Fate at the Manor

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Fate at the Manor Page 4

by J. R. Cowan

  “Oh no! Is she alright? Her hear-“

  “What about her heart?”

  “Nothing.” Charlotte bit her lip.

  “Charlotte. What is wrong with my mother’s heart?”

  “She asked me not to say anything, but she shouldn’t be getting worked up. The stress is not good for her.”

  “Tell me what is wrong with her.” Justin growled.

  “It’s not my place.”

  “Tell me.” His voice echoed through the room.

  “That’s enough.” Luke shouted from the doorway. “I can hear you two in the front yard. What is going on?” He stomped his boots on the welcome mat before entering the house. His jeans and plaid shirt were damp with sweat as the sun streamed in behind him. Dirt spots on his face peeked out from underneath his black cowboy hat as if he’d been working in the yard. He took off his hat and ran a hand through his dark hair. “Lila asked me to come over here to make sure you two weren’t killing each other and looks like I got here just in time. It sounds like a warzone in here. What’s going on?”

  “Ask Charlotte. Although she probably won’t tell you. The woman is great at keeping secrets.”

  Charlotte’s face flushed, and she opened her mouth to reply, but Luke cut her off.

  “This wouldn’t have anything to do with Marcus Bean releasing he is representing Charlotte’s next book. Holly said he was asking her all sorts of questions about the book. Told her he was Charlotte’s agent. Holly didn’t realize he was lying until we told her. She’s so upset.”

  “Oh no! I’m going to check on her then have a little chat with Marcus Bean.” Charlotte grabbed her coat from the rack and stormed out of the house.

  “Charlotte! Charlotte!” Justin called after her.

  Her nostrils flared, and she clinched her fists at her sides before she turned around to face the world’s second biggest jerk. Marcus was currently taking up the number one spot. “What?”

  “You forgot something.” He smirked, holding up her tennis shoes.

  She glanced down at her bare feet then stomped up the steps and snatched her shoes from his hands.

  “You’re welcome.” He called after her in a sarcastic tone.

  The urge to throw one of her shoes at him was strong, but she resisted. Holly needed her, Marcus needed a black eye and then she could deal with the arrogant man that was Justin Walker. Lord, help her control her temper.

  Could this day get any worse? When she reached the Manor, her question was answered…Apparently, it could.

  Chapter 5

  Justin left a voicemail for his mother assuring her Charlotte hadn’t signed with Marcus Bean and this was all a misunderstanding. Then asked her to call him. Luke was waiting for him on the porch when he finally pulled on his boots and stomped outside.

  “Lila says there’s reporters at the Manor.”

  “Great.” Justin groaned and clomped down the steps. “Marcus must have called them. I better get over there. Fend them off before they get to Charlotte.”

  “Too late.” Luke fell into step beside him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Charlotte is holding a press conference as we speak.”

  “You’re joking.” Justin coughed.

  Luke shook his head.

  “This is a nightmare. Pinch me so I can wake-up.”

  “Sorry.” Luke sighed. “I can get rid of them. Threaten trespassing charges.”

  Justin shook his head. “It will only make things worse. I wish I knew what game Marcus is playing. Why he is so interested in this book?” Or was it Charlotte? A sinking feeling arose in his stomach. This was high school all over again expect Marcus wasn’t his best friend. He was the enemy.

  Commotion in front of the Manor drew his attention. Was that Charlotte? Cameras flashed, and loud voices came from the front porch. A gun went off and made him jump.

  “This is private property. Anyone who is not a guest at the Manor, leave the premises immediately or the next shot won’t be in the air.” Mrs. White held up a shot gun with one hand and the other on the hip of her blue dress. A white apron clung to her round waist and her gray hair was pinned back in a bun. Her wrinkled face was filled with distain and promise.

  Reporters moaned, but hurried to their vehicles. When the last car was gone, Justin approached the porch to find Charlotte holding a towel to her nose and Marcus holding his jaw. “What the heck happened?”

