The Cottage on Sunshine Beach: An utterly gorgeous feel-good romantic comedy

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The Cottage on Sunshine Beach: An utterly gorgeous feel-good romantic comedy Page 22

by Holly Martin

  Melody stared at him and then burst out laughing. ‘Jamie Jackson, Sandcastle Bay’s most notorious gentleman, has a secret pervy side.’

  He shrugged. ‘I can’t even deny it.’

  ‘And what would happen, in your fantasies, when the dress came off?’

  Jamie’s smile slid off his face, a sudden darkness in his eyes. ‘You wouldn’t be wearing a bra.’

  She smiled and bit her lip. Quite often, when she wore strapless dresses, she didn’t bother with a bra. Her breasts were small enough that she could get away with it. Tonight she wasn’t wearing one either.

  ‘And when the dress slithered to the floor, you’d be left standing in just a tiny lacy pair of pants and high heels.’

  They both looked down at her gold flip-flops she was wearing.

  ‘Or bare feet,’ Jamie quickly rectified. ‘Sometimes in my fantasies, you’d be barefoot.’

  She slipped out of her flip-flops so she was standing barefoot in his hallway. He swallowed.

  ‘Then what?’

  He didn’t say anything for a few moments as he caught on to what was going to happen next.

  ‘Then we’d have sex on the nearest hard surface.’

  She laughed. ‘Simple but effective.’

  ‘My fantasies had multiple choice when it came to the positions, so it wasn’t always the same fantasy.’

  ‘And which one was your favourite?’

  ‘I don’t think I have a favourite position when it comes to you. Any way that we get to make love is fine by me.’

  She smiled. ‘Good answer. So why don’t you undo this pesky button and let’s see how this fantasy unfolds.’

  He stared at her and then took a greedy step towards her before he stopped himself. ‘How hungry are you?’

  ‘Not enough that I can’t wait.’

  He smiled and kissed her, his hands spanning her bare back, his fingers gently trailing up her spine until they reached the button at the back of her neck. He teased his fingers around the collar, slipping his fingers under the material, tracing the edge round her collar bone before sliding them back up to undo the button.

  She felt the material loosen and she stepped back away from him so he could watch. The dress didn’t slither to the floor, her hips were a bit too wide for that. But she gave a little wiggle and the dress fell over her hips and onto the floor. By the look in his eyes, he didn’t seem to mind.

  He was suddenly on her, kissing her hard, his greedy hands exploring everywhere, touching, caressing, holding.

  She wrestled his shirt from him, sliding her hands over warm, strong shoulders. She moved her hands to his trousers, but he picked her up, making her squeal a little against his mouth. She wrapped her legs around him and all he did was kiss her. One scorching hot kiss, followed by another.

  She was vaguely aware that he was carrying her into the kitchen. He stopped and sat her on the edge of the dining table.

  ‘Is this your flat surface of choice?’ Melody asked.

  ‘It works just as well as any,’ Jamie said.

  She shuffled back a little. ‘Then come up here and join me.’

  He caught her hips and slid them back to the edge of the table, his fingers playing with the waistband of her knickers. He gave the material a little tug and she leaned back on her hands and lifted her bum and thighs slightly so he could pull them off. He flung them across the room so she was completely naked.

  Melody leaned forward to kiss him again and he shifted her legs apart and moved between them. He slid his hand up the inside of her thigh and with the lightest of touches he brought her to the very edge of her sanity before he stopped and that wonderful feeling started to slip away.

  ‘Jamie,’ she breathed against his lips.

  But he was already grabbing a condom from his jeans pocket and wrestling himself out of the rest of his clothes.

  He stepped back between her legs and with his hands on her hips and his eyes locked on hers, he slid inside her.

  She leaned back on her elbows for a moment to adjust to the weight of him inside her. As he moved inside her again, he leaned over her and kissed her breast, slipping her nipple inside his mouth.

  She let out a noise that was half grunt, half moan, cupping the back of his head as she stroked his hair. She wrapped her legs around him, holding him close.

