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Page 9

by Tess Oliver

  His eyes drifted shut and his head lolled back against the couch as he took hold of my hips to guide me over him. “God, baby, you fit me so perfectly,” he growled. “Like we were fucking made for each other.”

  I wrapped my arms around his head and his face pressed against me. He teased my nipples with his mouth just as he’d done with my pussy. I squeezed myself tighter around his cock, and he groaned in appreciation.

  “Yeah, sweetie, just like that, hold me like a fucking glove. You are something else, Kensington. Don’t ever want this to stop.”

  I rose and fell over him, his strong hands held my bottom bracing me against him as he impaled me over and over again. I ground my hips forward, causing my clit to rub against him, bringing me again to that exquisite ledge, the last moment of clarity before my body and mind dissolved into pure pleasure.

  I lifted my hands and braced them against his hard shoulders as my movements sped up. He met me with an upward thrust that pushed his cock so deep he seemed to be reaching pleasure spots I didn’t know existed. Each movement made me contract my pussy around him. I wanted to hold him there inside of me forever.

  His fingers pushed harder into my flesh as he strengthened his grip on me. His hazel eyes were dark green and unfocused as he gazed up at me. “You first, baby. I want to be deep inside of you when you come.”

  My legs shook from fatigue as I contracted my muscles and moved over him in a frenzied rhythm. He met my body each time, rocking deeper inside of me, reaching those secret spots of ecstasy.

  I gripped his shoulders and tried to keep myself from melting into a trembling puddle. The wild sensations of an orgasm started inside my pussy and I clenched around him as I whimpered at the intensity of it. I was as weak as a rag doll as he tightened his grip on my ass.

  “Fuck yeah, that’s it, baby.” His head dropped back, and he continued pumping his cock inside of me as he came.

  His hold on me softened. I folded against him and pressed my face against his neck. His arms went around me. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I was still reeling from the sex and hoping he was feeling the same way. In the midst of it all, he’d said we fit each other perfectly. I felt it too, as if I’d finally found a match. I knew it was too early, and my luck with men never went this smoothly. Still I couldn’t help but feel that this was what I’d been waiting for.

  “Best babysitting job I’ve ever had.” I wriggled my body closer to his.

  “Yep. Not that I’ve ever had to babysit.” He paused. “Although I have had my share of fun with a babysitter on a couch.” I was about to huff in disgust but he hugged me tighter. “None as hot as you though.”

  “Right. And I almost believe you.”

  A strange tapping sound at his bedroom door startled me. I climbed off his lap.

  “That would be Some Pig.” He stood up and walked to the bathroom.

  I jumped up, gathered my clothes and started getting dressed.

  Cole walked out of the bathroom. “We must have woken him from his late morning nap. Or this might have been his early afternoon beauty rest. He has a busy schedule.” He stopped and watched me. “I was just going to suggest that we stay naked all weekend. I told Dad to give the housekeeper and chef the weekend off with that plan stuck firmly in my mind. You, me and lots of nakedness all damn weekend.”

  His plan didn’t stop me from pulling my jeans on. “I don’t want to be naked when I meet him.”

  He stayed frozen to the spot watching me with what seemed to be equal parts irritation and amusement. “He’s a pig. Yes, he wears clothes and struts around here like he owns the place, which he sort of does, but he’s still a pig.”

  Tiny hooves tapped at the door again. I pulled on my bra. “I know it sounds kooky.” I waved for him to open it.

  He moved toward the door and stopped. “Sure you don’t want to brush your hair and apply a little lipstick first? After all, Some Pig is sort of critical about appearances.”

  “Now you’re just being a boob. Hurry, so he doesn’t think we’re ignoring him.”

  “No wonder you and Finley hit it off so well.” He opened the door. I heard a soft snort in the hallway. “You’d better have a good reason for knocking at my door, pork chop. Two minutes ago there was a naked woman in my room. Now she’s dressed, and it’s your fault.”

