Krystal Le Beau

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by V. A. Dold


  Le Beau

  A.D.A.M Agency

  Book Two


  V.A. Dold

  Copyright© 2020 by V.A. Dold

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever without written permission from the author–except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the web.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events; to real people, living or dead; or to real locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and their resemblance, if any, to real-life counterparts is entirely coincidental.

  ISBN 9781943896462


  A huge thank you to all the Bayou Babes who support me every day.

  To Sherri Good and Lisa Mastandrea, who shared their thoughts, made suggestions, and helped me make this an awesome story.

  To every reader who waited patiently for me to get this book released.

  Glossary of Terms

  Amaali—(Ah mah lee) I love you (to the woman)

  Amaalu—(Ah mah loo) I love you (to the man)

  Djairi—(D-jair-ee) A female companion.

  Djairu—(D-jair-oo) A male companion.

  Mahri—(Mah rē) Spouse (female)

  Mahru—(Mah rū) Spouse (male)

  Ta ajéí—( Tah ah jay) My heart

  Tamaali—(Tah mah lee) My love (female)

  Tamaalu—(Tah mah loo) My love (male)

  Wäshaeä—(Wa-shay-a) The claiming ritual where two become one.

  Wäshaeä Mäku—(Wa-sha-ma Mah Koo) unbreakable bonding

  Mer Ahn Tah—(Mer-on-ta) Doug Dansby's home planet

  About the Author

  V.A. Dold is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the award-winning Le Beau Series, League of Guardians series, and A.D.A.M. Agency series.

  Her idea of absolute heaven is a day in the French Quarter with a cup of café au lait, and the Le Beau brothers, of course.

  A Midwest native, with her heart lost to the French Quarter. She has a penchant for titillating tales featuring sexy men and strong women. When she’s not writing, she’s probably reading or traveling. Oh, and there is the distinct possibility she is hanging out with Rylon.

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  A.D.A.M Agency

  Book Two

  Krystal Le Beau’s true mate just showed up at the ranch on professional business. Sheriff business, to be exact. Not only is he a bossy cop, he’s also a cat. As a wolf shifter, what’s she supposed to do with a feline mate? Don’t even get her started on how her mother will react.

  At Luperca’s suggestion, Doug Dansby came to Earth to find his lost companion. The one female who matches his soul and will complete him. It has taken five long years of living on a strange planet and acclimating to the culture, but he has finally found her. And no one, not even her mother, will take her away from him.

  As if mating issues aren’t enough, Luperca wants Krystal to use her abilities to see auras and speak with spirit guides to find soulmates for the other men of the Sirius and Pleiades star systems. It’s a daunting task, but with a lot of help, she’ll figure out how to make it work. Now she needs a way for the off-world visitors to come and go from Earth, as well as someone to test her system before she offers it to the world.

  Krystal’s biggest secret is about to become public knowledge. She’s a psychic matchmaker of the most unusual kind. She is matching off-world men to Earth women. That’s right, extraterrestrials are coming to claim Earth women. Ugh, that sounds like the title of a bad B movie.

  Prologue: The Plan

  Before we start, have you joined my fan group, the Bayou Babes? There are contests and tons of fun stuff going on there. It’s also the place to get snippets of my work in progress before the books are published.

  Isaac Le Beau tipped his head and narrowed his eyes. Emma, his mate, knew that look. Isaac was thinking and more than likely planning something. She didn’t need to be nestled on his lap to see that. The cuddling was just a bonus.

  “Seth wants us to disclose the true history of the shifters. I think you should talk to Luperca about that. If she agrees with him, the gathering would be the perfect time and place for that kind of disclosure. Most of the community will be present, and I can control any fallout from the shock and betrayal they will feel.”

  Emma cocked a brow. “If she appears to me, I’ll ask her about that. But, as you know, I can’t guarantee she will show up.”

  Isaac threaded his fingers through her hair, lifted her face, and kissed her. “That’s all I ask of you, mon amour.”

  After a few minutes, Emma pulled back, breathing heavily. “I have to do my daily meditation. If you keep kissing me like that, I’ll be late.”

  He gave her behind a pat as she rose from his lap. “We can’t have that. I’ll be right here when you’re done.”

  Emma rushed down the hall to her altar room. She closed the door and stepped up to the small altar she’d used for the past few decades. Carefully, she brushed a hand over the altar cloth as she considered what crystal to use. Clear quartz Lemurian crystals seemed to be the ticket today.

  She lit the white candles and pulled the crystals from a shelf where she stored them. Once satisfied, she knelt before the altar. Closing her eyes, she centered her mind and quieted her thoughts, then she opened herself to her spirit guides and the goddess.

  “Blessed be,” Luperca greeted her in her soft, soothing voice.

  “Blessed be.”

  Luperca tipped her head to the side. “You have questions for me.”

  Emma swallowed, then nodded. “Yes, I do. Seth would like to explain everything to the entire shifter community. Is that what you want as well?”

