Sword Art Online - Volume 2 - Aincrad (Side Stories)

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Sword Art Online - Volume 2 - Aincrad (Side Stories) Page 11

by Reki Kawahara

  Kirito gave a fleeting frown, chewing on his lips.

  “That’s why, usually, I would avoid forming a party with anyone at all. However, yesterday, the moment Liz invited me to do that quest, it went fine for some reason. I had always thought it strange throughout that day. Just why was I walking alongside this person…”

  I forgot the pain in my chest for an instant, taking a look at Kirito.

  That means— That means, I was…

  “Until now, no matter who asked, I had rejected all of them. When those I knew… No, even for those whose names I didn’t even know, just by watching others battle, I just froze in fear. I couldn’t help but want to just run away. That’s pretty much why I had always secluded myself at the foremost of the foremost of the frontlines, where people rarely came. —When we fell in that hole, I even thought that it would be better to die together than be the one left behind; that is definitely not a lie.”

  He showed a faint smile. It felt like a boundless amount of self-condemnation laid deep within that, taking my breath away.

  “But you lived. It was unexpected, but the fact that I was able to live on with Liz made me really glad. And, that night… When you gave me your hand, everything was laid bare. Liz’s hand was warm… This person is still alive, that was what I thought. I, and everyone one else as well, we definitely don’t exist just for the sake of welcoming death someday; I believe we live for the sake of living on. So… Thanks, Liz.”


  This time, a true smile rose up from deep within my heart. Driven by a mysterious strong emotion, I opened my mouth.

  “I was the same… I was the same; I have always been searching for that. For a special something true, in this world. To me, that was the warmth from your hand.”

  All of a sudden, that thorn of ice pierced deep within my heart gently melted away, that was similar to what it felt like. My tears have also ceased some time ago. For a short period of time, we stared at each other in silence. That sensation that appeared during the time we flied made its entrance once again, brushing against my heart for a mere instant, and vanished.

  I was rewarded. That was what I believed.

  The words from Kirito just then engulfed the broken fragments of my love that had cracked apart, and I felt them sinking down somewhere deep inside.

  I swiftly blinked my eyes once, shaking off small drops, and opened my mouth to speak with a smile.

  “Those words earlier, be sure to let Asuna hear them too. That girl is suffering too. She wants Kirito’s warmth, after all.”


  “I’m fine.”

  I nodded softly, holding onto my chest with my hands.

  “This fever will remain for just a little longer. So… Please, Kirito, end this world. I’ll be sure to work hard until then. But, when we return to the real world…”

  I grinned with an impish smile.

  “We’ll go right into round two with that.”


  Kirito smiled as well, giving a deep nod. Next, he swung his left hand, opening a window. Just as I wondered what he was up to, the «Elucidator» was removed from his back, stored into the inventory. Following that, he manipulated his equipment figure, materializing a new sword in its place. «That Which Will Drive Away Darkness», the white sword filled with my emotions.

  “From today onwards, this sword will be my partner. The bill will… be settled for in the other world.”

  “Oh, now you’ve gone and said it. It’ll come at quite a cost.”

  As we shared laughter, we bumped our right fists against each other.

  “Well, let’s get back to the store. Asuna must be tired of waiting… And I’m getting hungry too, anyway.”

  I said that, and began to walk after getting up in front of Kirito. For one final time, I firmly wiped my eyes, scattering the last of the tears still in the corners of my eyes, and they vanished into beads of light.

  Part 4

  The cold was noticeably harsher today,

  I entered my workshop while rubbing my hands together. Pulling the lever on the wall, I warmed my hands over the furnace that immediately ignited, burning red hot. The thudding sound of the waterwheel remained the same at least, but the early winter right now was already this cold. If midwinter were to come and the small river at the back freezes over, I was worried over just what would happen to me.

  I thought hard for a short while before coming to my senses with a start, and consulted my scheduler. There were still eight items piled up in the list of orders due today. The day will soon come to an end if I don’t hurry and settle them.

  The first order was a lightweight-type one-handed straight sword. I peered through my list of ingots, picking one that was a good compromise between budget and performance out shortly after, and tossed it into the furnace.

  At this point in time, my mastery of the hammer has increased, and even got my hands on some new metals, so I have been able to constantly hit up high leveled weapons. Selecting a time when the fire has heated to a suitable temperature, I placed the ingot onto the anvil. Setting up the hammer, I swung it down with great vigor.

  But, when speaking about one-handed straight swords— Not a single sword was able to exceed that particular sword I had forged back in the summer of this year. That fact is frustrating, yet a relief.

  That sword that had buried the fragments of my heart was probably spiritedly rampaging through the faraway frontlines yet again today. Although I do tend to it on this very whetstone before my eyes every now and then, unlike normal weapons, the transparency of its blade seemed to increase with use. For some reason, it seemed unlike the numerical consumables that run out sooner or later; it felt more like it would break apart once its duty has been completed— that was what I predicted.

  But well, that was probably still a future that wouldn’t be here anytime soon. The frontlines were now on the seventy-fifth floor. That sword would still have to work on for longer still. Within the right hand of that person— Kirito’s.

