Dance With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 4)

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Dance With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 4) Page 12

by Blake, Joanna

  Damn it again .

  He sat next to me and looked me over, like he was considering something. He ran his hands over my body methodically, which felt amazing, but he didn’t do it long enough to feel extra super duper amazing .

  So I was left wanting more .

  Much, much more .

  Until he pulled out a pair of scissors .

  “I can untie your legs to save the jeans you are wearing, or I can cut them off you .”

  He smiled at me like he was offering me a bowl of ice cream, not to destroy my favorite jeans. I shouted at him through the gag, which did absolutely nothing. It didn’t even dent his smile .

  “Will you be a good girl while I get these off the civilized way ?”

  I nodded vigorously. I was curious about what he was up to, but I was not about to go through the hell of finding another pair of those jeans I loved from two years ago! They were a little tight, but they’d molded to my body by now, and that only happened every once in a while. Perfect fitting jeans were not easy to find for a curvy girl like me .

  Basically, those jeans were worth their weight in gold .

  He pulled them off and retied me. He ran his fingertip over my panties, which he had not removed. I’d changed quickly back at the house and these were just plain old white cotton. I knew without a doubt he was going to remove those with the scissors, though I wasn’t sure when .

  “Hmmm, I don’t know. Think you can be a good girl for this t-shirt ?”

  I nodded again and he smiled .

  “I was kind of looking forward to cutting something off of you .”

  I shook my head. I liked this t-shirt, though I wouldn’t be gutted if he cut it off me. Still, I was practical by nature, so ruining a perfectly good top went against my better judgement .

  I had mouths to feed, after all .

  He untied one arm and pulled my shirt up and over it, and then over my head. I was wearing half a shirt now. He retied my arm and went to the other side of the bed, untying and retying me as soon as the shirt was off. I didn’t even have a chance to reach for my gag, he was that fast .

  I watched as he neatly folded my clothes and set them on the dresser across the room. Then he lit a candle on each of the bedside tables and turned off the light .

  Huh. Not what I was expecting. It was romantic. Kinky and unexpected, but romantic .

  I watched as he shrugged out of his shirt and jeans and stood there in his shorts. His muscles practically glowed in the candlelight. He was ridiculously good looking from head to toe .

  I stared at him hungrily. He had on boxer briefs, which I loved. They held his huge and fully erect cock firmly, clearly outlined. It was hard to tear my eyes away from it where it was pressing eagerly against the fabric .

  I’m not gonna lie. It looked delicious. If I hadn’t been gagged, I would have been licking my lips in anticipation .

  He caught me looking and smiled .

  “You like what you see ?”

  I nodded breathlessly. There was no point in lying. I did like what I saw. I liked it a lot .

  I loved it .

  “Me too, Becks. You look good enough to eat. In fact …”

  He let his eyes wander up and down my prone body. I shivered, even though it wasn’t cold. I was instantly aroused, not that it was exactly surprising .

  It didn’t take much with Whiskey around .

  He took the scissors and cut my panties away. I gasped as the cool air hit my body. I was already really, really warm .

  And wet from the feel of it .

  He took an ice chip and put it his mouth. Then he leaned down and settled between my spread thighs .

  “Bruh uh yuh duhuh ?”

  Translation: what are you doing ?

  Whiskey paid me no mind. Just stuck out his icy-cold tongue and dragged it up and down my lady parts .

  Oh my .

  I was utterly helpless as he teased me mercilessly for what felt like an hour. He traced the outside of my pussy again and again, using the lightest touch. He flicked his tongue against my clit just enough to get me close, then stopped and moved on to something else .

  A nibble here, a bite there. He was driving me slowly insane with his fingers and mouth .

  He brought me to the edge again and again until I could barely think .

  Then he stopped. He crossed the room and picked up a bottle whipped cream. I barely noticed though. I was too busy staring at the monster in his shorts .

  He cut my bra away and held up the nozzle .

  “I’m in the mood for a little snack .”

  The whipped cream felt so good as he sprayed it all over my breasts and then between my thighs. I looked down at my body in surprise. It was a whipped cream bikini. He’d given me a bikini !

  He started licking me clean with his wickedly hot tongue. He was in no rush, switching from breast to breast, then burying his face between my thighs. I was practically weeping twenty minutes later, and he showed no signs of stopping .

  Begging through the gag wasn’t working. Neither was raising my hips to get his tongue to push harder, or achieve more friction .

  I realized something in that moment .

  I realized that Whiskey was not going to let me come .

  “Buhguh !”

  Chapter Thirty -Five


  “S leep tight my little angels .”

  A low laugh from behind me made me turn .

  “Angels? I think they are from someplace a little warmer .”

  I smiled at my beautiful husband. The man was perfect. Huge and craggy and rough around the edges .

  And, most importantly , mine .

  I tiptoed out of the room and shut the door. The loft was huge, with new walls going up constantly. I loved the industrial look of it. We were even talking about expanding to the floor below us, with a big, dramatic staircase. It would need a massive baby gate of course, but it would be nice to have the kids and our bedroom on a ‘quiet floor’ away from the action. Jack owned the whole building so we could do whatever we wanted with the place .

