Fate at the Manor

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Fate at the Manor Page 2

by J. R. Cowan

  His mother turned to him and smiled. “Yes, my dear son. You are headed to Grovesville. It’s about a four-hour drive from KC so be sure to grab some lunch before you go. I hear Mrs. White’s meals are incredible, but lunch will be over by the time you get there. If you leave in the next hour, you should be there around three. Plenty of time to get settled and talk with Charlotte about this.” She gestured to the magazine. “Be sure to draw up a new contact before you go. We will represent Charlotte on this new book.”


  She held up a hand. “No excuses, Justin. Charlotte is our author, more importantly, family and we will support her work no matter what it costs. Do you hear me?”

  Justin opened his mouth to protest again.

  “You don’t want her signing with Marcus Bean, do you?”

  His mother had him. She knew it. The thought of Marcus Bean representing Charlotte made his blood boil. Marcus would ruin her.

  His mother sighed and stared at the magazine. “I can’t believe how much Marcus has changed over the last year. I know his parents’ deaths were hard on him, but that was almost three years ago. Maybe it just took him longer to grieve. His behavior changed almost overnight. He left the office all sweet and charming and the next day he was ranting and raving and stealing clients right out from under our noses. It was all so strange. He’s as bad as that snake Bradley Shaw. Flaunting his money. His face in almost every magazine. I’m dreading the Library Gala tomorrow night. Shaw is the guest speaker although why he cares about any cause but himself is beyond me.”

  “The gala. It’s tomorrow. I have a date.” Justin smiled, thinking he’d found a way out of spending the weekend with Charlotte.

  “Oh yes, Marci. Not your type. Too…well…let’s just say money hungry.”

  “Money hungry? She’s a model. Has her own clothing line.”

  “A clothing line that needs a financial backer.” His mother raised an eyebrow at him.

  Justin gulped. How was his mother always one step ahead of him?

  “Don’t throw your money at a woman who will use you and throw you away without another thought. You deserve better. Are worth more. Remember that.” His mother walked around his desk and kissed him on the forehead before leaving him to his thoughts.

  He groaned and picked up the phone to call Marci. He had a writer to woo or strangle.

  Chapter 2

  “Justin is staying here?!” Charlotte scoffed and crossed her arms over her red sweater. Her light-colored jeans were ripped at the thigh and a black boot was tapping nervously on the tile floor of Luke’s kitchen.

  Lila smiled and swept a strand of her brunette hair back from her face. She ignored her friend’s whining and continued chopping up an apple for Wyatt’s snack. “The Manor was booked so Cynthia offered him a room here. Since we all knew each other growing up, she didn’t think it would be a big deal.”

  “Well it is a big deal.” Charlotte propped her arms on the counter and dropped her head into them. Her black hair fell over her oval porcelain face, which was more pale than usual. The thought of sharing a house with Justin making her ill.

  “It will give you a chance to convince him to pitch your book.” Lila scooped the apples onto a plate before swiping a hand down her jeans. “Wyatt, your snack is ready.”

  “He went to the barn with Luke.” Charlotte snagged an apple off the plate.

  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I wouldn’t have wasted an apple.” Lila frowned and crossed her arms over her black sweater.

  Charlotte shrugged. “You didn’t tell me about Justin. Guess we’re even.” She stuck her tongue out at her best friend.

  “Not the same thing.” Lila rolled her eyes.

  “It is in my book.” Charlotte grabbed the plate of apples before heading to the front porch. “What time does everything start?”

  Lila followed her. “Around 7pm. Dinner then a bonfire. It’s the perfect night for it.” Lila sat down on the porch swing next to Charlotte. “Look at that sunset. If that and Angelica doesn’t cause a few people to fall in love tonight, I don’t know what will.” She sighed and gazed at night sky.

  “You have turned into quite the romantic, Lila Clay or should I say Lila Miles.” Charlotte smirked and set the swing in motion.

  Lila blushed brighter than the red in Charlotte’s sweater. “I think he’s going to ask me at Christmas. Thanksgiving passed without a proposal and I saw Cynthia give him a tiny square box the other day.” Lila sighed. “Three weeks. I can wait. It’s not that long, right?”

