Cast Out (The Red Enchanter Book 1)

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Cast Out (The Red Enchanter Book 1) Page 30

by Mary Swift

  “Our circle hasn’t done anything to you.”

  “And there’s the matter of the treaty.” Devin said. “Firesea agreed not to invade Wildbush.”

  The Master Enchanter shrugged. “That treaty is ancient history, no one cares about it anymore. Why should Firesea be content with just one circle when we can have as many as we want?”

  “You’re not one of them.” Lucy told him.

  “What did you say?”

  “You’re not one of them. I know your real name.”

  He pulled Lucy to her feet and dragged her into the hallway. He shut the parlor door. “I don’t know what game you’re playing but-”

  “Your name is Dante Gavrashelli, you’re a half mortal. My uncle Finnegan told me so.”

  “He’s a liar.” He shoved her against the wall.

  “No he’s not and I’ll tell everyone if you don’t help me.” Lucy heard someone trying to open the parlor door. “I want the mortals freed and I want Nora and Arden Cormenic.”

  Dante grabbed her and pushed her down the hall. He opened the backdoor and shoved her into the garden. “Where’s your father?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Of course you do.”

  “You cut off his hands.”

  “You should be thanking me, I could have killed him.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “He might be useful to me later. I’m going to give you a choice Lucy, you should consider yourself a lucky girl, killing you would be so much easier.”

  Lucy felt her knees begin to shake.

  “I’ll tell you where to find the mortals and your missing ranger; you just have to do something for me.”

  “What is it?”

  “Bring me your father.”

  “No. I’m not doing that.” Lucy said. “Forget it.”

  “You want your father safe?”


  “All right, then I’ll leave him alone if you’ll bring me something else.” His lips curled into a smile. “I told you that my wife is pregnant. Nora has gone into the country for some rest. When the child is born I would like you to bring it to me.”

  “I’m not giving you her child. It’s not yours is it?”

  He wrapped his fingers around her neck. “What will it be Lucy? Will you bring me your father or his child?”


  He tightened his grip on her throat. “It’s too bad that your spell is of no use against me. You see the brilliance of being a fraud is that everyone casts spells against Firesea without knowing that it doesn’t affect me.” He reached into the robe and pulled out a knife. “Would you like me to kill the old men?”

  Lucy was having trouble breathing. She tried to speak but she couldn’t.

  “I had a feeling you wouldn’t want me to. You’re too sentimental, like your father. Now your mother, she was a woman I could understand.” His eyes brightened. “Do you want to marry the man in there? His name is Tom, he’s my brother in law, he’s stupid as hell, but he’s single.”

  From somewhere inside the house Lucy heard a loud noise. Devin and Henry came rushing outside. Henry hit Dante on the back of the head with his cane. Dante let go of her and spun around. Devin slammed him in the stomach with a fireplace poker.

  “Run Lucy!” Henry cried.

  Lucy stood frozen in place. Dante slashed Devin across the face with his knife. He dropped the poker and put his hands to the deep red gash. Tom suddenly burst out of the door and slammed into Lucy, knocking her to the ground. He shoved a small black bag into her hands. “Get out of here.”

  She scrambled to her feet. Henry was pointing his walking stick at Dante and chanting. Devin was fumbling on the ground for the poker. He looked up at Lucy. “Go now!”

  Lucy didn’t wait another second. She hurried over the back fence and ran down the alley. As soon as she got to the wall she tore a piece away. Lucy ran as hard and fast as she could. After a few minutes she slowed down to catch her breath, no one seemed to be following her. The mysterious black bag was in her hand. She waited until she was in the woods before she opened it, her father’s pen was inside.

  Chapter 100

  Lucy returned late in the evening. Killian would have never let her go into Firesea on her own but he had no control over his life anymore. At the end of each wrist was a lumpy throbbing mass of skin and bones. The pain was overwhelming. The only thing he could do was lie on the ground and endure it. Finnegan put rags soaked in cold water from a stream on his growing hands while they listened to Lucy tell them what had happened.

  “I told the Master Enchanter that I knew who he was and he got really upset.” she said. Killian was surprised that Lucy knew Dante’s real identity, he supposed that Finnegan had told her. “He gave me a choice. He said that I could either hand over my father or take his child and bring it to him when it’s born.”

  Killian made a noise. Finnegan patted his arm. “What was that last part Lucy?”

  “He said that Nora is pregnant.” She looked at Killian and smiled. “Is it true Daddy?”

  “Are you sure that’s what he said?” Finnegan asked.

  “Yes.” Lucy confirmed. “Do you think it’s true?”

  Killian tried to speak but nothing came out except a grunt. He had slept with Nora a few weeks before. If she really was pregnant that was his child. “Mine.” came blurting out of him.

