Cast Out (The Red Enchanter Book 1)

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Cast Out (The Red Enchanter Book 1) Page 27

by Mary Swift

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Finnegan said.

  “No, he’s not forcing me.” Lucy said. “I have to do this. It would have been done if you hadn’t interrupted.”

  Logan shook his head. “I don’t approve.”

  “Where’s mother?”

  “She stayed in Firesea.” Logan said. There was something in his expression that told Lucy he wasn’t happy about it.

  Lucy stepped out of the circle. “Why did she stay there?”

  “To rescue your father.”

  “What’s wrong with him?” Finnegan asked.

  Logan glared at him. “I don’t like you.”

  “What’s wrong with Daddy?”

  “He’s caught up with the Master Enchanter. I don’t know much about it. Your mother couldn’t tear herself away from him.”

  Lucy felt sorry for Logan. He was just realizing that her mother loved Killian more than anyone else. She could have told him that years ago.

  “I came back for you and the boys. Since your parents aren’t here I will step in and act as your guardian, and you need one now that I’ve found you alone with your kidnapper.”

  “He’s my uncle.”

  Logan shook his head. “He’s brainwashed you Lucy. And now I find you casting your spell, I will not stand for this.”

  “I want to do this.”

  “What’s the spell?” Logan asked.

  “I’m going to enchant a sword to break through Firesea’s spells.”

  “Don’t enchant an object. If you do it can always be taken from you, like your father’s pen. I enchanted my eyes, that way no one can tamper with the spell.”

  “Unless they gouge your eyes out.” Finnegan muttered.

  Logan ignored Finnegan. “Enchant your hands to do what the sword would. It will be much easier that way.”

  “I think he’s right.” Finnegan said. “Even though they could cut off your hands.”

  “What kind of beasts would do that?” Logan asked.

  Finnegan looked at Lucy. “It’s the best option.”

  “All right.”

  “Then I reluctantly approve.” Logan sighed. “I just hope your parents will understand.”

  “Thank you Logan.” Lucy stepped back into the circle. She took a deep breath and focused. The energy returned, Finnegan and Logan disappeared behind a swirling wall of air.

  “Remember to speak clearly and don’t forget to say your name.” She heard Finnegan tell her.

  “I Lucy Cramer of Wildbush, enchant my own two hands to be able to break through any object in Firesea, enchanted or not.”

  She wasn’t sure if she should say more. There was a buzzing sound in her ears. She was about to ask if that was enough when her hands began to burn. She held them up in front of her face, the skin looked normal but they felt as though they were on fire. The burning became more intense, as if her skin was melting. The wall of energized air melted away and she fell to her knees.

  “It can be rough business casting a spell.” Finnegan said as he helped her up.

  Lucy wiped her eyes. She didn’t feel any different except for the pain that was slowly waning in her hands. “I have to try and free the enchanters in the council hall.”

  “Are you sure you’re ready?” Finnegan asked.

  “Yes. I have to know if it worked.”

  Together they walked across the deserted town of Wildbush and into the circle. The council hall doors were sealed shut by enchantment. Inside they could hear the voices of the trapped enchanters. Lucy put her hand on the door. She wasn’t sure what she should do. She waited a few minutes. Nothing happened.

  Logan put a hand on her shoulder. “Your hands are not keys, they are swords. Try tearing the door off.”

  Lucy laughed. The double doors were at least eight feet tall. It was impossible.

  “He’s right.” Finnegan said. “Try it.”

  She took hold of the handle on the left door and tugged on it. To her amazement it tore away as easily as if it were a piece of tissue paper. The enchanters on the other side stared at her in awe.

  “It works!” she cried. She pulled the other door away and tossed it aside. She looked down at her small hands and smiled. The trapped enchanters began to pour of the building. Her brothers ran to Logan.

  Finnegan leaned in and whispered in her ear. “It seems that you did inherit the Firesea side from your father. They had better watch out back home.”