  Charlotte laughed. “So, you’ll say ‘yes’?”

  “Of course, I’ll say ‘yes’. Why would you even ask?” Lila gaped at her best friend as if she were speaking another language.

  “It wasn’t even a year ago you were swearing off men and stating you would never get married. Oh, and you were going to buy a house full of puppies since you’re allergic to cats.”

  Lila giggled. “I did say that, didn’t I?”

  Charlotte nodded, fighting a grin.

  “A year ago, I wasn’t dating Luke. So much has changed in the last few months. Wyatt loves it here and so do I. The Manor is doing well although I hope we can keep things going through the slow months. Bradley Shaw keeps having people post bad reviews although for every bad one, we get several five- star ones. He’s even had several employees stay here and purposely try to sabotage us. Did you know one of them put a dead mouse in their bed and made a point of showing the other guests? Luckily, the couples were smart enough to realize it was an attempt at sabotage not to mention the mouse was fake.”

  “Fake? How unoriginal.” Charlotte shook her head. “Shaw’s relentless. Why won’t he just leave you guys alone?”

  “We cost him the deal with Vic. He lost millions. The company Vic went with is raking it in and Shaw hates to lose. This is revenge.”

  “Ridiculous. Hopefully, he’ll get bored and move on.”

  “I doubt it. It wouldn’t surprise me if someone here this weekend wasn’t on his payroll. We’ll have to keep our eyes and ears open for any disasters.” Lila bit her lower lip.

  Charlotte patted her hand. “Don’t worry. This weekend will be perfect. Maybe not perfect since Justin Walker will be here.”

  Lila laughed. “What is it with you two? You’d think after working together for almost ten years you two would call a truce. I can’t even remember why you hate him so much.”

  “I don’t hate him. I just-“

  A car door slammed behind the house and the clomping of boots sounded on the side steps.

  “Justin! You’re here!” Lila jumped up from her seat and almost knocked Charlotte off the swing as she hurried over to hug him.

  “Miss me?” Justin embraced Lila.

  “You know it. It’s been too long.”

  “Charlotte’s last book release, over EIGHT months ago.” Justin glared at Charlotte as he emphasized the time frame.

  “Har Har, Justin. Eight months between books isn’t that long.” Charlotte bit into another apple and tried to ignore how good he looked in jeans and a flannel shirt. She prayed the cool night air would be to blame for the flush in her cheeks.

  “It is for you. What happened to four books a year? Last year you put out six!” Justin pursed his lips.

  Charlotte opened her mouth to reply, but Lila cut her off, “I’m sorry we couldn’t get you a room at the Manor, but I’ve made up a room for you. You’ll have your own bathroom.”

  “As long as I’ve got a bed, a pillow and a hot shower, oh and Mrs. White’s cooking my mother keeps raving about then I will be a happy man.” Justin smiled.

  “I doubt it.” Charlotte rolled her eyes.

  Justin glared at her.

  “Let me show you to your room.” Lila gestured to the door and shot Charlotte a warning look before disappearing into the house ahead of Justin.

  “Taking a break from writing?” Justin leaned against the door frame, duffel bag in hand.

  Charlotte ignore
d him and bit into another apple.

  “Where’s Marcus?”

  Marcus’s name took her by surprise and she choked on her apple. When she’d finally caught her breath, Justin was gone. What if she’d needed the Heimlich? Guess he’d rather her choke to death. That wouldn’t get him his beloved six books a year, now would it? Although he’d probably capitalize on her death. The thought enraged her.

  “Could you be any meaner to him?” Lila sighed and sat back down next to her on the swing.


  “Charlotte Renee Clover your momma would be ashamed of you. You are the sweetest person I know except when it comes to Justin Walker. This needs to stop. You two are like orange juice and toothpaste.”

  “Huh? One of us is minty fresh while the other one is sour and cold. I’m the toothpaste.”

  “Not quite what I was going for.” Lila groaned as her phone rang, interrupting them. She listened for a moment. “We’ll be right there.”