  Lucy rushed to his side. “Daddy.” She kissed his forehead. “Say something else.”

  Killian could not say anything else, that had taken all of his strength.

  “I’m happy for you.” Lucy said. She looked at Finnegan. “They said they were taking the mortals to an auction. Do you think that Nora could be among them? Would he really send her away? If he wants the baby why doesn’t he keep her here?”

  Killian already knew the answer. Nora was too powerful for Dante. He had lost control of her.

  “They sell unwanted mortals to other circles as servants. He might send Nora to the auction.” Finnegan told them. “And they sell enchanters into slavery.”

  “Like Arden?”


  “Do you know where the auction is?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “We have to find out.” Lucy said. She looked at Killian. “Is that what you want?”

  The pain was increasing again, tears filled his eyes.

  “What about Wildbush?” Finnegan asked. He put new wet rags on Killian’s stumps.

  Killian gritted his teeth and tried to endure the next wave of pain. The enchanters in Wildbush would have to stand and fight for themselves. His only thought was of getting to Nora.

  “Maybe we should split up.” Lucy suggested.

  That was the last thing Killian wanted. Finnegan put a hand on his shoulder. “We stay together. Your stepfather will have to defend Wildbush.”

  Killian felt relieved. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing either of them right now. A sharp pain suddenly shot through his left stump. He cried out and raised his arm, at the very end was a bulge.

  “It looks like the start of a finger!” Lucy cried. She bent down and kissed Killian’s cheek. “This will all be over soon.” She took a small black pouch from her pocket. “I’ve been waiting to show you this.” She open the drawstring top, his pen was inside.

  “This changes everything.” Finnegan said.

  “I know.” Lucy closed the drawstring and put the bag in her pocket.

  Killian shut his eyes. The pain was worse than ever. His body began to shake. Someone covered him with a blanket. Lucy and Finnegan continued to talk but he was no longer capable of listening. He could feel the bone trying to push its way through the tissue of his stump, stretching the skin as his new hand grew.

  He wasn’t sure he could travel. But if they waited Nora could end up anywhere. What had Finnegan said? They would sell her as a servant. The thought of it made him furious. They should be together, making plans for the future. He was going to have to rely on
Finnegan and Lucy to make the decisions for him. As soon as he could use the pen things would change.

  He supposed he should care about the war for Wildbush, but he did not. The only thing he could think of was Nora and his child. He had to find them. He didn’t want another child growing up as he had, without knowing where they had come from.

  Chapter 101

  The wagon rolled on for another few hours. At some point a ranger tossed a few loaves of bread at them. Nora grabbed a chunk; it helped quell her nausea. Eventually they came to a clearing in the woods. A large barn with a thatched roof stood with its doors open. The soldiers ordered everyone out of the wagon. Nora got up slowly, her back was hurting. Arden took hold of her arm. As he did she sensed Firesea energy, it was coming from him.

  As they approached the end of the wagon a ranger reached out to help her. She touched his arms and she felt it again. Even though she was out of the circle she could still access the energy of Firesea.

  The rangers corralled her and the other mortals into the barn. “Get moving.” one of them muttered. “You’ll stay here for the night.”

  The air was damp inside the barn. The floor was covered in straw. Nora felt like a cow being put away for the night. As soon as she and the rest of the mortals were inside the door was shut. A few of the men tried to push it open but it didn’t budge.

  “The auction will be in the morning. This is just a holding place.” Arden said beside her. “I know, I used to bring people here.”

  “There’s no way I’m being sold.” someone said.

  It was so dark it was hard to see anything. There was a putrid smell in the air. Nora began to think she might be sick again. “Allison?” she called out.

  “Yes?” Her voice was close by.

  “I need to sit down.” She reached her hand out and felt Allison’s firm grip. Together they worked their way through the crowd and sat against the wall. As her eyes grew used to the dark Nora could see Arden in the center of the mortals.

  “I’m scared Nora.” Allison whispered. “What’s going to happen to us?”

  “I don’t know. Can you bring Arden here?”

  Allison stood up. She said something to Arden, he nodded and the two of them joined Nora. “You should ask for a healer.” he told her.

  “Don’t worry about me.” As he sat next to her she could feel the Firesea energy surrounding her. She began to feel stronger. “We have to stick together.”

  “I’m being sold as a slave, I won’t have a choice where I go.” Arden said. “And neither will you.”

  “I’ve had a spell cast on me. I can use energy from Firesea to do things.”

  “What things?” Arden asked.


  “Is that why you were pretending to be the Master Enchanter?” Allison asked.

  “I wasn’t pretending.” Nora snapped. “I was the Master Enchanter. I need energy from Firesea in order to get out of here. I can get that from being around you Arden. That’s why we have to stick together.”

  “What do you plan on doing?” Allison asked.

