  I tried to sound casual and nonchalant, but my heart was pounding .

  “There are chips and everything .”

  She shrugged again. She was being agreeable enough, but I could tell she wasn’t happy about this. She was just too polite to tell me to go to hell .

  Of course, I was going to get that out of her before the night was over. Come hell or high water .

  She reached to pour herself another shot and I swooped in .

  “Let’s stick to beer for now. I don’t want an unfair advantage .”

  Again, the sad little shrug. It broke my heart a little. She used to care about everything. Now, she didn’t seem to care about anything .

  I grabbed the cards and the poker spinner filled with brightly colored chips. But not before turning the fireplace on. I was no dummy. I knew it added ambiance to the room. She almost smiled at that. Almost, but not quite .

  “ That’s nice .”

  “You cold? There are blankets. It does get chilly up here at night .”

  “I’m okay, thank you .”

  I sat next to her on the sofa and held up the deck .

  “Mind if I deal ?”

  She shook her head, and leaned back on the couch to look at her hand. She closed her eyes and sighed .

  She was making it awfully easy to cheat .

  So I did .

  Chapter Twenty


  “W hat are the stakes ?”

  I crossed my arms, noticing how his eyes slid down to my chest when I did that. Ugh, the man was smoldering hot already, even without any encouragement. I wondered if he looked at the club girls like that. If he did, well, no wonder he’d had two on his lap that night .

  I knew it didn’t mean anything but I started to flush. I felt tingles all over my skin, especially where his eyes landed. I wish I could say his attention didn’t affect me, but it did .

  Dammit, it did .

  “What do you want to play for ?”

  His voice was suggestive, making me crack my eye a bit .

  “Not strip poker, so you can get your mind right out of the gutter .”

  He smiled ruefully .

  “That didn’t even cross my mind .”

  “Yeah, right .”

  I shut my eyes again, listening to him deal .

  “How about questions? I know I have a few .”

  “What ?”

  I sat up, suddenly awake .

  “Nothing too challenging, I promise .”

  “I don’t have any questions .”

  “Fine, you can play for something else. Money ?”

  I shook my head, frowning. I wasn’t going to take his money, even though the truth was, I could use it. Being a single mom was not cheap .

  “Favors? I could do anything you want. Paint Mae’s house. Mow the lawn .”

  I stared at him. It was tempting, but it would never work. If he was at the house, he would notice Eliza sooner or later .

  I groaned when he wiggled his eyebrows at me .

  “Sexual favors ?”

  “Don’t be a pig .”

  “I can’t help it around you .”

  I exhaled, trying to ignore the rush of warmth I felt at his words. He’d said it. It was out there .

  No more hiding from the fact that he still wanted me .

  “Okay, what if I remove an item of clothing every time I lose, and you answer a question ?”

  “Kind of like …”

  “Truth or strip .”

  He grinned. He looked thrilled. Of course he was. If I looked like
him, I’d look for excuses to take my clothes off too. And he knew how his muscles always drove me crazy. I certainly wasn’t subtle about it .

  I groaned, remembering all the times I’d kissed his chest. His shoulders. I’d even bitten him a few times .

  I knew I was going to regret it the moment I nodded my head ‘yes .’

  “Truth or strip it is .”

  He held up his cards with a grin .

  “Let’s do this, Rebecca .”

  * * *

  I won the first two hands, which I hadn’t expected .

  He pulled off his button down slowly, giving me a determined look as he shrugged it off his shoulders. As a result, I was sitting facing a half-naked, very sexy, Whiskey Beard. He’d gotten a few tats since I left town. The club tat on his back was standard issue, and he’d had that before .

  The two new ones on his chest… well, those did not make me happy. Especially the second one .

  Live Free Or Die

  Better Off Alone

  I couldn’t lie. The ink about being alone made me wince. Maybe he’d been more effected by my absence than I thought. Kaylie had said he was a mess …

  Or maybe it has nothing to do with you, Becks .

  I wasn’t surprised when I lost the next hand. I wasn’t paying attention. He’d lost weight since the last time I saw him, making his stomach even flatter. How was that fair? I had a baby belly and he was… freaking flawless. The man couldn’t have been more perfect looking if he had been carved out of marble .

  But he was not marble. He was flesh and blood. Warm and hard and way too inviting .

  The way the firelight caressed his bulging muscles made it next to impossible to focus .

  “ I win .”

  I conceded with a nod .

  “And ?”

  He rubbed his hands together with glee and leaned in. I had to stop myself from reaching out to touch him. I was weak, but I had my pride. And I was not going to admit I still wanted him .

  Not now. Not ever .

  “What did I do to make you hate me so much ?”

  Chapter Twenty -One


  S he stared at me, not giving me the answer I was waiting for. Then she exhaled, making the hair around her face flutter .

  “I can’t answer that .”

  “ Why not ?”

  “Because I don’t hate you, Whiskey .”

  Hmmm, reassuring though I didn’t quite believe her .

  “Okay, then what made you run away ?”

  “That’s a different question .”

  “You won’t answer ?”

  She gave me a challenging look .

  “Not until you win another hand .”

  “Then remove a piece of clothing .”

  “What ?”

  I was pissed off and frustrated in so many different ways. I wanted her, and she was so close. I could have pounced on her, right then and there. I’d wanted her for so long, only to get her and then lose her .

  This was my chance .

  But I was angry at her too. If she wasn’t going to give me answers, she was going to have to strip .

  “It’s truth or strip. You agreed .”