  “What was that?” Charlotte popped the last bite of apple in her mouth.

  “Cynthia needs us over at the Manor.” Lila grabbed the plate from Charlotte’s hand and took it inside.

  “Why?” Charlotte trailed behind her as Justin came down the stairs.

  “Why what?”

  “Luke’s mother needs us over at the Manor. Something Holly found out today. She’s really upset. With all the other guests checking in, she thought we might be able to comfort her.” Lila snagged her coat from the rack by the door and tossed Charlotte hers. “Let’s go, Coco.”

  “Coco? I don’t think I’ve ever heard that nickname before.”

  “Because it’s reserved for my friends.” Charlotte glared at him as she shrugged into her jacket.

  Justin almost looked hurt then recovered quickly. “Can I join you? I’d like to meet this Holly Harper.”

  Lila hesitated and glanced at Charlotte for permission.

  Charlotte shrugged. “As long as you don’t talk about the book. I haven’t discussed it with her yet.”

  “Are you crazy?! I thought you already had this locked down. What if she says ‘no’ then what?” Justin’s face turned a dark shade of red and his chest heaved in and out as though he might explode.

  “That’s why I’m here. To ask her. So, she can meet me. I have the outline in my head. I just need to get her to see my vision. If she says ‘no’ then you will get your boring romance novel for Starfire Publishing by Christmas.”

  A smile spread across Justin’s face. “Then let’s go meet Miss Harper.”

  “Not so fast.” Charlotte held up a hand to stop him. “Lila, can you give us a minute?”

  Lila nodded. “I’ll be on the dock with Holly.” She waved and headed out the door.

  “I know that look, Justin Walker.” Charlotte sneered at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “What look?” Justin raised his hands innocently.

  “That I’m going to swoop in and make sure everything goes just the way Justin Walker wants it. If you do anything and I mean ANYTHING to sabotage this book, I will break my contract with Walker’s Literary Agency so fast it will leave your pretty little head spinning. Do I make myself clear?” Charlotte pointed a finger in his face. Hers inches from his. She could smell his minty fresh breath. Her breath caught and for a moment she forgot why she was yelling at him. Her eyes darted to his lips then up to his steely gray eyes.

  Justin’s smile disappeared. His eyes locked on hers. “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, Charlotte.”

  For a moment she believed him then came to her senses and stepped back. This was Justin Walker. Charmer and sweet talker. The man who hated her guts and for no good reason. She simply nodded and walked out the door. The cool evening air was a welcome blanket to her hot skin and rapidly beating heart.


  She needed so much distance from Justin Walker right now. When he fell into step beside her she almost groaned out loud.

  “So… you think I’m pretty?”

  Charlotte threw her hands up in the air and laughed. “You’re ridiculous. That whole speech and all you heard was ‘pretty little head’. Typical Justin Walker. I should have said ‘egotistical head’. It suits you better.”

  “But you didn’t. You said-“

  “I know what I said, and I regret it immensely.”

  “I am rather hot. How could you resist?” Justin smirked.

  Charlotte shoved him hard. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Still pretty though.”

  “Enough! This place isn’t big enough for all these people and your ego.” Charlotte rolled her eyes then gasped.


  “This place.” She gestured to the two-story log Manor in front of her. “It always takes my breath away. Like something out of a Michael Kincaid painting. I hope I can do it justice in my book.”

  “If anyone can, it’s you, Charlotte Clover.” Justin whispered in her ear.

  A chill went up her spine, but his compliment warmed her heart. She knew he liked her work otherwise he wouldn’t have represented her, but hearing it was better than seeing her name at the top of the New York Times Best Sellers list. “Thank you.” Her cheeks warming at the compliment.

  “Charlotte Clover! I thought that was you. Long time no see.” Marcus Bean walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek as if they were old friends. His relaxed look of loafers, jeans and a green sweater that matched his eyes was not the norm for this GQ guy. Of course, his crew cut black hair was slicked to one side and his chiseled features were what most women swooned over.

  Justin stiffened beside her. Charlotte knew their history and wasn’t about to get in the middle of it. “What are you doing here, Marcus?” Her voice slightly shaky.