  Cole stepped aside. The tiny rhythmic tapping of hooves on hardwood echoed through the room. Some Pig was mostly white with big black splotches like a paint horse. His portly upper half was covered with a black t-shirt that had ‘Got Vegan’ printed in pink letters on the back. His snout shifted from side to side in the air. He stopped to check me out before moving any closer.

  “I’m in love.” I stooped down. Some Pig hesitated only a second before trotting toward me. He snorted happily as I scratched his neck. “You are adorable.”

  “Jeez, that pig’s head is going to blow up and explode one day with the way you girls fawn over him.” Cole crouched down next us, and Some Pig immediately snuggled against him.

  I smiled. “Looks like you’ve been doing some fawning yourself. He loves you.”

  “Yeah, well even though he leaves nose prints on the glass doors and hogs the television set and steals your food when you’re not looking, he’s still a big part of the family.” Cole glanced up. “And, damn if he isn’t a great asset when you’re trying to charm a girl. You are charmed, right?”

  I reached over and rubbed some of my lipstick off Cole’s mouth with my thumb. The gesture made him smile. “Never knew this was possible, but I am ridiculously charmed, Cole King.”

  Chapter 17


  I leaned back on my elbows on the grassy slope. Kensington and I had walked Some Pig out to the lawn for some exercise and sun. Notorious round bellied flirt that he was, it had only taken the pig seconds to win over another female heart. I had to remind Kensington that even though I wasn’t nearly as cute, I was still the better kisser. Or at least I hoped that was the case.

  Kensington ran across the grass laughing wildly as Some Pig trotted enthusiastically behind her.

  “Now I’m sure he likes you. He rarely puts that much energy into his step unless there’s a plate of nachos at the end of it.”

  Kensington stopped to pat him on the head. “I still can’t believe he eats nachos. Does he like jalapenos?”

  “As long as they’re not too hot.”

  Kensington put out her arms and twirled around, with her face toward the sun. She was a fucking pleasure to watch no matter what she was doing. Her long legs, the curve of her small waist, her long, silky neck, there wasn’t an inch of her that I hadn’t already memorized.

  She stopped and swayed a second until the Earth stopped moving around her. “This is a great yard.” She stretched her arms up in the air and did three cartwheels across the grass. Some Pig watched but quickly realized that that particular move was out of his depth. He settled for rooting around in the grass for goodies to eat.

  My phone rang and I fished it out of my pocket. It was Jude.

  “What’s up?”

  “Hey, ass-bro, what are you up to?” I could hear people talking in the background. “I’m waiting for Eden outside the college library. I was just bored enough to call you.”

  “Yeah, thanks. How come you didn’t go into the library with her? You afraid you’ll burst into flames or something?” Kensington squealed with laughter as she and Some Pig started up another game of tag. Some Pig snorted happily.

  “Funny. Where you at? That sounded like the walking ham. Are you at Dad’s?”

  “Yep. Kensington and I are pig sitting.”

  “Kensington?” He paused. “Is that the hot Cinder wench you were drooling over at the party? You brought her out there? Must be serious. Or, in your case, must be one step above a one night stand.”
/>   “Fuck off, Jude. Besides, this girl—she’s—I don’t know. But you’re going to make fun of anything I say, so I’m not going to say any more.”

  He laughed. “Well, bloody fucking hell, Cole King has his balls in a twist over some chick. Never thought I’d see the day.”

  “See, I didn’t even have to say any more. Just leave it alone.”

  “Shit, Cole, are you kidding? Didn’t you bust my chops for weeks because I was going batshit crazy for Eden? No way. It’s time for some payback.” A stream of voices passed him. “The library is closing, so Eden’ll be out soon. But I think we should drop by, and you know, embarrass the hell out of you and shit.”

  “Don’t even fucking bother.”

  “Here comes, Eden. I’ll catch you later. I guess we’ll leave you to your romantic pig sitting weekend. But watch out—you know Some Pig can sweep any unsuspecting girl right off her feet. Or is she one of those girls like that chick, Hannah, who used to scream and jump up on the couch when Some Pig walked through the room? Man, you sure do pick some winners.”