  “Holly went a little crazy.” Lila checked Charlotte’s nose and offered Marcus an ice pack.

  “Crazy how?” Justin groaned.

  “It’s not her fault.” Charlotte pointed at Marcus. “He was making the story sound like a star-crossed lovers novel. He even had the audacity to accuse Holly of murdering Noah.”

  Justin glared at Marcus and felt the urge to deck him too. “So why are you bleeding?” He stepped up to Charlotte and winced when he saw her swollen nose.

  “I tried to pull her off Marcus and her elbow hit me in the nose. It was an accident.” Charlotte flinched when Lila placed an ice pack on her nose. “What were you thinking, Marcus?”

  “I got caught up in the marketing. The intrigue. The mystery. What really happened that night?” He glanced at Lila, who was part of the investigation team.

  “Noah and a couple of his groomsmen went to town after the rehearsal dinner. He told Holly he needed to think after their argument. Holly said it had to do with his job. She wanted him to quit the police force. Worried he would get hurt or killed in the line of duty. The groomsmen all said they’d had a drink at the bar then drove back to the Manor. Noah stayed behind to talk to an older gentleman. Rumor has it, it was Mr. West, but no one knows for sure. His rental car was found outside the Manor gates the next morning along with a short note on the driver’s seat saying he’d changed his mind about the wedding. The Sherriff figured Noah walked back to town and caught the train to the city. Even went to the city to check on him. When he went to Noah’s apartment he’d said it’d been cleaned out. Everyone chalked it up to Noah getting cold feet. With no family and only a few friends, everyone just assumed he didn’t want to be found.”

  “Don’t tell me the cops haven’t suspected Holly?”

  Lila shook her head. “Holly’s alibi checks out. She spent the night with her bridesmaids. They’d stayed up until nearly two in the morning comforting her and working on party favors. Then went to sleep.”

  “She could have snuck out after they’d fallen asleep.”

  “And how do you think she got him all the way up to the bluffs?”

  “Maybe they went for a walk. He broke it off. She got ma-”

  “I would never,” Holly gasped.

  Everyone turned to face her.

  “Of course not.” Charlotte dropped her towel and wrapped an arm around Holly, who was dressed in boots, jeans and a blue and white striped sweater. Her brown hair was stuck to her tear streaked face and her hands were shaking.

  “How dare you!” Holly glared at Marcus. “Noah was my life. I loved him with every fiber of my body…still do. I would never…NEVER hurt him. We had a fight. We would have worked it out. Angelica.” Holly pointed to the angel statue in the fountain. “She matched us. We fell in love right there and never fell out of it. We were destined. Blessed by God to spend our lives together.” Holly’s voice cracked as she turned to Charlotte. “I’m sorry about your nose. I’ve re-thought about the offer for your book and I’m going to have to decline. It’s turned into a circus. I don’t want Noah’s memory. Our love to be seen as anything but beautiful.”

  “It will. I promise you.” Charlotte squeezed her hand. “This circus had nothing to do with my agency.” She gestured to Justin and made sure to glare at Marcus. “This is my agent, Justin. He represents me in ALL of my novels.”

  Justin stepped forward and extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure, Miss Harper. I can assure you Charlotte is the author to write your story. I’ve read what she has so far and it’s incredible. Maybe her best work.” He nodd
ed to Charlotte, who blushed under his compliment.

  “Really?” Holly squeaked.

  “Really.” Justin squeezed her shoulder. “I am so sorry you had to endure the media. Walker Literary Agency will ensure the release of this book and any publicity is handled professionally and with class.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Holly whispered.

  “That’s all we ask.” Charlotte squeezed her hand. “How about some lunch?”

  “Lunch!” Mrs. White handed the shot gun to Luke. “All this excitement has me distracted. I hope my lasagna hasn’t burnt.” She hurried into the Manor.

  Luke chuckled and took Lila’s hand. “Let’s go find Wyatt. Ten bucks says he’s sneaking cookies in the kitchen.”

