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FEARLESS: Standalone

Page 9

by Simone Elise


  My mind snapped back to the moment when Danni soccer punched me in the arm.

  “You aren’t even listening!” She then threw a stack of magazines at me. “You know what Tyler, I’m starting to think I’ll be better off with someone else.”

  “Yeah and so am I.” My words were triggered by hers and her expression dropped. “I’m going to the club.” I spoke before she could say anything and then I just walked. For once I was the one walking out and she was the one left behind; and she didn’t do what I would do- which was chase her down.

  Ethan was grumbling at Andy, which wasn’t new. I was half listening to their conversation. But my mind was really back on Alexis. Where was she?

  “She fucking took over my bedroom.”

  “How do you know it was her?”

  “Let’s just say I’ve been wondering what she would sound like moaning and I’m eighty percent sure it was her climaxing on my bed.”

  My head snapped to Ethan. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about.” Ethan straightened up like he had been fishing for me to catch on. “That Alexis, the angel of death, took over my bedroom last night- locking me out!”

  Andy laughed.

  “It’s not funny- I had a fucking hard on all night after hearing her.”

  “You listened.” My voice was a low snarl.

  Ethan looked at me like I was stupid. “Every guy here did,”

  “Not every guy in the chapters.” Andy interrupted.

  Ethan nodded his head, pointing his finger at Andy. “Every guy she comes in contact with wants to know what she sounds like.”

  “Even if she is the daughter of Satan himself.” Andy threw back his beer. “I can’t wait to see her. I want to see her face when I bring it up.”

  “Don’t fucking dare!” I was not having her questioned. “And if you heard anything last night, don’t mention it.”

  Ethan gave Andy a smug look. “Told you I heard her moan Tyler.”

  And my thin patience snapped with those words, throwing the table out of our way and gripping him by his vest, till his back hit the brick wall. My fist connecting with his stomach, winding him.

  “Do I even wanna know what that is about?” Her voice was like throwing ice water over me, and my grasp on Ethan broke, him falling to the ground.

  An eerie silence captured the room, because some had overheard and some just didn’t want to end up on the ground like Ethan and if any of them had a brain cell— they would keep their mouths shut.

  I turned and saw Alexis. She had no idea every guy in here had just overheard me order Ethan and Andy to keep their mouths shut about hearing us last night.

  Then I realised it, she wouldn’t look at me. And then I saw the packed bag at her side. She had been back to my place and Danni would have been in a bitch of a mood- seeing how I left her.

  All the things she said last night, all the things she had let me do to her- were running through my head; making me a speechless idiot.



  I looked around the room, clearly I was missing something but then I noticed Tyler give the whole room a pointed scanned look- snapping the men and women back to what they were doing.

  “You alright Ethan?” I asked watching him drag himself off the ground. Wasn’t like Tyler to get physical with his men. Then again, they were bikers and talked with fists not words.

  Ethan’s sharpened eyes locked with mine. “Fine.” He then stormed off, as if it was my fault he was on the ground to begin with.

  “So Alexis…” Andy looked at me, somewhat speechless.

  “Ok what’s going on?” I looked at him, and then much to my annoyance I had to look at Tyler. Then when my eyes went to his- I longed for never asking that question and never looking at him.

  Wasn’t his expression.

  Wasn’t his tainted eyes.

  No it was the body language.

  The dominant alpha male, ready to protect what he thought was his. Fuck. I had kept a tight guard up this morning, I made sure he knew my feelings weren’t involved- well they were, but he wasn’t to know that because it was going to make it harder on him when he has to go to her. Call it a gut feeling, but I just knew- Tyler had a good heart deep down; and wouldn’t want to be the guy to break a girls heart.

  I always kept a shield around my heart- like a very protected glass building because once someone got inside, I couldn’t get them out and then they had the power to break my heart, because my heart was made of glass.

  I trusted my parents with it and Vex….

  Vex made me realise that it was made of glass in the first place.

  I expected Danni and Tyler to be making up this morning, which was why I wanted to avoid the place but I realised the sooner I moved out the easier it would be on them. So I moved out. Took myself out of the equitation- or at least out of their house.

  “Nothing.” Tyler’s one word was clipped and he nodded his head to my bag. “Are you leaving?”

  “Something like that.” I wasn’t going to lie to him, it was time I moved on the rat wasn’t in this chapter. “I think it is time to annoy another chapter.” Then before he could say a word my phone started pulsing which meant one thing- my father was calling.

  Never was a good person- just wasn’t a quality I had. So right now it was going against my grain. Yet here I was, opening Tyler’s front door. Because I couldn’t leave town, after knowing what I knew.

  “Tyler we need to speak.”

  I had been avoiding him like the plague. Yet here I was putting my head up for the slaughter. And then I walked in and saw it, the scene no one wants to see. I guess I had just walked in on them in their house- but that logically didn’t excuse what was happening.

  There was an engagement ring on the table and Danni and Tyler were in mid conversation. His eyes bounced to me, then to Danni and then back to me.

  He opened his mouth.