  I had to admit, it was a lot of fun .

  He’d already built all kinds of things for me, never mind the kids. They had a playhouse in the corner that was built to look like a tree house, complete with trees and a study area underneath it .

  Not that they were doing homework yet, but my husband liked to plan ahead. He was the most amazing father. He doted on our children, even the ones that were still inside me !

  He’d already built me a dining room table for ten, a chaise lounge, a hand-carved rocking chair, and a custom walk-in closet that would make any girl alive green with envy .

  As for me, I made him a lot of babies .

  Not to say that was all I did. I kept busy with mom stuff. I was also working part-time as a physical therapist and giving ballet classes at the local dance school twice a week .

  “They are not that bad .”

  I poked his chest as he pulled me into his arms and gave me a long, slow, deep kiss. I sighed, melting against him. He really was as big and as hard as a redwood, but a lot more fun to climb .

  “No, they aren’t. They do take after their feisty mother however .”

  I gave him an indignant look .

  “What does that mean, exactly ?”

  “It means they are wonderful. And creative. And full of energy and mischief. And they keep me on my toes wondering what they will get into next .”

  Well, he had a point. I smiled and let him kiss me again .

  “Come upstairs .”

  “To the roof ?”

  He nodded, taking my hand .

  “It’s beautiful out .”

  “But the baby …”

  “I already brought the baby monitor up .”

  I sighed happily. He really was the best dad. Our youngest (or soon to be middle child) was still under two. I worried constantly .

  I followed Jack up the interior stairwell to the roof deck. He’d built a sma
ll room up there to house the top of the stairs. It was also an amazing place to sit and read on rainy days .

  I’d done most of my studying up there, sitting in the little nook on a pillow with a cup of tea. And the deck itself was now childproofed, with unclimbable walls that were way past what the kids could manage .

  Heck, I wasn’t sure I could have tackled climbing over them myself. Like I said, my husband thought of everything. He always went the extra mile, and then some .

  Especially when it came to keeping his family safe .

  When I stepped outside, my eyes lit up .

  He’d transformed the deck. Thousands of twinkling Christmas lights were everywhere. And in the center of the deck was a plaid wool blanket we used for picnics .

  In fact, my special wicker picnic basket was also up there, along with a bottle of something fizzy looking and two champagne flutes .

  “It’s non alchoholic sparkling apple cider .”

  “You thought of everything !”

  He kissed my hand and helped lower me to the pillows he’d thoughtfully put on the blanket. He knew that my butt bones hurt if I sat on anything hard for too long. It was a remnant from my days as a dancer .

  I didn’t have a lot of extra cushioning down there. Though, I did have to say, I was getting a teeny bit more with each baby. Maybe if I had a couple more I’d end up with the hourglass shape I’d always dreamed of .

  He opened the basket and I clapped my hands with glee. I saw potato chips in there. I snickered when I saw that they were the fancy organic brand, which was more my thing and not Jack’s at all. There were also pickled tomatoes, still in the jar. And what looked like chocolate coconut ice cream .

  I loved dipping potato chips in ice cream .

  He knew me so well. The compromise he’d found with organic junk food made me sigh dreamily. Jack wasn’t just the best dad .

  He was the best husband .

  Now, when I cooked for Jack and the kids, it was healthy stuff. I’d never been a big junk food person. But with this pregnancy, I was craving all kinds of weird stuff .

  And my amazing husband had put it all together for me .

  I was the luckiest girl in the world .

  “This is amazing, thank you .”

  “Well, I know you’ve been nauseous in the mornings a lot .”

  “Yeah, I have .”

  “And you are so busy. I feel like I hardly get to see you, let alone feed you pickled tomatoes and ice cream .”

  “Jack …”

  My eyes were tearing up and I couldn’t even finish my sentence. When I looked at him, I noticed his were too. His voice was husky and even lower than usual .

  I opened my mouth to speak and couldn’t. He chuckled and pulled me close. He tipped my chin up so we could look into each other’s eyes .

  “I know, sweetheart. I love you too .”

  Chapter Thirty -Six


  “H mmm… I need to get more ice .”

  Becky moaned incoherently through the gag. I’d been working on her all night and she was starting to get delirious .

  Perfect. I had her right where I wanted her .

  Of course, that meant I was far from satisfied myself. My cock was aching for her. All I wanted was to bury myself inside her. Maybe make another baby in the process .

  But first I needed her word .

  I was too afraid to lose her. That she’d disappear without a trace. I couldn’t go through that again. She was a flight risk. Maybe if we had enough kids it would slow her down .

  That was it. I’d give her lots of babies. I’d show her what a good dad I could be. I’d impress her with my manly prowess .

  Deep down I believed that she would leave me. If I ever pissed her off again, I was almost certain she would take off on me. And since it was inevitable that I would piss her off, that was not acceptable .

  “I need a promise from you .”