  He pulled back slightly, then settled himself on his forearms, kissing her hard. Her breath hitched as that delicious feeling started tingling through her and he pulled back again to watch her. His breath was heavy as he looked down at her.

  ‘You’re so beautiful, Melody Rosewood,’ he whispered. ‘So bloody lovely. What did I do to get so lucky to have you in my life?’

  She stroked his face.

  ‘It’s me that got lucky. I’ve wanted to be with you for so long and now you’re here, looking at me as if you…’ she trailed off. She wouldn’t put words in his mouth.

  He frowned slightly then kissed her with so much urgency, she could feel this desperation for her emanate from him, like he couldn’t take enough. That wonderful feeling escalated through her, and it was his need for her that sent her shouting out his name. He groaned against her lips and collapsed on top of her, his face buried against her neck.

  She wasn’t sure because her heart was racing, blood pounding through her ears and Jamie was breathing so heavily, but as he placed a kiss on her neck, just below her ear, she thought she heard him whisper, ‘I do.’


  Holding hands, they walked towards Sea Breeze, the best seafood restaurant in the area. It had the most amazing views of Sunshine Beach and served the most incredible Dover sole Melody had ever tasted.

  Jamie held the door open for her and she stepped inside.

  ‘Table for two for Jamie Jackson. We’re a bit late, I’m afraid,’ he said.

  Melody suppressed a smirk.

  ‘Not a problem, we’re not too busy tonight, we still have your table for you,’ the hostess said, gesturing for them to follow her up the stairs.

  They sat down in the window and looked out over the sea. The colours of the setting sun scattering like a mosaic over the waves looked magnificent.

  Melody turned to Jamie, reaching across the table to take his hand, and realised his attention wasn’t on her at all, but something behind her.

  She turned in her seat but there was nothing out the ordinary and no one she knew. She looked back at Jamie and then followed his line of sight to a very pretty brunette sitting at the table across the aisle behind her. She had these wonderful, long curls that came down almost to her bum. She was wearing a gold dress, which showed every flawless curve and very very long legs.

  Melody had never once thought that Jamie would be the sort to check out other women when he was with her. She didn’t expect him to be a saint – even if she was happily married to someone, she would still recognise when a man was good-looking. Leo and Aidan were very handsome men, but it didn’t mean she was attracted to them. Of course Jamie would admire other women, but she hadn’t expected him to be so blatant about it, especially when he was on a date with her.

  ‘You OK?’ Melody asked, snagging his attention back on her.

  ‘Yes… sorry,’ he said, visibly distracted.

  She waited for him to take her outstretched hand but he didn’t. He stared at the menu in front of him, but she guessed that he wasn’t actually reading it. She placed her hand back in her lap.

  ‘So, are you going to give me any hints as to what your sculpture is for the competition tomorrow?’ Melody asked.

  He looked up at her and then his eyes slid to the brunette again, just briefly before he suddenly looked fearful. He swallowed.

  ‘No, in fact, I’m probably not going to enter at all.’

  ‘What? Why? You’ve been busy finishing it off all week.’

  ‘It’s not appropriate. It was silly of me to make this sculpture; I should have stuck with something much simpler like a seal or a dolphin, not this. I don’t know what I
was thinking.’

  ‘I… don’t understand. What’s so bad about the sculpture you’ve made?’

  ‘It was a stupid idea. I’ll have a look to see if there is anything else in my studio more appropriate. If not, then I just won’t enter. It won’t matter. There’ll be hundreds of entries tomorrow. No one will notice if mine is there or not.’

  The waitress came over at that point.

  ‘Hello, my name is Jenny, I’ll be your waitress this evening. Can I get you two a drink while you are looking at the menu?’

  Melody glanced down at the menu, thrown by this sudden about-turn from Jamie. She looked at the cocktails and chose something that had strawberries and prosecco in it. Jamie ordered a beer.

  The waitress left a bread basket on the table and walked off to get their drinks.

  Melody looked at Jamie.

