Cast Out (The Red Enchanter Book 1)

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Cast Out (The Red Enchanter Book 1) Page 23

by Mary Swift

  Chapter 80

  Killian was tired, hungry and dirty. He didn’t know how long he had been stuck in the cage hanging from the ceiling. Time seemed to be crawling by. He hadn’t felt so hopeless and alone since he had been married to Talia, but even then he had Lucy to keep him going. Now he had nothing. He laid his head down on the cold metal floor of the cage. He assumed he was going to die here.

  He fell asleep. He woke up sometime later to the sound of voices. A door opened at the far end of the room. Dante and Nora walked inside. Nora looked up, her mouth dropped open. “You’re keeping him caged like an animal?”

  “Of course, that’s all he is to me.” Dante said.

  “Get him down.” Nora demanded. She shoved Dante in the back and he stumbled forward. “Open the cage.” Dante hurried to a cabinet on the wall and began looking inside. “Are you all right?” Nora asked Killian.

  “Yes.” He was embarrassed to be seen like that.

  Nora glared at Dante. “Hurry up over there.”

  “I found it.” Dante held up a key.

  “Unlock that cage.” she ordered.

  The lock was in the bottom of the cage. Killian heard the mechanism working. A second later the hatch gave way and he landed on the stone floor. Nora knelt down and touched the side of his face. “Are you really all right?”

  “Yes.” He got to his feet. “Is that a bathroom?” he asked pointing to a half open door. He thought he had seen the corner of a bathtub inside.

  Dante stared at him. Nora jabbed him in the arm. “Is it or not? Answer him.”


  Killian looked down at himself. The shirt he had borrowed from Finnegan was filthy. “Can you find me some clean clothes?”

  “We’ll take of it.” Nora said.

  Killian went into the bathroom. He had no idea what was happening with Nora and Dante. It was as though the tables had been turned and she suddenly had all of the power.

  He took a long bath. The warm water seemed to take away his aches and pains. As he got out of the bathtub he noticed dirt floating in the water. He found a comb on the sink and ran it through his awful red hair.

  He wrapped a towel around his waist and poked his head out of the door. Nora was standing nearby. Dante was locked in the cage. “I’ve got something for you.” She handed him a pile of clothes. “I’m afraid they’re all his things.” She looked at Dante with disgust. “But it’s better than nothing.”

  Killian took the clothes and shut the door. There was a clean pair of underwear, black pants and a dark blue tunic. They weren’t exactly his style, but there wasn’t any choice. He got dressed and stepped out of the bathroom. Nora handed him socks and a pair of black boots. He put them on. “How are you controlling him?” he asked looking up at the cage.

  “He’s changed me. I can use Firesea energy to do things, although I don’t always know how.”

  “You seem to be doing all right.”

  “He made me angry.” she said bitterly. “A little while ago he tried to force himself on me. He’s a disgusting piece of garbage.”

  “Then he is where he belongs.” Killian said. “We have to leave for Wildbush right now. I have to get to Lucy.”

  “No, we can’t do that.”

  “Of course we can.”

  She took his hand. “Killian, you must be exhausted. We have to rest. When is the last time you’ve have eaten or slept?”

  “I slept a little bit in the cage.”


  “I don’t care Nora, I have to get to Lucy.”

  “Lucy is out of Firesea, she’s on her way home to people who know and love her. She’ll be all right if you wait until morning.”

  Morning seemed an eternity away. “I don’t know Nora. I think I should go now.”

  “Maybe you’ll never see your daughter again.” Dante said.

  “Shut up Dante.” Nora told him. She turned back to Killian. “If you want to go Killian then go, but I have to get my brother out of the workhouse. I thought we could leave together, in the morning.”

  Killian didn’t say anything. He was more tired than he had ever been but it didn’t seem right to just stop and take a break while Lucy was on her way to Wildbush. When she went home and found him gone she was going to be upset.

