Ride With Me

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Ride With Me Page 2

by Joanna Blake

  Jackson laughed and stood up to pour himself a drink. Then he turned and stared.

  "It's about dad's will."

  "Will? He's alive isn't he? That seems a bit premature."

  Jackson ran his hands through his hair.

  "He's dying Jake. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you."

  Jake had known that on some level. The old man's skin had a slightly yellow tint to it. He shouldn't be surprised.

  So why did he feel like there was a rock sitting in his gut?

  Jackson looked sincere though. He did look sorry. For once. Jake finished his drink.


  "He wants us to run Delancey Estates. Together."

  Jake's eyebrows shot up. Now, that was a surprise. Jackson and Daniel had been running things under his dad's supervision for years. As far as Jake was concerned, that's the way it should be. The golden boys should do what they were born and bred to do.

  "So run it. What's it got to do with me?"

  Daniel spoke up then, looking earnest.

  "It has to be all three of us. It's one of the codicils. It's all three of us, or none."

  "What? If I don't stay, nobody gets to?"

  He stared at his brothers but they didn't blink. The wily old man had really put him up against a wall now. Hell, he'd put them all up against the wall.

  "We need you Jake- besides no one can work the difficult horses like you can."

  Jake stood up and crossed to the bar. He poured a generous helping into his glass and drank.

  "That was a lifetime ago."

  Jackson grabbed his arm.

  "This is here and now- why can't you let go of the past? No one meant to hurt you. Least of all mom. And she sure as shit didn't deserve to die without seeing her son."

  Jake knocked Jackson's hand away.

  "You know I couldn't come back. And you know why."

  He glanced at Daniel.

  "Goodnight Daniel. I'm sorry about your- problem- but I can't do a damn thing about it."

  He turned and left the room without a backward glance.


  Elle leaned into the microphone, singing with everything she had. The band had a gig in a couple of weeks. Their first. And the club owner Tom was there to watch rehearsal.

  Elle had a sneaking suspicion he was there to watch her too.

  That was part of the gig though. She knew it. So she let loose when she performed, letting all the pent up sexual energy ride out and over the audience.

  Normally she was utterly focused on the music. But tonight she was distracted. Restless. In fact, she'd been like that all week. Ever since Jake Delancey had cornered her in the alleyway.

  He'd been about to kiss her. She knew it. And Damn if she hadn't wanted him to.

  What the hell had gotten into her???

  She closed her eyes and sang her heart out. But all she could see were his bright blue eyes.

  Damn it all to hell and back again!

  She finished the song and stalked off stage without a word. She needed to take a break. She had to focus on the task at hand. She was here to sing dammit! And to be dreaming about Jake Delancey of all people was foolish in the extreme.

  Oh yeah, she'd heard all about him. He was born rich but a rebel, choosing to eschew all his family wealth and trappings. Shirl had told her that he was persona non grata at the Country Club and everywhere polite company met. People put up with him for his father Harrison's sake. But he was bad news. Everyone said so.

  And that didn't even begin to cover what she'd heard about the women he'd dated.

  Apparently, Jake Delancey went through women like tissue paper. Rich, poor, it didn't matter. The only thing they had in common were their good looks. That and the fact that they all ended up falling in love with him.

  Damn if it wasn't easy to see why.

  Jake was exceptionally handsome. His symmetrical face, the straight nose and strong jaw, the wavy sandy brown hair that curled just so over his forehead.

  Never mind those bright blue eyes. The damn things looked radioactive. But in a good way.

  And that wasn't even talking about his body. He was tall but not too tall. Built but not too built. Slim but not too slim.

  In short, Jake Delancey was perfect.

  Cruelly and impossibly perfect.

  Which was bad news for Elle because he seemed to have taken a shine to her. More than a shine. She knew she hadn't seen the last of him. The way he'd looked at her had sent shivers down her spine… and elsewhere.

  "There you are."

  She turned to see Tom watching her smoke and pace.


  "Are you going to do another song? Because I thought we could get a drink or a bite to eat after."

  She shook her head and tossed her cig to the ground.

  "Thanks Tom. Another time. I have to be at work at 6. I'm working a double."

  He smiled, but it didn't quite meet his eyes. Tom was attractive in an over groomed way she supposed. His eyes were dark and piercing, his suit well cut, his teeth bright white. It was obvious that he worked out. He had to, to achieve that slightly stupid, overgrown muscle head look. But he just didn't do it for her. It was a shame too, since she knew he could basically make or break her career in the Nashville scene. But she wasn't cheap and she wasn't for sale.

  Hopefully he would understand that she wasn't going to sleep with him just to get ahead.

  With the way he was looking at her, it wasn't likely.

  She smiled but there was a cold feeling in the pit of her belly.

  Elle always listened to her gut and right now it was practically screaming at her.

  Look out.


  Jake climbed onto his bike. He was avoiding his brothers. Every damn day either Daniel or Jackson had cornered him, trying to talk him into staying on.


