“The damages?” She panted. The ample room suddenly seemed oppressive.
“His arm was burned when the jeep’s exhaust pipe touched him. He also received a very hard blow to the head. Right now he’s under the effects of the sedatives the doctor gave him to reduce his pain, but there are no concussions or brain damage. Nonetheless, it was a horrific crash and we thought it was best to call you. The prognosis was good but we can't be sure until he wakes up and the doctors can evaluate his state again.”
Ashley had to her best to contain a sob.
“Thank you for letting me know, your Majesty.”
The man nodded and stood up. Ashley had to gather all her strength to do the same.
“Please, come with me, I’ll take you to the south side of the palace. You’ll have all the privacy you need there. I’m sorry, Mrs. Valliard,” the King said, guiding her through the corridors. “We’re very sorry for this incident.”
“It’s a relief that you had sent someone to get me in order to be with my husband. I really appreciate it.”
“It’s the least we could do. My son Malek feels responsible; he’s attending a State meeting downtown, but he knows you’re in the palace. I hope you do us the honor of having dinner with us tonight. You and your husband can stay as long as you wish or until he’s completely recovered.”
“I… thank you…”
The king opened a grey door that led to a luxurious and exotic room. Just like the rest of the house, it was made of marble and it had a balcony with gold ornaments that offered a view of the desert and the distant buildings.
Not wanting to wait anymore, Ashley ran towards the bed where Caine was resting and inched closer to him. He looked so peaceful even though there were several medical devices connected to him. The solutions linked to his IV dripped slowly.
“The doctor will be coming in half an hour to check on him,” the king intervened softly. “If you need something, just push the button next to your husband’s bed. He’s being assisted by two nurses that will take turns to help him until he’s released. I’ll leave you two alone. Did someone tell you where your room is?”
“Do you see that white door next to the balcony?” She nodded. “That’s your room. You can get in and out as you please.”
“Tha… thank you, your Majesty,” the powerful king nodded and walked away calmly.
Once alone, she carefully took a seat next to her husband and looked at him with sorrow.
“Your daredevil spirit just had to come out, didn’t it?” She whispered in a voice tinged with sadness, as she caressed Caine’s forehead lovingly. “I’m here. Don’t keep me waiting, please. Wake up soon, Caine…”
Obviously there was no response; he was sound asleep.
She caressed her husband’s cheek. Ever since she found out about the accident, all her resentment had been eclipsed by her worry. Even lying there peacefully, her husband’s face irradiated power. Maybe that was why the king felt such empathy; it was easy to be captivated by Caine’s charisma; the same charisma that had motivated her to marry him in the first place.
Half an hour later the doctor arrived. He informed her that even though the accident was serious due to the impact and the way the Jeep flipped over, there weren’t going to be many long term physical damages, especially if they were careful with the burn on his arm.
In that moment, Caine started to wake up.
“Will it heal soon?” She asked while observing her husband.
The doctor put his stethoscope away.
“If he receives all the necessary treatments, everything will be fine. He’s a young man. The I.V. is just to keep him hydrated because he’s not used to the heat of the desert. It’s about to finish so we’ll remove it right now.” He got closer and did the procedure carefully as to not hurt the skin while he removed the needle. “Call me if you need anything else. Per the king’s request, I’m currently residing in the palace in order to help your husband until he’s ready to return to Australia.”
“Ash…” Caine said hoarsely when he finally opened his eyes. “Baby,” he reached for her hand and she inched closer to intertwine her finger with his. “Where am I?”
This time it was the doctor who intervened, telling him where he was and what had happened until Caine’s eyes filled with understanding.
“It’s normal that you feel a little disoriented; it’s due to the analgesics and the pain medication. You have a burn on your left arm and that’s your most serious injury. You’ll be feeling much better tomorrow and you’ll be able to get up. We’ll leave the monitors on one more night and then everything will go on smoothly. It was an accident without major consequences. In two more days you’ll be able to go back to your normal life, just be careful with that burn.” He took a glance at his wounded arm. “Fortunately, it’s not too bad.”
“Thank you, doctor,” Caine said. He turned his gaze to the nurse. “Thank you for your assistance, miss.”
“All right, I think that’s all from me. I’ll tell the king the nurses will only be needed until tonight. According to them, you had no problems to sleep and your vitals were optimal.”
“All right,” Caine replied.
“If anything new comes up, please let me know,” he asked Ashley before leaving the room along with the nurse.
Once they were alone, Caine’s gaze flicked to her.
“Hi, Ash,” he mumbled, breaking the warm silence that enveloped them
“Caine, you scared the hell out of me. They didn’t tell me anything about your condition until I was in the palace. You don’t know how much I’ve suffered during these past hours,” she explained in a shaky voice.
He removed his hand from hers and opened his arms.