  “I was thinking of taking my brother to your father’s house. I’m hoping he’ll let me stay the night, just one night Killian. We’ll start for Wildbush in the morning, that is if you want me along.”

  “I want you along.” Killian pointed to the cage. “What about him?”

  “He’s on his own.”

  Killian took a deep breath. “All right, one night, but only one. We have to leave first thing in the morning.”

  “First thing.” Nora agreed.

  They began to walk towards the door when the words came that Killian had longed to hear.

  “I can fix your hair.” Dante said. “I can bring it back to its true color, permanently.”

  Killian stopped. “Really?”

  “I can undo the spell.”

  How many times had Killian wished the spell could be reversed? After years of unwelcome nicknames like Red and Firecracker, being the only redhead in the entire town of Wildbush, people staring at him, Talia making wisecracks, looking at himself in the mirror and hating what he saw. It could all be over. He could look like himself again.

  “Killian.” Nora tugged at his hand.

  “I can fix you.” Dante said.

  “There’s nothing wrong with you.” she told him.

  Dante’s head was wedged between the bars of the cage. “Think about it Killian. You could look the way you were meant to. I know just the color brown to make it. Then we’ll look for your daughter.”

  “Don’t listen to him.” Nora said. “He’s a liar. He doesn’t care about Lucy.”

  Killian touched the top of his head. To other people he probably seemed vain, it was only hair after all, but to him it was much more. It was his identity.

  “You don’t have to be a redhead anymore.” Dante said. “Just think, you can have the life you used to.”

  The life he used to have. What was that? What happened when he had brown hair? He was sent to Wildbush to be raised by a family who despised him. He was forced to marry a woman he hated. He was beaten and humiliated. What was he pining for?

  “So what do you say?” Dante asked.

  “No thanks.”

  Chapter 81

  Talia couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Firesea. Outside it was a simple wooden wall hidden behind the pine trees, inside buildings soared towards the sky. Their council hall was nothing like the leaky rundown one in Wildbush, its red dome took her breath away. Beside it was a cathedral with spires made of amber; they glinted in the late afternoon sun. The whole place made her feel insignificant and unimportant.

  By the time the council met with them it was dark outside. Talia was exhausted and hungry. All three of them were forced to submit to a thing they called the Truth Staff. It was a long stick that probed their minds. When it was Talia’s turn the councilman shook his head in disgust.

  “You’re not a very nice person are you?” he said looking down at her.


  “This Lucy Cramer must be well regarded. I’ve never seen so many people look for one missing girl. She’s very lucky.” the councilman said.

  Henry stood up and leaned on his walking stick. “We are hoping you can help us. I think you might remember me, I came here many years ago.”

  “We know who you are. You murdered Seamus Murphy with your killing stick.”

  Henry held up his walking stick. “This is nothing but an old man’s cane.”

  “No it’s not. It’s been enchanted for you.”

  “Uh, well now-“ Henry stammered.

  “There’s no need to deny it.” the councilman said. “We all hated Seamus Murphy, no one cares that you killed him. However, you have wasted your time coming here. We are not on diplomatic ter
ms with any circles at the moment. Things are very changed from the old days.”

  Henry nodded. “Nonetheless, we have to find Lucy and her father, a Firesea enchanter.”

  The councilman cleared his throat. “Lucy had been sent to live with her grandfather, but we’ve recently had word that she and one of our rangers have escaped.”

  Lucy had more courage than Talia realized. “What about Killian?”

  “He’s in the custody of the Master Enchanter.”

  Talia stood up. “Let’s go.”

  Logan took her hand. “Sit down.” he muttered.

  “One does not simply knock on the Master Enchanter’s door young woman.” the councilman told her. “You can apply for an appointment if you like.”

  “I think we should go home.” Logan said. “Lucy will go back to Wildbush, we should be there. I’m worried about this ranger. Do you think he forced her to go with him?”

