Krystal Le Beau

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Krystal Le Beau Page 6

by V. A. Dold

  “Love you too. Watch your back, Sis. Bye.”

  When Jojo, Kensie’s little sister, came for breakfast, Krystal waved her over. “After you’ve eaten, could you watch the desk for a few minutes?”

  “Sure. I have all day.”

  Krystal tilted her head in surprise. “Isn’t the clinic open today?”

  “It’s open, but I don’t work there anymore. Kensie and I are great as sisters, not so much as employer and employee.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Jojo shrugged. “It is what it is.”

  “You know what? We’re super busy right now. Would you like to work here while you look for another job?”

  “Are you serious? I’d love to.”

  “Perfect. You can start after you’ve eaten.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Krystal found herself standing in Lucas’s office, facing a confused cousin and his mate.

  “Would you like to tell us why you called this meeting, or would you rather stare at us a little longer?” Lucas asked, displaying his impatience to return to work.

  Kensie laid her hand on Lucas’s arm to calm him. “You’re biting your lip. What has upset you, Krystal?”

  Taking a deep breath, she sat across from the two of them. “I should start from the beginning. Doug Dansby is… different.” Recalling their conversation in the barn, she asked Lucas, “Do you remember saying he smelled like a cat?”

  “Yeah,” he answered, caution in his tone.

  “You were right, in a huge extraterrestrial jungle cat sort of way.”

  Kensie leaned forward. “Wait... what?”

  “Brace yourself. He’s a tiger shifter from another planet. It seems we haven’t found our mates fast enough for Luperca. She’s now sending extra-terrestrials directly from our home planet and other star systems.”

  “Well…” Lucas paused, white lines bracketed his mouth. “That wasn’t what I expected you to say. I’m not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t that.”

  Kensie sat back, mouth agape. “This can’t end well. How does Luperca expect something as big as extra-terrestrials to remain under wraps?”

  “Exactly. If this gets out, there will be panic the likes we’ve never seen.” She knew that beyond any shadow of a doubt. “But... there’s more.”

  Lucas rubbed absently at his temple. “How could there possibly be more? Isn’t that enough?”

  “I called Julia for advice about my unusual mate and my mother.”

  Lucas dropped his face into his hands and groaned.

  “Logan was at her house, and he and Thomas joined in the conversation. Suffice it to say, Logan discussed my problem with Quin at the bar, of all places. He called me a few minutes ago to warn me that my mother is acting more erratic than usual, and she may have heard about Doug. But that hasn’t been confirmed.”

  Her cousin’s mouth set in a grim line. “Fuck.”

  “I know. The four of them are keeping an eye on my mother. They will contact me if she heads our way. But Lucas, she’s been making suspicious phone calls.”

  Kensie glanced from her to Lucas. “So, what do we do?”

  “I’ll give the men a heads up. Anything unusual will be reported immediately. I’ll also call my father. He might be able to nip this in the bud before it gets ugly.” His voice chilled a few degrees. “I will kill her before I let her lay a hand on you.”

  Her worry for her father vied with her need to protect Doug. “Please don’t do that. If she dies, he dies as well. I’ll handle her my way.”

  “Fine, I’ll just maim her.” His voice vibrated with years of pent-up anger. Krystal knew her mother had pushed him as far as he would go.

  “Thank you, Lucas. While you confer with your father, I’ll warn Doug. Mother’s strange behavior may mean nothing. Until I’m sure of what she knows, I’m going to hold off on taking things further with Doug. A courtship is a distraction I can’t afford. It’s just... not safe.”

  With that, Krystal got to her feet. Glancing at Kensie, she gave her cousin-in-law a smile that conveyed an apology of sorts. “I also wanted to let you both know that Jojo will be helping me out for the foreseeable future. I hope that’s all right with the both of you.”

  Lucas shrugged. “The dude ranch is your domain. I have no issue with it.”

  Kensie grinned. Not a fake grin, but a truly happy grin. “That’s fantastic. I was worried she wouldn’t find work.”

