Mayhem for Suckers

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Mayhem for Suckers Page 4

by Lacey Carter Andersen

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  Her mouth curls into a slight smile. “Today I have a meeting.”

  “And you’re happy about this…meeting?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Reid, it’s my meeting. The one where my teachers and parents will get together to decide if I can leave the school. If I’ve served my time, been reformed, whatever the hell was supposed to happen with me here. And if I play my cards right, by the end of the week I’ll finally be free… I’ll finally get to…”

  “Get to what?”

  A hardness comes over her features. “I can’t talk about it. Those are the rules.”

  Okay… “But you’re happy about this?”

  “Unbelievably so!”

  I smile. “Then, I’m happy for you too, even if I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too,” she says, softly. “So far you’re my only friend not to completely betray me.”

  “How did they betray you?” I’m genuinely curious. Mercy’s never been this talkative, not in all my classes or in our training sessions.

  That familiar guarded look comes over her face, and she lets out a ragged breath. “Those assholes are the reason I ended up here.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I say, but don’t push any further.

  Her eyes are hard. “Don’t worry, they’ll get what’s coming to them.”

  In all the time I’ve known Mercy, she’s never scared me. I knew all the students were sent here as punishment, and it made sense with blood-thirsty vampires and shifters with tempers, but it never made sense with Mercy. She could fight like a beast, but it was always controlled. And it was hard to imagine someone that controlled doing something to lead them here, but for the first time, I hear it in her voice.

  Mercy’s capable and willing to hurt someone.

  I give a nervous laugh.

  The hardness fades away, and her gaze gentles. “You’re such a nerd.”

  The knot in my stomach eases. “Can I walk you to your meeting?”

  She nods and we start across campus. She fidgets with the bottom of her t-shirt.

  “Nice clothes,” I say, teasingly.

  She bumps me with her shoulder. “I ‘borrowed’ them from someone else. I figured the new rags might sell that whole ‘I’ve really changed’ thing.”

  “They're nice,” I say with a shrug. “But I like your old ‘I could kill you with one finger’ look.”

  She bumps me again.

  Suddenly, in the center of campus, two men start fighting. One roars. The other growls, and then the shifters are sparring. The students around them step far back, but then start to jeer, encouraging the fight.

  Mercy rolls her eyes again. “Should I go split them up?”

  I smile. “Let me handle this one.”

  Stretching my hand out, I point. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake. It breaks where they stand, and the men leap back from each other. Fear permeates the air, and even the students who were watching the fight quiet down. All eyes go to me, and I lift a brow then snap my fingers. The shaking stops and the earth flattens once more.

  “Enough,” I say, then start walking again.

  Mercy jerks and falls into step beside me. “You’ve really changed, haven’t you?”

  I think about the man I walked into this place as. “Yeah. Yeah, I think I have. And it’s not a bad thing. Sometimes I think we need to change to grow.”

  She’s quiet for a long minute, and the main building looms ahead. “I don’t know if I can ever change. I’m just so angry. I’m just so tired of everything. I’ve been here for years. And I’m pretty sure I’m the exact same person I walked in here as.”

  I smile, strangely proud to be the one she’s vulnerable with. “I think you need to give yourself more credit. You’re a good person.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “You are. And--”

  She whirls toward me. “The reason I’m here…it’s because I tried to kill someone. And the truth is, the second I get out of here, I might just try it again.”

  I don’t know what to say to that.

  Up ahead, a car pulls down the driveway and stops before the main building. A hulking man, easily eight feet tall, exits one car door. He wears a finely tailored suit that strains over huge shoulders and muscled arms. The handle on the door looks like a toy in his grip as he opens the door.

  A pale hand reaches out of the open door, and the hulking man takes it. From out of the car, a woman emerges. She has long, silky hair that falls down past her waist, and a pink dress that looks soft. She wears matching pink heels, and she’s tiny compared to the man. So small that from behind she might be briefly confused for a child.

  Mercy’s steps slow, and I mirror her movements.

  “Any idea who they are?”

  “My parents,” she says softly.

  I stiffen. I can see nothing of Mercy in the hulking man and the tiny, feminine woman. They have this glow about them that is at such odds with the gloom that seems to haunt Mercy. Something about it bothers me to my very soul.

  Suddenly, the man looks our way and stops.

  We keep walking until we reach them.

  The woman follows his gaze, and they’re both looking at their daughter. I expect them to hug. I expect the mom to cry and the man to hold Mercy tightly. That’s what my parents would’ve done. Me being gone would’ve been hell for them.

  But instead, they turn away and start up the small set of stairs that leads to the building as if they hadn’t seen their daughter at all. Mercy doesn’t speak until they’re in the building, gone from view.

  “Two years wasn’t long enough for them. They’ll fight to have me stay here.”


  She stands taller. “They have a son to be proud of now. They don’t need me.”

  Her back is straight and her eyes are cold as she climbs the steps, but I sense underneath that facade a deep sense of hurt that echoes through my own soul.

  “I want you to get out,” I say. “And I think when you do, you’ll see how different you are. You’ll see that you don’t have to make the same mistakes as before.”