  “I don’t know. I hope not.” Henry said. “Whatever the case we should get home, she’ll be upset if she finds that her father is gone.”

  “What about Killian?” Talia asked. “Are we just going to leave him here?”

  “I don’t see what choice we have.” Henry said. “Lucy is a sixteen year old girl. Killian is a thirty three year old man. Who do you think we should protect? What if this ranger is forcing himself on her?”

  “Your father’s right.” Logan said.

  Talia turned her attention back to the dais. “This ranger my daughter has left with, what kind of man is he?”

  “I don’t think he will harm your daughter” the councilman said. “He’s not a dangerous man. In fact he’s an outcast here in Firesea.”

  Talia didn’t know what that meant. She had faith that Lucy could take care of herself. She wouldn’t go with someone that she didn’t trust. Killian had raised her to be smart and resourceful but she supposed that Henry was right, someone should go home and find her. She turned to Logan. “Can you see through the walls here?”


  “Then you should go back to Wildbush. You can help Lucy. Father and I will stay here.”

  “I wish you loved me as much as you love Killian.” he said quietly.

  Talia wished she did too. “I do love you Logan. It’s just that-”

  He sighed. “I know. I’ll take care of Lucy, and our sons.”

  With Henry’s persuasion Logan was allowed to leave Firesea and he and Talia were allowed to stay. By the time they were finished it was close to midnight. Devin Cramer was contacted and told that he was to have houseguests for the foreseeable future, he was not given a choice. Henry could apply for an audience with the Master Enchanter in the morning.

  Talia was so tired that she barely took notice of Devin as he showed them to their rooms. He brought them a tray of cold meat and bread. She ate voraciously, her stomach was completely empty. As soon as she crawled into bed she was asleep.

  Chapter 82

  Killian and Nora left the basement. “What about Dante’s followers?” he asked.

  Nora stopped on the cellar stairs. “When I did whatever I did to him it seemed to cut off his control of them. They left the house, all of them. I don’t even know how I did it, I was just so angry.”

  He waited until they were on the main floor before responding. “You said he tried to force himself on you.”

  “Yes.” she said bitterly. “Dante has used me over and over again but that time is over. No man is going to treat me like that ever again.”

  There was a look of determination in her eyes. Killian was proud of her, he was feeling something else too. He pushed her gently against the wall. “What about this?” he asked before he kissed her.

  To his surprise she pushed him against the opposite wall. She kissed him back and slipped her hands inside his borrowed tunic.

  “Nora-” he managed to say. “We should get out of here first.”

  She smiled up at him. “I know.”

  “How will we get to Wildbush? Can we find Tom’s automobile? It will take days to walk.”

  “Maybe your pen can help.”

  “My pen? Do you have it?”

  “I did. Dante made me leave it in the workhouse with Tom. Come on.” She took his hand and they left the Master Enchanter’s house.

  They walked a short distance and then turned down a narrow alley. Ragged beggars began to drift out of open doorways. There was a strange smell in the air. Ahead of them was a low windowless building. “The workhouse.” Nora said. She touched the door and whispered, “Open.” Nothing happened.

  “What about the lock?” he suggested.

  She put her fingers on the keyhole and muttered. Nothing happened. “It’s hopeless. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  One of the beggars put a hand on Killian’s shoulder. “You’ll never get in there.” he said.

  Nora pounded her fist on the door. “I’m getting in there.” She looked around the alleyway. “Is there anyone here that can tell me how to get into this place?”

  The beggars stared at her. No one said anything. Killian was about to suggest again that they leave when an old woman stepped forward. She held out a dirty rag. “You can try this.”

  “What does that do?” Nora asked.

  “It erases spells.”

  Nora grabbed the rag. “What? It erases spells? Why aren’t you the Master Enchanter with something this powerful?”

  The woman blushed. “Oh my, thank you, but it only erases the last three spells of mine.”