  “Well, all right then.” Overjoyed with their reaction and yet wondering what transpired between the sisters at the clinic, she turned to go.

  “Hold up for a minute. I wanted to let you know that I hired two new ranch hands, Jeb and Leon. If you see a new face, introduce yourself.”

  “I’ll do that.” Opening the office door, she glanced back. “Y’all have a good day. I have things to do.”

  “You too. I hope it works out with Doug,” Kensie called as the door swung shut.


  As much as Krystal would like to make her life easy and break the news to Doug over the phone, he deserved better. On her way out the door, she stopped at the front desk. “Jojo, do you think you can handle things for an hour or so?”


  “Great.” Krystal pulled her handbag from the drawer where she kept it and dug out her car keys. “If you have any questions, I’ll have my phone with me.”

  “Okay. Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”

  As soon as Krystal was in her car, she called the police station.

  “Oak Grove Sheriff office, how may we be of service?” Marybeth asked as she answered.

  “Hey, sweetie, this is Krystal Le Beau. Is the sheriff in?”

  “Sure is. Would you like to talk to him?”

  “No. I’m on my way there, and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t wasting a trip.”

  “Well, all right then. I guess I’ll see you in a few.”

  “Thanks, Marybeth.”

  You need to pick up coffee on the way, Stefanie whispered in her ear.

  Why? They have coffee at the station, Krystal argued.

  Stefanie sighed dramatically. Trust me. Get the coffee.

  Twenty minutes and three hot coffees from Jumpin’ Beans Express later, she walked into the sheriff’s station. “I come bearing gifts,” she said as she pulled one from the carrier.

  Marybeth accepted hers and breathed in the aroma. “Oh my god. You’re a lifesaver. We ran out of coffee grounds, and I haven’t had time to run to the store.”

  “Then I’m glad I decided to stop and get some. Enjoy.” Krystal grinned at Marybeth’s sounds of happiness as she walked away. Some people were so easy to please. Doug, she knew, would be another matter altogether.

  Told you so, Stefanie sang in a singsong voice.

  Krystal rolled her eyes. Smug does not look good on you.

  Stefanie fluffed her hair. Girrrrllll, everything looks good on me.

  Krystal ignored her. She raised her knuckles to knock, but Doug called out for her to enter before she made contact.

  “Krystal! What a wonderful surprise.”

  “And with coffee, too,” she added.

  Doug accepted his cup gratefully. “Even better. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  Her expression grew solemn. “You may not think it’s such a pleasure when I’m done.”

  Doug’s smile faded as his face went very quiet. “Perhaps you should take a seat and cut to the chase.”

  Krystal took her time arranging the coffee tray on the edge of his desk, her handbag on the floor, and finally pulling back a chair to sit. When she looked up to meet his gaze, she swore the tiger in him opened its mouth in a silent growl.

  “I wanted to tell you in person that we have to postpone any further dates or... or courtship related activities.”

  Remain calm, Douglas, Tayja advised.

  Doug snorted in his mind. I’m always calm.

  Tayja rolled hi
s eyes. Of course, you are.

  He looked at her for the longest time as if reading her mind. In a quiet, dangerously controlled tone, he asked, “What happened?”

  “My brother called to warn me that my mother may know about you. I need to handle that before we go further.”


  “I expect her to show up and try to drag me back to Louisiana. Not that she could, but she’ll try. If we’re together when she shows up, things will be exponentially worse.”

  His tiger flashed its fangs on a silent snarl. “I’m not afraid of your mother, Krystal.”

  “Maybe you should be. Irrational people are more dangerous than you can imagine. Lucinda is on the razor edge between extreme irrationality and full-blown insanity.”

  “And again, I’m not afraid of her. Might I remind you, I’m not of this world. I have abilities you can’t imagine. Let your mother come.”

  Douglas, Tayja warned.

  In his mind, Doug snarled and snapped his teeth at the irritating guide.