  Her hand grasps the door handle, and she looks back at me. “That’s why I like you, Reid. You believe in fairytales. Unfortunately for you, I’ve lived in those fairytales, and they’re dark and twisted in ways you’d never imagine. I just hope your story is different. I hope you have all the magic and happy endings you deserve.”

  And then she disappears into the building. I find myself rooted in place for far too long. The Reid who walked into this place would go back to his room now and lie in bed, wishing he could make the world better. Wishing he could be the hero that Mercy needs.

  But I’m not that Reid anymore.

  I start up the steps. Maybe right now in that room Mercy doesn’t have any allies. But she will once I get there. She’ll have someone who can tell those teachers and parents that she deserves her freedom. She’ll have someone who can describe how patient she was with me, and how much her gentle teaching helped this new god.

  And then, maybe, if she hears it, Mercy will believe it too.

  When I’m done, I’m going to call my mom, because she damn well deserves to hear from her son. Hell, she deserves more than that. And my dad too. Because I’ve realized more and more that anyone can have kids, but it takes someone special to be a good parent.

  Chapter Eight


  That night, I slip away from the guys, leaving them in our bed. I go into the bathroom and change myself into Thea, transforming my clothes to the dark leather-and-tank-top outfit she wore when we fought, making my hair look like hers.

  It hurts to see her face staring back at mine in the mirror. I wish things were different.

  But they aren’t, so I head up the stairs. We need to know if we can trust Oliver.

  Loki knows how to get past pretty much any lock. I think about how hard I worked to get into the library when we went to see the Veritas Painting, and think
that it could have been so much easier if the trickster god had decided to be helpful.

  I can practically feel him smirk at me in response. I also could’ve pointed out that you were walking into a trap, you sweet, innocent thing.

  It’s hard having a rude god taking up space in your brain.

  But I can feel how thrilled Loki is with this bit of mischief. I let myself into Oliver’s apartments. I go down the line of rooms until I find where he’s sleeping. Feeling a bit bad, I sneak across the floor and open the windows. The moonlight shines down on the campus outside, which is so beautiful, and the cool fall breeze flutters the curtains at the window.

  I straddle the window ledge and reach down to pull a knife I’ve just imagined off my belt, picking my fingernails with it absently. I’ve got Thea’s face and her hair, but the most important thing is to channel her wicked sense of confidence.

  Life’s probably a lot easier when you aren’t afraid of hurting people. Not better, but easier.

  I kick my heel against the wall. He finally starts in bed, then sits up quickly as he sees me. He scrambles up, his eyes wide.

  “Thea,” he says. “What are you doing here?”

  “Checking up on you,” I say, flashing him a cool smile. “How’s it going with these idiots?”

  He looks genuinely scared as he stares at me. What the hell has she done to him? If these kids had all been trapped together and abused, they should have looked out for each other.

  “Look, I’m not a traitor,” he says.

  Oh, so “Thea” wasn’t aware that he was supposed to be here. But he had some kind of permission, possibly? I need to confirm that.

  “Okay, sure,” I say. I wave my hand. “What do you call running away to the academy then? Promising to help these gods so they’ll give you whatever you want?” I flash him a cold smile. “What is it that you do want?”

  “I want to spend the rest of my life away from you and Viggo,” he says.

  “Too bad,” I say. I don’t want to say too much and tip my hand. “What did we ever do to you that was so terrible?”

  “Come on, Thea,” he says, his voice dropping. “We used to be friends. Tell him that you never saw me. Just let me go.”

  “What’s supposed to convince me that you aren’t a traitor?”

  “I’m here getting information from them, aren’t I? I’ll send everything I get to you, and then I’ll disappear.”

  I snort. “You hope we’ll all kill each other and you can walk off into the sunset.”

  He doesn’t argue with me.

  My gaze falls on the dresser top, and I realize he’s stolen a bunch of stuff out of our rooms-jewelry, weapons, money. I shake my head.

  “You know it’ll cost me if I come home without you,” I say.

  “It won’t be your first whipping and it won’t be your last,” he says, and my stomach curdles. He said Viggo. Is It Viggo that whips my sister? He goes on, his voice blase, “Tell him I’m being useful. He knows how much I want my freedom.”

  “I could do that, or I could gut you where you stand.”

  He stares down at the bed, the expression on his face sullen.

  It’s only when I see the flicker of color that I realize he’s about to attack.

  When he blasts magic my way, I’m already dropping to the floor. I transform into a tiger and pin him against the wall, then transform back--except for the enormous clawed and striped arm that holds him against the wall.

  “You’re not Thea,” he gasps.

  “And you’re not very genuine,” I answer.

  “I’ll do anything to stay alive,” Oliver says. “I’ll side with you. I just don’t want to go back there ever again…”

  “What happened that’s so terrible?” I demand. “Help me stop them.”

  He shakes his head. “You’ll never stop them. You’re a sweet bunch of kids.” His voice takes on a sneering edge when he says sweet. I don’t think he even hears it. “They’re a bunch of highly trained psychopaths.”

  “What’s it really like in that house?” I ask.