  Nora threw the rag back at her. “What good is that?” She kicked the workhouse door. “Why can’t anything in this place work for me?” She kicked the door again; it suddenly flew off the hinges.

  “It’s emotional.” Killian told her. “When you get emotional you tap into Firesea’s energy. That’s how you did it when you were with Dante.”

  “I have to get mad?”

  “I’m sure other emotions will work too.”

  They hurried inside. Killian was horrified to see several dozen mortals hooked up to big noisy machines. In the corner was Tom, wires were strung from his body to a loom.

  “He’s powering it.” Nora said.

  “This is sick.”

  Nora grabbed his arm and pointed at the floor. “There’s your pen.”

  Killian took it.

  “Write something to set them free.” Nora said.

  “Write on what?”

  Nora pulled up her sleeve and offered her arm. Killian set the nib on her skin. He thought for a moment and then stepped back. “We can’t free all of them.”

  “Why not? We can’t leave them here.”

  “Nora, there must be thirty or more mortals here. What are we going to do with them? If we set them free they could be abused by Firesea again. I think they’re safer here until we can figure out how to help them.”

  “What about Tom?”

  “We’re taking him.”

  She shoved her arm towards him. “Go ahead.”

  It took several sentences before Killian felt it was safe to remove the wires attached to Tom. Once he was free Nora took her brother’s hands. “Tom, wake up.” He swayed back and forth.

  “Give him another minute.” Killian advised

  They waited. Tom’s eyes slowly opened. He looked at Nora but it was hard to tell if there was any recognition.

  “Tom, it’s your sister Nora.”

  Tom licked his lips and looked around him. “Where am I?”

  “You’re in Firesea. Do you remember how you got here?”

  Tom looked at Killian, his expression changed. “I remember him. Red hair.” Tom stared at Nora. “You’re my sister.”

  Nora started crying.

  One of the beggars leaned in the doorway. “You shouldn’t linger here.” he warned.

  He was right. “Can you walk Tom?” Killian asked.

  “I think so.”

  Nora put her arm around his shoulder. Slowly they made their way out of the workhouse. Nora held on to To
m while Killian set the door back on the hinges. He wasn’t sure if he could override a lock spell by the Master Enchanter but he was sure Nora could. He handed the pen to her and pulled up his sleeve.

  “Think about how angry you are at the way Tom was treated.” he told her. “Think about the mortals we left behind. Tap into that energy, it will make the spell stronger.”

  With her teeth gritted Nora began to write on his arm. The workhouse door in Firesea can only be opened by Nora Gavrashelli or Killian Cramer.

  The nib of the pen tickled. Killian tried not to smile, it was not the appropriate occasion. “Don’t forget to lock it.”

  “Oh, I would have.” she said. “I don’t know how you put up with this thing.” The workhouse door in Firesea is locked. They heard the deadbolt latch.

  “What are you doing Nora?” Tom asked. “I remember that pen. We were driving in my car for some reason. My car. Where is it?”

  “We’re going to find it Tom.” Nora said. The beggars circled around them and began tugging at their clothes. She looked at Killian. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Dante will find us, I know he will.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”

  “You don’t know enough yet. You’re just learning.”

  “I can protect you Killian. You were right, it’s emotional. When my emotions are heightened I can tap Firesea’s energy and use it. When I first used your pen I was frightened, I had to get off of that island. I’m not saying I’m an expert but I understand it now. I can use my feelings to protect you.” She hesitated. “What is the most powerful emotion there is?”


  “That’s right. I can protect you Killian because I love you.”

  Chapter 83

  Nora was surprised to hear the words come out of her mouth. She meant it, she loved him, but she hadn’t planned to reveal it in the middle of an alley filled with strange people in rags and her brother half conscience beside her.

  Killian blinked. “You love me?”

  “Didn’t you hear her?” a woman said beside him.

  His face reddened. Nora realized she couldn’t have picked a worse time. He was shy and this was embarrassing him. “Killian-”


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