  “Yeah, Hannah was special, I’ll give you that. But Kensington isn’t like that at all. She’s out on the grass playing chase with Some Pig as we speak. Pretty sure he’ll be crawling in between us if we sit down to watch television tonight.”

  Jude’s voice drifted away from the speaker. “I’m talking to Cole. He’s met a girl.”

  “Is that unusual?” Eden asked. “Hi Cole,” she spoke into the phone. “Great Halloween party.”

  “That’s who Cole’s with. Cinderella from the party.”

  “Oh, she was great,” Eden said loud enough for me to hear. Jude was now having a side conversation off the phone, something that always annoyed me.

  “I’m going to let you two finish talking,” I said. “Catch you later.”

  “Yeah, all right. Hey, it sounds as if you really like her, so try not to scare her off too fast.”

  “You forget, Jude, you’re the scary King brother. I’m fucking Prince Charming to your Voldemort. See you later.”


  Kensington’s long legs carried her across the lawn to me. Not only was she amazing to look at, but she moved with the grace of a dancer or an athlete. It was easy to see why she was good at sports. She was not one of those soft, pampered girls. That made her even more intriguing. And the fact that she was damn fun in bed didn’t hurt either. Shit, who was I kidding? She stole my fucking breath away just thinking about her.

  Kensington plunked down next to me. Some Pig trotted right over and sat down in front of her. “Well, it’s settled. I have to have one. But I’m sure they’re not all this cool.” She reached up to stroke the animal’s head. “Why Some Pig? I vaguely remember that from Charlotte’s Web, right?”

  “Yes it is,” I said unable to stop the eye roll. “According to the pet psychic that was what he wanted to be named after watching the movie.”

  She stared over at me with a grin, apparently thinking I was kidding. I wasn’t.

  “Interesting. A little crazy but I’m sure animals have way more feelings and emotions than we give them credit for.”

  I leaned back on the grass, and Kensington followed. Just lying next to her in the middle of the lawn, under the afternoon sun, all I could think about was pulling her into my arms. “What should we do now? We could turn on the hot tub and take a soak.” I rolled over and draped my arms around her waist. “Preferably naked.”

  She rolled toward me. Some Pig immediately tried to squirm between us.

  “Damn, this pig has a major crush on you already. You’re smarter than you look, buddy. Now get the hell out of the way.” I gave him a little push, but he squeezed right back in. “Determination, you’ve got to admire the stout, little guy for it. What about that skinny dip?”

  She laughed. “Speaking of determination.” She lifted her green gaze to my face and a tug in my chest assured me this girl was already working her way into my heart. Wasn’t sure how to react to it. It was such a foreign feeling. “I think a dip in the hot tub would be very nice.”

  Against Some Pig’s soft snorts of protest, I pulled Kensington closer. “Trust me, very nice was not what I had in mind.” I got up and lowered my hand for her, popping her to her feet.

  We strolled back to the pool area with our short-legged companion following closely at Kensington’s heels. Finley had a theory that animals were always the best judge of human character. Always knew my sister was a genius.

  Chapter 18


  We’d snacked on cheese and crackers, one of the few things either of us knew how to prepare, while the hot tub warmed up. Some Pig had curled up on the rug in front of the television with a few crackers of his own. Kensington and I tiptoed out like two parents trying not to wake the baby that had finally gone down for a nap.

  A dry, autumnish breeze swept up off the lawns and across the pool area. There were even a few leaves dropping from the surrounding trees. In California, the seasons weren’t always distinct. You could have a triple digit heat wave on Christmas day and a thunderstorm in the middle of July. But fall was the one season where we at least had some relief from the scorching summer temperatures.

  Kensington reached up and tied her long, dark hair into a loose bun at the back of her head, exposing her smooth white neck. Every inch of her was erotic.