  “Congratulations.” I said it so quickly and then I spun on my heel walking back out the front door I hadn’t closed yet.

  For fuck sake- WHY! Why was this happening to me!


  My hand landed on the car door.


  I was going to break out in a sprint, when I remembered- I wasn’t that girl. I wasn’t the girl that ran away. I was the girl who stood strong. So I froze and with an aching heart I turned around to see Tyler- looking fucking sick with worry.

  “She told you.” I just assumed that was what gave him the courage to propose and it frustrated me, angered me, hurt me all in one. “I didn’t take you as that guy!” Was I really that blind! To not know what sort of man he was deep down.

  He looked confused and it made sense, did he honestly expect me not to find out.

  “Her father has you and her going into witness protection as of the twenty six. You are throwing me, my family and my club- no fuck that- my blood- under!” Tears started to build up. “You fucking are turning your back on everything I loved about you!” I shook my head quickly. “No not loved. Love! I love you Tyler Hunter! And you are going to run off in the sunset,” I scoffed, “no let me rephrase that— run off into witness protection with her!” I extended an arm in Danni’s direction who was standing near Tyler now. “You two think that the club won’t track you down. You really think you will end getting away with this?”

  Surely they couldn’t be that stupid!

  “You will both end up dead!” And my eyes went to Tyler. “Dad will gladly go to jail if it meant that a traditor was killed. Do you have any idea what position you are putting me in! Picking you or him! Either way I am fucked! I let you go into witness protection- he will find you, he will kill you and I’m telling you now he will go down for it. So either way, you and him- I’ll lose both of you!”

  Dad called today, wanted an update and I gave him one- said I had found nothing and was heading home. That was a lie. I had a strong feeling as o
f last night, Danni was involved. It was when I got her father’s number I made the connection between his records and the barrister who was building a case on the club.

  “You know she has told them everything!” I hissed at him. “She has your whole house bugged! Even my phone calls to my father, while in that fucking house— were recorded!”

  Surely he felt something for me, right? He had to know that I was going down for things as well, not just his club brothers and my father but me- ME- I’d be facing time!

  He just stared at me and I couldn’t stop the scoff. “Deer eyed bambini has you fooled Tyler and you will end up in an unmarked grave because of it.” I couldn’t not tell my father what was happening and I couldn’t not stop him from going in witness protection. Opening my car door, I gave him one more look. “Move up the date for witness protection, because you are going to need all the help you can get when my father finds out.”

  I never loved a soul. Now I knew what love was, I hadn’t even really loved Vex. Not really. Not truly. But Tyler- yeah I loved him. And that was what was breaking my heart as I pulled away from the curb. I’d lose my father to this, and the guy I loved.

  Surely there had to be another option? But I couldn’t see one, all I saw was a man that was in love with the wrong type of woman and he was going to lose his life because of it.

  My phone started ringing but I didn’t answer it, instead I picked up- and threw it out the window. If I said I lost my phone, then that would give Tyler more time to disappear.



  “What the fuck is going on!” My eyes landed on Danni. “Start fucking spitting facts Danielle, what have you done!”

  “Doesn’t matter!”

  “Don’t fucking give me that shit!”

  “Wasn’t that the whole point of you putting that ring on the table! Saying you didn’t want to put it on my finger!” Danni screamed at me. “That you want it on hers! Wasn’t that what you were telling me!”

  A sickness boiled through my body, slowly turning to rage. “What have you done?!” I gripped her by the shoulders. “Tell me Alexis has it wrong! You didn’t fucking go to the cops!”

  “I wanted a life Tyler, a life that doesn’t involve that club! It is weighing you down!”

  No. No. Fucking no! How the hell could she turn on me like this! How the hell could she be so fucking stupid! It dawned on me now- everything Alexis said to me about Danni never accepting the life style. Here it was.

  I went to Danni tonight, told her straight. I never could see myself married to her. Never could give her the life she wanted and never could be the man she needed because I couldn’t be some fictional fucking character, she had created.

  I put that ring on the table, told her that I never was going to put it on her finger- even told her about Alexis and I. I came clean and when Alexis walked in, dumping this shit on me.

  My eyes went back to Danni, who was crying.

  “You are fucking lucky to breathing. Do you have any idea who she is? Who you just fucked over! She’s the only woman in our world given respect and you want to know why! Because she doesn’t give second chances because she is ruthless.” I gripped Danni’s arm. “Get inside, and pack a bag.”


  “Because you are getting on a plane and fucking off before Alexis’s father gets here and kills you.” Throwing open the front door and pushing her in. “Consider it a favour and the last thing I do for you.”

  She shattered up the hall and she had no idea the trouble she had thrown me under. I would end up in an unmarked grave for this- Alexis was right. I saw this ending in one way, and that was exactly how Alexis described it. James locked up and me a body in a ditch.



  Alexis was one hell of a woman I knew that then, know that now. I understood why she was given respect, I understood why her father trusted because lets face it the woman would kill easily in the name of the club. So her letting Dani off only confirmed my thoughts. She loved me.