  It's not like there wasn't room for all of them in the house. It was almost a hundred and fifty years old and enormous. It was built to impress and intimidate and it did. There were fifteen bedrooms, sitting rooms, ten baths, a kitchen, galley, bar room, study, library, billiard room, conservatory, dining room, living room and drawing room.

  Not to mention the stables, which encompassed two large buildings, including a training facility. Then there was the garage with the servant’s quarters above it, a greenhouse and several storage sheds. The largest shed was bigger than most people's houses.

  They sure as shit weren't going to get into each other’s hair.

  But he couldn't think with them breathing down his neck all the time. He'd dutifully gone to see his father each day before drinking himself into oblivion. Today was his first sober day in a week.

  He needed to clear his head. A good ride would do that.

  Or a good fuck.

  Immediately that hot little waitress from the club sprang to mind. He felt his groin tighten. All week he'd been wound up tightly, just thinking about her.

  He started the bike and pulled out into the road, not intending to ride anywhere in particular. It was late afternoon as the sky was starting to get dark when he pulled into the back entrance of the Country Club.

  Jake almost laughed. He'd been riding aimlessly for an hour. Somehow he'd ended up here.

  He knew why.

  He was looking for her of course.

  He just couldn't seem to stay away.

  Jake parked his bike and waited outside the service entrance far from the overhead lights. Sooner or later she'd sneak out for a smoke.

  Twenty minutes later his prayers were answered.

  He watched from the shadows as she looked around nervously, then headed for a copse of trees on the far side of the lot. Right near where he was parked.


  "You really are a bad girl aren't you?"

  Elle nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of the husky voice. It was Jake Delancey naturally. He was leaning against a motorcycle at the ass end of the parking lot. Sneaky bas

  "What are you doing here then? Trying to scare people to death?"

  "Waiting for you."

  She stopped short. She suspected as much but hadn't really thought he'd come out and say it. Her stomach did a flip flop as butterflies seem to dive around inside her.

  She glanced around to make sure no one was watching and lit her smoke. That's what she'd come out here to do anyway, wasn't it? She walked behind the bushes, doing her best to ignore him.

  He trailed behind her, leaning against a tree trunk. He grinned at her insolently. He was incorrigible! A bad boy through and through.

  But dear God, did he have to look like James Dean?

  It really wasn't fair. He was far too tempting. He was making puppy dog eyes at her so she sighed and held out a smoke.

  "I don't smoke."

  She narrowed her eyes at him.

  "So what do you want then?"

  His grin got even wider and he raised his eyebrows, leaving her with no doubt about what he was after.

  "You're out of your mind you are. If you think I would-"

  "Would what?"

  He was laughing at her now. She stomped her foot in annoyance. She wasn't going to say it. He knew she wouldn't. That's why he was laughing so damn hard.

  "You nearly cost me my job!"

  He sobered immediately.

  "Would that really be so bad?"

  "Yes! It would! Not all of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouth, you know."

  He pushed back from the tree, looking annoyed. No- he looked angry. And determined.

  "I think you could do a little better than this place. Serving a bunch of rich assholes."

  She raised her chin, instantly defensive.

  "That's pretty funny coming from you. Besides, I'm only working here until my papers come in!"

  "Well, have they?"

  Tears stung her eyes. Why should she care what he thought?"

  "No. There was a mix up and-"

  "Oh, so you botched something as important as your work visa? Jesus, what can you do?"

  "I can do lots of things! I can-"

  He grabbed her arm and stared hard into her eyes.

  "I'm just teasing you Elle. I was never good with paperwork either."

  She blinked up at him as he slowly lowered his head towards hers. He was going to kiss her. Oh dear Jesus. She had to put a stop to this. But she felt strangely reluctant to do it… his lips found hers then, firm and supple.

  A man shouldn't have lips that soft.

  She shook herself mentally and pushed against his chest.

  "What are you doing? Let go of me!"

  "I'm kissing you. But if you insist-"

  She fell backwards against the shrubs. And kept falling.


  He caught her just before she hit the ground. Unfortunately, the momentum was too much and they both tumbled into the bushes. He landed on top of her, his body pressing into hers intimately.

  Very intimately.

  Oh Jesus.

  Jake Delancey was hard.

  Jake Delancey was hard down there.

  He grinned down at her unrepentantly, not the least bit concerned about his massive erection. And it was massive. Abnormally so.

  He was going to kiss her again. She wanted him to. But she shouldn't let him… his lips met hers and she melted despite her misgivings. All thoughts of annoyance gone as he slanted his lips over hers, gently urging her lips to part. The moment they did his tongue dipped inside playfully, teasingly stroking hers until she was tingling all over.

  His hand shifted upward, to circle her breast and-

  "Miss Gavin! You will leave the premises at once! Your employment is immediately terminated!"

  Oh no.

  OH NO.

  Mr. Peabody was standing three feet away from them.


  Jake would have laughed at the expression on Elle's face if it hadn't been such a serious situation. In fact, he almost did laugh. Just before her eyes filled with tears.

  He'd just gotten the girl fired.

  Damn it all to hell.