  Lila squeezed Charlotte’s shoulder and put her arm around Holly. “Mrs. White’s cookies make everything better. Want to join us?”

  Holly nodded and followed the couple inside.

  When the door closed behind them. Charlotte turned to Marcus, anger written all over her face. “What is wrong with you?”

  “Me? What did I do?” Marcus shrugged.

  “You! Called the media. Told them about my book. Made it sound like I was signing with you. Told Holly you were my agent.”

  Marcus held up his hands in surrender. “It was all a misunderstanding.”

  “How so?” Justin balled his fists and took a deep breath to keep his temper in check.

  “I don’t answer to you.”

  “Then answer me.” Charlotte narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

  Marcus ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t go into details, but I’ll handle it.”

  “Like you handled that press conference?” Charlotte scoffed. “I want answers, Marcus.”

  “And I’ll give them to you. Just not yet. I have a phone call to make.” He scooted around her and hurried into the Manor.

  Charlotte shook her fists in the air and screamed.

  The sight made Justin laugh. It felt good to laugh. The past two days had been stressful and being around Charlotte made it even harder. Yet seeing her shaking her fists with dried blood on her face made it all seem comical. He wondered if all this fresh air was making him a little loopy.

  “Why are you laughing? This isn’t funny.” Charlotte scowled and scooped up the towel she’d dropped.

  “It kind of is. You’re a mess.” He snatched the towel from Charlotte and wiped her nose. “Are you alright?”

  “No.” She yanked the rag from his hands and patted in her nose. “Holly is upset. She was just starting to get some answers, some closure and Marcus took advantage of her. Lying to her. Calling the media. What is wrong with him? That isn’t the Marcus we knew in high school. That Marcus was shy and sweet. This one is…awful.”

  Justin tensed at the mention of Marcus in high school. A memory of Charlotte and Marcus kissing in the hallway flashed through his mind. What little part of him opened to Charlotte immediately closed. “Yeah, he was a regular prince in high school,” he murmured.

  Charlotte frowned and studied him. “Is this about the kiss?”

  “What kiss?” Justin stuck his hands in his jean pockets and studied his boots, afraid to show his emotions.

  “Maybe we should talk about it. You never let me explain.”

  “What’s there to explain? I got dumped. Needed a date. The angel Charlotte swopped in and saved the day. You went on a date with me out of pity.”

  “It wasn’t like that.”

  “Then what?”

  Charlotte opened her mouth to respond when Wyatt came barreling up the stairs, decked out in denim, boots and a cowboy hat. He was laughing and holding out a cookie for her. “Here auntie Coco. Hurry and eat this before Mrs. White catches you. She said to tell you that lunch is ready.” He tugged on her arm, leading her into the Manor.

  “Okay. Okay.” She laughed then turned to Justin. “We’re not done with this.”

  Justin watched the duo entered the Manor then let out the breath he was holding. Charlotte’s words rang in his mind, It wasn’t like that, then what was it?

  Chapter 6

  Charlotte took in the bluffs. She wanted to see it for herself to make sure she did it justice in her writing. Lunch was tense and between Holly, Marcus and Justin, she’d had enough. The fresh air, even if it was a little creepy, was just what she needed.

  She needed to see the place where Noah took his last breath.

  “What were you doing up here, Noah?” Charlotte whispered in the wind.

  A branch snapped behind her and she whirled around to find nothing. Her heart pounded against her rib cage.

  Another crack.


  She hurried behind an oak tree and grabbed a rock to defend herself.

  The crackling of leaves and heavy footsteps came from behind her.

  Blood rushed to her ears. Her heart thumping loudly in her chest.

  Another crack right by her tree.

  She lunged only to find herself flat on her back.

  “What the –“ Justin’s face hovered over hers. His martial arts training had kicked in and he’d tossed her like a ragdoll.

  “You scared me,” Charlotte’s voice trembled.

  “Why are you up here by yourself?” Justin helped her to her feet. “I didn’t mean to take you down. Are you okay?”