  When I noticed, it seemed that I have already finished hitting it for the required number of times; the ingot started to change its shape as it shone with red light. I watched this magical instant pass with my breath held, and picked up the sword that soon appeared to examine it.

  “…Average, I guess.”

  Murmuring so, I placed that onto the worktable. Without delay, I started picking out the next ingot. This time was a two-handed axe, with the focus on its reach…

  A time long after the start of noon, I somehow managed to finish off all of the orders, and stood up. Moving my head around in circles, I stretched my body vigorously. As I took a breath of relief, a small photo hung on the wall entered my vision.

  Making peace signs while joined together, Asuna and me. Beside Asuna, standing half a step below, Kirito with a wry smile. It was taken in front of this building. Around half a month ago— when the news of the two’s marriage came in.

  No matter who you might ask, the two certainly suit each other, but getting to that goal eventually took an entire half a year. I was getting impatient, and tried to poke my nose into their relationship in various ways, and when I was finally informed of the news of their marriage in the end, I was really happy for them. But still— I felt just the slightest, heartrending ache.

  I still see what happened on that night in my dreams. Recollecting that single dreamlike night that shone like a modest gem within these two years with barely any ups-and-downs. Even right now, after three months had already passed, it still warmed my heart like glowing embers.

  “…Even so…”

  It certainly was amazing, I murmured thus in my heart, and softly traced the photo with my finger. Even though I consider myself to be a rational realist, to think that I had such an unreserved disposition was something that I didn’t even notice at all.

  “I had always loved you, until the very end.”

  Giving a firm tap onto a certain spot on the photo, I shifted my th
oughts. Wondering if I should make a simple meal for my late lunch, or perhaps eat out for the first time in a while, I stepped out of my workshop— It happened then.

  A sound effect that I have never heard till now resounded loudly from above. Ding, ding, a sound resembling a bell alarm… I immediately gazed at the ceiling, but it seems that the sound from coming from even higher, reverberating from the direction of the upper floors.

  I was just about to run out hurriedly, when something that surprised me even further happened. Although the reason behind it is obvious, the store-tending NPC, who stood at the counter, not needing a single day of rest since the opening of the store, suddenly vanished without even a single sound.


  I blinked my eyes, and stared at the space where the girl stood till earlier, but there was no sign of her return. The situation was getting more and more convoluted.

  To me, who stumbled my way out, an even more astonishing experience caused me to stand stock still.

  On the bottom of the upper floor that spread out, a hundred meters above, right before that barren grey roof— gigantic red letters were suspended, spaced tightly together. I stared absorbed at them; the two English lines, “Warning”, and, “System Announcement”, were arranged on a checkered pattern.

  “System… Announcement…”

  It was a scene I had seen before. There was no way I could had forgotten it. Two years ago, on that day this death game started, the exact same spectacle appeared behind that hollow avatar that announced the change of rules to the ten thousand players.

  Finally looking around my surroundings after frozen to that for several full seconds, I spotted many other players, looking up at the upper floor while standing straight up, just like me. Frowning as I felt something off about this scene, the reason instantly came to mind.

  Usually, while walking through the streets, there would be NPCs hawking their wares; not a single one was around. I believe they probably disappeared at the same time as the one tending to my store did, but… just why—

  All of a sudden, the ringing alarm sound stopped. After a moment of silence, this time, what came down was a tender female voice, in that same loud volume.

  [We will now be announcing an urgent notice to all of the players.]

  It was completely different from the voice of the Game Master, Kayaba Akihiko, from two years ago, being an artificial synthetic voice with the sounds of electronic noise mixed in. It was obviously an announcement made through the game system, but with barely any presence of the management in SAO, this was the first time I had heard of an announcement done via these means. I strained my ears to listen while holding my breath.

  [The game will now be entering forced administration mode. All monsters and item spans will be suspended. All NPCs will be dismissed. The hit points of all players will be fixed to their maximum amount.]

  A system error? Did some fatal bug appear…?

  That was what I thought for an instant. My heart was gripped with unease. But in the next moment—

  [Aincrad Standard Time, November the seventh, fourteen-fifty-five, the game has been cleared.]

  —And the system voice reported thus.

  The game, has been cleared.

  I could not understand the meanings of those words for several seconds. The other players around too, stood still with their expressions frozen. However, upon hearing the line it led to, all of them sprung up.

  [All players will be logged out in sequence. Kindly wait at your current location. I repeat…]

  Suddenly, “Wooah!”, and such huge cheers of joy erupted. The ground, no, the whole of the Floating Castle Aincrad trembled. Everyone were hugging each other, rolling about the ground, shouting out loud with their hands raised towards the sky.

  I didn’t move, didn’t say a word, simply standing in front of my store. I somehow managed to lift up my hands, and covered my mouth.

  So he did it. He— Kirito did it. With his usual recklessness…

  That was what I believed. After all, the foremost frontlines were still at the seventy-fifth floor, but with the game cleared like this, this absurd, thoughtless, act of foolhardiness was definitely Kirito’s deed.