“Come here, sweetheart.” She placed herself between his arms and let out a sob. "I’m sorry for frightening you this way. It was an accident and people in this country are very reserved. I’m not surprised they had kept my diagnosis a secret. Everything is fine,” he whispered against his wife's hair. “Thank you for coming; I know I’ve been a jerk.”
She didn’t reply.
They stayed like that, in each other’s arms, for what felt like a long time.
“I’m glad to know that you’re fine,” Ashley uttered against Caine’s chest as he caressed her cheek.
“Even though I was a jerk that night?”
“Caine, please, let’s not get into a fight.”
“I want to apologize. I know that if I sent you jewels you would sent me to hell and the same thing goes if I try to seduce you! I know you prefer to talk… I’m so very sorry, Ashley. I was frustrated and I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did. I thought about inviting you to dinner and redeem myself but…”
“The important thing is that you’re alive.”
“I need you to forgive me. Knowing that I made you suffer has been horrible. I hate being the cause of your tears, when I should only be the cause of your smiles.”
She looked at him sweetly.
“I think I should do what vengeful women do.”
“And what do they do?”
“They create drama and then wait for their husbands to kneel in front of them.”
“Were you expecting me to do that?”
“I was expecting you to admit your mistakes and apologize. That’s what you’ve just done; apology accepted.”
“Just like that?”
“It’s not easy when I’m hurt. But I know that your words are honest, and if you’re going to get on your knees at any time it’ll be for entirely something else.”
The comment made Caine laugh.
“I’ve always liked your sense of humor.”
“Maybe I’m not like one of those vengeful women, but I am practical. If you’re going to get on your knees, at least it should be for something more tempting,” she chuckled.
“Can we put that episode behind then?” He asked.
“And, even though you forgave me, will you have dinner with me and let me treat you like the queen you are to compensate for my stupidity?”
“If that’s what you want, yes.”
“It is, my love. Besides, it’s been a long time since we had a romantic dinner away from people who just want to do business. We need time for us.”
She smiled and watched him as she caressed his jaw.
“Ash, what did you want to talk about that night? Does this mean you’re willing to open up to me and talk to me this time?”
Ashley took a deep breath and sat up straight to give him a look full of determination. She had been so close to losing Caine and if that had happened, she would’ve been alone in the world with no one to remind her of him, the man she loved. And one of the things she couldn’t stop thinking about on her way from the airport to the palace was that she would have loved to have a kid with him.
She was really scared… but it was a fear that needed to be faced. There was no other option.
“Yes, Caine. That includes talking to you about something we couldn’t talk about before and that is very important for me.”
Her husband’s smile warmed her whole heart. They could start again, of course they could.
“Thanks, Ash… so, we’ll talk. But, you know what? We’ll have to leave it for later because I’m feeling sleepy again,” he mumbled.
“That’s caused by the pills the doctor gave you, I’m sure,” Ashley explained with a smile, feeling full of love and tranquility. “I’ll go change. I’ve been traveling and I’ve barely had time to freshen up. It’s getting dark already. Are you hungry?”
“No, I'm just sleepy.”
“The king organized a dinner for tomorrow night. His assistant told me it would be an honor to have me there and that he would be very happy if you could come down by then.”
“You heard doctor Pombai, I’m fine. It was an accident with no major consequences,” he took a look at his wounded arm. “Except for this stupid burn that I hope heals well.”
“It will…” Ashley smile with relief.
“Mm…” he uttered before finally falling asleep.
Caine had recovered favorably. The only thing keeping him from getting back to his normal life was the burn. He still had to change the bandages and apply some creams. But other than that, he was sleeping well, his appetite was in perfect condition and he had the same mobility as always.
Ashley had chosen not to sleep on the same bed as him and that worried him. He had to remind himself she wasn’t the kind of woman that lied about forgiving others. He took a shower —with some difficulties due to the burn— and then he got dressed.
That night they were going to have dinner with the king and his son, the prince heir. Unlike other Arabic families, the king and sheik only had three kids, Malek, Zharif and princess Amira. The love story between the king and his deceased wife was legendary. They had fallen in love at a young age and had never broken apart, until she died from a terrible disease. Then the king refused to get marry again.
That would be Caine and Ashley’s last night in Bhuran.
Their lawyers had gone back to Sydney hours ago, feeling a little worried about their boss’s health, but Caine assured them that everything was going to be fine and reminded them they had to start working on the new partnership. So in theory, it was his last chance to spend a night alone with his wife in Bhuran and he was going to make the best of it.
Caine was aware of how emotionally distant she was. He felt hurt by the fact that she couldn’t open up to him and tell him what saddened or worried her; the thing that stopped her from having an honest and direct conversation about the reason why she didn’t want to have children with him.
But she had promised they would talk that night. He truly hoped the gap between them could finally be closed. Maybe the accident would end up being a good thing in that sense. The king himself had told him he believed the stars marked everyone’s destiny and nothing was only a coincidence. The message wasn’t cryptic at all but the king would never know the effect those words had on Caine.