  Luperca sighed. “He is persistent, isn’t he?” She floated across the room, turned, and floated back. “He’s right. It’s time. The human population will know about beings from other planets soon enough. The shifters need to be prepared with full knowledge of their heritage.”

  Emma nodded. “Seth is returning with his mate, and I’m planning a pack gathering in celebration of his retirement and hopefully a wedding. Should we explain everything to them then?”

  Luperca’s transparent image tapped her chin. “No. It’s time I manifest to all. I will come to the gathering and make an appearance after the wedding feast has been eaten. I think it would be best for them to hear the truth from me personally.”

  Emma inclined her head. “Very good.”

  Luperca’s chest rose and fell like she took a deep breath. “Now, you have another question to ask.”

  Emma felt her cheeks warm. “Yes. As long as you are here, I thought I would ask if there is another name for me?”

  Luperca smiled lovingly and cocked her head. “Yes”—she tipped her head to the other side—“and no. I have arranged for Krystal and her mate to meet at the ranch. Everything is in motion, so there’s nothing you need to do. He is the local sheriff of the town she lives in but also a true non-terrestrial.”

  Emma frowned. “A non-terrestrial?”

  “Yes, from another planet. He traveled from his home planet and has adopted a human form to find his mate. As a fifth density
non-terrestrial, he can appear as an energy being, human, or in his animal form. They only just met and, as such, will not attend the gathering. I will talk to her personally and explain everything. I have plans for her that include expanding her matchmaking service to non-terrestrials.”

  “Really? How...” Emma paused, uncertain how to ask her question. “How will that work?”

  “I will give her the help she needs to set up a national matchmaking service that will pair humans with non-terrestrials. Since shifters are technically part of that category, they may choose to be part of the program.”

  “Does her mate know about the plan? It sounds like a massive undertaking for a newly mated couple.”

  “He will leave law enforcement and be her partner in the endeavor.” Luperca smiled. “Fear not. I will ensure she has all the help she needs.”

  “Perfect. Thank you.”

  “I will return to talk with Isaac in a few days to arrange for my appearance. Take care, my dear. Blessed be.”

  “Take care. Blessed be.”

  Emma snuffed out her candles and rushed back to Isaac. “I have so much news!”

  He caught her up as she leapt into his arms. “What is it, cher?”

  “I spoke with Luperca. She wants to be the one to speak to everyone at the gathering, and Krystal has found her mate!”

  “Luperca is going to appear in public?”

  “I know, right? I was floored.”

  Isaac shook his head. “Wow. I didn’t see that coming. And Krystal found a mate?”

  “Yes. She said the sheriff in their town in Texas is her mate. The only thing is, he’s a real non-terrestrial who traveled here to find his mate. I’m not sure what implications that will have. But it’s already in the works, so there isn’t anything for us to do.”

  Isaac rubbed his hands together. “Excellent. We get a win without doing the work. I’ll take that.”

  “I need to get started with the party plans anyway. Why don’t you talk to Seth while I call Rose?”

  “Deal. I’ll meet you back here in fifteen minutes. I built a fire in the fireplace, and I’ll open a nice bottle of wine to celebrate our success.”

  Emma winked as she headed for the door. “In that case, I’ll be back in ten.”


  It was one of those days that Sheriff Doug Dansby lived for. The sun was shining, the fish were biting, and the phone was quiet. That’s what he called the trifecta of perfection.

  Rolling down the window of his pickup, he stuck his hand out. He’d purchased the 4WD Toyota Tundra shortly after landing on the planet. It had taken a few days to acclimate to the concept of paved roads and download instructions for how to drive an Earth vehicle. Once he felt sure he had a handle on the process, he chose the truck for its size and safety features.

  Purchasing things was unheard of on his home planet, Mer Ahn Tah. For that matter, money didn’t exist. Luckily, humans valued the rocks found scattered on the ground on his world. Diamonds, they called them. It was easy enough to sell a few stones for the green paper humans used. Luperca had left a lot of things out when she told him about Earth and finding his female there. He’d only been on the planet for a few days at that point, and already the entire experience had been a massive learning curve, but he’d managed it. After years of Earth life, he blended in without effort.

  He spread his fingers wide, enjoying the rush of fresh country air across his skin. He’d tried city living for a month or two when he’d first arrived and found the stench of trash and exhaust unbearable. Back on Mer Ahn Tah, his people lived in small villages. The only city on the planet was the capital, and even that would be considered less than a city by Earth standards. He’d thought the experience of a large population living together would be interesting. It was more stressful than he’d expected so he looked for a better fit. Luckily, he’d applied for and landed the position of sheriff in Oak Grove. That was five years ago. Had it really been that long? It felt like only yesterday.

  Doug’s schedule rarely changed. For the last five years, from Tuesday through Saturday, he was the man keeping the peace, but Sunday and Monday were all his. On very rare occasions, the city had an emergency on his day off. But that had happened only twice. Once when a woman went into labor and delivered her baby on the back seat of a car, and another time when Jerry Chapman’s cattle broke through a fence and blocked the main road into town.