  ‘Are you OK, you seem…’ She couldn’t put her finger on how he seemed, but something was definitely up. She thought back over the last hour with him and the time they had spent together that day. Had she said something or done something to upset him?

  ‘I’m fine. I’m sorry, just a bit… distracted.’

  ‘With what?’

  ‘It doesn’t matter.’

  She reached across the table to stroke his face and sent the bread basket flying onto the floor.

  ‘Oh crap, sorry,’ Melody said, leaning over to grab the bread and the basket. Jamie leaned over to help her too.

  One of the waiters came hurrying over and took the bread basket off them. ‘Let me get you a fresh one.’

  ‘Sorry,’ Melody said again.

  ‘It’s not a problem,’ the waiter said, easily, before moving off to get them another basket of bread.

  She turned her attention back to Jamie.

  ‘Look, shall we go?’ he said.

  She stared at him. When he’d offered to take her to a restaurant of her choosing and she’d suggested Sea Breeze, there had definitely been hesitation on his part before he had agreed. It was a bit more upper class than she would normally choose, but the food was amazing and so were the views. Was he not comfortable here; was it too posh for him?

  ‘Why? I’m starving and I really fancy the Dover sole. Why do you want to leave?’

  ‘It doesn’t matter.’

  ‘You keep saying that, but something is bothering you.’

  ‘It was a mistake coming here, that’s all.’

  The waiter came back with a basket of bread and placed it on the table before moving away. She watched as Jamie deliberately moved the basket away from the edge of the table to the other side near the window, clearly so she couldn’t knock it off again.

  ‘Why, because you’re embarrassed by me?’ Melody muttered.

  His head snapped up. ‘What? Why would you say that?’

  ‘You’re being weird.’

  Jenny returned at that point with their drinks order. ‘Strawberry Passion for you and a beer for you. Are you guys ready to order?’

  ‘Sorry, we need a few more minutes,’ Jamie said.

  ‘No problem.’ Jenny wandered off.

  Jamie returned his attention to the menu as if desperately trying to find some food that he liked. It was all pretty basic stuff, various different fish served with chips or potatoes. It might be slightly overpriced because of the location but it wasn’t fancy food.

  She watched Jamie carefully, wondering what was upsetting him so much. Keeping her eyes on him, she snatched up her cocktail and took a sip, not realising that there was a small fruit kebab sticking out the top. It stabbed her in the cheek and as she yanked back away from the pain she managed to tip the whole drink over herself.

  ‘Crap!’ Melody said as she shook the drink and ice off her. She looked up and saw that Jamie had a look of anger and frustration on his face. She felt like she had been slapped. It was that same look her dad had whenever she spilt something down her and later, after her dad had left, the impatience that her mum had shown her. ‘I’m sorry.’

  His eyes slid to the brunette again. Maybe he was wishing he was with her instead.

  ‘Let’s go home,’ Jamie said, standing up and throwing some money on the table to cover the drinks.

  Melody grabbed some napkins and attempted to dry herself before she stood up too. Any appetite that she’d had was suddenly gone.

  Jamie put his arm around her and ushered her out the restaurant, breathing a huge sigh of relief as soon as they stepped outside.

  She stepped out of his embrace as they walked back along the beach and they fell silent as Melody felt her heart breaking inside.

  Bloody Polly Lucas, after all this time.

  Jamie stared out at the sea as he walked with Melody back towards her house. He hadn’t seen Polly since that day they had broken up. Since the day she had laughed at him when he’d told her he loved her. She’d said she wasn’t interested in any kind of serious relationship but after they’d split up she was rumoured to be dating a doctor who lived in the next town. Within a month of breaking Jamie’s heart, she had moved in with this doctor and married him six months later. So when she’d said she wasn’t looking for anything serious, what she actually meant was that she wasn’t looking for anything serious from him.

  He’d known it was a mistake going to Sea Breeze that night. Not only was it Polly’s favourite restaurant, but her brother owned it, so the likelihood of her being there was quite high.