Ashley was putting on her earrings when she noticed Caine entering her room.
“Ash…” he said with admiration. His wife was wearing an indigo dress that highlighted every curve of her body. The neckline was conservative and tempting at the same time. The dress clung to her waist and its lace fell down to floor. She moved her feet lightly showing Caine the slippers adorned with gems. “You’re beautiful. Where did you buy those clothes?”
She smiled.
“It’s a gift from the king as a compensation for all the commotion regarding your accident.” Out of pure habit, she reached for his tie to accommodate it. “This suit fits you well.”
He leaned towards her and pecked her on the lips. It was a soft kiss but full of promises. Ashley’s eyes gleamed.
“Thank you, sweetie” he offered his arm to her, “Shall we go?”
She nodded.
They danced, smiled and ate many delicacies. The mood between Caine and Ashley had improved. Neither of them wanted to ruin it by talking about serious topics. They talked with the princes and listened to the king while he made a heartfelt toast for the new commercial alliance and Caine’s good health.
Ashley had fun listening to the princess’s witticism. Amira was exuberant, she irradiated elegance and, due to her studies abroad, her conversations were entertaining and full of anecdotes that made Ashley laugh.
In spite of the relaxed and calmed environment, the security guards —placed discreetly on several different places of the luxurious dining room— were still vigilant. In fact, Ashley was surprised to see Jamal standing next to one of the pink marble columns close to the dining room’s entrance. He was wearing what appeared to be a military uniform.
Once the event ended, the Valliards retired.
The area where Ashley and Caine were staying had once been designated to the king’s harem. It was very far from the rest of the royal palace, in fact, an elegant corridor was their only connection to the reception area. Knowing that, Ashley felt much more calmed. She liked her privacy, especially when it comes to a place different than her home country.
The harem didn’t exist anymore and the royal family lived in a very distance part of the palace. The girl that was assigned as her assistant, Ghalia, told her that the love story between the king and his wife —the deceased queen Dhajma— was legendary. Ever since king Muffat had taken Dhajma as his wife, no other woman shared his bed; that was when they moved to the family’s chambers. The south side —once reserved for the king’s carnal pleasures— turned into an area to receive guests from all over the world.
They entered Caine’s room.
The light was off but the moonlight drifted through the balcony. Caine took her hand and guided her towards it.
“Ashley,” he rubbed his nose against hers, “Is everything all right?”
“It is,” she uttered, getting lost in those beautiful eyes.
Caine’s hands caressed the skin of Ashley’s naked arms; her creamy and delicate skin. He trailed his fingers gently over her clavicle and then feverishly tangled his hands in her red, lose, wavy hair. He pulled her to him joining their bodies. They always fit together perfectly; as if they had been made by the universe to find each other. She hugged Caine’s waist and felt his arousal against her lower belly.
“Will you let me make love to you? Will you let me be inside you?” He asked in a sweet, honest tone. “I’ve missed you so much. I hate being away from you, but I hate even more knowing that I was the cause of your sadness.”
She just nodded, dazzled for having him so close. His smell, his voice, his good looks, they were all elements that captivated her. All of that mixed with the exotic environment the luxurious suite gave them, made her feel as if she were in an alternate reality; a delicious reality away from all the day-to-day problems in Sydney. They only had one more night.
“We’ll go back to reality tomorrow…”
“What do you mean by that, love?”
They heard some distant laughter but they chose to ignore them.
“Today we can just enjoy. We’ll talk tomorrow morning, are you ok with that?”
“I am.”
She smiled. One last night before they talked about her painful family episode, before he started looking at her differently; in a way that will surely sentence her to feel like a total failure when it comes to taking care of another human being… a baby.
Muffled laughs could be heard from a distance. The silence of the night made them seem closer.
Slowly, Caine put his lips on hers, caressing them softly. He bit her slightly, just like he knew she liked. He massaged her scalp and he could feel her giving in to his attempt of kissing her more deeply when she opened her mouth to let him slide his tongue in intimately to connect with hers and begin a sensual game; a game that soon transformed into an intense passion.
Caine started to take her close off skillfully.
His hands' heat gave Ashley goosebumps, while she rubbed his erect dick over the fabric of his pants. He moaned and grabbed her ass, squeezing it and then massaging it more slowly. He loved his wife’s body; those delicious curves and red curls drove him crazy.
Once again they heard voices coming from the balcony.
Each of them took a step back and they shared a look full of uncertainty while they tried to catch their breaths.
“Should we call the guards?” She asked as she slid Caine’s jacket off of his shoulders and then started to unbutton his white shirt.
A smile stretched across his face while he removed Ashley’s dress. The indigo material fell to the ground, leaving his wife wearing nothing but flimsy and sexy underwear. Immediately, his mouth got dry. Her round and sensual breasts were on display, barely covered by a translucent peach fabric. Her strawberry nipples were erect against the fabric and her pink areolas were more than visible.
Stay with me Page 6