  Tayja raised his hands and faded away.

  Krystal huffed out a sigh. “Then I have to ask for my sake, please give me time. She may be crazy and difficult to live with, but she’s my mother. I’d like to have a civil relationship with her when this is all over. Not for her benefit, obviously, but for my father’s. He doesn’t deserve a family at war.”

  Sitting back hard in his chair, he growled his frustration. “That request I can understand. I may not like it, but family ties are something to honor if at all possible.”

  “Thank you.” She reached for her coffee. “I appreciate your understanding.”

  Doug took a sip from his cup, watching her over the rim. “Let’s get one thing straight. I may not be able to take you out or visit you whenever I feel like it, but I will be courting you. Flower shops and candy shops deliver.”

  Exasperated, she put her cup back into the holder. “There’s going to be no talking you out of that, is there?”

  “Nope.” Grinning, he took another sip. “And I expect you to give me the green light the moment this issue with your mother is settled.”

  “I can do that, as long as you stick to the rules. No dates. No visits.”

  His responding smile was so wicked, Krystal knew she’d forgotten something. “What?”

  “You didn’t prohibit phone calls. And don’t even try to outlaw them now. Negotiations are over.”

  Stefanie waggled her finger at Krystal. Don’t you dare!

  Ignoring her guide, Krystal opened her mouth to argue and thought better of it. What could phone calls hurt? “All right, you may call.”

  “Good. Now that the unpleasantries are finished, tell me about your day.”


  After almost a week without hearing a peep out of her mother, Krystal eased her vigilance. The days of stress and sleepless nights had taken their toll, and she was still catching up on sleep. Sighing, she turned off her bedside lamp and pulled the blankets tightly around her. A long day had turned into an even longer evening. She’d been thinking about this very moment for hours.

  Knock, knock.

  She raised her head from the pillow and narrowed her eyes at the door. The ranch hands knew better than to bother her after eight at night, and it was five minutes to ten. Lucas and Kensie had retired earlier and were no doubt sleeping by now. And her private cabin was located out of sight of the paying guest areas to prevent them from knowing where she lived. So, who was the fool at her door? Breathing through her nose, she scented her visitor. Wolf? She had to be wrong.

  Knock, knock.

  Damn it. Sighing loudly, she turned the lamp back on and tossed back the covers. As she headed toward the door, she snagged her robe and slipped it on. No way was she opening the door in her nighty.

  Be careful. Her guide Stefanie whispered.

  Krystal wasn’t a stupid woman. She stopped beside the window that gave her a view of her front porch and glanced out. No one was standing on her step or walking away. That made no sense. The knock had been mere seconds ago.

  Confused, she opened her door to get a better sense of who had been out there.

  She was sniffing the door jamb when she inhaled the sweet floral perfume of roses.

  Glancing around, she spotted a vase with a dozen roses a few feet away. Intrigued, she collected the bouquet and went inside. She sat the flowers on the dinette table and searched for a card. There was a note tucked into one of those plastic picks, but it was written on regular paper, not a card.

  Pulling it free brought it closer to her face, and she caught the scent of wolf again. Now she was annoyed. Was Lucas messing with her? She put the note right under her nose and breathed deep. That brought her up short. It wasn’t Lucas or any wolf she knew.

  Unfolding the paper, she read the short yet cryptic message.

  I look forward to our time together.

  Until then, please accept these roses as a symbol of my intentions.

  She turned it over and glanced at the back, hoping to find a signature or some other identification. Finding none, she reread the front as if that would disclose further information. Who the heck was sending her roses at ten o’clock at night? No, not sending, dropping off. They hadn’t arrived via a delivery person. All deliveries were left at the main house. This was at her door.

  Beware, the man is trouble, Stefanie urged.

  It would be easier to beware if I knew who to beware of.

  Stefanie just shrugged. I don’t know his name and his guide can’t talk to me. The guide frowned. I’ve never had that happen before.

  That’s odd. Let me know if you learn anything.