  There was no way she was going to sleep with him now.

  He wasn't sure which one of them was more distraught in that moment.

  He was debating whether or not he should go after Mr. Peabody or try and kiss her again. Both seemed equally fruitless. He licked his lips and decided to go for the second option.

  She smacked his shoulder. Hard.

  Damn but the girl could throw a hit!

  "Get. Off. Of. Me."

  Jake eased back regretfully. She'd felt so good in his arms. But she looked angrier than a wild cat and just as dangerous. He stood up and offered her a hand. She took it, but not without snarling at him as he pulled her up.

  "Great. Now I'm back to eating crackers for dinner."

  His stomach dropped. Was she really that destitute? He glanced down at her shoes. They were ancient looking. Beat up and held together with duct tape. Shit, maybe she was.

  "Don't look at me like that."

  "Like what?"

  "I don't want your damn pity. I'll figure something out. I always do.

  "I'm sorry Elle. I didn't mean to-"

  She brushed herself off and started walking past him down the driveway out of the country club. Jesus, didn't she even have a car? He'd really screwed the pooch this time.

  "Elle, wait!"

  He ran after her but she kept walking, completely ignoring him.

  "Forget it. I'll be fine. No thanks to you."

  "Are you seriously going to walk home?"

  She stopped walking finally and stared at him. She was fighting back tears, he could tell. A strange feeling twisted in his insides. It was something like regret. And worry.

  "Yeah well my roommate is my ride and she's still in there. So it's me and my feet."

  "I'll give you a ride."

  She rolled her eyes at him.

  "Yeah, right. I'll just bet you will."

  She started walking again. This was insane, he couldn't let her walk around in the dark! It wasn't safe. Especially looking the way she did.

  He ran in front of her and held his hand out.

  "I'll get you a job. Give me your phone."

  She stared at him in exasperation. Then she chewed on her lip, considering her options. She must have come to the same conclusion he had: she didn't have much of a choice.

  She pulled out her phone and held it up.

  "Fine. But don't be calling me for booty calls. This is strictly business."

  "Yes, absolutely. You got it."

  She sighed deeply and handed her ancient looking phone to him. Jake felt triumphant suddenly as he typed in his number and texted himself. Then he texted her back with an address.

  "Be there tomorrow morning. 8 am. Now come on, let me drive you home."

  He grinned at her and held out his helmet.


  Elle was trying her best to hold herself at a respectable distance from Jake Delancey's broad back and shoulders. And his bum. A very tight, very cute little bum.

  He was riding fast on a winding road. Faster than she would have liked, but he seemed to know what he was doing. The way he handled the bike was sending thrills through her body.

  He took a sharp turn and she gasped, gripping him more tightly. She was pressed up against him now, her breasts mashing against the thin cotton of his shirt. He'd insisted she wear his jacket and helmet. Which meant that right now she was getting a really good whiff of Jake Delancey.

  And he smelled good.

  Really good.

  Her inner thighs were pressed up against his jeans. And since she'd been wearing her uniform, the skirt was pushed up to the top of her thighs. She felt very exposed and more than a little bit naughty.

  If he was facing the other way, they'd practically be… doing the deed.

  Oh dear.

  She shook herself and tried to pay attention to holding on. Her cheek kept brushing his
shoulder. Finally, she gave in and rested her cheek against his back. Now she could really smell him. He was so warm and manly.

  Sweet Mary and Joseph!

  He must have gone the long way because it was another twenty minutes or so before she recognized any of the streets near her apartment building. It was nothing fancy, that was for sure. But her apartment was clean and safe. It was more than she could have asked for really.

  So what if all the neighbors were geriatrics? At least they were quiet. Well, not during The Price Is Right or BINGO. But usually.

  Jake pulled into the lot and parked the bike. He was off in a flash, forcing her to hastily yank her skirt down over her thighs. He grinned at her, making her positive that he'd done it on purpose. He'd been trying to catch a look up her skirt, damn him.

  The man was incorrigible.

  Bloody gorgeous, but incorrigible.

  She pulled off his soft leather jacket and handed it to him.

  "I suppose I should thank you for the ride."

  He leaned back against his bike as he slid the jacket on. Somehow the man made even that look sexy. It'd be hard to imagine how good it would look if he was taking his clothes off.

  "No need. I'm more than happy to give you a ride whenever you want."

  She narrowed her eyes at him. She just knew he was offering more than a ride on his bike. He was talking about taking a ride on him.

  Too bad he'd had so many other riders.

  "I meant what I said- don't be showing up here late at night."

  "I know, I know. No booty calls. You told me."

  He was laughing at her again.

  "What's so funny then?"

  "You are. Nobody says that anymore."

  "Oh well, what do they say then?"

  "They say 'fucking', Elle."

  He let his eyes drop down low as he blatantly checked out her body. He shook his head wryly in appreciation and pulled his helmet on.

  "Have a nice night."

  Then he drove off, leaving her with her jaw hanging open.

  Damn it all to hell.

  Jake Delancey was going to be difficult to resist indeed.



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