  Chapter 92

  Nora and Dante brought Killian back to the Master Enchanter’s house. She had plans for Dante. She had plans for everyone including herself.

  “Something’s happening to you Nora.” Dante said. “You’re not the woman I married.”

  “Damn right I’m not.” Nora knelt on the floor and looked at Killian as he sat leaning against the wall, his green eyes were glassy behind his tears. She kissed his cheek. It seemed as though he wasn’t aware of her or anything around him. “I need him to come back to me.”

  “What a lovely thought.” Dante crossed his arms. “What are we doing here anyway?”

  She stood up. He would find that out soon enough. “I want to know what you did to my memory after we were married.”

  “Maybe you’re just forgetful.”

  Nora shoved him against the wall. “No I’m not. I have chunks of time that are just gone and then there’s the big one, ten months, ten months that I can’t remember. What happened then?”

  Dante smirked. “What do you think happened?”

  “How should I know?”

  He smirked some more and Nora felt like hitting him. In fact she felt like doing more than hitting him. She wanted to kill him. “Tell me what you did to my memories. What do you want me to forget?”

  “You’ll find out eventually.”

  Nora jabbed him in the chest with her finger. She wished she had a weapon, she wondered if the Master Enchanter’s house contained a fireplace poker, it had to. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “There’s a war coming Nora.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “My mother foresaw it.”

  “Your mother.” Nora snorted. “What does she know?”

  “She knows this stupid redhead will be at the center of the war, just as he is the center of everything bad that happens, and if he’s there you will be too.”

  Nora didn’t know what to say. Maybe he was right, she wasn’t sure. She wasn’t going to leave Killian, even if he was going to be at the center of some war, which she doubted. Dante was nothing but a filthy liar. “Are you going to tell me what you did to my memory or not?”


  “What? Tell me or the face consequences.”

  Dante stared at her; she could see the conflict on his face. Part of him was dying to tell her what he knew, she could tell that much. He was like a little kid with a secret. Suddenly he grinned. “I want it to be a surprise.”

  “Give me the robe.”


  “You heard me. Take off the robe.”

  Dante’s mouth hung open. “The Master Enchanter never surrenders his robe.”

  “You’re not the Master Enchanter, you’re a bloody imposter. Give it to me now.” She stuck her finger is his face. She could feel the energy surging through her. She could hurt him if she wanted to, and she wanted to.

  “Do you realize what’s happening to you Nora? You’re becoming drunk on the power you feel here.”

  “You can blame yourself for that. Now give me the robe or your life, it’s your choice.” Nora felt exhilarated by the threats she was making.

  Dante slowly took off the robe and handed it to her. “Are you satisfied now?”

  “Yes.” she said triumphantly. She draped the robe over her arm. “Now get downstairs.” They returned to the basement. The human cage was still hanging from the ceiling. She briefly considered making Dante get into it before she shoved him into the bathroom. “I’ll bring you something to eat later, or never.”

�Nora listen to me, you don’t what you’re doing. My followers will come for me. You sent them away once before, but they returned and rescued me, they always will.”

  “Really?” She took Killian’s pen from her pocket and wrote on the wall. The Firesea Master Enchanter’s followers no longer obey him, they are officially disbanded, forever. Nora laughed out loud as she looked at the words she had written.

  “I’ll get you for this Nora. I consider this an act of war against me. I’ll show you no mercy when we meet again.” Dante said.

  “Good luck with that.” Nora shut the door. She wrote lock on it. Dante began hitting the door and shouting from the other side. Nora felt giddy. She was really in charge now.

  She looked at the red silk robe. A thought crossed her mind. She slipped her arms inside and wrapped it around her. The pockets would produce anything the Master Enchanter wanted. Her stomach was growling.

  “A ham sandwich.” she said aloud. She put her hand inside the right pocket. It was deeper than it looked. At the very bottom her fingers felt something soft. Nora smiled as she took out the sandwich. It seemed that anyone could be the Master Enchanter of Firesea.