  Scowling at the roses, Krystal sat down at the tiny table to ponder the mystery. Why wouldn’t the male, and it was a male, that much she was sure of, sign the note? What kind of guy didn’t introduce himself? Was it possible that an unknown wolf or pack had moved into the area? She’d have to talk to Lucas about that tomorrow.

  Getting nowhere with the identity of the note writer, she investigated the flowers and vase. The blooms were high quality, and the vase was cut crystal. This wasn’t a cheap gift. Carefully lifting the vase, she peered at the bottom for a floral shop sticker. She struck out again.

  Crap. If she could identify the florist, she could find out who purchased the roses. At the very least, she could get a description of the guy. Seeing as he delivered the flowers personally, he had to have been in the store. The closest shop was fifteen miles away. She’d start with them and go from there.

  You shouldn’t keep them, Stefanie strongly suggested.

  I don’t plan to.

  Giving up, Krystal pushed from the table and removed her robe. This mystery wasn’t getting solved tonight, and she was exhausted. The flowers could wait until morning, at which time she’d take them to the main office for the guests to enjoy. She already had Doug to contend with, she didn’t need another lovesick admirer.


  Krystal was up and showered long before her alarm went off. Just when she thought she’d get a full night’s sleep, those stupid roses showed up. Try as she might to fall asleep, her mind refused to let the mystery of the sender’s identity go.

  Shutting the alarm off, she glanced at her almost empty coffee pot. One last cup or head to the main house to catch Lucas before he started his day? She had to wait for her cousin to shower and dress, so she might as well stay where she was. Scowling at the flowers, she emptied the coffee pot into her cup. Stupid roses.

  She managed to wait a full fifteen minutes before she grabbed the vase and stomped to the main house. She was exhausted, crabby, and ready to draw blood. God help the idiot who deprived her of a good night’s sleep.

  Of course, Lucas had yet to emerge from the family wing of the house. Disgruntled, she slammed the vase onto a coffee table and threw herself face down onto one of the couches in the massive sitting area.

  Krystal was on the edge of sleep when L
ucas asked, “What are you doing here so early?”

  Snarling, she opened one eye. “Do you have to be so loud?”

  Lucas rocked back on his feet. “Wow. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

  Sitting up, she yawned. “In order to wake up on any side of the bed, I have to actually sleep in one.”

  Shoving Krystal over, Lucas sat beside her. “Uh-oh, what happened now?”

  Scowling, she stabbed a finger at the bouquet. “That happened. They showed up late last night outside my door.”

  “Give Doug a break. It’s not his fault your mother is batshit crazy.”

  She gave him a droll stare. “They aren’t from Doug.”

  “What?” He leaned forward to search the roses for a card. “Who then?” Plucking it out, he read it. “I look forward to our time together? What does that mean?”

  Krystal shook her head, yawning again. “No idea.”

  Narrowing his eyes at the roses, Lucas pulled his phone from his pocket and sent a text. Then he made a call.

  “Hello?” Julia mumbled sleepily.

  “Wake up. This is important,” Lucas demanded.

  “Lucas? What’s the matter?”

  “Has your mother said anything about the situation?”

  “No. But she’s been suspiciously happy the past few days.”

  “Do you know anything about Krystal getting a dozen roses left on her doorstep?”

  “No. Maybe it was Doug?”

  “It wasn’t. And it has a creepy card that isn’t signed.”

  “Huh, sending flowers isn’t something my mother would do. Poisoned candies or a beat down from the swampers? Yeah, she’d do that, but not something so innocuous as flowers with a creepy card.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But I had to be sure. Maybe one of the ranch hands has taken a shine to her?”

  Julia’s voice softened. “I would be surprised if more than one hasn’t fallen for my sweet little sister.”

  Lucas glanced at Krystal and grinned. “She is pretty special.”

  Julia yawned. “I’ll keep an ear to the ground for trouble and let you know if anything happens. But right now, I’m going back to sleep.”


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