My sincere thanks to everyone who so graciously read and commented on this work: Briana Baillie, Marianne Betterly-Kohn, Claudia Michelle Betty, Bruce Cobbold, Lauren Cuthbert, Karen Hronek, Amanda Jones, Danielle Machotka, Kate McClain, Megan McLaughlin, Cynthia Phillips, Chelsea Tiffany, and Alison Wright. I am also indebted to Professor Richard Mackenney for his help and advice regarding the Spanish Conspiracy, Venetian history, and historical research. All errors, inaccuracies, and improbable fictions, etc., are solely my own. I owe a debt of gratitude to my parents, Don and Laurie Phillips, for their unflagging love and support over the years. My thanks also go to Mary Evans, agent par excellence, and to Maggie Crawford, who from the beginning saw the book’s potential and who so skillfully—and diplomatically—made it better. Everlasting love and thanks to Brian Beverly, for his support, encouragement, and belief. A special thank-you to Diana Cobbold and Linda Watanabe McFerrin, for the camaraderie, the commiseration, and, of course, the chocolate.
Christi Phillips lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her interest in European history has led her all over the continent. The Rossetti Letter is her first novel.
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