  Chapter 93

  Something was happening to Nora. Dante’s enchantment was changing her. A mortal had been given access to enchanter energy; it was like a drug to her. Killian could see her becoming more aggressive, longing for power. If he could have spoken he might have been able to help her manage it. Now he was left to watch as she tried on the Master Enchanter’s robe yet again.

  Nora kept testing the pockets, pulling various items from them. She looked at him and giggled. “This could come in handy.”

  Killian stared at her. She pulled the robe off and sat next to him on the bed she had propped him up on in an upstairs bedroom, the power of the robe had allowed her to have the strength to carry him. “Please come back to me Killian. Please.” She kissed his lips. “I love you so much.”

  Nora pulled his bloodied shirt off. She put the robe back on and pulled a dark green shirt out of the pocket. “That’s better.” she said looking at her handiwork. “It will look nice with your hair. Can you raise your arms?”

  Killian could not. Nora managed to put the shirt on him as though she was dressing a doll. Tears started running down her face. “Please come back to me Killian, I don’t want to be alone.”

  All he could do was look at her.

  “Maybe I should kill Dante.” Nora said. “Do you think I could be the Master Enchanter? Has a mortal ever been?”

  Killian had no idea what the answer to her question was.

  She smiled slyly and took the robe off again. “I was just kidding around, you know that.”

  He watched as she set the robe on a chair. She crossed the room and looked out of the window. She wasn’t kidding, he knew that much. Firesea was consuming Nora. He had to come out of this state before it was too late.

  Chapter 94

  There had been a heated discussion among the Wildbush enchanters as to what to do next. Some wanted to stay and fight, others wanted to abandon the circle. Very few had any interest in going to Firesea to rescue the mortals.

  The way they saw it it wasn’t their fault that Firesea had taken them. It was better not to get involved. Besides they were just mortals, they had always looked at the enchanters as second class citizens. There was no love between them. If they suffered they suffered. As long as the enchanters were safe, that was all that mattered.

  Lucy did not agree with that view. The mortals had done nothing to provoke being taken. Moreover the Firesea soldiers had only come to Wildbush because she had run away with Arden.

  Arden. She couldn’t help but smile when she thought of the kiss he had given her before he was taken away. It was her first kiss. She had always imagined it would be under more romantic circumstances, but everything was different now. She was worried about what Firesea would do to a runaway ranger. Finnegan had been reluctant to speculate about it. But Lucy was not so naive as to think there would be a simple reprimand, they might torture him again.

  There were so many reasons she had to get back to Firesea. As the highest ranking council member in the circle it was up to Logan to decide what they should do. He took a vote of all the adult enchanters. The majority choose to stay in Wildbush. “Then we stay.” he said.

  “I’m still going.” Lucy announced.

  “You’re a fool.” one woman said.

  Logan took her aside. “I can’t go with you, you do realize that.”

  “I’m not asking you to.”

  “I have to stay here, not only for my boys but for all of them. I’m their leader now.” Logan hesitated. “But I won’t stop you from leaving.”

  Lucy felt relieved. “Thank you. I have my spell now, I’ll be all right.”

  “It’s a good spell. You’re a strong enchanter.”

  “I’m going with my Uncle Finnegan.”

  “Are you sure that you can trust him?”

  “I think so.”

  Granny Jenkins touched her arm. “Lucy dear, I just wanted to say goodbye.”

  Lucy felt herself choking up, part of her didn’t want to leave Wildbush again. “I’ll be back.” she said, more to reassure herself than anyone else.

  Granny took her hands. “When I was your age I helped defend Wildbush in one of the ancient wars. I fought as good as any man.”

  Lucy smiled. It was hard to picture Granny as anything other than an elder. “I’m sure you did.”