  His lips twist in a rueful smile. “You feel sorry for her, don’t you? You’re going to get yourself killed.”

  “I can’t trust you,” I say. “We can’t take you with us.”

  “I know all their defenses,” he promises me. “I’m the only way you’ll make it into the castle. Believe me, I want you to get in there. You’re right--I do want you all to kill each other.”

  Our eyes lock, and I realize that he’s probably telling the truth. But is that a good thing?

  Chapter Nine


  When I get back to my room, I still don’t have any answers. Before becoming a god, the world felt…easier, more black and white. Most of the time, I knew when something was right or wrong, but I seem to know less and less these days. Oliver isn’t a good person, I’m pretty damned sure of that, but it also doesn’t mean he will betray us. I believe he is afraid of Thea and the other gods, and fear does strange things to a person.

  The door to my room creaks open, and I stiffen, preparing my attack. I fully believe Oliver is going to step into my room, but instead, Reid is suddenly there. I release my magic like releasing a breath, and watch him in the moonlight.

  He’s changed since becoming a god. It isn’t just that he’s confident enough to be standing in my room in nothing but boxers, nor is it that he seemed to swell every day since becoming a god, the muscles in his chest, stomach, arms, and even his legs growing more pronounced. It’s the sense of confidence around it.

  I like the changes.

  Smiling, I slowly sit up.

  He runs a hand through his dark brown hair. For a second, he reminds me of his brother, but then he’s all Reid again. “I wasn’t sure if I should come. The days have been long, and tomorrow’s going to be longer.”

  “I’m glad you’re here.” I pat the bed beside me. “I couldn’t sleep anyway.”

  To my relief, he closes the door and walks across the room, then lies down, pulling me against him. In his arms I feel safe and loved in a way I never did as a kid, and it’s such a relief after pretending to be my sister. I think back to the last family I lived with. I hate that I still think of them sometimes. Something inside of me had whispered they were at least a family, even if they didn’t like me very much. But with my guys, I feel that sense of family paired with an unwavering love.

  It helps to ease some of the hurt that rises up every time I think of my old foster family.

  His hands slowly run through my tangled hair. “What’s keeping you up?”

  I release a slow breath, then decide that if there’s anyone I can tell the truth to, it’s Reid. “Oliver is just here because he’s miserable with the other gods, but I think he’ll betray us if it suits him, because he’s a little rotten at his core. I’m not sure I can blame him if things are as bad there as he says.”

  Reid continues to stroke my hair. “So what are you wondering about?”

  It all rushes out. “Should we really trust someone who’s only out for themselves? Or should we just use him like a tool? Or should we try to get him to see that our powers shouldn’t be abused?”

  He takes a minute to answer. “I think we’re cautious of him. We keep our guard up and be smart, but during that time there’s nothing wrong with showing him that we don’t have to use our powers for harm.”

  I smile and turn toward him.

  “What?” he says, and it’s hard to read his expression in the moonlight.

  “I just love that you always make me feel better when I’m doubting myself.”

  He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. “I’m going to work really hard so one day you don’t doubt yourself at all.”

  I lean forward and kiss him. It had been meant to be a short, sweet kiss, but it slowly turns into something deeper.

  When I finally pull back, we’re both panting.

  “Whoa,” he whispers, and I feel him shudder.

  Which is flatterin
g as hell.

  I kiss him again, and this time I slip my tongue into his mouth. He jumps a little in surprise, which makes me giggle against his lips, but then our kiss deepens and my amusement falls away. His hands run up and down my arms, sending goosebumps racing across my flesh, and then he rolls so I’m under him.

  He breaks our kiss deeply. “Were you…uh…tired…or...?”

  I laugh again. “Maybe the old Reid is still here after all.” I pull him closer. “But no, I’m not, uh, tired.”

  We’re back to kissing, but our hands can’t seem to stay still. They run over each other, as if memorizing the flesh underneath. And yet again, I’m grateful he’s in nothing but boxers, because not only am I getting to touch far too much of his skin, but it’s also easy to feel just how attractive he finds me.

  I reach between us and grasp him, and his entire body stiffens. A look of pure pleasure comes over his face, and then I can’t help myself, I tug the material down. His skin is soft, but his cock is so damn hard. And moisture beads his tip so perfectly that I can’t help but stroke him up and down.

  He shudders again. “You don’t need to do that. I’m more than ready to go…”

  Maybe I don’t have to do it, but I sure as hell want to. And when one of his hands cups my breast, flicking the nipple beneath the material of my t-shirt, I feel both my nipples harden. I’m breathing hard, barely thinking. I just love that this is what’s between us now. Not a cold distance. Not a friendship. Something deeper. Something more.

  In seconds, he’s stripping us both, and I’m helping him, eager to feel my skin against his. When we’re both naked, he settles over me once more. But this time, our eyes just meet and hold.

  “I love you,” he whispers.

  “I love you too.”

  And then his lips met mine, before slowly kissing down my throat. At the junction of my neck, he sucks, and I moan, digging my fingers into his hair. For a long time, I just lay there, feeling those lips of his moving over my skin, memorizing his touch.


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