  We were halfway to the hot tub when I took her hand and pulled her around to face me. “Just so you know, you’ve already checked off all the boxes on my list—I can’t stop thinking about you and those legs, love those fucking legs. Especially when they are wrapped around me.”

  She leaned against me. “You cad, is sex all you ever think about? I mean, when you’re not thinking about me of course.”

  “That’s why it’s so damn convenient because when I’m thinking about you, most of the time, sex is somewhere in the background.”

  “Glad not to complicate your life then.” She took my hand, and we walked past the pool to the hot tub.

  Kensington put her hands on her hips and stared down at the spa. “This is big enough for a dozen people.”

  “Yep, my dad and eleven of his prettiest friends. That’s what he told the pool designer. If you think I’m a cad, you need to meet the old man. He takes the word to a whole new level. Shit, talking about my dad is putting a damper on this skinny dipping idea, so I’m going to change topics to this.” I pulled Kensington into my arms and kissed her. I drew my tongue along her bottom lip as I reached down and took hold of the hem of her shirt. I lifted it up and over her head.

  I ran my fingers across her shoulder. “You feel incredible, Kensie. I love touching you.”

  She reached back and unfastened her bra, letting it slip off her shoulders and to the ground. My fingers trailed down over her naked breasts. Instantly her nipples tightened into rose-colored buds. I studied her face as she slowly dissolved to my touch.

  “Damn, baby, you are seduction and beauty and fun all wrapped up in perfection.”

  She sighed with a smile. “A clunky but poetic analogy. Now take off your shirt, my perpetually horny, deftly skilled, hot hunk rolled up in muscle and ink.”

  “I like that.” I reached back and yanked my shirt off. “Think I’ll get a tattoo with that phrase.” I motioned for her to take off her jeans while I did the same.

  She took a furtive glance around the yard. “Are you sure there’s no one around?”

  “Just a sleeping pig, snoring dogs and the usual paparazzi hiding in the rose bushes with their cameras.”

  Her eyes rounded.

  “Kidding. They only hang around when something gritty and bad has happened. My dad’s semi-retirement has made him a boring subject. Which is a nice change.”

  Kensington pushed her pants down to the ground, leaving only a pair of w
hite panties behind.

  “Uh, I believe the definition of skinny dip is naked.” I reached over and tugged down the panties. They dropped to her ankles.

  She stepped out of them and held her arms out. “Does this meet your specifications?”

  “More than you know, baby.” I took her hand, and we stepped down into the hot tub. Sitting naked next to each other wasn’t an option. Just like keeping our hands off each other wasn’t an option.

  Without me having to ask, Kensington climbed onto my lap with her bare back against my chest. My cock pressed urgently at her naked bottom as she wriggled into a comfortable position. Warm water and a flurry of bubbles swirled around us.

  She leaned back against me. My hands smoothed over her naked body and down between her legs. Her thighs parted.

  “You were reading my mind, sweetie,” I growled against her ear. She mewled softly as my fingers explored the folds of her pussy. Her taut nipples rose above the surface of the water, tightening even more as the cool, outside air brushed over her breasts. The water gave us the weightlessness we needed to move in any direction we wanted.

  My cock pressed anxiously against her ass, as I stroked her to the edge with my fingers. I maneuvered underneath her and pressed my cock against the crack of her ass. She responded by pushing her ass harder against me.

  “God, Kensie, you just couldn’t be hotter.”

  She didn’t pull away as I pushed my cock against the tight puckered hole. I wasn’t going to do more than tease her, and she seemed pleased with the idea. She pushed back, taking in more of me as I flicked and teased her pussy with my fingers. The tip of my cock was wedged snuggly against her ass, and my body was shaking with wanting her.

  “Come for me, baby. Then I’m going to fuck you long and hard.”

  A soft moan rolled off her parted lips, and she moved her beautiful, round ass against me, taunting me, and, all the while, writhing against the hand I held between her legs. Her fingers clutched at my arms and she held me tightly as she moved over my hand, each time her ass taking in more of my cock. I had to grit my teeth against the sheer pleasure of it.


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