  “Now it is your turn.” She patted Lucy’s hand. “Just remember that you don’t always have to use force. Those hands of yours are useful but you have many other gifts. Sometimes it’s kindness, not cruelty, that wins the day.”

  “You sound like my father.”

  Granny nodded. “Your father is a wise man. I’d also advise you to find that young man Arden.”

  “I plan on it.”

  “Good. You can’t do everything alone and he would make a fine husband.”

  Lucy blushed. “I think he would too.”

  By late afternoon they were ready to leave. She took Arden’s horse from Granny’s stable. Logan offered his horse to Finnegan. “Your parents are going to murder me for allowing you to do this.” he told her.

  Lucy mounted Arden’s horse. Colonel Fitzwilliam was walking in and out of the horse’s legs. “No they won’t, because I’m not letting anyone stop me.”

  Logan kissed the back of her hand. “I love you Lucy. Be careful and if you see your mother-” He sighed.

  “My mother will realize who she loves in the end. I believe that.”

  He didn’t look convinced. “Thank you.”

  She looked at Finnegan. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, let’s go back to Firesea.”

  They rode out of the circle gate and onto the empty main street of Wildbush. The enchanters followed them. Lucy looked back at Granny Jenkins, Logan, her little brothers Kip and Casper, and the others that she had known all of her life.

  “It’s better not to look back.” Finnegan said quietly.

  She turned away and stared out towards the horizon. Her future lay ahead of her, in the open countryside, in a foreign place. She dug her heels into the horse’s side and left Wildbush behind.

  Chapter 95

  Nora liked the Master Enchanter’s robe. When she wore it she felt powerful and in control. She was vaguely aware that she was changing. The feeling of power made her forget things just like she used to do years before. Her brother Tom seemed like a distant memory. He was safe at Devin’s house; there was no reason to think about him anymore. She was even getting used to Killian’s silence.

  She couldn’t stop wondering if she could supplant Dante as the Master Enchanter. She told herself it was so she could save everyone she loved, but deep down she knew it was because she wanted to rule Firesea. She wanted to walk down the street and have people fear her.

  Dante was still locked in the basement. It would be easy to starve him and far cheap
er than a divorce. Still, he and his awful poems might come in handy. She would let him remain there until she was able to seize complete control. Suddenly she heard someone pounding on the front door.

  “Who can that be?” she asked Killian. He stared at her. The pounding continued. There were no servants to answer it, they had vanished. She would have to do it herself. Nora took the robe off and carried it with her downstairs.

  She opened the door. A ranger in red leather armor was standing on the doorstep. “Where’s the Master Enchanter?” he said gruffly. He looked Nora up and down as though she were nothing more than a maid. Behind him on the street were a dozen men.

  “He’s taken ill.” Nora said. She waited a second and then added, “I’m taking care of his business. What do you want?”

  “This is business for the Master Enchanter.”

  “I told you I’m taking care of things now.” She was getting annoyed with him. Dante no longer mattered. They had to listen to her.

  “I’m not sure I should be speaking to you about this.”

  “Why not? I’m the Master Enchanter’s wife. I share everything with my husband.”

  The ranger stepped closer to her. “Can I speak with you privately?”

  She stepped inside the house. He followed her and she shut the door. “What is it?”

  “I’ve recently come across some information about the Master Enchanter. An exiled enchanter has accused him of being a fraud.”

  Nora kept her face serene, as though she knew nothing about it. “Oh?”

  “Yeah. At first I thought that he was trying to screw with my head, but now I’m not so sure. He asked me if I remembered the Master Enchanter being from Firesea, but I can’t.”

  “Who told you this?”

  “Finnegan Murphy. He’s a nasty fellow.”

  Finnegan. She was surprised he had the guts to say something like that. Whatever his reasons she was glad. “Yes, the Master Enchanter is a fraud.” She slipped the robe over her shoulders. “He came here to take away what’s rightfully mine.”

  “He did?”


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