  I slid my finger inside her and hooked it, gently massing her g-spot. She moaned and lifted her hips. I nearly lost it and gave in in that moment .

  But I held strong .

  “I’m going to remove your gag. If you answer correctly, I will give you what you want . Okay ?”

  She nodded eagerly and I untied her gag. She stared at me, her huge eyes full of questions .

  “Are you thirsty ?”

  “Yes .”

  I held the glass so she could get a sip .

  “ Thank you .”

  I stifled a laugh. She was so polite, even under the circumstances. I was pretty sure she wanted to smack me, but it just wasn’t in her nature to be mean .

  Well, other than the whole leaving me without a word thing .

  “We need to get clear on a few things .”

  I put my fingers to work again, tracing feather light patterns in her smooth skin this time .

  “Okay .”

  Her voice was breathy and sexy as all hell .

  “I can’t have you running off on me again. I want an agreement in place .”

  “Okay .”

  I slipped my finger inside her again and she gasped .

  “You are moving in here .”

  “Okay .”

  “Mae can babysit and stop by as much as she wants .”

  “Okay .”

  “And I need your solemn word that you will not run off on me again .”

  “What ?”

  “Promise to stay forever .”

  “Whiskey, I am not going to promise that. What if you piss me off ?”

  “I won’t. Not in a big way. I need your word that you won’t run off if I mix up the lights and darks on laundry day .”

  “That’s ridiculous .”

  “It’s not Becks. I need your word .”

  “But -”

  “Promise me and this will end.” I smiled grimly. “Otherwise, I can keep this up all night .”

  “Please, Whiskey. I can’t think straight !”

  She whimpered as I applied more pressure to her g -spot .

  “Becks, I am not asking you to be an indentured servant, to take whatever I dish out. I am asking you not to disappear on me again .”

  “Fine! I wouldn’t do that anyway !”

  “You wouldn’t ?”

  “No! If I saw two girls on your lap now I’d take a skillet to your head !”

  I stared at her. She didn’t seem like she was lying …

  “You mean that ?”

  “Yes, you idiot! I was pregnant! My hormones made me do crazy things. But I wouldn’t take Eliza away from you, even if you turned into a pig. I would dump your ass though ..”

  I started smiling. I believed her .

  “Don’t get cocky. That doesn’t mean I won’t break up with you if you act like a jackass .”

  “But if you don’t run, then we could talk about it. And if it was a simple misunderstanding, we wouldn’t have to suffer through it .”

  “Right .”

  “So you promise ?”

  “Yes. I promise. But Whiskey ?”

  “Yes ?”

  She fixed me with a hard stare .

  “You are acting like a jackass .”

  My eyes got wide as I considered what she was saying .

  “Okay. Fair enough .”

  I untied her quickly and pulled her into my arms. I kissed her, wildly relieved when she kissed me back. I briskly rubbed her wrists and then reached down for her ankles. I couldn’t resist burying my head between her legs again .

  “No more foreplay !”

  I lifted my head up .

  “Yes ma’am !”

  I gave her what she wanted. What we both wanted. I sank my aching cock deep inside her and let loose .

  “Harder !”

  I was holding back. I didn’t want to hurt her .

  “I can take it, Whiskey! Harder !”

  Well, alright then .

  I unleashed my lust on her, pounding into her hard and pulling out real slow. It didn’t take long for
her to start coming. In fact, it was almost an insta-orgasm. Her body arched off the bed as she bore down on me, squeezing me so hard it almost hurt .

  Almost .

  I didn’t stand a chance. I let out a roar as I felt my balls tighten up and explode. It felt like lightning shooting up and out of me. I felt electric. Becky was still coming, milking me for all I was worth .

  With a grunt I collapsed on top of her. I did my best not to crush her, bracing myself on my forearms. But it was close .

  I simply did not have the strength to hold myself up anymore .

  I rolled to the side and pulled her against me, my shaft still pressing between her legs. I lay there in awe, staring blankly at the ceiling. I was stunned by the force of my release. I’d never felt anything like it .

  “Jesus, Becks. You really know how to take it out of a man .”

  She poked my side where she was nestled up against me .

  “I guess all that waiting made things more… intense .”

  “That’s the understatement of the year .”

  “Well, if you want to do that again someday …”

  I squeezed her .

  “Maybe once in a while. If you want to .”

  She made a cute little harumphing sound and I grinned .

  “If I want to ?”

  I would have laughed at the indignation in her voice if I had the energy. She was so feisty! It was so cute. I decided to play dumb .

  “Anything you want , babe .”

  “Anything ?”

  “I live to serve and satisfy your every desire .”

  “Good. Because next time, I’ll be tying you up instead .”

  Well, that shut me up. I lay there, feeling supremely satisfied with Becky in my arms. I had my woman. I had my girl. I had a family .

  And I’d just agreed to getting tied up .

  I was a lucky man .

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  “Y ou really think I should use my old name ?”

  Donahue shrugged, his thick shoulder muscles bunching up and relaxing in a way I found absolutely hypnotizing. I sighed. There was no way I would ever get used to this man’s pure physical perfection .


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