  Because she did something that goes against her character. She let Danni live because she thought I loved her. But I didn’t. Still I was grateful that she hadn’t killed Danni. That would have been hard to get over.

  Danni’s old man showed up, ready to arrest me if I didn’t go. But I was already mounting my bike. Told him straight. He had hours to get Danni out of the country before I told the mother chapter who was the rat.

  Hit the road, and rode right here. The rain doesn’t go well on a bike, it whips across ya body. Stings. But I wouldn’t change it because I needed to see her. And as I pulled into the lot. I got a few odd looks from members, wondering what fool would be on their bike at this type of night.

  I couldn’t see Alexis’s hummer, and I just hoped she hadn’t got backlash because of this. I stormed into the clubhouse, scanning it looking for the President.

  “What’s the northern President doing here?” A man barked at me, and I had to say something was wrong, The tension in the bar was thick.

  “Need to speak to your president.” I looked at the man, and saw his face pale a tad.

  “Family emergency brother, he is at the hospital.”

  And just like that all the color drained from my face. “What happened?”

  “Alexis got hit by a semi on her way here. Used the crawls of death to get her out. She bad mate. Give the President some space while he copes with this.”

  I blinked a few times and then my hand went out for the wall. This was all my fucking fault.

  “Ya drenched mate, someone get him a towel.”

  “Nah I need to head to the hospital.” It couldn’t be that bad. I couldn’t loose her like this. Before our story had even started. Surely the universe wouldn’t take her from me before we even got a chance.



  Two weeks had passed. Since Alexis’s accident. She was being discharged today, and I hadn’t left the mother chapter. Lewis was wondering why the fuck I would abandon my own chapter for his, but he also knew, something was going on with Alexis and I. By the way she refused to see me at the hospital. I heard her snap at Rev, telling him, she would rather not see me.

  So I waited, till she was discharged and was forced to come back to the club.

  Which was happening today.

  The meeting closed and the only reason I was in here was to be polite.

  “Alexis home today?” Bear smacks Rev on the back. “You had the word to her yet?”

  I hover back.

  “She was using Bear. She was sober for three years. She doesn’t know I’ve seen her blood work.” Rev runs a hand over his chin. “I’m scared she will get out and be back to snorting, injecting and smoking anything she can get her hands on.”

  “Come on Rev, maybe she just slipped up. She’s human. Doesn’t mean she will be back to square one.”

  Rev looks me in the eyes, over Bear. “Yeah there is a reason she went off the rails and I’m looking forward to hearing it today. Tyler, a word.”

  I hadn’t moved, so I just nodded my head, and waited for Rev to launch into me. He had been given me the silent treatment. He was linking Alexis’s accident back to me. Because she shouldn’t have been on the road.

  The room completely emptied. Leaving Rev and I.

  “You got anything you want to say before my daughter gets here?” He frowned for a moment. “She said the rat was handled. Won’t tell me who it was, still. But I have to know.” His eyes lock with mine. “Did you see her using at your club?”

  “No.” I wasn’t even lying. “Is it a big deal if she had?”

  “Nearly lost her to the drugs when she was sixteen. She got hooked on our own supply. Killed me to get her clean. She came back stronger from it. But her bloods came back, she was using the night she crashed the car.”

  Guilt washed through me. Is really was all my fault.

  “I’m hoping you can have a word to her?” He looked at me like I held the key to his daugh
ter. “She thinks a lot of you.”

  I scoffed. “She wouldn’t even see me.”

  “Come on brother, she was hurt. She doesn’t like people seeing her weak. She got that from me.”

  I just stare back at him. Finally nodding my head. “I’ll have a word to her, but I doubt she’ll listen.”



  I knew he knew. I think that was the real problem because I didn’t want to see the disappointment in his eyes. So I stayed away from my father when I got back to the clubhouse. I avoided the place for a bit but then had to come back that night.

  Mom was hovering around me like I was made of glass. But I knew I was in for the real test when I walked through the clubhouse doors for the second time today, only this time I couldn’t dump my things and leave.

  I could smell the drugs and see them. It was taking everything in me not to go and use.

  “You’ve kept a low profile today.”

  I spin around. My eyes slightly wide. I love my dad. So avoiding him hurt me. But seeing shame in his eyes, would hurt me more.

  “Sorry been catching up on jobs.” I reply, not lying. “Club party?”

  “Celebrating you getting out.” Dad kept his eyes on me, and gestures his head to Bear. “Come join us.”

  I want to run. Because Bear is a meth user. And I knew that as I followed Dad. Was he testing me? He had to be testing me. When we rounded the corner I see Bear sitting with… oh fuck my life. Tyler.

  I inhaled sharply and was forced to sit on the same side as Tyler.

  Bear has three lines of cocaine in front of him.

  “Alexis, baby. How you feeling?” Bear looked across the table at me and Dad went to sit next to him.

  “Fine.” I reply but everyone can tell by my tone. I’m far from fine. I’m currently wishing to be anywhere but here.


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