  And sure enough, there she was, sitting on the table just behind Melody. He’d stared at her wondering what he ever saw in her. She was pretty, there was no denying that, but as he watched her toss her hair back as her husband came back to the table, he found it impossible to remember any of her redeeming qualities. She wasn’t kind or gentle or generous, she wasn’t funny or loyal or brave. In fact, the only thing he could think of was that she had been pretty good in bed.

  Was that all he had fallen in love with? Surely not. But his feelings for Melody went way beyond what he’d felt for Polly so maybe he’d never been in love with Polly at all. Maybe it was lust, pure and simple.

  His cheeks burned at the memory of the humiliation of when he’d declared his love for her. How she had laughed so much. And because of it, the thought of telling Melody that he loved her filled him with so much fear. That was why he had thought about pulling the sculpture from the competition the following day. He couldn’t do it again. Melody was so different to Polly, in every way, but still he couldn’t bring himself to utter the words.

  God, Polly really was a nasty cow. He knew that, of course he did, who laughed at someone when they confessed their love for them?

  But when Melody had dropped the bread basket on the floor, Polly had looked over at them and giggled. And then when Melody had poured her drink over herself, Polly had literally burst out laughing.

  Jamie had been consumed with so much anger at that. He wanted to protect Melody from her and ushered her out the restaurant before he decided to let rip at Polly. Though what good that would do, he didn’t know. It was clear Polly didn’t have a remorseful bone in her body.

  ‘I’m sorry I embarrassed you,’ Melody said, quietly.

  ‘What? Christ, why would you think that?’

  ‘Gee, I don’t know, maybe because of the speed we exited the restaurant at after I threw my drink over myself. Maybe the look of complete irritation and anger that crossed your face as soon as I’d done it,’ Melody said, sarcastically.

  His heart dropped into his stomach. He stopped and snagged her arm. ‘Wait, I wasn’t pissed off with you.’

  ‘Just something completely unrelated that had nothing to do with me throwing my drink everywhere.’

  He paused too long, trying to find a reasonable explanation, and Melody walked off again, up her garden path and into her house.

  Jamie hurried after her and managed to catch the door before it slammed in his face.

  ‘My ex was in that restaurant. The brunette in the gold dress. I’m sure you didn’t notice her but—’
  ‘I noticed her. Well, I noticed the way you were staring at her. Wishing you were with her instead, were you?’

  He stared at her in shock. ‘What the hell is wrong with you tonight?’

  ‘What’s wrong with me?’ Melody asked, incredulously. ‘I wasn’t the one who was staring at another woman the whole time we were there. And when I threw my drink all over myself, I have never seen anyone look so pissed off before. No, that’s a lie, that was the exact same look my parents used to give me every time I spilled something as a child. I just never expected to see that from you.’

  He winced. The very last thing he wanted was to hurt her or make her feel like her parents had made her feel. But he couldn’t tell her that Polly had laughed at her, she was so sensitive about her clumsy side. Just as she was becoming more accepting of being accident-prone, laughing at herself when things went wrong, all of that would go straight out of the window if she knew other people were laughing at her because of it. She would be mortified.

  ‘I was pissed off with her, not you,’ Jamie said. ‘I was angry with myself for falling in love with her, when she has such an ugly heart. I was angry for letting myself hold back from every relationship I’ve ever had since her because I was scared of getting hurt again. She’s a cow and she didn’t deserve to have my love. I should never have let someone like that have such power over me. She ruined my life and I let her. It’s the first time I’ve seen her since we broke up and all those emotions I felt after she dumped me came flooding back.’

  None of that was a lie, even though he had omitted the part about why he’d suddenly realised she was so horrible.

  Melody stared at him, clearly not sure whether to believe him. It probably was too much of a coincidence that he would be angry with Polly at the exact time that Melody threw her drink over herself. He was still holding back from telling her the truth, not just about Polly laughing at her but also what had happened the day he had told Polly he loved her. The fact that she had burst out laughing was so humiliating, he couldn’t bear to share that with Melody. Though from her sceptical face, it was clear she knew he was holding something back from her.


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