  “I don’t know yet.” Nora’s head was pounding, every muscle in her body ached. “I want to convince them we’re a family and that we can’t be separated. You two could pass for siblings.” It was true they were both tall and blonde, Nora was the odd one out.

  “No one will believe you. The rangers know who I am.” Arden said.

  Nora didn’t say anything. If Dante could convince the entire circle of Firesea that he was their Master Enchanter then she could trick a few rangers. Besides, she had another source of energy growing inside of her, her child was part Firesea enchanter.

  Nora couldn’t even imagine what was happening to Killian, she had to assume that Dante had him. They had just begun their life together. She had finally felt real love and then it was ripped away. Getting pregnant had never crossed her mind, but despite her circumstances she was glad. She had always wanted to be a mother. Sometimes she thought she already was one even though she knew that wasn’t true.

  In the middle of the barn a fight had broken out between two men. It was only going to get worse as frustration and fear set in. If she could persuade the rangers that she was something that she wasn’t then they might have a chance. If not then she knew who was going to come first, her baby.

  Chapter 102

  The streets of Wildbush were empty. There was no usual bustle of mortals and enchanters. There were no automobiles. There was nothing.

  Talia felt afraid as she rode down the main street. She was tired and hungry, all she wanted was Logan and her sons. She saw the gate of the circle and began to cry. She was so close. She tugged on the reins and guided the horse towards the gate, as she did Colonel Fitzwilliam strolled out and meowed at her.

  “Talia, turn back!” someone shouted.

  It sounded like Logan. Talia would never find out if it was his voice or not. A second after she heard the warning to turn back an arrow from a Firesea ranger’s bow pierced her chest. She slid off the horse and onto the ground.

  “Mother! No!” a boy’s voice rang in the air.

  There was a thump. Casper’s body fell on top of Talia. There was an arrow sticking out of his back, his blood began to seep into her clothes. Her youngest son was dead.

  Talia stared up at the blue sky overhead. Her future was obvious to her now. She had to leave this world and go with Casper. He was going to need her. Maybe she could finally do some good in the next life, she had done nothing but hurt people in this one. She shut her eyes and let herself slip away.

  Colonel Fitzwilliam had seen enough. He ran out of the circle and headed north.

  Chapter 103

  Dante looked out of the window at Firesea. Things were going splendidly. A few hours before he had killed Henry Collins with his own enchanted walking stick, the same stick that had snuffed out Seamus Murphy so many years before. Now he had received word that the Firesea rangers had invaded Wildbush. Once the circle was secure he would install a Master Enchanter of Wildbush.

  Dante had not been idle in the time following his dramatic fake death. He had traveled far and wide and learned much. He had been given instruction from the Founders, without it he wouldn’t have been able to convince the enchanters in Firesea that he was their Master Enchanter. Dante was sure that he could convince anyone of anything, and he had proof.

  Dante had a son. As soon as Constantine was born Dante recognized that he was an enchanter. He needed to take the boy away from his mother so that he could make Constantine into what he wanted him to be.

  Of all the things Dante had made Nora forget their son was the hardest. There was always a lingering sense in her mind that something was missing. It worried him that as her second pregnancy progressed her memories of Constantine would resurface. They were still there, locked away in her mind; his spell was simply repressing them.

  For now the farther away Nora was the better. Dante had made a grave error in giving her so much power. He thought he could control her, but she was smarter than he realized. She had nearly taken over Firesea. If she returned she could get in the way of his plans.

  Dante hadn’t expected Lucy to agree to take Nora and Killian’s baby but it was worth a try. She was too sickeningly loyal to her father. He still wanted the child, he would make the perfect slave for Constantine. There was no hurry however; it would be more satisfying and amusing to enslave the child when he was older and could be ripped away from the life he was used to.

  The door opened and Constantine walked in. “Hello Father.” He offered his hand. Dante shook it. “Am I coming to live with you?”

  “Yes, for a while.”

  The boy looked up at him with his big brown eyes. There was always a look of dissatisfaction on his face, that came from his mother. “Where is everyone? The circle is so quiet.”

  “We’re at war. I’ve ordered everyone inside.”

  “Who are we fighting?”

  “An insignificant circle called Wildbush
.” Dante said. “I want it for you.”

  Constantine frowned. “Why?”

  “I have my reasons. You’ll be their Master Enchanter.”

  “Will this make you happy Father? If I’m the Master Enchanter of Wildbush?”

  “Yes it will.”

  “Very well then.” Constantine sighed.

  Dante was so close to getting everything he wanted. There would be hard times ahead but the sacrifice would be worth the end result, a world without enchanters.


  the author

  Mary Swift lives on the coast of southern Maine. She has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and the possibility that there is more to the world than what is in front our eyes. When she's not writing she enjoys travelling.


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