  “Oh, you know, needed a break from the city. Some fresh air. You were raving about this place at our lunch the other day, so I thought what the hay. No pun intended.” He winked at her.

  “We didn’t have lunch.” Charlotte noticed Justin’s clenched fists and jaw.

  “Of course, we did. Same restaurant. Same table. We ate. It was around noon. I believe that’s called lunch.” Marcus smiled at her.

  Charlotte opened her mouth to object as Cynthia came barreling down the front porch steps to greet them. The woman was a vision in her sixties. Her floral top and jeans clung to her trim figure and her shoulder length curly gray hair bounced around her shoulders as she hurried toward them. Mischief danced in her blue eyes and a sly smile played on her lips. “Oh Mr. Bean! Welcome! We have your room all ready. That last minute cancellation yesterday must have been fate. The Manor is booked solid until after the holidays. Thank the Good Lord for that. Ask and you shall receive. Give and it will be given to you. Amen to that.” She blew a kiss to the heavens then took Marcus’s hand and pulled him toward the front porch. “Now you come right along with me and I’ll show you around.”

  Marcus opened his mouth and glanced back at Charlotte, but Cynthia was already talking his ear off. With slumped shoulders, he trudged after her, much to Charlotte’s delight.

  “Why were you having lunch with him?” Justin glared down at Charlotte.

  “I wasn’t.” Charlotte narrowed her eyes at him.

  Justin rolled his eyes and pursed his lips. “He sure knew an awful lot about this place for not having lunch with him. Plus, there are photos.”


  “You two looked awful cozy.”

  “What are you talking about?” Charlotte placed her hands on her hips.

  “I’m talking about the fact you were photographed having lunch with my mortal enemy. My competition. A man who nearly destroyed my family’s business. I was shocked to see my best-selling author photographed rubbing elbows with him, enjoying a delectable lunch with HIM!” He began to pace. Clinching and un-clinching his fists. “How could you, Charlotte?” his voice sounding more hurt than angry.

  Charlotte opened her mouth, but didn’t know how or where to begin.

; “Please tell me you aren’t dating him. It’s a PR disaster. Conflict of interest. I won’t stand for it, Charlotte.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  “I heard you. I can’t believe you said it. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE tells me who I can date and can’t date, especially not you, Justin Kyle Walker.”

  “So, you are dating him.” A haunted look in his eyes.


  “I can’t talk to you right now.” Justin turned his back to her and headed toward the barn.

  “Justin!” Charlotte called after him, but he continued walking. She thought of catching up to him, but what good would it do? He needed to cool off. Then she could tell him the truth. Or could she?

  Chapter 3

  Justin ran a hand through his hair then swiped it over his face. He grabbed a stick and threw it into the woods. His emotions were all over the place. How could Charlotte do this to them? To him?

  Marcus Bean.

  Charlotte was dating Marcus Bean.

  The thought curled his stomach and he thought he might be sick. This was just like high school. When he’d caught her kissing Marcus at prom. They were supposed to be on a date together. She was his date and she was kissing his best friend.

  He’d planned to tell her how he’d felt about her.

  He'd been in love with Charlotte since kindergarten. Her hair was longer back then, he’d pull it any chance he could. He’d chase her around the playground. Tease her relentlessly. Stick his tongue out at her. All in an ill attempt to get her to look his way. It was stupid. Childish, but it’d worked. Of course, when she was looking at him it was with more of a glare, but he’d accomplished his mission.

  Then when Sam started bullying him because he’d liked Charlotte and didn’t want anyone else to like her. Justin had been the main contender in his way. It back fired for ole Sam when Charlotte had come to Justin’s rescue by sharing her lunch with him. He hadn’t minded Sam’s wrath since he ended up sitting next to Charlotte sharing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for a month.

  When he’d thought Charlotte had gone to the principal, he’d been more disappointed than angry. Once Sam was gone, he’d had no reason to share lunch with Charlotte. Things went back to the way they were. Him teasing her and putting gross things in her locker. Then high school happened.


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