  I felt like I heard soft murmurs close to my ears.

  —I, kept my word…

  “Yea… Yea… Finally, you did it…”

  With that, hot tears spilled from my eyes. Without bothering to wipe them away, I thrust my right hand up with all my might, jumping up and down without stop.

  “O— oh!!”

  Cupping my hands to my mouth, so as to reach him, who should be on the upper floors far away, I cried out as loud as I could.

  “We will, definitely meet again, Kirito—!! …I love you!!”


  Morning Dew Girl (Aincrad 22nd Floor, October 2024)

  Part 1

  Asuna has always set her morning alarm to seven-fifty.

  If you were to ask why it’s at such a vague time, it’s because Kirito’s morning alarm goes off right at eight. Waking up ten minutes beforehand and looking at him, asleep beside her, while she’s still in bed is a hobby of hers.

  This morning, Asuna once again woke up to the mellow sound of woodwind instruments and continued lying down, gazing at Kirito’s sleeping face while resting her head on her hands.

  She fell in love half a year ago. They became clearing partners two weeks ago. And only a mere six days had passed since they had married and moved here, within the forest of the twenty-second floor. Despite being her most beloved, she is certainly still in the dark about many things related to Kirito. For one, as she peered over his sleeping face, she gradually became less sure of his age.

  Just a while back, due to his uncaring and aloof nature, she had figured that he should be a little older than her. However, the sight of the Kirito, deep in sleep, extruded such naive innocence, that he could only look like a young boy, no older than her.

  Asking for something like his age probably— would not be a problem. However, breaching into affairs of the real world is frowned upon, and besides, the two of them are already husband and wife. Rather than age, to meet again after returning to the real world, exchanging information from actual names and addresses, to contact details would be much more reliable.

  However, Asuna was not quite able to bring herself to say that out loud.

  She was afraid that after speaking of matters from the real world, this «married life» would feel like nothing more than a flimsy figment of her imagination. To the current Asuna, her single, most important reality, are these gentle days in this forested home; even if it becomes impossible to escape from this world, with their actual bodies welcoming death, she will still be satisfied, being able to continue living this way till the very end, passing on without regrets.

  That is why she will not wake up from this dream just yet— Thinking so, Asuna softly stretched out her hand and caressed the sleeping Kirito’s face.

  Even so, it sure is a childish sleeping face.

  There is certainly no need to doubt Kirito’s strength at this moment. The extraordinary amount of experience accumulated from playing through the beta test period, as well as the numerical stats acquired through continuous fighting, and to use those effectively, his judgement and determination. He might have lost to the leader of the Knights of the Blood, «Holy Sword» Heathcliff, but Kirito is the strongest player that Asuna knows of. Regardless of how grim the battlefield may get, she will never feel nervous with him by her side.

  However, as she gazed at the curled up Kirito lying down, somehow, the feeling that he was just like a naive and fragile little brother boiled up within her, struggling to burst out from her chest. The feeling that she must protect him.

  Gently breathing, Asuna leaned over, covering Kirito’s body with her arm. She softly whispered.

  “Kirito-kun… I love you. Stay with me forever, alright?”

  At that moment, Kirito trembled lightly, slowly opening his eyelids. The couple
exchanged glances, with their faces right before each other.


  Asuna pulled back frantically. Shifting to a kneeling posture on the bed, she spoke as her face blushed scarlet.

  “Go- Good morning, Kirito-kun. …Did you… hear that just now…?”

  “Good morning. Just now… eh, did something happen?”

  Facing the Kirito, who rose up and replied while stifling a yawn, Asuna wildly flailed her hands around.

  “N- No, nothing happened!”

  Finishing a breakfast of sunny-side-up eggs with rye bread, salad, and coffee and tidying up the table in a couple of seconds, Asuna clapped her hands together.

  “Well! Where shall we play today?”

  “Oh, you.”

  And Kirito gave a wry smile.

  “Don’t talk about something like that so bluntly,”

  “But everyday has been so much fun, you know.”

  These are Asuna’s real and pure thoughts.

  Just thinking back brought out painful memories, but in the one and a half years, from the time she became a prisoner of SAO until she fell in love with Kirito, Asuna had forged and hardened her heart.

  Sacrificing sleep to strengthen her skill levels, being chosen as the sub-leader of the clearing guild, Knights of the Blood, she had plunged into the labyrinths at a pace fast enough to cause even members to give up at times.

  All that was in her heart was solely to clear the game and escape, thus, she concluded that all other activities unrelated to that cause were useless.

  With these thoughts running through her mind, Asuna could not help but regret not being able to chance upon Kirito earlier. The days after meeting him were so vibrant, so filled with surprises that they surpassed even her previous life in the real world. If it was with him, the time spent here could all be considered rare experiences.

  That’s why to Asuna, finally being able to get a day where the both of them can pass time together, each and every second can be thought of as a precious jewel in itself. She wanted to go, as a couple, to more and more places together and talk about many different topics.


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