  Charlotte nodded and dusted off her jeans. “Serves me right for trying to sneak attack you with this measly rock.” She held up the rock then tossed it in the woods.

  Justin smirked at her. “Again. Why are you up here by yourself?”



  Charlotte nodded. “I needed to see the bluffs, so I can describe them.” She walked to the edge and peered down at the river below them. “Why was he up here? This is pretty far from the Manor. Secluded. And why would someone kill him? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  Justin shrugged. “It may be a mystery that doesn’t get solved.”

  “Well that would be… really sad.” Charlotte sighed.

  “You need to be prepared for a not so happily ever after ending. We may never know what happened to Noah. It was years ago, and the murderer is probably long gone. Without clues. Witnesses. This could be another cold case.”

  Charlotte bit her lip. She knew this was a possibility when she’d decided on this project, but she prayed the outcome would be different.

  “Charlotte, I found something.”

  She rushed over to him. “What is it?”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe nothing.” He held up an empty whiskey bottle. “Is Lila sure this was murder? Maybe he got drunk and fell.”

  “On an axe? Not likely.”

  Justin dropped the bottle.

  “Hold on. Do you have something to wrap that in?” Charlotte grabbed a stick to scoop up the bottle.

  An old shopping bag blew against a tree. Justin snagged it. “Here. Use this.” He held open the bag.

  Charlotte dropped the bottle in the bag and looked around. She spotted another one a few feet away. A trail of bottles led her around to the back side of the bluffs. She placed each one in the bag, careful not to touch any of them. When she didn’t find any more, she stopped and surveyed the area. She gasped and grabbed Justin’s arm. “Look.” She pointed to a small cave.

  Justin put a finger to his lips and pushed her behind him, so he could lead the way.

  They crept toward the entrance of the cave, careful not to make any noise. The wind blew around them and branches snapped in the distance. The sound of water splashing came from the creek, but they didn’t see anything.

  Charlotte grabbed onto the back of Justin’s shirt. His muscles were tense. Attention focused on the cave. She could feel him tremble beneath her fingertips. At least she wasn’t the only one freaked out by this discovery.

  Maybe they should notify the authorities, but what if it was just a cave. The bottles from some kids coming up here to drink. She didn’t want to waste their
time if it was nothing.

  They could do this.

  Check it out and then head back to the Manor.

  “Stay behind me.” Justin entered the cave before her.

  She nodded, but remembered he couldn’t see her. “Okay.” There was no way she wanted to lead this expedition.

  “Hello? Anyone here?” Justin’s voice echoed in the cave.


  Charlotte grabbed his hand and squeezed.

  He glanced down then back at her before returning the squeeze.

  The cave was dark and smelled. Like rotten eggs mixed with ammonia.

  “Where is that coming from?” Charlotte pinched her nose shut.

  Justin covered his nose with his shirt. “No clue. Let’s check it out.”

  Charlotte gagged as the smell grew stronger the deeper they moved into the cave.

  The flashlight from Justin’s cell phone lit the way.

  “Maybe we should go back.” Charlotte had a sinking feeling in her gut. Something wasn’t right.

  “It’s not much deeper.” Justin yelped and dropped his phone.

  A thud followed and the cave went dark.

  Chapter 7

  “Justin? Justin!”

  Justin groaned. His knee throbbed, and his hands ached from trying to break his fall. He’d tripped, but he wasn’t sure on what. The path was totally clear, and they’d appeared to have come to the end of the cave. What happened?

  “Justin, talk to me. Where are you?”

  “I’m here.” He coughed, fumbling for Charlotte. When he grasped her hand, it was ice cold. “You’re freezing, Charlotte.”



  “You’re not holding my hand, Justin.”

  He dropped the hand and felt around for his phone. When he found it, he flipped the light back on, and he came face to face with an old man. Justin jumped back, knocking into Charlotte and they both scrambled to the other side of the cave.

  The man stared at them, unblinking.


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