  “Whiskey, I’m only wearing one thing. A dress .”

  I smiled in anticipation .

  “Then you won’t have a choice but to answer my questions .”

  She sighed, shaking her head .

  Then she pulled off a shoe and waved it at me .

  “Fine. But this is ridiculous .”

  I just smiled and dealt another hand. I didn’t even cheat this time. If I could get both our clothes off that was good. And if I got my answers, I could stop wondering and try to fix things .

  It was a win-win situation .

  * * *

  A couple of hands later I was down to my boxers and socks. Damn, Becky was a poker shark! I’d been gamed !

  But I had to win another hand eventually. And for now, I’d just have to comfort myself with the fact that she was blushing .

  And she had been for ten minutes .

  Oh yes, Becky was trying not to look but she couldn’t seem to help herself .

  And it was pretty obvious she liked what she saw .

  I made sure I had three aces when I dealt the next hand .

  I smiled to myself as I rearranged my cards. I was going to get my answers once and for all. Or I was going to see some very sexy skin .

  Beat that, Becks !

  Chapter Twenty -Two


  “Y ou’re joking .”

  Whiskey looked dumbfounded as he stared at my cards .

  A royal flush .

  What were the chances ?

  His three aces with a pair of tens did look rather paltry next to my perfect, gorgeous hand .

  I pretended not to stare as he pulled off a sock, grumbling the whole way about being stark ass naked and people who lied about their abilities .

  I had to admit, I did like watching him strip. Even his feet were sexy! I was also relieved .

  Mostly because I was terrified of what he might ask me when he won another hand .

  What if he asked something that hurt .

  Where is my baby and why did you hide her from her own father ?

  Something like that for example .

  But I lost the next hand. He stared at me, solemn and serious. I wasn’t going to get away with a glib answer or evasion .

  If I lost my courage, I could always take off my bra and leave my dress on. That would distract him, and hide my post-baby body. Plus, I still had a shoe .

  “Why did you leave? Why didn’t you say goodbye ?”

  “That’s two questions, Whiskey .”

  I exhaled deeply .

  “But since they have the same answer, I’ll allow it .”

  I shook my head, gathering my courage. This was it. This was my cue to tell him. What difference did it make? He couldn’t break up with me. We weren’t together .

  We’d never really been together to begin with, even though it felt like we had been a devoted couple .

  “The night before I left, I got off work early. I came to surpise you. At the club .”

  He was frowning, his brow furrowed. But he didn’t say anything .

  “I saw you there. With two girls. I left the next morning .”

  “Two girls? I was with you! I hadn’t been with any other girls. Not since I met you. Not even after you left .”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought too .”

  I couldn’t keep the bitterness out of my voice .

  “I wouldn’t do that. Are you sure ?”

  I nodded .

  “I didn’t think you would do it either, but they were all over you .”

  He shook his head .

  “I never mess around with the club girls. No offense to the ladies, but that’s not my thing. They aren’t very, um, discriminating .”

  “That’s what Kaylie said too. But I saw you, Whiskey. I was so hurt that I couldn’t stay in the same town as you. In fact, I left the state .”

  “I didn’t cheat on you, I swear. I was so in love with you, Becky. Long before we even got together .”

  I felt myself melting. I’d known that was true in my gut. His words rang true. So how could he have done it ?

  “I would have never believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself. They were practically naked and sitting on your lap. A third girl was taking pictures .”

  “Pictures ?”

  His eyes lit up and he slapped his thigh .

  “I know exactly what you are talking about! It was a scavenger hunt! Those girls were nuts !”

  I crossed my arms over my chest .

  “Why are you smiling ?”

  “Because, they were after all the guys that didn’t fool around. They were trying to get compromising pictures. All night they kept ambushing me by plopping on my lap. I had to get them off every damn time I sat down !”

  “But you… you didn’t shove them off
your lap! I saw you! It looked like a double lapdance !”

  “I’m not going to shove any female around, Becks. Especially drunk ones who are just being annoying .”

  He took both my hands .

  “Don’t you see? Nothing happened. Nothing ever happened. Not since the first time I saw you .”

  I stared at him, uncertain .

  “You can ask Jack. They were trying with him , too .”

  I raised my eyebrows .

  “Did they get him ?”

  “No, he refused to sit down. And he wasn’t there late anyway, he had babies at home .”

  He was smiling, so overjoyed as if this made everything better. I realized that I believed him. So he hadn’t lied .

  But I had .

  I felt sick suddenly, and almost blurted everything out right then and there. Pure, raw and unvarnished word vomit. But I didn’t .

  “I wasn’t even trying to take a load off. People kept shoving me into chairs and jumping on me. It was really annoying !”

  He looked so put upon it almost made me laugh. I believed him completely. Oh my goodness, I did .

  Right down in my gut .

  Whiskey hadn’t cheated .

  I’d spent a year without him, alone and heartbroken and… pregnant .

  “Whiskey, I have to tell you something …”

  He pushed the table aside and pulled me against his chest, holding my face tenderly in his rough hands .

  “It doesn’t matter. I don’t care if you were with someone else when we were apart. As long as you are with me now. Are you ?”

  I nodded shakily .

  Being with Whiskey was all I wanted in the world .

  “I never stopped loving you, Becks. Not for a day. Not for a minute. Not even for a heartbeat .”

  I stopped thinking as he lowered his lips to mine .

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  S he was mine .

  There had been a reason after all. A misunderstanding. A massive, destructive misunderstanding but still. That was nothing in the face of true love .


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