  Glancing at the passenger seat, he grinned. He had a cooler filled with food and drinks, all the bait he could possibly use, and his best friend, Russel. Russel was a mutt he’d rescued from the pound four years, eleven months, and five days earlier. He and the scruffy, wire-haired hound did everything together. Russel even slept under his desk at the station.

  Like most Mer Ahn Tians, Doug preferred to be out of doors. He was happiest with the sky overhead and no walls hemming him in, which was why he loved his job. As Sheriff, he was expected to be out and about keeping the good citizens of Oak Grove safe. Sure, the paperwork required after a law was broken irritated him, but crimes were few and far between. The smile faded from his face as a thought crossed his mind. The only thing lacking was his other half. His mahri. His long lost other half.

  Rubbing the ache in his chest, Doug pulled into Lake Oak Grove’s parking lot. He had to give it to the humans, they were nothing if not consistent. Two local boys, who launched their boat every day to provide fresh fish for their families, were putting their craft in the water. He hadn’t felt like hitching up his boat so, today, he was trying his luck on the fishing pier. Word around town was, there was good fishing to be had off the sturdy dock that stretched twenty feet into the lake. He’d be the judge of that.

  He had just parked and reached for his door when his phone rang. My hair’s turning white. My neck’s always been red. My collar’s still blue, sang out from his phone. Dang, it. Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Red White and Blue was the ringtone he’d set for the station. Someone had better be on death’s door for interrupting his day off.

  He took a deep breath to cool his aggravation before answering. Marybeth didn’t deserve his ire. “What’s up?”

  “Good morning, Sheriff. I’m sorry to disturb your day off, but we have something you need to handle.”

  Doug pinched the bridge of his nose. “And that is?”

  “There was a murder out at the Rocking Double L Ranch.”

  Doug reared back and stared at his phone before putting it to his ear again. “Did you say murder?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Okay…” He paused to think through what needed to be done.

  Tayja, Doug’s Spirit guide, interrupted his thought process. Go home and change your clothes. You want to look nice.

  I’m going to a murder scene, not a nightclub. Doug reminded his guide.

  Trust me, you want to look your best.

  Fine. Doug huffed.

  “Call Lucas and let him know I’ll be there as soon as I can. I have to drop Russel at home and change my clothes. Besides, my cruiser is at home and I need to switch to that before I head over there.” Regardless if car or truck, the sheriff station referred to all of their vehicles as cruisers.

  “Will do, Sheriff.”

  He ended the call and sighed. “Sorry, boy, no fishing today.”

  Russel whined, then grunted loudly as he laid across the seat. Doug’s inner tiger wasn’t any happier. It lifted its lips and snarled.

  Thirty-five minutes later, Doug pulled into the main house’s parking lot at the Rocking Double L Ranch. Before he could kill the motor, he was waved on toward the horse barn by one of the cowboys.

  Cutting the engine, he climbed out and slammed the door. Striding into the horse barn, he looked over the scene.

  “Sheriff,” Lucas said in greeting as Doug came through the barn doors.

  He glanced at the bloodied man sitting on the floor and then back at Lucas. “I was told there was a murder out here. This one looks like he’s stil
l breathing.”

  Lucas tipped his head toward the guy on the floor. “That’s the guy who’s been causing all the problems around here.”

  “I take it, he’s your stalker?” he asked, looking from the suspect tied up on the floor to Joe and the new gal, Carol. His tiger lowered to crouch, prepared to rip the suspect's throat out. Women were sacred to him and never, ever, to be abused.

  “We assume so. I haven’t bothered asking him, yet,” Joe, the manager of the ranch, answered as he glared at the suspect and cracked his knuckles suggestively.

  Doug glanced at Lucas, unsure who to ask his next question. “He got a name?”

  Lucas lifted his chin toward Carol. “Miss Carol is the person to ask.”

  Doug lifted his brows at Carol and waited.

  “Larry Smith,” Carol said with a sneer of contempt at the suspect.

  Just the tone and venom of her voice told him that there was a lot more to the story than stalking and assault. Doug read Larry his rights and when he was sure Larry would act rationally, he loosened the ropes binding his wrists to switch them out with a set of cuffs.

  Now that the suspect was subdued, he examined the gash across Larry’s chest and the ragged cut running a good four inches down his forearm. Then he glanced at the ragged wound on Larry’s thigh. “Lucas, do you have anything we can use as a tourniquet? His arm is bleeding like a stuck pig, and his thigh isn’t much better. I’d hate to get blood all over the upholstery of my cruiser.”

  “I’m sure there’s something around here we can use.”

  Doug took a closer look at Larry’s arm and whistled softly. “This is worse than I thought. I better call an ambulance when we get bleeding under control.”

  Lucas emerged from the tack room with a first aid kit. Together they managed to dress Larry’s wounds without the idiot making a bid for freedom.


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